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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Unconfirmed Member
Trump saying Hillary has so much hate in her heart was such a nonsensical non-sequitur and genuinely caught me off guard.
I'm pretty numb to his usual bluster, but this statement was so jarring in its baseness.
Why is CNN fact checking a Bill Clinton accusation? More so the law degree one? Has the Hilary Clinton campaign denied that fact? Is Bill running for president again?


You guys got to give Kellyanne credit. She's working with Donald Trump possibly the worst candidate in presidential history and is finding a way to defend him. She's basically a real life Olivia Pope.

There is a real life Olivia Pope. Pope is based on Judy Smith. This is her:


I think we can know one thing for absolute 100% certainty: Trump insured that Muslim girl will never vote for him.

Yeah that was an especially bad response.

"What will you do about Islamophobia?"
"Good question! I have the best answer: I will never stop being suspicious of Muslims. All Americans should fear radical Islamic terrorists. They could be anywhere! All Muslims are culpable of violence by radical Islamic terrorists. Muslims are terrorists. Terrorists! Muslims are terrorists, believe me. Thank you."
She didn't lie there, because she didn't say they weren't fighting them, she said they really weren't concerned with ISIS like Trump was saying. I guess it is a debatable thing, but I don't think Russia has put near the amount of time and effort into fighting ISIS that we have, and they are definitely more concerned about Syria right now than driving ISIS out of anywhere.

She said "Russia hasn't paid any attention to ISIS" tho, I mean Hillary is hundreds of times better than Trump , I think she is going to be the next US president. Which is why is concerning when she lies like this , it makes her sound like a hawk trying to sway the public opinion. There are enough things Russia and Assad have done that are reprehensible that you could use without distorting the facts, thats what I dont understand.

incomming butthurt
This is so pathetic. The alt-right are made up of men who are so desperate to have their worldview confirmed that they openly campaign to skew polls as if that somehow affects reality in any way. How fucking fragile a mentality must you have to find consolation in data that you altered yourself?
At some point this "curve" has to yield results. If you give him a win on some bullshit curve you've fabricated in your head, yet polls say she won, undecideds say she won, and post-debate talk on every network other than Fox is on his negatives, and again, he failed to grow his base, what exactly does that kind of win even matter? At some point is it just not really a win, no matter how bad you want it to be?

Your stance is basically "The Patriots beat the Browns by 20, but the Browns are a joke and everyone was expecting them to lose by 50 so it's really a win for Cleveland on the "Browns Curve". It's stupid as fuck.

This isn't a curve that I have fabricated in my head, this is the curve that this entire cycle has judged him by. I would appreciate it that you would recognize that. I'm not saying it is right, I'm not saying it is how it should be perceived I'm talking about the perspective that has been pushed this entire cycle. He was supposed to be buried this debate and I would fucking bet this is going to be pushed as a much better performance than the 1st debate. Why? Because he shit all over himself prior to this debate and everyone was expecting that. It isn't what happened, he did much better than the first debate.

He is still shit tier, he still shouldn't be near the white house, and exceptionally happy that Clinton will get my vote and win in November. None of that changes the myopic optics of debates and expectations.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
BBC analysts all basically agreed that Trump "won" the debate if for no other reason than this didn't end up being the massive harakiri on-stage disaster that democrats were hoping for. He in got out a number of soundbites that will play well to his base (but no one else) and at this point that's the best he could hope for.

Playing to his base doesn't expand his voter pool.


That was one of her best moments. It's completely true that GOP officials are leaving him.

It is. She shouldn't have brought it up in that context, though. It lowered her more than it lowered him. Instead of throwing out an ad hominem attack, she had an opportunity to spotlight how Trump is diminishing the political process with his authoritarian tendencies. Seriously, leveraging our legal system in such a personal, emotional way in order to prosecute a political opponent he doesn't like...? The proper response to that isn't, "Okay, Trump, you're just trying to distract people from your failing campaign."

But I don't blame her. I didn't expect Trump to go in that hard, or to unleash such accusations. It was a bad debate that shook me to watch, and I can just imagine what was running through Hillary's mind actually having to participate in it.


Speaking of fact checking, I IMMEDIATELY went to fact check Trump and Googled his claim that ICE endorsed him.

Apparently, a UNION endorsed him, not the agency.

“I was endorsed by ICE”— Donald Trump

No, Donald Trump was not endorsed by an entire government agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He was endorsed this week by a union of ICE employees, but that’s not the same. The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council had never endorsed a candidate for president.

Trump is right that their endorsement of him was a first, but a union is an independent body distinct from the agency where its members work.

Trump saying Hillary has so much hate in her heart was such a nonsensical non-sequitur and genuinely caught me off guard.
I'm pretty numb to his usual bluster, but this statement was so jarring in its baseness.

"She's the devil, she has hate in her heart and she belongs in jail....but I respect that she doesn't give up"


Why is CNN fact checking a Bill Clinton accusation? More so the law degree one? Has the Hilary Clinton campaign denied that fact? Is Bill running for president again?

They did this after the Pence debate as well to give him an easy W so they don't appear "biased"


I get why people have a really low opinion of the general American population and pessimistically think Trump antics appeal to them, but I think the scientific polling is showing that it doesn't.

Him appearing to be strong or whatever isn't helping him.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
This is so pathetic. The alt-right are made up of men who are so desperate to have their worldview confirmed that they openly campaign to skew polls as if that somehow affects reality in any way. How fucking fragile a mentality must you have to find consolation in data that you altered yourself?

They get set off by having a female protagonist in a video game. So very fragile.


Trump is really good at making facts do not matter when going against one another, and he got away with so many bs because is just impossible for Clinton to correct all the shit he says. Alone he is a total joke, the questions on foreign policy were ugly to watch, i have no idea what will happen if Aleppo gets taken down but painfully obvious that Trump doesn't know either. And lowering taxes from 35% to 15% gave me a good chuckle. Hillary moments where she showed she knows (like Obamacare) were her best moments (I'm still waiting on her to defend Nafta by dropping some knowledge but probably will die waiting).

Anyway, i feel Trump's style of "debating" is good for the debate but awful after it, i didn't think of the horrific implications of "you would be in jail" during the debate because it was a surreal humorous moment, and of course, "i don't pay taxes but neither do your friends" may been a good way of attacking her but in the end it just doesn't look good the next day. He saved his campaign, but he is gonna lose, bigly.
I get why people have a really low opinion of the general American population and pessimistically think Trump antics appeal to them, but I think the scientific polling is showing that it doesn't.

Him appearing to be strong or whatever isn't helping him.

He just looks like an erratic asshole up there.
Trump saying Hillary has so much hate in her heart was such a nonsensical non-sequitur and genuinely caught me off guard.
I'm pretty numb to his usual bluster, but this statement was so jarring in its baseness.
We got a very real and genuine expression out of HRC when he said that. She cocked her eyebrow in disbelief. I think it was one of the rare times he said something that actually surprised her.
I get why people have a really low opinion of the general American population and pessimistically think Trump antics appeal to them, but I think the scientific polling is showing that it doesn't.

Him appearing to be strong or whatever isn't helping him.

It appeals to 40% of America.
This interview on the campaign plane

LOL Hillary is so shady

Avalanche of BS.


And I'd still vote for her every day all day for President of the United States instead of Donald Trump. It's not even close.

Hillary Clinton is a candidate I don't like, while Donald Trump is a human being loath. He's deplorable.


This is so pathetic. The alt-right are made up of men who are so desperate to have their worldview confirmed that they openly campaign to skew polls as if that somehow affects reality in any way. How fucking fragile a mentality must you have to find consolation in data that you altered yourself?

It's kinda like using mods in Call of Duty to improve your kill/death ratio, still with the knowledge that you didn't get your spot on the scoreboard with any real talent over your opponents

Big overlap on the ol Venn diagram with these groups
To be fair Clinton said similar things. In Britain there are similar drives from within the Muslim community to spot radical indoctrination. Muslim parents don't want their sons going and fighting for Islamic State or martyring themselves in suicide attacks.

Looking for early signs is only possible if the people closest to the indoctrinated person spot it.

It's not a point that needs to be made because it already happens and anyone who keeps repeating it isn't focusing on the real issues and causes of extremism.
This isn't a curve that I have fabricated in my head, this is the curve that this entire cycle has judged him by. I would appreciate it that you would recognize that. I'm not saying it is right, I'm not saying it is how it should be perceived I'm talking about the perspective that has been pushed this entire cycle. He was supposed to be buried this debate and I would fucking bet this is going to be pushed as a much better performance than the 1st debate. Why? Because he shit all over himself prior to this debate and everyone was expecting that. It isn't what happened, he did much better than the first debate.

He is still shit tier, he still shouldn't be near the white house, and exceptionally happy that Clinton will get my vote and win in November. None of that changes the myopic optics of debates and expectations.

It ha yielded no positive results for him in the general election so at what point do we drop the idea that this curve exists? It's the same as the bullshit "Teflon Don" narrative. There is no evidence of this curve. He performed terribly tonight and the results/reactions match that. That he wasn't "buried!" ,whatever the fuck that means, is inconsequential.


lol Trump didn't win shit and now that the online polls have come in, that's the narrative going forward. He'll always have his base of 35% regardless of what he does, that was true in the primaries and that's true now. But 35% isn't enough to win a Presidential election and playing to that base isn't indicative of a win in any broader sense of the word.


Playing to his base doesn't expand his voter pool.
Did you see the size of his crowds?

Did you see how many twitter followers this man has?

This is a movement.

Granted, in his crowds you usually only see white people. But I just assumed that they worked harder to secure tickets than the minorities and if not for the unprecedented enthusiasm for this movement you would have seen a more diverse crowd. Believe me. No one on this board knows more about crowds than I do.
I think there are different conversations happening here, one is winning the debate the other is expanding and winning the election.

And I think what people are trying to tell you is that, one month from election day, with her firmly in the lead, goal number one going into a debate for him needs to be "Expanding his base". Not doing that is an automatic L. You have to take this into account when deciding "winning" and "losing" because, again, these debates exist FOR the campaign, not separate from them. It's impossible and silly to try and separate the two.


lol Trump didn't win shit and now that the online polls have come in, that's the narrative going forward.

it only gets worse as those polls are slower to be performed

I don't think a lot of folks watching this general are too familiar with how debates are judged

please remember gore lost a debate more than 24 hours after it happened
She said "Russia hasn't paid any attention to ISIS" tho, I mean Hillary is hundreds of times better than Trump , I think she is going to be the next US president. Which is why is concerning when she lies like this , it makes her sound like a hawk trying to sway the public opinion. There are enough things Russia and Assad have done that are reprehensible that you could use without distorting the facts, thats what I dont understand.

Maybe I am misremembering what she said, I thought she said something more along the lines of Russia not being concerned about ISIS and focused on Syria. If I'm wrong, I don't disagree with what you're saying, though, expect the hawk thing, I don't see how that makes her sound like a 'hawk' in any regards whatsoever.
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