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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Do fact checkers influence much?? Is there any proof one way or the other? I know it makes sense intuitively, but are there surveys or polls that show how much people care about the facts?
This was pretty fascinating.

Clinton's strategy was an interesting appeal to normalcy. Instead of getting too much in a pissing match with Trump, she tried to focus on answering the question for the most part and brushing off Trump's accusations. Her aim was definitely to make her campaign seem like it was above the shitshow of this election, that she was putting policy over reality TV show antics and that even if she could demolish Trump she would abstain from it for the sake of decency. It's an interesting angle, and it aims to directly counter Trump when he draws out claims like "she has lot of evil in her heart" and such and such.

Meanwhile Trump was kinda more of the same, but definitely a bit more refined. He was able to stick it to Clinton on a couple of key points regarding the emails and her connections with billionaire doners. But he definitely weakened a bit as the debate moved on and got utterly destroyed during the foreign policy segment.

Overall I can't really call a winner, depends on whether Clinton's strategy appeals to voters. The CNN poll is encouraging, but I'll wait for a few more.

Pacing erratically back and forth, immediately deflecting to attack Clinton when asked a question, interrupting while Clinton is talking, and you call Trump more refined?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.

incomming butthurt

Stuffing online polls was the extent of their political power and now its gone. So sad.


They're worse than leaning one way or the other with the constant "both sides get exposure" bs. If some dumb fuck is spouting bullshit you call them, not simply give them a free mic like cnn does and present them as some viable alternative.

Ok but that doesn't counter the point made.

Still, you're not wrong. I'm glad that has started to change some what since the Trump scandal.
Conway really doesn't see the gravity of Trump saying he's going to use political power to put Clinton in jail? He's "channeling the frustration of the American people"?


BBC analysts all basically agreed that Trump "won" the debate if for no other reason than this didn't end up being the massive harakiri on-stage disaster that democrats were hoping for. He in got out a number of soundbites that will play well to his base (but no one else) and at this point that's the best he could hope for.


yeah, trump did better than expectations, which is true, but he didn't 'win' which is the point of a town hall debate, to get some undecided under your wing.

kinda weird he just used his normal 'trump mode' from his rally's like he assumed the undecided cares about that?
Also worth mentioning: the Pussygate story isn't going to be replaced by coverage of the debate. It's going to continue to be a big story for at least the next few news cycles, receiving at least as much coverage as the debates. Pussygate just has way more traction.


Yeah he did a great job not answering questions and threatening his opponent. That part where he attacked the moderators was stellar. Bravo!

I just think he did a great job staying up and being somewhat lucid while on cocaine. That's the only way to explain what the fuck happened up there. Sniff.


I'm not worried about Hillary winning any more. I want Hillary's coattails lengthened. I don't think this result did that.

A major party doesn't crack in a day, no matter how ridiculous. It's been more than thirty years in the making, you can wait less than thirty days for it to play out.
P.S. Martha and Anderson were on point. I feel a bit bad for the previous moderators because I think they got unfairly blamed a bit for the flow of the debate, but these two totally owned it.


It is a real fucking thing. He is graded on a curve, he has been this entire cycle. He isn't a politician, etc. You serious?

I'm not talking about his campaign, why are you having such a hard time with that. I'm talking about one thing, the debate. Nothing more. Stop moving this to something else.

The expectation was he was going to get dunked on, he was going to ethered, etc. It was a draw, i.e a win for him via the expectations. Still voting for and supporting Clinton. Just trying to have a conversation.

You may be right that people set up different expectations for Trump than for a "normal politician" but that "curve" meets reality at some point so what use is a "curve" if he is losing the election "bigly" and even in trouble in traditionally red states? That's a pretty ineffective curve.


P.S. Martha and Anderson were on point. I feel a bit bad for the previous moderators because I think they got unfairly blamed a bit for the flow of the debate, but these two totally owned it.
Martha better debated Trump than Clinton did.
They're not conservative either. They're biased toward ratings. But people will see in them what they hate no matter what because they try to please everyone.

Well, of course, but I was talking in general. MSNBC is biased towards ratings, but leans more liberal. But CNN has always been conservative-moderate leaning, ratings aside.


yeah, trump did better than expectations, which is true, but he didn't 'win' which is the point of a town hall debate, to get some undecided under your wing.

kinda weird he just used his normal 'trump mode' from his rally's like he assumed the undecided cares about that?
Lol yeah he completely lost the plot or what he was supposed to do tonight.


P.S. Martha and Anderson were on point. I feel a bit bad for the previous moderators because I think they got unfairly blamed a bit for the flow of the debate, but these two totally owned it.

Yep. They took zero shit.

Well, of course, but I was talking in general. MSNBC is biased towards ratings, but leans more liberal. But CNN has always been conservative-moderate leaning, ratings aside.

Nah, CNN just tries to prop up both sides. The problem is that one side is rambling, incoherent and allergic to facts.


Do fact checkers influence much?? Is there any proof one way or the other? I know it makes sense intuitively, but are there surveys or polls that show how much people care about the facts?

It matters insofar as it tends to dominate the news cycle in the days following a debate more so than "gut reactions" or "feels"


You guys got to give Kellyanne credit. She's working with Donald Trump possibly the worst candidate in presidential history and is finding a way to defend him. She's basically a real life Olivia Pope.

She was also against Trump originally, but money talks.


It was nice seeing Clinton just sit back and watch him dig his own holes. Thats all she had to do.

She definitely came off as the adult.
I don't feel like this debate did anything to turn undecided voters on to Trump. Some can say he won the debate just because he didn't shit himself on stage, but if he's not pulling any new voters, what's the point?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
BBC analysts all basically agreed that Trump "won" the debate if for no other reason than this didn't end up being the massive harakiri on-stage disaster that democrats were hoping for. He in got out a number of soundbites that will play well to his base (but no one else) and at this point that's the best he could hope for.

Everybody talked all about how they shouldn't grade on a curve for the first debate. That you can't give Trump the win just because he didn't drool all over himself.

People didn't remind themselves to do that for the second debate and all of a sudden Trump "wins" the debate because he won the expectations game. What a fucking farse.


Well, of course, but I was talking in general. MSNBC is biased towards ratings, but leans more liberal. But CNN has always been conservative-moderate leaning, ratings aside.

CNN has mentioned numerous times during these debate polls that:

These are polls of debate watchers, which tends to skew Democrat. The respondents are always more democratic leaning simply because more democrats watch the debates.


The things he said were idiotic and prove for the millionth time he doesn't know the issues, doesn't know world events or how things work. Just saw a clip of the, "We have to make sure Muslims report hatred" line. Like, what the fuck are you even talking about? Clueless.

To be fair Clinton said similar things. In Britain there are similar drives from within the Muslim community to spot radical indoctrination. Muslim parents don't want their sons going and fighting for Islamic State or martyring themselves in suicide attacks.

Looking for early signs is only possible if the people closest to the indoctrinated person spot it.
Just saw the awkward answer to Cooper asking has Trump ever done the things he said on the bus. Wow. Talk about obvious lying. And the deflection to securing our borders and his usual rhetoric to try and change the subject. Fucking pathetic.
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