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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

Lmao, he is totally the establishment. He is the other side of the same coin.

You're voting for a racist, bigot, mysoginist jackass. That's what you're voting for.

And a lot has changed in the last 8 years. Proof of that is all the jackasses like you coming out of the woodwork making everything trump stands for ok and legitimate.


I'm uncomfortable with the idea of my potential president being on record saying "Grab Them By The Pussy" tbh
Basically, you can cut together a 1 minute reel of Trump during this debate that would look pretty damning for him (his answer on twitter, his Aleppo answer, his weird body language and lurking, threatening to jail Hillary, "it was just words", again admitting to not paying taxes) and you can't cut together an equivalent reel for Hillary.
The sneak attack part killed me. You really think you know more about warfare than our current military leaders? Fucking sneak attack... just fucking lol


Junior Member
I have this feeling in my stomach that is telling me these upcoming CNN polls from undecideds and from Ohio will show Trump leading...


Trump always appears to win because he has an aggressive personality. One thing about Hillary is that she keeps relying on hillaryclinton.com on fact checks instead of just smacking him down right then and there. If he lies, state exactly what the lie is right there and don't ask people to refer to a website that they won't click on

It's hard to get exact numbers and examples for every situation. Website is useful to anyone who does want to investigate further. Intelligent undecided people will probably make the effort to fact check these type of debates. Back wood rednecks and xenophobes aren't scouring the internet to fact check.
I'm pretty sure Trump called Clinton the devil at one point

No he literally called her the Devil. The line was something about how he respected Bernie Sanders and was sad to see him fall back on "working with The Devil" in reference to Sanders supporting Clinton on the campaign trail.
Whose the thin woman in the blue dress on CNN that supports the republican party?

She's bugging the fuck out of me because she's intelligent and a good debater...yet is selling Trump.

For the life of me I can't believe she seriously supports him as a candidate, but she's great at defending his actions/performances.

Hilary's problem is she sucks at capitalizing on Trump's constant fuck ups, she had the momentum and narrative in her favor but couldn't bring it home. Clinton won, but the storyline going in was that this was supposed to be the funeral of Donald Trump and so he looks better to some people since that didn't exactly happen. All in all Trump didn't do anything to help him beyond his base and when his answers get picked apart he'll look as bad as the 1st debate.

Hilary's problem is she sucks at capitalizing on Trump's constant fuck ups, she had the momentum and narrative in her favor but couldn't bring it home. Clinton won, but the storyline going in was that this was supposed to be the funeral of Donald Trump and so he looks better to some people since that didn't exactly happen. All in all Trump didn't do anything to help him beyond his base and when his answers get picked apart he'll look as bad as the 1st debate.


I cannot believe one of the candidates said that they disagree with their VP on a significant foreign policy issue, and that they haven't talked to them since the VP debate. That's gotta be insane, right?


Based on how passionately she's talking I think she's just really stupid. Same with ol Jeff of course, but I get more sleazy vibes from him.

Nah she's not stupid. Quite educated actually.

Just full of hate. Like most Repubs. Hate towards others that are not White and rich mostly.
I'm not saying it as a personal statement of belief, mind.

Just that to 'the base', Donald did better, which can be enough for certain segments of people who 'are on the fence', but secretly dislike Hillary.

Or basically, this.

Yeah I wasn't implying that you believed it, just commenting on the absurdity of people thinking Trump "won" by putting her on "the defensive".


While we would all liked to have seen a more fiery Clinton that raked Trump over the coals, she is currently sitting on a comfortable statistical lead even before the controversial video broke out over the weekend. She does not need to rock the boat - and we saw a brief preview of what that would have been like in the first portion of the debate. And frankly, if there are more scandals yet to come, I'd dare say the media will do that legwork for her.


Whose the thin woman in the blue dress on CNN that supports the republican party?

She's bugging the fuck out of me because she's intelligent and a good debater...yet is selling Trump.

For the life of me I can't believe she seriously supports him as a candidate, but she's great at defending his actions/performances.

She's a paid Trump surrogate. She's on the Trump campaign payroll.



I'm not as bad as isis is a terrific defense!

Cooper: did you do those lewd things?
Orange: well, it was locker room talk, but I'm not as bad as Isis.
Cooper: did you do those things?
Orange: we're going to build a wall
Cooper: did you do those things you said you did?
Orange: it was locker room talk, so........ No?


Why do you all torture yourself by watching CNN?

"Boy I think I'll top off two hours of Trump with another hour of panelists screaming at each other. During commercial break I'll go stick my hand on a hot stove as well"


How do the Drumpf surrogates on CNN live with themselves? Most (because I'm sure not all) know what they are doing and that this will damn them afterwords politically.

Nah. If they got the chops and make it so Trump doesn't lose by a landslide, their careers will be made. "I kept a disgusting bloated sack of spewing racist vulgarities this close to the white house. So yeah, I can get your milquetoast Republican to be the next senator of Utah"


The media seems to be shifting already?

the longer people analyze this they'll have to confront how despicable he truly was tonight.


The sneak attack part killed me. You really think you know more about warfare than our current military leaders? Fucking sneak attack... just fucking lol

Yes, we will launch a large scale offensive in concert with the kurds, Iraqi millitary and other allies in secret and the enemy will never see it coming.



The sneak attack part killed me. You really think you know more about warfare than our current military leaders? Fucking sneak attack... just fucking lol

"IT MIGHT have something to do with the civilians"

That was another instance that I was just absolutely incredulous at. Donald just did not get the hint at all, and no one seems to have noticed the implications of that moment.


I'm pretty sure Trump called Clinton the devil at one point

Trump was high on coke and lying three quarters of the time. Same as the first debate.

...yeah, sounds like i'm glad i sat this one out then
did the recent trump tape come up much at all? i saw the thread early on when he was on about emails


"You can't have it both ways, you can't laugh at BLM saying the criminal justice system is broken and then agree with Trump when he says it is"

ooooh shiiiit

wait, did she disparage BLM? i'd hate to hear that
Goodard of Political Wire reaction to debate

Second Presidential Debate reaction that was just disseminated by Taegan Goddard, the majordomo of the excellent (and pioneering) Political Wire. Mr. Goddard's analysis is spot-on (the last line is pretty good, too).

As for the debate, Trump was completely unprepared. His body language was terrible. He showed he doesn’t even know how a bill becomes a law. He admitted he hasn’t paid federal income taxes for years — and that won’t the headline from tonight.

Clinton wasn’t perfect. Her answer on her emails was extremely weak. She left many of Trump’s attacks unanswered. But there’s only one candidate seriously running for president at this point. She won the debate hands down. It’s hard to imagine Trump won over even a single voter tonight.

Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper were also excellent moderators. If you ever need a moderator for a dumpster fire, they’re the ones to choose.

Permanently A

Junior Member
if you think the story with the tapes and Trump's issues with women are done, it's going to be a very interesting week for you. The fact that you think the script is back on "emails", a topic that has yet to gain any real traction no matter how hard Trump pushes it, makes me think you don't have an accurate read of what is going on.

Its not that the tapes story has suddenly disappeared. Its that a debate that should have had the tapes at the centerpiece was relegated to the sidelines by Trump. Not once in my post did I say that the tapes story is suddenly done.

Junior member, eh?

Permanently, yes.


Literally just gave you one, albeit in a glib manner, but I see what you are doing here, not wanting to recognise any flaw from Clinton and pretending its impossible to reocgnise positive qualities from Trump, which again, is being petty. I could easily say something about his ability to command attention, speak to a crowd, work with and without traditional powerbrokers etc., but at the end of the day theres a lot you could say about a man like Trump who gets to where he is at with all his many deficiencies, but its rather besides the point of Hillary handling the question very poorly, which you clearly don't want to think critically about.

ok, fair enough. i guess hillary did answer that poorly especially when in the past 2 days we learned that no one grabs pussy like donald trump.


Basically, you can cut together a 1 minute reel of Trump during this debate that would look pretty damning for him (his answer on twitter, his Aleppo answer, his weird body language and lurking, threatening to jail Hillary, "it was just words", again admitting to not paying taxes) and you can't cut together an equivalent reel for Hillary.

It's quite likely this was her entire strategy - avoid anything that could come back to haunt her and give Trump plenty of space to fill it with more of his bullshit.
Trump always appears to win because he has an aggressive personality. One thing about Hillary is that she keeps relying on hillaryclinton.com on fact checks instead of just smacking him down right then and there. If he lies, state exactly what the lie is right there and don't ask people to refer to a website that they won't click on

Unfortunately, this isn't a realistic thing. Trump is a whirlwind of lies. She would have to spend all of her time fact-checking him and none of answering questions or explaining her own views. This sounds good, on paper, but the pacing of the debate would be killed. It was also look like a glorified hit job attempt which could even generate sympathy for Trump. It's not as good a strategy as you think.


Hilary's problem is she sucks at capitalizing on Trump's constant fuck ups, she had the momentum and narrative in her favor but couldn't bring it home. Clinton won, but the storyline going in was that this was supposed to be the funeral of Donald Trump and so he looks better to some people since that didn't exactly happen. All in all Trump didn't do anything to help him beyond his base and when his answers get picked apart he'll look as bad as the 1st debate.

There's no point burying Trump at this point in the campaign. We still have about ~30 days until election day, so it's better to let all the negative Trump news burn slow and hard.
Its scary that a bufoon like Trump is closer to being right about Syria than Clinton, you can disagree all you want with Russia, thats fine, but facts are facts and Syria and Russia are fighting ISIS in Palmyra and Deir Ezzor, its crazy that Hillary would deny that, I dont understand why she lied there.
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