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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Pretensed by the fact that the poll was primarily made up of democratic voters.

Not primarily, just a greater sampling than a normal poll. The last CNN presidental debate instant poll had a 10% oversample of dems. It actually turned out to have the same conclusion as later polls.


I'm uncomfortable with the idea of my potential president being on record saying "Grab Them By The Pussy" tbh

There is a man who openly bragged about getting away with sexual assault, threatened to jail his opponent, admitted not paying any taxes, gets facts wrong a 8th grader would be embarassed by and is incapable of any coherent thought.

And he still has a chance.

Meanwhile, they tell the opponent to smile less/more.
The best thing you could say for Trump's performance tonight is that he probably stopped or at least significantly slowed the massive erosion of support from elected Republicans. He didn't win any points and probably convinced zero undecided voters to come to his side, but we probably won't see another 40 people un-endorse him in the next 48 hours.

Hilary missed a lot of openings to really nail Trump to the wall, but she will probably see quite a few undecideds come to her camp. She was strong on policy. Ken Bone is with her.





You keep saying "Trump curve" as if it's a real thing. Early polls seem to be skewing towards her. The post-debate talk is all about his negatives (the pussy tape, threatening to jail HIllary). His base has not grown. Under what criteria that actually exists (not a "trump curve") can you make the case that tonight was a win for him? Because he didn't get beat bad enough to drop out? That's dumb as hell.

yep, makes no sense under any conveniently created "curve"
What is this? The video rumored earlier?

Supposedly proof the Pence is trying/tried to back out of the Trump campaign after the video got out. I guess we'll see tonight/tomorrow if they actually did get anything to press, because I haven't seen any news coverage mention it yet.


RE: The final presidential debate. Should we be expecting anything different aside from a lack of fact-checking given Wallace's comments on his role as a moderator and/or shock that anyone from Fox is moderating a presidential debate?

I think for the final debate Hillary will pull out the list of Republicans who unendorsed Trump.

That is the big move she has left to play. Really drive the wedge between Trump and the Republicans. Like "Grab the pussy" it is still developing so no need to pull it out tonight. She can hope for a few more high profile party members to disown him as well.
I have said again and again: Trump came into this as a wounded animal, was down, people are calling for him to drop out, etc. Clinton should have destroyed him by all metrics and the fact of the matter is at best it was a draw, grading on the Trump curve, i.e. he won via the expectation game.
The expectation game is nice and all but I think most of us are following the actual reality game.

He lost that one.

lets see....

trump tossed the video stuff aside and totally minimized the issue of sexual assault and how even bragging about it is a horrible thing to do. he brushed it aside in favor of a tirade against isis, failing to respond to the question in any meaningful way.

when asked about islamophobia and how he would address it, trump proceeded to throw innocent muslim communities under the bus, claimed that muslims saw the bombs in the apartments beforehand and didn't report it.

when asked about aleppo, trump couldn't even respond with any real strategy. the question had to be repeated, but he barely acknowledged the horrors in aleppo and kept bringing up mosul instead. he also claimed that if he were president at the time, Captain Khan would still be alive.

he threatened to jail his political opponent if he wins the election

he claimed he didn't say "check out the sex tape", tweet specifically says "check out sex tape"

he admitted to using tax loopholes that kept him from paying taxes

he admitted to not speaking to his running mate about important foreign policy matters.

you people thought he won?
why didnt she say release your tax returns?
The most frustrating part of the debate was Hillary's unwillingness to attack those statements. The "your campaign is imploding" line was in response to Trump's talk about creating a special prosecutor for her, right? Because, in my mind, that was among her three worst moments of the night, when she had the cards to make it one of her best.

But maybe I'll think more optimistically about this debate if those statements get the post-debate scrutiny they deserve, anyway.

That was one of her best moments. It's completely true that GOP officials are leaving him.


OK, I can rest easy with that CNN poll. YouGov also has Hillary winning by a slim margin, let's call it a tie. Undecideds panels on CNN also said Trump didn't do much to change their minds.

His reaction to this will be insane. The meltdown will continue this week.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I feel bad for Kellyanne sometimes. No way she is getting paid enough to do this.


What happened Vire? CNN Poll just said 57% said Hillary won. Like I said, I won't be surprised by the results.

Trump looked like a lunatic.

Oh come on. With his looming over her, he only looked like he wanted to chop up Hillary into 10 pieces, not 100.


What? How do you interpret that?

She complimented his children rather than him directly, making it more difficult to lend to any sought after qualities in a president.

His answer on the other hand just made her look like a better candidate.

It plays into his vision of being a good guy underneath it all. If he can produce such good things he can produce a good country with tough love.

I'm sure that's how some clingers will rationalize Trump. They've said almost as much before. The only difference is that Hillary Gave them a legit justification.


Trump called Hillary out on pretty much all of her fuck ups over the last 30 years. Which highlighted how are government has been awful for at least the last 30 years. That guaranteed my vote for him tonight. He's not part of the establishment. Trump certainly isn't my first choice, and frankly he's at the bottom of the list, but he represents change.

Hmmm "change" that sounds fairly. Oh yeah we supposedly had 8 years of that! Now look who we're voting for.

Democracy has failed Time for fascism! Hooray!
"Sexual assault" is a very unfortunate phrase, via Kellyanne Conway.

Notice her reply was to divert to Hillary Clinton working as defense attorney.

Nothing about pussy-grabbing or fucking Miss Universe contestants through an owner's obligation.

This will be the diversion for the next 30 days. That Hillary Clinton doing her job as an appointed Defense Attorney is more despicable then bragging about wanting to commit sexual assault or calling his own daughter a nice piece of ass.
You keep saying "Trump curve" as if it's a real thing. Early polls seem to be skewing towards her. The post-debate talk is all about his negatives (the pussy tape, threatening to jail HIllary). His base has not grown. Under what criteria that actually exists (not a "trump curve") can you make the case that tonight was a win for him? Because he didn't get beat bad enough to drop out? That's dumb as hell.

It is a real fucking thing. He is graded on a curve, he has been this entire cycle. He isn't a politician, etc. You serious?

I'm not talking about his campaign, why are you having such a hard time with that. I'm talking about one thing, the debate. Nothing more. Stop moving this to something else.

The expectation was he was going to get dunked on, he was going to ethered, etc. It was a draw, i.e a win for him via the expectations. Still voting for and supporting Clinton. Just trying to have a conversation.
I can't believe I am going to say this, but I am definitely going to vote Hillary. Trump cannot run this country. This guy is a fucking disaster. Yeah, I don't think Hillary is great, but she is far better than the alternative. I still would prefer Bernie over both of our current choices, but I'm not handing the government over to a group of right-wing extremists who will overturn every social victory from the last 50+ years.

Then again, this guy won't win regardless.


Fuck good, she is honestly one of the best I have seen. She is amazing at her job.

Like I despise everything she's saying but shes incredible. If I was ever in a public relations dilemma, she's someone I'd pick to represent my case for sure. She must be earning a killing, you'd hope.
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