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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Just watching a ten minute summary - the body language here is incredible. In his attacks, Hillary faces him down and literally stands up to him in some cases to meet him.

When Hillary is talking about him and his policies - e.g. On tax - he turns away, wandering outside the circle of the stage even. Physically retreating!

This is the strong leader? 😅 He's a weasel.
Link to summary? Trying to watch the whole thing and am struggling...


I think Van Jones nailed it with his assessment that Clinton won because it can be reasonably argued that Trump won. This makes life a lot harder for the Republicans who would have otherwise renounced him over the next few days, and the party at large who may have maneuvered to push him off the ticket if he totally cratered. It keeps Trump "in the game" as it were, and allows them to continue to bury him with opposition research over this final month.

it's very cynical, but this is nothing if not a cynical election.

Yep. Seems like... The best outcome for Democrats lol.

Seems like gop will have another sleepless night.

Really wonder if it was smart for a lot of them to bounce ship before the debate?


I think Van Jones nailed it with his assessment that Clinton won because it can be reasonably argued that Trump won. This makes life a lot harder for the Republicans who would have otherwise renounced him over the next few days, and the party at large who may have maneuvered to push him off the ticket if he totally cratered. It keeps Trump "in the game" as it were, and allows them to continue to bury him with opposition research over this final month.

it's very cynical, but this is nothing if not a cynical election.
The YouGov poll had women call the debate a victory for Clinton, 50% to 38%. CNN/ORC reported women said Clinton won, too, 64% to 30%.

Trump really needs to win back women to stand a chance. IMO that should be priority #1 for him. So while some people say he won the debate, every day he doesn't expand the base is a day he stays losing.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Rewatching her WikiLeaks question and it was still her worst question. It definitely won't come up again in a foreign policy debate so the strategy seems to be to take a loss on it because there is no quick way to defend that one.

You can try to explain how you can have a ideal policy position, and a realistic policy position. But that's tough to do in a format like that.
More conservative than what, The Young Turks? CNN admitted with the first debate poll their audience leans more Democrat.

They said slightly and there have been multiple polls showing that she won't the first debate concurring with them. There was also the yougov poll tonight. You are living in a different world where she is not winning this debates for most people.


Rewatching her WikiLeaks question and it was still her worst question. It definitely won't come up again in a foreign policy debate so the strategy seems to be to take a loss on it because there is no quick way to defend that one.
The next debate is another "six topics" one like the first one.

From that angle it's a little difficult to tell which chair he's in front of. And he did hoover over her chair constantly throughout the debate.
I think that was always his chair. I don't remember him ever venturing over by her side though I wasn't watching closely. He just wandered around his side and leaned on his stuff. He was putting his chair/table inbetween them when she came over.


Rewatching her WikiLeaks question and it was still her worst question. It definitely won't come up again in a foreign policy debate so the strategy seems to be to take a loss on it because there is no quick way to defend that one.
The worst part is that It's not politically great to admit it, but it is quite obviously true for all politicians.
"Grab the chair by the pussy"

"I'ma sniff this chair after everyone leaves"


Hillary won both debates and is winning this election. Trump is the candidate currently bleeding support and drowning in controversy. If you're "not so sure about that" then maybe you are self-selecting a different reality for yourself.
Wow, I never said anything close to that. I pretty much have no doubt at this point Hillary will win it.
Rewatching her WikiLeaks question and it was still her worst question. It definitely won't come up again in a foreign policy debate so the strategy seems to be to take a loss on it because there is no quick way to defend that one.

Are you referring to the Lincoln question? I don't think it was a loss, it really just needed a little context, but even then I don't think it was totally unclear what was being talked about.


They're actually a bit more conservative than other news channels, barring Fox News.
Legitimate question, I've always found CNN pretty well balanced, although having no intelligent conservative commentators, what news channels are more liberal? I'm a Canadian.
More conservative than what, The Young Turks? CNN admitted with the first debate poll their audience leans more Democrat.

It's not about their audience, it's more about their content. CNN, despite being denounced as liberal and outright demonized sometimes, really doesn't offer a lot of liberal minded reporting or content. They are moderate-conservative overall. It's just not the same kind of conservative that you see from Fox News, which is essentially right-wing propaganda at this point.
Are you referring to the Lincoln question? I don't think it was a loss, it really just needed a little context, but even then I don't think it was totally unclear what was being talked about.

Well honestly they needed to read the full quote because the question was basically why is it OK to be two faced which has no good answer.


More conservative than what, The Young Turks? CNN admitted with the first debate poll their audience leans more Democrat.
Even if we assume they were actually referring to their own channel demographics, not the makeup of all who they polled who were watching the debate via any means (which I think is more logical), there are just plain more people in the country who self-identify as democrats than republicans. Gallup has it at 27% republicans to 32% democrats, or 44% to 49% if you count "leaners".
Legitimate question, I've always found CNN pretty well balanced, what news channels are more liberal? I'm a Canadian.

In American media, MSNBC shews more liberal. PBS is another that does, but they are pretty balanced and impartial for the most part. In general, America media is pretty conservative. Fox News has just created such a polarization that anything that isn't 'Fuck yeah, America,' isn't conservative.


Wow, I never said anything close to that. I pretty much have no doubt at this point Hillary will win it.

You said Hillary shouldn't show up to the next debate, should have skipped this one, and that people around you think Trump one. I'm just trying to point out how politically dumb it would be for her to skip any debate, that she won both debates, and is winning the election. Also, its entirely possible for Trump to out perform his low expectations and still lose the debate as he did tonight. Although I'm not sure he did out perform his low expectations. He was pretty awful.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
What's kind of astonishing about this is that his female supporters have such a seemingly low bar for men that casually talking about sexual assault is deemed 'locker room talk.' which is sexist in itself. This wasn't Trump, in private, talking about some broad he banged - - he was talking to some entertainment reporter asshole about forcing himself on women and getting away with it because he's rich.

He should be fucking done - no more debates, zero chance at ending up in the white house but here we are. In my 32 years, this is by far the most frightened I've been to be an American.
What's worse is his off hand dismissal of these comments directly destroy any legitimacy in his calls to put Clinton in jail.

He couldn't name a single law she broken in her mishandling of her e-mails. Yet his admission of using his power to sexually abuse women is "locker room talk" and thus should be ignored.

His projection is awful. He is unable to make a cogent point in rebuttal to any hard question, like ever. It's deflect, downplay, deny all the way.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
There are two different Ken Bone hashtags trending on Twitter right now in America. I can't lol. People love him.


In the end the mods won.

Crazy how it took this long in the election cycle for people to call him out that he isn't answering the question to his face.


"Mr, trump, do you grab their pussies?"
"bla bla bla ISIS is chopping heads off, people are bad everywhere, other countries are stealing our jobs"


who can vote for him


Catching up on the debate now due to the time difference:

- I'm sure many guys sit around the locker room talking about sexually assaulting women, but I'm also sure that those guys are the ones most of us choose to stay far the fuck away from.

- Gotta love the awkward silence when Trump throws a tantrum about people "not bringing up the emails," and then he pouts "Oh good, one against 3."

- "Islamophobia... which is a shame," Trump says... followed by stating that Muslims are a "problem"

- "Extreme vetting" is the new Muslim Ban I guess. Says hundreds of thousands of people are coming from Syria, even though total number accepted so far is about 6700, with only 10000 to be accepted in the coming year.

- Reading Youtube comments is depressing, don't do it

- I think Hillary is speaking at too high of a level for most voters. It makes sense if you have a general knowledge of US History and the state of geopolitics, but I just don't have faith in most people knowing how Lincoln worked with Congress or what the Russian government is doing today.

- "Yeah I took advantage of unfair tax breaks for the rich, but she didn't stop me from doing it as a Senator, so it's her fault."

- Trump expresses support for Russian interests in Syria and Assad, a man who used chemical weapons on his own people. Another thing I don't think will be picked up by people who don't know what's going on in the world (his base).

- "You disagree with your running mate?"

- Hillary going to deep into the mechanics and participants in Syria; people won't understand or care about what she is talking about if they don't follow global developments.

- Very broad question about being a devoted president of all people, Trump goes to NAFTA. Doesn't really say anything about minorities except that they are living in a "disaster," but does not offer any specific solutions. Something about getting things from Clinton by osmosis.

- "Deplorables" comment is interesting because it's the biggest gaffe they can hit Clinton with, but somehow that makes her heart "full of hate," against those poor oppressed racists and xenophobes.

- Trump does a good job of limiting his assessments of people to "good" and "bad." Sidney Blumenthal, "not a good guy," for example. Doesn't need to qualify his statements, just drops some things out there.

- Trumps last response was the first time I've seen him be succinct and to the point.
Actually Trump's last answer was probably the most reasonable look he's had in both debates. Clinton was far too disgusted to think about something nice to say about him because honestly I don't think there is much. And honestly his children are trash too but I guess she needed something.
Catching up on the debate now due to the time difference:

- I'm sure many guys sit around the locker room talking about sexually assaulting women, but I'm also sure that those guys are the ones most of us choose to stay far the fuck away from.

- Gotta love the awkward silence when Trump throws a tantrum about people "not bringing up the emails," and then he pouts "Oh good, one against 3."

- "Islamophobia... which is a shame," Trump says... followed by stating that Muslims are a "problem"

- "Extreme vetting" is the new Muslim Ban I guess. Says hundreds of thousands of people are coming from Syria, even though total number accepted so far is about 6700, with only 10000 to be accepted in the coming year.

- Reading Youtube comments is depressing, don't do it

- I think Hillary is speaking at too high of a level for most voters. It makes sense if you have a general knowledge of US History and the state of geopolitics, but I just don't have faith in most people knowing how Lincoln worked with Congress or what the Russian government is doing today.

- "Yeah I took advantage of unfair tax breaks for the rich, but she didn't stop me from doing it as a Senator, so it's her fault."

- Trump expresses support for Russian interests in Syria and Assad, a man who used chemical weapons on his own people. Another thing I don't think will be picked up by people who don't know what's going on in the world (his base).

- "You disagree with your running mate?"

- Hillary going to deep into the mechanics and participants in Syria; people won't understand or care about what she is talking about if they don't follow global developments.

- Very broad question about being a devoted president of all people, Trump goes to NAFTA. Doesn't really say anything about minorities except that they are living in a "disaster," but does not offer any specific solutions. Something about getting things from Clinton by osmosis.

- "Deplorables" comment is interesting because it's the biggest gaffe they can hit Clinton with, but somehow that makes her heart "full of hate," against those poor oppressed racists and xenophobes.

- Trump does a good job of limiting his assessments of people to "good" and "bad." Sidney Blumenthal, "not a good guy," for example. Doesn't need to qualify his statements, just drops some things out there.

- Trumps last response was the first time I've seen him be succinct and to the point.

Well, the questions about Syria and Lincoln were in direct answering to questions about them, and well, I don't know, you may be right. Maybe she is talking over some heads there, but I really don't know how one could dumb the answers to those serious questions down much more than she did, to be honest.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
So did Drumpf win this round?
Watching a rerun of it on CNN, it's even worse than I thought when I listened to it live. The guy is an absolute cretin with no understanding of subtlety, technique or any form of strategy. Absolute fucking fool.

I was working while listening to the audio in another room and all I kept hearing was his sniffling. So weird.

He ran his mouth, seemed impatient, surly, reactive, dishonest, basically everything you don't want to look like in a debate. He also managed to avoid answering any of the questions, as far as I'm concerned. How anyone can equate him with the experience that Clinton brings to the table is just obscene.


Actually Trump's last answer was probably the most reasonable look he's had in both debates. Clinton was far too disgusted to think about something nice to say about him because honestly I don't think there is much.
I don't blame her for struggling. I can not think of a single thing I like about Trump. Maybe how his tiny butthole mouth makes me laugh.
There are two different Ken Bone hashtags trending on Twitter right now in America. I can't lol. People love him.

Not sure if it's for the right reasons though. People seem to be more making fun of him than actually appreciating the fact he bothered asking the a question related to the range that is probably most relevant for most of going forward: how do we survive man-made global warming without sacrificing our way of life, if it can be saved at all? Renewable energy is just one of those questions, and you can't take anyone seriously who doesn't have answers to any of them.
Like Trump, but also the entire GOP.

watching the debate now, is trump sick or was his soul sucked out or something? it's like he's on downers. low energy.

Aren't they both? Like, they're fucking 70 years old, they're not supposed to be spring chickens anymore.
Though Clinton has a legit excuse with pneumonia, and having to deal with manchild as an 'opponent'. Technically there is only one Presidential Candidate running, and Donald Trump doing something on the side. Not sure what, but it's neither presidential nor being a candidate.
I can't seem to pinpoint what group Donald Trump hates the most:

The Muslims
The blacks
The mexicans
The poor that can't afford medical
All except rich white men
So did Trump win this round?
A CNN OH "undecided" group had half of them think Hillary won, another half thinking they tied, and one person who thought Trump won. Nearly all of them thought he bombed the tape question.

Poll wise you got YouGuv with 47-42 Hillary, and CNN with 57-34 Hillary. More will probably be on the way the next day or so.
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