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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Countering Trumps bullshit with that just doesn't work.

Only real flaw in her presentation other then a few stumbles and bad answers.

Then again since Trumps entire debate strategy is to say "I never did that" and "that isn't true" at stuff he has obviously done and facts that are obviously true is so dumbfounding that maybe Hillary doesn't want to spend half the debate correcting him

If she fact checked Trump every time he lied she never would've been able to answer any questions. That was the thing with this debate, since this was a panel of regular people she had to make the feel like they were being talked to.


Ya it's important to remember that McCain picking Palin was actually seen as something that would save his sinking ship (he wasn't doing too great even before the VP pick) rather than the one mistake that cost him the election.

Palin didn't even do too poorly in the VP debate tbh.
Yeah, she gave him a real energy (and polling) boost with conservatives who never had trusted him. IIRC, her convention speech got higher ratings than his.


It's only cool when Trump does it huh? The man has been insulting people all his life and you want to sit here now and act all offended when he gets it thrown back at him? Please.

Seriously... this is a man bragging about grabbing women's genitalia whenever he pleases. Dude deserves vitriol.


Martha Raddatz won the debate, and America lost.

This is how I feel. It's the reason I have a tough time thinking Hillary won. She gave one or two bad answers, a couple meandering ones, was often good and sometimes great. Trump got in some hits, but in terms of eloquence, policy, body language, or pretty much any metric you can judge a debate by, he was terrible.

The problem is that those moments where she gave bad answers were big ones, were tied into Trump's more impactful hits, and into the moderators' more difficult questions. It was an unfortunate stretch of time that contributed to the tone of the debate. Trump did a lot to turn the debate into toxic television, and Hillary didn't effectively transcend it. So Trump's success wasn't in raising himself up, but perhaps in helping dampen the electorate's enthusiasm for this election even more.

When his entire candidacy feels like an attack on all positive values, norms, the political process, etc., everything looking slightly shittier seems more to his benefit. America losing is his thing. :p

Anyway, I don't know what net impact last night will have on the polls. My main takeaway is that it was a bad night for our republic.
I noticed pretty obviously that he went full-on sexist with her. Didn't refer to her by name, constantly called her she and her, pointing at her but never having eye contact as he told his lies about her. It was pretty disgusting.
He was too atrocious in the first half hour to win. But he did have a nice bounce back in terms of going on the attack. That'll play to his base and a small portion of undecideds who aren't Hillary fans.

Damage is already done to some degree. A lot of early voting going on as we speak and I don't know what Trump can do in this last month to expand the base. He got knocked down in the boxing ring and there's one round to go. He managed to actually stand up from the knock down after this debate but he can't win without a knockout. Clinton has been to conservative to provide any openings.

It's done.
It's only cool when Trump does it huh? The man has been insulting people all his life and you want to sit here now and act all offended when he gets it thrown back at him? Please.
Don't fall for the bait. Move on from them. They are having a rough time knowing that while Hillary wasn't her best, Trump's best still is not better. It's call denial.
Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.

This reads like a Twitch copypasta.
Trump basically sounded like he was in the Republican Primary again, which is not where you want to be 30 days from the election. Breitbart folks and neo nazis on twitter had the best night of their lives because of it. Trump was literally repeating their dumb memes. It's easy to see why his hardcore supporters think he won, they remembered why they liked him to begin with. Thankfully, people like them don't represent anywhere near the majority of voters.

Trump has been having a terrible week of news and needed a huge performance to turn it around. He didn't.


Trump basically sounded like he was in the Republican Primary again, which is not where you want to be 30 days from the election. Breitbart folks and neo nazis on twitter had the best night of their lives because of it. Trump was literally repeating their dumb memes. It's easy to see why his hardcore supporters think he won, they remembered why they liked him to begin with. Thankfully, people like them don't represent anywhere near the majority of voters.

Trump has been having a terrible week of news and needed a huge performance to turn it around. He didn't.

Yeah, it does appear to be mainly the neo-nazi types that feel that he won the debate


Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.

Ok Mr. high ground Trump supporter.

Trump did nothing to increase his base. Hillary proved she had a cool temperament, the thing Trump supporters praised Pence for at the last debate. She did not interrupt even once.

Hillary came with the facts and Trump was all insults and bluster. You can say he won if you want since he hits all of your notes, but the important thing, the long game, he lost.
Hillary needs to stop pimping HillaryclintonDOTcom when Trump is factually wrong and actually point out his lies to his face there and then.

Countering Trumps bullshit with that just doesn't work.
I agree that pimping the website is annoying and it would be great to tell him how he lied right then and there, but she doesn't have the video of him saying the thing she is calling him out on handy so it would become an on stage "he said he didn't lie, she said he did".

Easier to tell people "go to our website and see it in action, he's a goddamn liar and we can prove it."


This is how I feel. It's the reason I have a tough time thinking Hillary won. She gave one or two bad answers, a couple meandering ones, was often good and sometimes great. Trump got in some hits, but in terms of eloquence, policy, body language, or pretty much any metric you can judge a debate by, he was terrible.

The problem is that those moments where she gave bad answers were big ones, were tied into Trump's more impactful hits, and into the moderators' more difficult questions. It was an unfortunate stretch of time that contributed to the tone of the debate. Trump did a lot to turn the debate into toxic television, and Hillary didn't effectively transcend it. So Trump's success wasn't in raising himself up, but perhaps in helping dampen the electorate's enthusiasm for this election even more.

When his entire candidacy feels like an attack on all positive values, norms, the political process, etc., everything looking slightly shittier seems more to his benefit. America losing is his thing. :p

Anyway, I don't know what net impact last night will have on the polls. My main takeaway is that it was a bad night for our republic.

Trump loses on the grounds he still hasn't offered a single policy.

America is only losing because one person is playing a reality tv show and the other is trying to talk politics. The reality tv show is playing in the media.

Isn't trump losing where it counts?
To me, it was clear that Hillary( & Dems) plan was to get him to talk about Russia and create even more strife between and Pence (if that's possible).

I don't think it's random that it was the week before that the US government revealed that Russia was behind the hacks and leaks. This all culminated in the moment one of the mods asked Trump about Pence's position and he answered like that. And if Pence actually leaves, whelp...

Hillary was never going to talk about the shit that came out the days before or get into a slugfest with a baby like Trump cause one misstep or a careless zinger would turn the spotlight onto her no matter what she did or say.

She's going to let him burn alone and, as someone said in another thread, not fan the flames.


I agree that pimping the website is annoying and it would be great to tell him how he lied right then and there, but she doesn't have the video of him saying the thing she is calling him out on handy so it would become an on stage "he said he didn't lie, she said he did".

Easier to tell people "go to our website and see it in action, he's a goddamn liar and we can prove it."

She just needs a phone with a projector on it that she can use next debate to play the video back right after his answer.
Ok Mr. high ground Trump supporter.

Trump did nothing to increase his base. Hillary proved she had a cool temperament, the thing Trump supporters praised Pence for at the last debate. She did not interrupt even once.

Hillary came with the facts and Trump was all insults and bluster. You can say he won if you want since he hits all of your notes, but the important thing, the long game, he lost.
In all fairness she did interrupt. Once. And she apologized for interrupting that one time. But yeah. It must've been 40 Trump interruptions vs 1 of hers.


He 100% acted like he was at one of his rallies, not a debate. Same incoherent talking points and half-baked conspiracies, and avalanches of lies.

But then, he said it in the debate too, and his surrogates all say it as well, they genuinely think his rallies mean most of the country supports him.


Dan Rather killing it after each debate:

"As Donald Trump paced menacingly last night on stage, as he threatened Hillary Clinton with imprisonment even though her actions have already been subjected to the arm of justice, as he batted away concerns over the leaked audio of him boasting of sexual assault as mere "locker room talk", the cumulative image for millions of votes, I suspect, is that this is a man who, at a fundamental level, does not understand what it means to be an American. And thus, by logical extension, he has no business being president.

Teddy Roosevelt famously stated: "No man is above the law and no man is below it, nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it." That is our national creed. I can hear the Trump partisans howling that Clinton has subverted the law on multiple occasions. It is their right to do so, but it must be pointed out that she has never been found guilty of anything. You can then resort to conspiracy theories as to why that may be the case. But those too have never been proven by fact.

Trump by contrast boasts of how the law should not apply to him. As crude as the nouns were in that leaked audio tape, what was most offensive was the relish with which he outlined a host of actions - the verbs - for which the rule of law says he does not have the right to act without consent. Yet his voice reeked of the privilege of a man who believed his celebrity removed any such constraints. When he told HIllary Clinton in the debate she would "be in jail" if he were president, those are the threats of a despot, tyrant, or monarch - not a president governed by our Constitution.

It was John Adams who penned the phrase, "a government of laws, and not of men." This is how our Founding Fathers saw our national destiny. This is the spirit that our citizens, over the ages, have demanded of our political leaders follow. I suspect it is something most Americans still believe."


In all fairness she did interrupt. Once. And she apologized for interrupting that one time. But yeah. It must've been 40 Trump interruptions vs 1 of hers.

There was some kind of data from a news source last night that listed it all out and had her at 0 and had him at 8. They counted interjections differently with her at 3 and him at like 18. I don't know what their criteria for interjection is verse interruption, but my point stands regardless, yeah.
Last night Hillary looked content to let Donald stand on his two feet again. She was there to talk policy with the audience and collect sound bites from Trump. Hillary is obviously playing the long game here, and letting Donald stop the bleeding from his own party will only make it hurt much worse when her campaign and places like the NY Times and WaPost gash that wound open again.

i can't believe the Islamophobia question is not getting more play. He literally answered her question of how to remedy it in our country with an Islamophobic answer. Unreal.


Yeah? The Kurds are probably the most sane and stable coalition in that region.

Since when was arming insurgents ever a good idea?
Hell, they bombed a police station in Turkey just this weekend.
But yes Hillary arm the Kurds, this is definitely going to be a good idea for years to come.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm Scottish, so my perspective is that of an outsider looking in, but from what I've seen I really think Hillary Clinton has handled both these debates quite well.

She's in a very strange position. I mean, Trump is so obviously a terrible, unsuitable candidate...but no matter how badly he behaves or what despicable shit he says, nothing seems to stick. He keeps going, and people keep supporting him and excusing his behaviour and words. He's now the official Republican candidate and she has to handle him, somehow, knowing full well that she will get none of the leeway he enjoys. If she lowers herself to his mean, snide, abusive level then the blowback will be huge. It will be perfect ammo for the people who defend him, to then use to attack her. She literally can't win those people over.

She's doing the only thing that makes sense, imo. She's handing him the rope and letting him hang himself, while she stands to the side with an appropriately confused look on her face. The plan is obviously to ignore Trump's hardcore supporters and try to win over everyone else.

Or maybe I'm reading to much into it. Who knows, that's just my take on this baffling, unprecedented situation.


If she fact checked Trump every time he lied she never would've been able to answer any questions. That was the thing with this debate, since this was a panel of regular people she had to make the feel like they were being talked to.

I wonder if a campaign ad that outlines the premise of the Gish Gallop might not be a bad idea. Not just promotional, but educational too!

I agree that pimping the website is annoying and it would be great to tell him how he lied right then and there, but she doesn't have the video of him saying the thing she is calling him out on handy so it would become an on stage "he said he didn't lie, she said he did".

Explicitly underlining that the fact-checking is accompanied with video (when she knows it exists in advance) would probably help in that regard.

Yes, talking about Sanders making "a deal with the devil." By working with Hillary

To be fair, I'd be happy to put that down as metaphor, it's not an uncommon turn of phrase. Although that said, a form of dogwhistle for the more... unhinged evangelicals?
Last night Hillary looked content to let Donald stand on his two feet again. She was there to talk policy with the audience and collect sound bites from Trump. Hillary is obviously playing the long game here, and letting Donald stop the bleeding from his own party will only make it hurt much worse when her campaign and places like the NY Times and WaPost gash that wound open again.

i can't believe the Islamophobia question is not getting more play. He literally answered her question of how to remedy it in our country with an Islamophobic answer. Unreal.

Because as we seen for this weekend, it does not matter what he says about minorities. But if it's a white woman, oh boy...


Has the post-debate narrative shifted in the last 8 hours to proclaim Trump the winner, or is it just the base like Barack Lesnar who feel invigorated about their choice of candidate again? I thought a couple snap polls last night had handed Hillary the "win."
This tweet sums it up, I think.
Man, I almost forgot that horribly offensive answer to the Muslim women basically victim blaming and saying Islamaphobia is your fault because you are not reporting well enough. I mean, yikes. The density of ridiculous things he says is so high amazingly awful things fall through the cracks.
Virtually no one in here will agree or admit it due to there being just a couple trump supporters left alive but Donald Trump won the debate and he won it handily. Media narrative shows this too. I loved seeing all the rage and crying last night from this thread. It was a sight to behold. The vitriol, insults and other awful crap said at him was pathetic. I'd never say those things about Hillary...because 1, i dont wanna lose my account and 2 I rather argue points and my opinions on the election and these candidates rather than lobbing insults at them.
The media narrative is that Trump kept his campaign above water, but Clinton won the debate.
Seemed like a weak performance for both of them. It benefits Hillary by default since Trump seems to be so far behind and needed to knock this one out of the park.
seeing joe on morning joe say trump won by literally being a caged animal with nothing to lose is pathetic. dude makes no sense on what he likes and doesn't

literally saying he won by "stopping the bleeding." that's how low the bar is for trump, won by not committing suicide on stage (even though he did to anyone with more than two brain cells), amazing
He was too atrocious in the first half hour to win. But he did have a nice bounce back in terms of going on the attack. That'll play to his base and a small portion of undecideds who aren't Hillary fans.

Damage is already done to some degree. A lot of early voting going on as we speak and I don't know what Trump can do in this last month to expand the base. He got knocked down in the boxing ring and there's one round to go. He managed to actually stand up from the knock down after this debate but he can't win without a knockout. Clinton has been to conservative to provide any openings.

It's done.

Why do people keep bring up playing to his base?

His core base are the bottom barrel of Americans, the lowest of the low, the literal basket of deplorables, an accomplishment would have been playing to not his base...

He could have called Clinton a lying bitch and that would have played well to his base but that wouldn't have made it a good attack.


Has the post-debate narrative shifted in the last 8 hours to proclaim Trump the winner, or is it just the base like Barack Lesnar who feel invigorated about their choice of candidate again? I thought a couple snap polls last night had handed Hillary the "win."
He definitely rallied the base by relentlessly attacking Clinton and saying he'll put her in jail. I was told by multiple Trump supporters he owned her and turned his campaign around. Unfortunately they don't seem to realize that Trump desperately needs to make up ground with women in order to win, and YouGov's scientific poll said women think Clinton won the debate 50% to 38%, with CNN/ORC reporting women said Clinton won 64% to 30%.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
As an neutral European:

Dude is full of shit and has absolutely no idea about politics / or his potential future job.

The worst part about this is that people care more about punch lines than facts, which gives you the impression of "winning", which is bullshit.

The more I see Europeans comment on the debate and this eleciton, the more I want to move my family to Europe.


The media narrative is that Trump kept his campaign above water, but Clinton won the debate.

He meant the media HE visits, like Breitbart, Drudge, etc.

Yeah I'm not seeing it on places like CNN or MSNBC, TIME, BBC, etc. Oh yeah Fox favors him so I'll give him that.

I'd be comfortable saying it was a tie, but, like I said, in my mind Hillary won. She already is in the better position so nothing short of an embarrassment for her was a win for Donald Trump.


If she fact checked Trump every time he lied she never would've been able to answer any questions. That was the thing with this debate, since this was a panel of regular people she had to make the feel like they were being talked to.

And this is one of the biggest reasons that Clinton was between a rock and a hard place for most of the debate.

Clinton could have attacked Trump head-on, definitely. But take his first question for instance, where he immediately goes off the rails into ISIS issues, or his revisionist history on his support for the Iraq War, or even his expectation that if she was an "effective senator," she would have single-handedly changed America. Two minutes is not a whole lot of time when you're on stage, especially for answering questions of a heavy policy nature. And a lot of what Trump was saying, despite him "telling it how it is," was just factually wrong, so Clinton would have to cover a lot of ground each question.

It was a judgment call and she decided to stick to answering the questions at least, because I think she understood (more than Trump) that those people on the stage were representative of the undecided moderates and this was probably one of her only chances for her to appeal to them directly.
NAFTA might have messed up manufacturing in the US, but it did prepare us for the rise of automation. The US economy has a big advantage over the economy of China, Mexico, India, etc because we've already transitioned to a post-manufacturing economy while automation is going to hit them hard and fast.
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