Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:
1. Is Trump a bad man?
H: He is a very bad man
T: I am not a bad man
2. No really, Trumps bad right?
T: No, Im not. Her husband raped several women. She is the devil, and should be put in jail.
H: Trump is bad.
3. How would you fix health care?
H: Spend more money to pay for poor people to have health care.
T: Repeal Obamacare. Repeal lines to foster competition.
T: They need to self-police and RADICAL ISLAM.
H: Muslims are people.
5. Ban Muslims?
T: I mean we need to ban extremists and have better vetting.
6. Wikileaks says Hilary is a two-faced liar liar pants on fire.
H: Abraham Lincoln, proposed the 13th Amendment to allow me to carry hot sauce in my purse.
THE RUSSIANS dont like me and are helping Donald.
T: Putin seems ok. I opened a post office recently, and I pay a lot in taxes.
7. Make the rich pay more taxes?
T: Remove carried interest & other loopholes. Hillary could have done this already but didnt
H: Im Robin Hood yall. Rich people owe us more.
8. Trump, you sly tax evading devil!
T: Yup, I used laws that Hillary failed to prevent. Legally I did nothing wrong WHAT. Heck all her friends are doing it too. ¯_(ツ

_/¯ BTW Hillary created ISIS.
H: Golly
I sure love children. After 9/11 I did things I was supposed to do, and helped women in unexplained ways. Also, people voted for me to be senator.
9. Syrian boy died. How do we help dead Syrian boys?
H: Syria is fucked right now. I made no-fly zones.
THE RUSSIANS hate me, but Ill work with them to fix it somehow. War isnt my thing really. Maybe send some ninjas or offer ninja training. We could also send guns there and let them sort it out themselves.
T: We need more nukes than Russia. At least everyone over there is killing ISIS for us. KILL ISIS. Hillary is stupid.
10. You is gonna be a gud bestest presiden?
H: People voted for me. HAHAHAHA. Im proud of 30 years. Know your place. Think of the children.
T: Yes because Hillary is a liar. Ethnicity name drops. Education is a disaster. I cant be worse than her.
11. Why did you call half of us deplorable?
H: My bad, I just really hate Trump. He hates minorities. Me & Bernie are besties <3
T: We are divided. Hillary = Obama.
12. Late night tweeting is bad.
T: When I was tweeting in the middle of the night, Hillary was asleep and Bengazi happened.
H: Trump is mean. My husband did things. Obama is also good and did things.
13. Voting for Supreme Court justice replacement?
H: I want one that will do the things I want. Senate are assholes for not doing their job.
T: I want one that will do the things I want. GUNS.
T: American energy is best energy. Less foreign dependence. Fuck the EPA.
H: I failed to prevent China from letting Trump do stuff cheaper. Agree energy independence good. Clean energy superpowers. I had a plan.
15. Now kiss?
H: I hate him, but his kids are ok I guess.
T: Yup my kids are great. You suck, but at least you dont quit sucking.
I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.