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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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I am watching this on DVR, after hearing Chuck Todd said it was a tie.

Donald just said,

a) Russia is new to Nuclear.
I agree with you but this reference was to the fact they are leveraging emerging technologies related to nuclear, not new to it in general.


Tbf to LiLo (not something I thought I would ever type) I don't think she's ever hunted and then killed an endangered species. these things are relative

Ok, true, and that is disgusting, but, they didn't end up in jail now did they? They aren't drug addicts as far as I know.

I'm not saying they are the pinnacle of human perfection, but, all things considered, Hillary was right that in for the most part they turned out ok


Finally someone starts talking about the Muslim comments.

NO ONE has touched that and it was one of the worst answers by Trump, truly awful.



He has a disposable camera...

A cheeto monster that managed to get this far? With a considerable amount of americans giving him their vote even after the amount of stupid shit he'd said? I'd be worried.

I can't help it if Republicans treat politics like a sports team and care more about that 'R' than the country.

I bet if Hillary switched parties tomorrow night they would be praising her left and right.


They talked about it for 10 seconds and trump turned it into a non-issue just like with everything else. The people who supported him before the leak still support him. Except for McCain and that one gaffer.

If you think it's a non issue now you have another think coming.

That tape is going nowhere, the talk about the tape isn't remotely over, and there will be more tapes to come.


It's really simple: Clinton is highly qualified to be President and has a long history of good public works. Like any public figure, she is under scrutiny for any number of mistakes. The mistakes she has made are largely, small and inconsequential.

Trump, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of Clinton. How anyone, regardless of world viewpoint, can make the correlation that the two are equally "bad" expresses ignorance of the highest order.

I never said they were equally bad. But I also haven't been polarised by American media. This isn't black and white to me. Hilary is a better choice. But I'm not convinced having Hilary as president will have any major impact on many of the major issues I have with American policies and politics. And I don't trust her when it comes to foreign policy. Too many lies.


so what's a non shit?

Literally just gave you one, albeit in a glib manner, but I see what you are doing here, not wanting to recognise any flaw from Clinton and pretending its impossible to reocgnise positive qualities from Trump, which again, is being petty. I could easily say something about his ability to command attention, speak to a crowd, work with and without traditional powerbrokers etc., but at the end of the day theres a lot you could say about a man like Trump who gets to where he is at with all his many deficiencies, but its rather besides the point of Hillary handling the question very poorly, which you clearly don't want to think critically about.
Looking at this strategically:

Trump used everything he had left in his arsenal tonight.

*Bill Clinton's past, Hillary's emails, Benghazi at 3AM - that's all he had left and he unloaded all of it in one debate.

--The good news for Trump - the GoP can't yank him from the ballot now because he at least brought some negatives up about Hillary.

--The bad news for Trump - there's 30 days left in the election, there are reportedly more recordings with Trump using the N word on them from his Apprentice days and Trump doesn't have anymore weapons to surprise Hilary with. He also admitted to not paying taxes and made some other dumb comments that she can put into new commercials against him.

The final debate will probably be another repeat of tonight, plus Trump having to answer for whatever other revelations are made about him. Hillary simply has to stay on course and she'll win.
It's weird to say that Hillary being "on the defensive" is somehow a Trump win.

Because Trump being on the offensive was by being a complete boor and literally making random shit up.

Hillary was "on the defensive" by addressing his random shit and setting the record straight.

But for god knows what reason that means Trump "won". wut

Indeed. If only the media would call that shit out.

The whole "optics" as how we decide debates thing is awful.


For people that hate Trump is very hard see that he won, but honestly as someone who is watching from the outside (I'm not american), he won.

I still believe Hillary will win the election, but tonight The Donald scored more points.

Can you explain on what points he specifically won? Much like Trump's statements during the debate, your post lacks any substance.
If you think it's a non issue now you have another think coming.

That tape is going nowhere, the talk about the tape isn't remotely over, and there will be more tapes to come.

Dear god, I hope so.

The news cycle has moved on. The debate is the hot news now. They need to stoke the anti-Trump fires by releasing something else to finish him.
Clinton won (avatar quote incoming), but Trump probably did well enough to triage his most pressing issue - preventing the Republican party from cannibalizing him. For the most part the damage has been done, but this performance does just enough to remind them that the patients are running the asylum now.

I'd go so far to say Trump tried to go back and win the first debate - and to some extent he might have with his base, but Hillary did better sticking with the town hall format and providing policy and positions.
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