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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Cory Lewndowski is one of the filthiest, scummiest, most despicable talking head I've ever seen. Incredible how the Trump campaign managed to find these kinds of people with such a capacity for shameless lying, deflection, and distortion. It makes me livid that this fuck works for CNN and no doubt gets well paid for perpetrating such mindless trash. I feel a propensity for violence whenever his ugly face is ons screen. The guy is pure human scum.

He spent his time last night dismissing sexual assault and claiming all men talk about doing it. Also said it wasn't a big deal anyway because ISIS exists.

He's getting paid like 500k for saying things like that. The world is a messed up place sometimes.


The bolded includes Trump. Like how he kept nattering about how Clinton didn't completely alter the country and government as one Senator out of a hundred under a Republican president, therefore she must have not wanted to. What logic is that?

It's the same with his "30 years" comment, he acts as though she's been president for 30 years.

Yeah, when she was defending her record, I wish she had said, "you're right, I have 30 years of experience solving problems and working with foreign dignitaries to your zero years. And in those 39 years I have had a ton of success such as blah blah blah, but over 30 years you are always going to have a few things that didnt turn out the way you wanted them to. As someone who filed for bankruptcy six times, I imagine Mr Trump would be aware of that."

I also wanted her to say "You keep using that Bernie Sanders quote. That quote was made in the heat of competition in the primaries. Now that the primaries are over he supports me completely. Donald Trump on the other hand has the major Republican representatives abandoning him faster than he abandoned his first two wives."


Had a few hardcore Trump supporters jump ship due to all the buffoonery from the previous week. Attacking the war hero's family was the first straw for them and this was the last. Fact it took them this long is eye raising, but whatever. I'll take it.

Though GF's extended family are now resorting to "well Hilary will win, but she'll get impeached". Thanksgiving is going to be fun.
Is there something unique about political journalism?

The right side always seem to be comfortable with bringing up the argument "that was low" or "there was no proof of that" (when there was proof). They are also willing to say lies like "CNN never covered these women so what Donald Trump is doing is courageous" when CNN covered them back when this mattered.

But people that lean more left or in the middle seem not to make arguments unless they have proof in front of them.

How are these conservative talking heads not laughed at in their face?


Is there something unique about political journalism?

The right side always seem to be comfortable with bringing up the argument "that was low" or "there was no proof of that" (when there was proof). They are also willing to say lies like "CNN never covered these women so what Donald Trump is doing is courageous" when CNN covered them back when this mattered.

But people that lean more left or in the middle seem not to make arguments unless they have proof in front of them.

How are these conservative talking heads not laughed at in their face?
They aren't journalists. They're commentators or something. Their job isn't to report on anything but spin for their team.



Had a few hardcore Trump supporters jump ship due to all the buffoonery from the previous week. Attacking the war hero's family was the first straw for them and this was the last. Fact it took them this long is eye raising, but whatever. I'll take it.

Though GF's extended family are now resorting to "well Hilary will win, but she'll get impeached". Thanksgiving is going to be fun.

So are they just not voting or going third party?


Yeah, when she was defending her record, I wish she had said, "you're right, I have 30 years of experience solving problems and working with foreign dignitaries to your zero years. And in those 39 years I have had a ton of success such as blah blah blah, but over 30 years you are always going to have a few things that didnt turn out the way you wanted them to. As someone who filed for bankruptcy six times, I imagine Mr Trump would be aware of that."

I also wanted her to say "You keep using that Bernie Sanders quote. That quote was made in the heat of competition in the primaries. Now that the primaries are over he supports me completely. Donald Trump on the other hand has the major Republican representatives abandoning him faster than he abandoned his first two wives."

Why do people keep wanting her to get into a argument instead of sticking to policies? It's so very strange people keep wanting her to attack instead of us learning what she wants to do to help us. It's why I didn't like when she did HAVE to attack. Also why my favorite part was when she put the mic down and let Trump ramble on about jack ish for 3 minutes until the mods brought her back into the convo.

She's trying to win a presidency and not a shouting match.


Trump a stalked behind Clinton like an ape performing a mating ritual and threatened to throw his her jail like a third world dictator. And people want to say he did "ok"? Get the fuck out of here.

He did "ok" for Trump. People expect worse from him.
I'm curious what Gaf wishes they had seen with Clinton that they didn't last night?
- Bring up Trump's ties to Gaddafi when he brought up Gaddafi
- Mention Merrick Garland by name instead of just referencing him generally
- Have a response to Trump's charge that the "irredeemable" part of the "deplorables" quote was actually worse than the "deplorables" part itself (which is like the one true thing he said last night)
- Call Trump out on ISIS being completely unrelated to the Trump Tapes
- Remind people that Trump is running against her, not Bill
- Use the term "Gish Gallop" for Trump's bullshit spew instead of just saying "Go to my website"; it'd get people to look up the term
- Hit back harder on Trump's threat to jail her; call it out as dictatorial
- Speak up in defense of Canada's health care being good; call Trump out on his lies about it
Why do people keep wanting her to get into a argument instead of sticking to policies? It's so very strange people keep wanting her to attack instead of us learning what she wants to do to help us. It's why I didn't like when she did HAVE to attack. Also why my favorite part was when she put the mic down and let Trump ramble on about jack ish for 3 minutes until the mods brought her back into the convo.

She's trying to win a presidency and not a shouting match.

to some people "zingers" are what wins a debate, not policy.

Trump's campaign is already dismantled, he has no supporters left beyond those who will refuse to vote democratic on principle, and he can't respond to policy questions coherently, he can only sling insults and personal attacks.

engaging him on that level hurts you, doesn't help you. Staying above the fray and looking more "presidential" is going to keep democrats engaged and swing independents. A mud slinging contest only helps fuel the "both sides are just as bad!" BS.


Trump was literally just rally trump.

he started off a bit deflated but ended up transitioning back to his rally mode, 'lock her up, crooked hillary' etc.

Is this really the best christie and what not could decide on?

El Topo

to some people "zingers" are what wins a debate, not policy.

Trump's campaign is already dismantled, he has no supporters left beyond those who will refuse to vote democratic on principle, and he can't respond to policy questions coherently, he can only sling insults and personal attacks.

engaging him on that level hurts you, doesn't help you. Staying above the fray and looking more "presidential" is going to keep democrats engaged and swing independents. A mud slinging contest only helps fuel the "both sides are just as bad!" BS.

And despite all that he is still frighteningly popular.
Trump a stalked behind Clinton like an ape performing a mating ritual and threatened to throw his her jail like a third world dictator. And people want to say he did "ok"? Get the fuck out of here.

Yep, I'm at the point where I'll just shut down media whenever they say Trump won.

I listen to Michael Smerconish in the mornings and today he said he believes Trump won. I changed the channel and will not be listening to his show ever again as he's now disqualified himself. Some people on PBS were saying he won too. WHAT THE FUCK.


Kills Photobucket
- Bring up Trump's ties to Gaddafi when he brought up Gaddafi
- Mention Merrick Garland by name instead of just referencing him generally
- Have a response to Trump's charge that the "irredeemable" part of the "deplorables" quote was actually worse than the "deplorables" part itself (which is like the one true thing he said last night)
- Call Trump out on ISIS being completely unrelated to the Trump Tapes
- Remind people that Trump is running against her, not Bill
- Use the term "Gish Gallop" for Trump's bullshit spew instead of just saying "Go to my website"; it'd get people to look up the term
- Hit back harder on Trump's threat to jail her; call it out as dictatorial
- Speak up in defense of Canada's health care being good; call Trump out on his lies about it

She couldn't waster time going after him for each and every thing. But I was let down she didn't hit him with that one.

Also would have likes to have seen some mention of his continued stance on the Central Park 5.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I'm curious what Gaf wishes they had seen with Clinton that they didn't last night?
I'm not of the opinion that Trump somehow comes out looking better because he "stopped the bleeding" and didn't have some kind of absolute meltdown on stage, and I can't really blame her for her overall approach to his gish gallop through almost the entire debate but I do wish she might have addressed it head on at a few more potentially strategic points than she did. Addressing him directly for his shitty answer to the Muslim woman basically blaming her for islamophobia could have been a pivotal point. I also think addressing his overall rhetoric that just about everything in this country seems to be a horrible mess would have been a good way to demark a clear distinction between the two candidates.


Trump answers/ramblings about Syria, Aleppo, Iran and Russia were a complete mess. This guy would be a security hazard for the world. He just told Aleppo people that they are completely doomed if he was the President. And finally we know who his VP really is: Putin. If he waves away Pence's position on Syria and Aleppo as a miscommunication between them and proceeds to reiterate that he wouldn't act like Pence told in the VP debate, that's just absolutely crazy. Even for Trump.

And the non-answer to the attendant about Islamophobia, diverting to RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM, was just off putting. And arguing that just saying those words would fix the problem, or start to, was just magical thinking.

He did score some points with the story of the emails. Though that is an inherent weakness of Hillary that any opponent would score. But Trump had to go the extra mile. We finally had the Trump of the Rallies and the RNC, the "Lock her up" chants guy. His snarky quip of you would be in jail shows his true authoritarian colours. He doesn't believe in rule of law, in due process, the independence of the institutions. He wants to be judge, jury and executioner. And I'm sure many screamed "Fuck yeah!" when he made that abhorrent remark. Thankfully they are not enough to make him win this election.


The thing is.. I don't think he did good even for Trump. He ignored questions, turned half them into "because ISIS"

It was magical to see him tell the Muslim girl worried about treatment she gets and Islamophoia

"the problem is radical Islamic terror.." like it had any coherence, wasn't dumb and offensive (intellectually and morally) as hell and then walk away like he nailed it.

He looked like a dipshit the whole time.

America loses, big league. Tremendously. I can tell you that. People are saying. A really smart guy told me. We've let Trump normalize himself in our own minds at this point. At some point people think so little of him that he can do no wrong and always comes out on top.


Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Drumpf was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.

In what world is it winning to:
-Continue to admit to not paying taxes
-Avoid giving any substantive answers
-Say "sexual assault is just words"
-Say he would jail his political opponents when he gains political power
-Project his issues onto others
-Behave like a petulant child
-Lie over 74%+ of the time
-Attempt to keep the topic focused on stump-speeching/deflecting from his scandals/lack of answering questions
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Hillary actually spent time answering questions with substance. She didn't stoop to his level.

You know, I want to ask you. As a Trump supporter, how can you defend the desire of Pence, the RNC and Trump (due to wanting a VP to do all things foreign and domestic) to legalize torture of LGBT individuals? How do you defend how horribly they treat survivors of sexual assault/rape? How do you defend their misogyny? How do you defend the blatant racism? How do you: etc. etc. etc. etc.
How can you even stand by any of that.
They aren't journalists. They're commentators or something. Their job isn't to report on anything but spin for their team.

Why isn't this information clearer? After listening to them all for 3 minutes I know which party they lean for, but it would be worth denoting that a member is within Trump's campaign, or paid for by the RNC. Since others may think that this is a fair critique of a candidate instead of a Republican/Dem commentator pushing an agenda.

Thinking back to when I was in grade school I remember watching the election and thinking these random people are not bias with their interpretation, but that's not the case. It is their job to lie (not spin) about events.
- Bring up Trump's ties to Gaddafi when he brought up Gaddafi
- Mention Merrick Garland by name instead of just referencing him generally
- Have a response to Trump's charge that the "irredeemable" part of the "deplorables" quote was actually worse than the "deplorables" part itself (which is like the one true thing he said last night)
- Call Trump out on ISIS being completely unrelated to the Trump Tapes
- Remind people that Trump is running against her, not Bill
- Use the term "Gish Gallop" for Trump's bullshit spew instead of just saying "Go to my website"; it'd get people to look up the term
- Hit back harder on Trump's threat to jail her; call it out as dictatorial
- Speak up in defense of Canada's health care being good; call Trump out on his lies about it

Every single one of those hit backs would have resulted in a Trump rebuttal which would have continued the spiral downward.
And despite all that he is still frighteningly popular.

1 out of 3 people are hardcore partisans that would vote for literally anything with an R on it. That has less to do with Trump, than it does to do with identity politics, polarization of the electorate, and conservatives herding themselves into media ghettoes that only repeat right wing talking points.

Democrats benefited for decades from working class white southerners that would NEVER vote for a republican because Lincoln started the "war of northern aggression".

This isn't all that much different.


to some people "zingers" are what wins a debate, not policy.

Trump's campaign is already dismantled, he has no supporters left beyond those who will refuse to vote democratic on principle, and he can't respond to policy questions coherently, he can only sling insults and personal attacks.

engaging him on that level hurts you, doesn't help you. Staying above the fray and looking more "presidential" is going to keep democrats engaged and swing independents. A mud slinging contest only helps fuel the "both sides are just as bad!" BS.

But his zingers aren't even that good since most of it isn't even true. Like...people are actually mad at hillary because she wants to make college affordable and try and get the middle class up. I mean...I'm sure allot of Trump supporters could benefit from some of that.

But no...Bill Clinton.

Every single one of those hit backs would have resulted in a Trump rebuttal which would have continued the spiral downward.

And as soon as she would've engaged they would've pointed out how she lost it.


Personally, I'm tired of hearing Trump use the word "disaster" as his only way to qualify how bad an Obama/Hillary policy has been.

He used the word disaster about twenty times between the two debates so far.

Actually, looking at the two transcripts...Trump only repeats the same phrases over and over again. He's adding nothing new and discussing almost no policy. Which isn't really shocking but it deserves to be said.
- Bring up Trump's ties to Gaddafi when he brought up Gaddafi
- Mention Merrick Garland by name instead of just referencing him generally
- Have a response to Trump's charge that the "irredeemable" part of the "deplorables" quote was actually worse than the "deplorables" part itself (which is like the one true thing he said last night)
- Call Trump out on ISIS being completely unrelated to the Trump Tapes
- Remind people that Trump is running against her, not Bill
- Use the term "Gish Gallop" for Trump's bullshit spew instead of just saying "Go to my website"; it'd get people to look up the term
- Hit back harder on Trump's threat to jail her; call it out as dictatorial
- Speak up in defense of Canada's health care being good; call Trump out on his lies about it

Wow, thanks for that. Have never heard of this term in my life, made me look it up, and I'm pleasantly surprised to know there is a specific descriptor for this kind of bullshitting.

I agree with most of your points. The problem is that Clinton had so little time, in which she had to refute Trump's bullshit, answer the question being asked, frame things the way she wants to, then also get in here talking points. She had to choose her battles and its not surprising that she often did not have the "ideal" response to his fuckwitted rants.
Yeah, when she was defending her record, I wish she had said, "you're right, I have 30 years of experience solving problems and working with foreign dignitaries to your zero years. And in those 39 years I have had a ton of success such as blah blah blah, but over 30 years you are always going to have a few things that didnt turn out the way you wanted them to. As someone who filed for bankruptcy six times, I imagine Mr Trump would be aware of that."

I also wanted her to say "You keep using that Bernie Sanders quote. That quote was made in the heat of competition in the primaries. Now that the primaries are over he supports me completely. Donald Trump on the other hand has the major Republican representatives abandoning him faster than he abandoned his first two wives."

See this is exactly the stupid shit that would just get her accused of being as unseemly and unprofessional...

Those aren't winners those are muckraking.
Every single one of those hit backs would have resulted in a Trump rebuttal which would have continued the spiral downward.
That actually reminds me of one other thing I wish I'd seen from her: Another "Alicia Machado"-like moment at the end of the debate that Trump has no response to and that then dominates the news for the next week.


i do hope the mod in debate 3 also calls trump out when he doesn't answer the question.

People are definitely tired of his shit of 'Hillary is bad' for every single question.
But his zingers aren't even that good since most of it isn't even true. Like...people are actually mad at hillary because she wants to make college affordable and try and get the middle class up. I mean...I'm sure allot of Trump supporters could benefit from some of that.

But no...Bill Clinton.

you missed my point.

There are people (in this very thread, no less) who complain that clinton should have had more zingers to get trump on stage, and THAT would have "sealed the deal" or "kill trump onstage."

no it wouldn't. Trump is already down to the absolute bare minimum of support- politicians are revoking endorsements, the RNC has terminated their victory campaign, and he's cruising towards the largest popular vote deficit since reagan/mondale. (Bush/Dukakis was 8 points I think...this will be past that.) Everyone left would still be voting republican even at gunpoint.

Nothing clinton could say is going to blow up his campaign more than the trump tapes already have....except for more trump tapes, which we know are coming.

Clinton's job out there is to look rational and presidential under fire from someone like trump. Getting combative and starting mud slinging only fuels the narrative that everyone is bad, both sides are the same, and causes independents to tune out or post tired ass gary johnson memes.


See this is exactly the stupid shit that would just get her accused of being as unseemly and unprofessional...

Those aren't winners those are muckraking.

Exactly. Hillary handled very well the low blows. A quick answer and don't waste any time throwing riposte jabs that would give Trump an opportunity to keep talking.
Why do people keep wanting her to get into a argument instead of sticking to policies? It's so very strange people keep wanting her to attack instead of us learning what she wants to do to help us. It's why I didn't like when she did HAVE to attack. Also why my favorite part was when she put the mic down and let Trump ramble on about jack ish for 3 minutes until the mods brought her back into the convo.

She's trying to win a presidency and not a shouting match.

It just goes to show how far the bar for discourse has been lowered. So much anger and fear revolving around this election that all people want to see is blood.



fucking almost burst out in the middle of work
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