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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Ok, true, and that is disgusting, but, they didn't end up in jail now did they? They aren't drug addicts as far as I know.

You're right, they suck in their own special privileged ways instead. And Mr Sniffles has probably done all the drugs anyone ever needs to in that family anyway


Coming from the 538 livecast,

Yeah how fucked up was that "If I were president, Khan would be alive" comment?

She was actually taken aback. She's been prepared for all the terrible things this man can say, ready for it to remain calm and collected, and even she gasped and had her jaw drop. Just dumbfounded.
Finally someone starts talking about the Muslim comments.

NO ONE has touched that and it was one of the worst answers by Trump, truly awful.

Seriously. I can understand not liking Clinton or what she stands for -- hell, hate her if you want -- but it is a moral imperative that Trump is not elected president.
Its not that the tapes story has suddenly disappeared. Its that a debate that should have had the tapes at the centerpiece was relegated to the sidelines by Trump. Not once in my post did I say that the tapes story is suddenly done.

It's literally ALL that's being talked about right now post-debate. That and the fact that he threatened to jail his opponent. If you don't think it's still at the center of this campaign you are crazy. IT was never going to be at the center of the debate, but it was the opener, and he handled it terribly. Did you expect the entire debate to be about him grabbing pussy?


Post-debate poll: Clinton 47%, Trump 42%


According to YouGov's post-debate poll, which interviewed 812 registered voters who watched the debate, Hillary Clinton won the debate against Donald Trump by 47% to 42%. Clinton narrowly won undecideds 44% to 41%. She was also considered “more Presidential” by a 57% to 31% margin. There was a gender gap, however: women though Clinton won 50-38% while men thought Trump won 46-43%.
I've been a little bedwetty for the last hour because I didn't like that Trump got to have the last word and gave a somewhat graceful answer even if he didnt mean it.

But after calming down a bit, I realize that it doesnt negate the 90 minutes of garbage answers he was giving all night like denying his past comments, continuing to say the tape was not a big deal, complaining about the moderation job and all kind of other filth.

And all those garbage answers and the tape and everything are still gonna follow him for the next couple weeks aren't they? So I think I feel better now.

I wonder how Trump's base is reacting to his Hillary compliment? Shouldn't they be cheesed off that he said a nice thing about her?
Woman just said she'd pick Trump as the lesser of two evils because we're blinded by race issues, also that Trump deserves to be commended for giving an actual compliment

I dunno brehs, might be a while before I'm back on US soil


Oh god, they just had these people embarrass themselves on CNN. Some of them said they were satisfied with Trump's defense of the video. I just can't...


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Coming from the 538 livecast,

Yeah how fucked up was that "If I were president, Khan would be alive" comment?

I usually laugh at how pathetic he is, but this was the one moment from this debate that made me legitimately angry. Freaking disrespectful asswipe.
just curious, why?

To start I don't think she could have responded to the scandal better than she did in this debate. Absolutely nailed it. Also when she's not on the defensive about some of her screw ups I like that she is actually bringing up policy and sounds like she has a plan better than in the primaries. Tonight she gave the feeling that everything will be alright in our future more so than ever before, which is much needed.

However when she does get her past called up I find what she says either a complete diversion to the issue or disingenuous. But hey, I'm going to be positive tonight.




The more the media digs into the substance of the answers, Trump is gonna start look even worse, and those tapes will not be going away.

Nah the tape story is done, the debate will knock it out. In the end Trump handled it as well as he possibly could by deflecting to Bill.
I cannot believe one of the candidates said that they disagree with their VP on a significant foreign policy issue, and that they haven't talked to them since the VP debate. That's gotta be insane, right?

If I'm not mistaken, this guy is the least qualified citizen to ever get this far in a presidential election in our entire history

He's here because 40% of the people in this country were given a piece of paper with the names of 6 presidents and 6 reality stars, they'd at least know who 6 of those people are

Nothing surprises me anymore


These pundits saying Trump looked bad because he was standing right behind Hillary or sniffling or leaning on a chair, because Gore "lost a lot of points" for similar issues, really still don't get why Trump is popular. None of that affects Trump. Romney had binders full of women and his dog on his car's roof and it hurt him. Trump had so much more than this it's not even comparable, goes back decades, and just the tape would have ended anyone's career, heck it would have maybe even forced a president to fucking quit.

And here they think him standing close to Hillary or leaning on a chair is going to hurt his numbers.

Also whenever the media harps on Aleppo: the average American really doesn't care about innocent people dying in Syria. Sad fact, but that's the truth, no matter how much the media holds onto this story. It's why Obama could get nothing through after Assad gassed people; there was no popular support to take action. People don't care one bit.

Trump is just one fat protest vote, he's not even a human candidate, just a big FU. Trying to get him on his stances regarding Russia, Syria, etc., is completely pointless.
It's weird to say that Hillary being "on the defensive" is somehow a Trump win.

Because Trump being on the offensive was by being a complete boor and literally making random shit up.

Hillary was "on the defensive" by addressing his random shit and setting the record straight.

But for god knows what reason that means Trump "won". wut

Because he had some good quips (made better by the audience's reactions) and constantly throwing bullshit at Hillary. Let's face it; to a lot of people, that matters, not the actual policy.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
How can you watch a think this was a draw? Then again these people are still undecided at this point
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