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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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i do hope the mod in debate 3 also calls trump out when he doesn't answer the question.

People are definitely tired of his shit of 'Hillary is bad' for every single question.

The mod is Chris Wallace. Trump is going to be treated with kid gloves and he'll just keep asking her about e-mails/what happened to Benjamin Ghazi.

It just goes to show how far the bar for discourse has been lowered. So much anger and fear revolving around this election that all people want to see is blood.

I'm happy to have seen her stay focused on policy.

But I'm fine to admit I want to see the right-wing a battered bloody mess on the ground. They deserve to be buried and made a relic of the past.
Question: when Trump tried to once again repeat the BS that Hillary started birtherism, he said that some HRC campaign person had been on some news network last week admitting it.

Now, I distinctly recall him using the same line (including the "last week" part) in the first debate, followed shortly after the debate by a rebuttal from the person in question that she never said that.

So was there another appearance from her on the news since then that Trump is spinning, or did Trump copy and paste a talking point without bothering to adjust the time?
i agree that donald tramp is a lot worse than clinton but i don't why gaf see clinton as some kind of a saint.

european observer here...literally never seen anyone on GAF hold Clinton up as a saint or say she doesn't have flaws.

Only pro trump thing I saw today was...I think the Daily Mail saying Trump had a great comeback against Clinton after bringing up Bill Clinton's past sexual assaults. Which i have absolutely 0% idea about if they are true or not or Trump-sponsored bullshit.

No candidate is ever perfect, but it boggles the mind to see Trump say the things he does and still have adult people say "Oh yeah, but Hilary is a lot worse". It's like...but how? One guy advocates sexual assault on a woman because he's rich and...i'm genuinely not sure what Clinton is meant to have done.


It just goes to show how far the bar for discourse has been lowered. So much anger and fear revolving around this election that all people want to see is blood.

It's crazy. Cause after all this what do they think he's gonna actually do once he gets in.

you missed my point.

There are people (in this very thread, no less) who complain that clinton should have had more zingers to get trump on stage, and THAT would have "sealed the deal" or "kill trump onstage."

no it wouldn't. Trump is already down to the absolute bare minimum of support- politicians are revoking endorsements, the RNC has terminated their victory campaign, and he's cruising towards the largest popular vote deficit since reagan/mondale. (Bush/Dukakis was 8 points I think...this will be past that.) Everyone left would still be voting republican even at gunpoint.

Nothing clinton could say is going to blow up his campaign more than the trump tapes already have....except for more trump tapes, which we know are coming.

Clinton's job out there is to look rational and presidential under fire from someone like trump. Getting combative and starting mud slinging only fuels the narrative that everyone is bad, both sides are the same, and causes independents to tune out or post tired ass gary johnson memes.

My last post was meant to add to yours. We're on the same page : )
Why do people keep wanting her to get into a argument instead of sticking to policies? It's so very strange people keep wanting her to attack instead of us learning what she wants to do to help us. It's why I didn't like when she did HAVE to attack. Also why my favorite part was when she put the mic down and let Trump ramble on about jack ish for 3 minutes until the mods brought her back into the convo.

She's trying to win a presidency and not a shouting match.

It's because her opponent doesn't care about policies. He's done nothing but scream at her and shit on her and people want to see that given back because at this point the election isn't about policies. Trump didn't answer questions last night because it didn't matter if he answered them. His base has such a hard on against Hilary that every response last night was used to attack her rather than answer his questions. And she has points she could hit him with and its a bit frustrating she didn't because pundits score these things like a boxing match. And because they do that instead of scoring on policies, we have an electorate who's looking for blood. It's fucked up. If we elected on policy Donald Trump wouldn't have gotten out of the gate.
That actually reminds me of one other thing I wish I'd seen from her: Another "Alicia Machado"-like moment at the end of the debate that Trump has no response to and that then dominates the news for the next week.

He would have spewed gibberish to redirect away front whatever that was, likely mentioning the BC accusers again.

He wasn't gonna let himself be slack-jawed again.


I think Hillary did awful at the debate. She should have attacked him way more. There is so much she sould take hiom down with, but na.
Question: when Trump tried to once again repeat the BS that Hillary started birtherism, he said that some HRC campaign person had been on some news network last week admitting it.

Now, I distinctly recall him using the same line in the first debate, followed by a rebuttal from the person in question that she never said that.

So was there another appearance from her on the news since then that Trump is spinning, or did Trump copy and paste a talking point without bothering to adjust the time?

It's that, of course. Trump was wildly, laughably off base on just about everything.

I'm surprised he didn't get more shit when he claimed Hillary had never done anything to fix healthcare in 30 years.

Like...did I completely dream the Hillarycare fight in the 1990s?
Donald wanted Bill's accusers to sit in the family section in the front


I felt like throwing up while reading that article. Just the pure sliminess of it all is too much. Especially that this was all alleged shit from 20 yrs ago, with no proof that it actually happened, to be used to fuck with Clinton during the debate and embarrass Bill further on national TV. And, I'll say it, these women are absolute filth for playing along. Whether or not their allegations are true, Hillary was not to blame, and they're still choosing to support a filthy, disgusting misogynist. Also, the fact that Bannon and Guliani orchestrated this shows you hat they bring to the campaign, the the type of people they are.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
America loses, big league. Tremendously. I can tell you that. People are saying. A really smart guy told me. We've let Trump normalize himself in our own minds at this point. At some point people think so little of him that he can do no wrong and always comes out on top.
Effective reality distortion is still just a temporary effect. He can project how winning he is all he wants but he's still lost more endorsements than any modern candidate, has little shot at actually winning the presidency and may have actually invoked some honest-to-god soul-searching among conservatives finally
(wait, who am I kidding on that last one?)
At least NPR seems dumbfounded about his campaign and undying supporters.

The woman caller defended his sexual assault talk, after pressed on it, said she believes the women provoked him. That's probably the view of all the people blowing it off.


Question: when Drumpf tried to once again repeat the BS that Hillary started birtherism, he said that some HRC campaign person had been on some news network last week admitting it.

Now, I distinctly recall him using the same line (including the "last week" part) in the first debate, followed shortly after the debate by a rebuttal from the person in question that she never said that.

So was there another appearance from her on the news since then that Drumpf is spinning, or did Drumpf copy and paste a talking point without bothering to adjust the time?

He c/p'd without even paying attention to the facts. We all know he doesn't give a fuck about the facts. He just wants to repeat his bs regardless of what the facts are.


I think it's really important we be clear on what trump said in regards to jailing Clinton, because saying it incorrectly just gives fuel to his supporters.

He said he was going to have a special prosecutor re look into the emails, not directly throw her into jail.

While I totally agree that that is still bullshit, when we start saying stuff like "he said he'll throw her into jail if elected!" it gives fuel to his base and machine that the media and whatnot are out to get him by making up stuff.


At least NPR seems dumbfounded about his campaign and undying supporters.

The woman caller defended his sexual assault talk, after pressed on it, said she believes the women provoked him. That's probably the view of all the people blowing it off.

If only there was a way for beautiful women to not provoke him. Perhaps a veil or some kind of drapery that women to put on to not provoke powerful and famous men like Donald?
I felt like throwing up while reading that article. Just the pure sliminess of it all is too much. Especially that this was all alleged shit from 20 yrs ago, with no proof that it actually happened, to be used to fuck with Clinton during the debate and embarrass Bill further on national TV. And, I'll say it, these women are absolute filth for playing along. Whether or not their allegations are true, Hillary was not to blame, and they're still choosing to support a filthy, disgusting misogynist. Also, the fact that Bannon and Guliani orchestrated this shows you hat they bring to the campaign, the the type of people they are.

I agree. These women exposed themselves in the worst light possible to millennials that were not as familiar with their stories. I never cared to look into it; it seems obvious that if nothing came about from their story then there probably isn't anything there.

Good job getting young people not to care about them and to question accusers. Doesn't feel good, but I'm not standing for their BS. They were used like pawns, and they will get remembered like pawns.
I think it's really important we be clear on what trump said in regards to jailing Clinton, because saying it incorrectly just gives fuel to his supporters.

He said he was going to have a special prosecutor re look into the emails, not directly throw her into jail.

While I totally agree that that is still bullshit, when we start saying stuff like "he said he'll throw her into jail if elected!" it gives fuel to his base and machine that the media and whatnot are out to get him by making up stuff.

His base think Clinton has Parkinson's, that Clinton was being fed answers via ear piece and teleprompter in the first debate, and that the entire moderator team last night was conspiring against him.

We literally need to stop giving a single fuck about what his base will respond to.


I'm seriously tempted to ask a girl I used to go to school with posting Fox news clips which Policy trump has put forward has her support.

It's hilarious...the things she's posting has nothing to do with politics and instead she's going with the circus. And has a daughter.

With a backdrop talking about love is kind and not boastful.


Is there a general media consensus on who won last night?

Hillary. Even polls show Hillary winning...sometimes by over 25% + points.
General consensus is that Trump only tried to appeal to his base and because of that and his general behavior he lost. He can't just appeal to his base.
I think Hillary narrowly won. She had more ammo than she could carry going into the debate, yet she spent most of it on the defensive.

Trump, although incoherent, had more stamina tonight than in the first debate.
I listened to the debate, and while I do believe that Trump got a few hits in that will resonate with his base, he completely failed to answer questions and sounded like an idiot. From the pictures I've seen and what people are saying he looked disheveled and trying to be physically imposing and intimidating to Hillary, which won't go over well with women.

I think he lost.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I think it's really important we be clear on what trump said in regards to jailing Clinton, because saying it incorrectly just gives fuel to his supporters.

He said he was going to have a special prosecutor re look into the emails, not directly throw her into jail.

While I totally agree that that is still bullshit, when we start saying stuff like "he said he'll throw her into jail if elected!" it gives fuel to his base and machine that the media and whatnot are out to get him by making up stuff.
But he did say that:

Clinton: "...it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country"
Trump: "Because you would be in jail."

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/2016-presidential-debate-transcript-229519#ixzz4Mh551cSJ
I think it's really important we be clear on what trump said in regards to jailing Clinton, because saying it incorrectly just gives fuel to his supporters.

He said he was going to have a special prosecutor re look into the emails, not directly throw her into jail.

While I totally agree that that is still bullshit, when we start saying stuff like "he said he'll throw her into jail if elected!" it gives fuel to his base and machine that the media and whatnot are out to get him by making up stuff.

She also said something along the lines of, "It's a good thing Donald isn't in charge of the justice system." And he brought the mic up to his face pucker and interjected, "You'd be in jail." And then his supporters applauded.

Edit: Beaten.


I think Hillary narrowly won. She had more ammo than she could carry going into the debate, yet she spent most of it on the defensive.

Drumpf, although incoherent, had more stamina tonight than in the first debate.

More stamina? He looked like he was about to pass out the second he walked out on stage. He had to keep holding onto the chair for support.


fYI twice now i've clicked this picture to expand it and both times its taken me to a new malware tab saying my computer has been infected.

Unless twitter or imgur are serving bad ads, I'm not sure why it would do that. They're direct links.
In what world is it winning to:
-Continue to admit to not paying taxes
-Avoid giving any substantive answers
-Say "sexual assault is just words"
-Say he would jail his political opponents when he gains political power
-Project his issues onto others
-Behave like a petulant child
-Lie over 74%+ of the time
-Attempt to keep the topic focused on stump-speeching/deflecting from his scandals/lack of answering questions
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Hillary actually spent time answering questions with substance. She didn't stoop to his level.

You know, I want to ask you. As a Trump supporter, how can you defend the desire of Pence, the RNC and Trump (due to wanting a VP to do all things foreign and domestic) to legalize torture of LGBT individuals? How do you defend how horribly they treat survivors of sexual assault/rape? How do you defend their misogyny? How do you defend the blatant racism? How do you: etc. etc. etc. etc.
How can you even stand by any of that.

Because having more money in their pockets is more important than equal rights for people that aren't themselves.


Oh crap. My city paper just endorsed Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is our choice for Commander in Chief.

Bear in mind, I live in the most UBER-conservative state in the union, in an UBER-conservative city, full of UBER-conservative people, and this IS our paper.

This is huge for this city... and it's going to get them a ton of backlash.

My hometown's paper also endorsed Clinton yesterday, which is relevant because Trump held TWO rallies in this area for unknown reasons because NY was never in play to go red.


It only has one comment so far, though, although it's pretty funny:
He also flew into Plattsburgh, sought no information or background about our area, and proclaimed that an area with more than 100 Canadian and international companies employing an estimated 15% of the workforce has been "devastated by NAFTA>"


I think Hillary narrowly won. She had more ammo than she could carry going into the debate, yet she spent most of it on the defensive.

Trump, although incoherent, had more stamina tonight than in the first debate.

This was one thing I really did notice. Going into the debate I was expecting Trump to get absolutely nuked from orbit by Hillary and I don't feel like she ever really went for the metaphoric throat. She still won, by a good margin in my opinion, but I think she could have ended the election right then and there.


Gaf plays too much street fighter and wants every round to end with a 100% block followed by charged super.

I bet she hasn't even considered a 3rd party controller.

I think she did alright. It's a tough balance between defending herself against Trumps misrepresentations or outright lies and actually getting to policy. I wish she had done a better job at pointing out that Trump was mudslinging to avoid his own shitstorm so that she could get to what matters, but I honestly don't know how she'd do that.


Trump calling out Hillary on lying...

This motherfucker...

This asshole is a Presidential candidate, this is not a debate, its a adult trying to talk to a orange fucking child.


Unconfirmed Member
Deporables say Trump won because he reverted back to Republican Primary mode (aka the man they fell in love with). Everyone else thinks Hillary won.

Which is the best outcome of all. Puts people like Paul Ryan in an even tougher spot.
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