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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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According to the liberal media!


People called Romanes they go the house?
Yep. People who think Trump won are delusional...

People who think Trump won, (outside of the die-hard base), are basing it on the same 'metric' for Donald that has been existent this whole time - that of attack, style, and anti-Washington Elite sentiment.

He lost on a lot of issues, but that doesn't matter 'when he has Hillary on the defensive'.

That being said, I don't think he himself stood up strongly enough to really move the needle.
I can't believe people are giving this to Trump. He

1. Dodged questions
2. Threatened to jail his opponent
3. Attacked the moderators
4. Non-apology
5. Disagreed with his running mate
6. Made shit comments under his breath

Well said.

Another addition, had absolutely zero clue how government works and what power certain positions in it have and do not have as he threw blame around trying to blame Hillary for shit she can't do or fix.

And not just under his breath (he sure did that as well), but he also made shit comment interjections virtually all night, both the actions of a child and on a freaking debate stage.

Demigod Mac

Her odds in the betting markets went from 80% to 78% after the debate.

So Trump did better than expected but tonight won't change much.
Trump, on live national TV, declared that he would prosecute his political opponent and put her in jail.

And people are seriously debating who won that debate?

I weep, WEEP, for this country.
Trump did a decent job presenting Hillary as a corrupt, dirty politician, and I think there was a point where he successfully threw her off. Hillary didn't do herself any favors with her largely ineffective answers to the related questions that were asked to her.

Yep. She did good because Donald doesn't come with enough substance. Trump never surrounded himself with better advisers and with 30 days to go the election is pretty much over. Energy talk was pretty bad. Extreme vetting was bad because people are already vetted thoroughly the vast majority of the time. And many of the refugees aren't a threat.

The ACA repeal talking point could easily have been threaded by talking about implementing a universal health care system that is not single payer. It can't be that hard to say that rhetorically vs. state lines/competition garbage.

He missed a great opportunity on the Great Recession that Obama inherited. I've been all over the Obama administration's record on white collar crime, the contributions of the Bill Clinton administration, that the recession ended formally in June 2009 before policies went into full effect, etc.

His best argument was indeed the corruption/dirty angle, but he didn't do quite enough to tie her into it outside of saying her donors benefit in a similar manner from the tax code by design.
A draw is a loss for her, that is the entire point, that is the Trump curve.

Honestly she looked like shit tonight, she should have smoked this shit. It was her format and given the past 24 hours and we are saying meh draw. She dropped the ball.

People were saying he should drop out, its over, yadda yada, draw.
That's a really dumb mentality considering she's winning pretty handily. She could draw every day until the election and still win.


if you think the story with the tapes and Trump's issues with women are done, it's going to be a very interesting week for you. The fact that you think the script is back on "emails", a topic that has yet to gain any real traction no matter how hard Trump pushes it, makes me think you don't have an accurate read of what is going on.
Ninja, I just want to say that you're consistently one of my favorite posters in every topic. You basically say whatever I want to say before I can say it on a regular basis.

To add to your point, there are other videos yet to release. The news cycle won't be about this debate for very long.
These people saying how it was a tie all while bringing up all of the shitty and stupid things he did in the debate, while saying nothing about Hillary... what. The bar has never been so low.


All I can say is that I'm glad I'm not American and I don't have to choose between one of those two for president. How the hell are those the options you end up with.

It's really simple: Clinton is highly qualified to be President and has a long history of good public works. Like any public figure, she is under scrutiny for any number of mistakes. The mistakes she has made are largely, small and inconsequential.

Trump, on the other hand, is the exact opposite of Clinton. How anyone, regardless of world viewpoint, can make the correlation that the two are equally "bad" expresses ignorance of the highest order.
People who think Trump won, (outside of the die-hard base), are basing it on the same 'metric' for Donald that has been existent this whole time - that of attack, style, and anti-Washington Elite sentiment.

He lost on a lot of issues, but that doesn't matter 'when he has Hillary on the defensive'.

That being said, I don't think he himself stood up strongly enough to really move the needle.

It's weird to say that Hillary being "on the defensive" is somehow a Trump win.

Because Trump being on the offensive was by being a complete boor and literally making random shit up.

Hillary was "on the defensive" by addressing his random shit and setting the record straight.

But for god knows what reason that means Trump "won". wut


Trump was better at hitting Clinton on her weak points. Clinton was better at answering questions asked and talking more policy.

It's a wash which means the current status remains unchanged. That's a win for Hillary. All of the weekday morning shows will be covering the Trump tape that they missed on Friday or the big moments like Trump contradicting his running mate. The majority of the debate was a boring replay of the first debate so it'll still be bad news for Trump. Being a better puncher doesn't really do much the day after if you don't have a few major zingers.
It's incredibly frustrating watching CNN talk about him like he's a normal candidate with normal policy positions. It's just...idunno. Like, call a clown a clown. Fuck the pomp and circumstance. No reason to give him legitimacy by pretending he is an equal to a Hillary Clinton.

Very. It's been frustrating this whole election cycle, but it's only getting more frustrating in the last few weeks as it's all been turned up to 11. Like jesus christ people honestly think this was a showing good enough to "stop the bleeding" lmao

how the hell
what is even happening
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