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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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"They've made it to where we don't have much of a choice in this election purposely. They had to put an idiot up against Hillary to make her look good and to make it look like a good fight. In the end they will choose her anyway."

This is a facebook comment, who is "They" yall voted for Trump lol


Would have been the perfect opportunity for her to take a dig at his delusions of grandeur - "Luckily, one person can't make those decisions". She dropped the ball a few times I feel, she should have gone in on him harder.
I honestly think she was so flabbergasted by the stupidity of his statements that she was literally at a loss for words at times.


So how does everyone think Anderson and his co-moderator (can't remember her name) did job-wise?

I'd say they both get a B+




I‘m not getting the 16% "more favorable"....like...woow, finally it's justified for me to say that -- kind of feeling?


I love how that goon Corey shows he hasn't actually read the Wall Street transcripts he's supposedly angry about because what Clinton said about Lincoln was completely accurate in regards to her speech, but he's claiming her answer was nonsense.


Trump supporters were already saying that he was joking. Just like the pussy grab. Racism, sexual assault, fascism, etc. This shit all seemed horrible and terrifying to me, but to the diehards from the basket it is all hilarious.

He laid out his plan to establish a special prosecutor specifically to charge her.

Velcro Fly

Whole night is probably going to be a wash.

She's going to get elected and a large amount of people are going to be pissed. It will literally be a third Obama term.


I of course thought Trump was an utter piece of shit before/after the video, but to me personally I thought his defense for it tonight made him look evem worse if possible. His defense was just horrible and added more to the fact that he just doesn't give a shit about what he said. So I dunno really know the right way to look at those poll #s.

I also don't think that his response to the Muslim lady's question is getting enough flak. That shit was horrible. He was pretty much speaking to a Muslim and saying "we need you guys to do better, ok"? Not only is that disgusting, it also shows it seems like he literally may not know how to address people that are not white. Such a lack of awareness.


Eh, I only remember her saying go to her website once when she ran out of time but I agree that their where many missed opportunities to hit back at Trump.

She brought up incredulously that Bush was president when she was a senator and there's this thing called the veto power. And that she had, indeed, voted for getting rid of the loopholes Trump mentioned multiple times.


So how does everyone think Anderson and his co-moderator (can't remember her name) did job-wise?

I'd say they both get a B+

I wouldn't give anyone who refrained from clearing a table to deck this ignorant orange fuck after being forced to moderate his bullshit for 90 minutes less than an A-


The really missing opportunity to me (IMO) is that Hilary didn't take a few seconds to explain how government works. This was frustrating to me, because it would address his bogus accusation that "she didn't fix X, Y and Z". Like she had the power/authority to just do as she pleases.

Was perfect to ad lib that "Donald, we live in a Democracy, not a Dictatorship or Monarchy".

She did miss some zingers, but thats not her and her delivery doesn't work well usually, so meh.
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