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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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This was one thing I really did notice. Going into the debate I was expecting Trump to get absolutely nuked from orbit by Hillary and I don't feel like she ever really went for the metaphoric throat. She still won, by a good margin in my opinion, but I think she could have ended the election right then and there.

Because she chose to spend as much time as she could talking about being a president....

Fuck you KellyAnne, you're a fucking embarrassment to all women. People like KellyAnne deserve the deepest level of hell.
Darn Michelle Obama; Trump's campaign attacked Hillary's health and I want someone to attack him on all of those sniffles and his low energy.

I don't want to go high. I want to go low.

Fuck you KellyAnne, you're a fucking embarrassment to all women. People like KellyAnne deserve the deepest level of hell.

“It’s like it's from hell, it's a terrible group of people,” Trump said in an interview with FOX News' Neil Cavuto on Aug. 19, 1998.

Asked by Cavuto if Clinton’s image as a “quasi-sex symbol” stood to somehow benefit from the alleged extramarital relations, Trump took issue with the characterization.

“I don't necessarily agree with his victims, his victims are terrible,” Trump said. “He is really a victim himself. But he put himself in that position.”

“The whole group, Paula Jones, Lewinsky, it's just a really unattractive group. I'm not just talking about physical," he said. “Would it be any different if it were a supermodel crowd?” Cavuto then asked.
“I think at least it would be more pleasant to watch,” Trump replied.

She should probably talk to her homeboy when he's done kissing up on her..


I'm surprised anyone is saying Trump was better in this debate than the first one. He seemed noticeably crazier this time to me. Maybe that translates to a better performance for his base but I don't see how the broader public views that as an improvement, much less a win.


hillary's debate performance was weak

Weak? She stayed on the issues and tried to appeal to the people. Trump was wheezing off and on, couldn't stand still without holding onto the chair (his general body language exuded fear/shame with how he hid behind it), kept ranting to avoid giving any answer of substance, etc. etc.
He was weak looking and his answers were weak and childish.

Because having more money in their pockets is more important than equal rights for people that aren't themselves.

I want them to speak for themselves. I want them to justify treating millions beyond millions of people horribly. And that's putting it lightly.


In what world is it winning to:
-Continue to admit to not paying taxes
-Avoid giving any substantive answers
-Say "sexual assault is just words"
-Say he would jail his political opponents when he gains political power
-Project his issues onto others
-Behave like a petulant child
-Lie over 74%+ of the time
-Attempt to keep the topic focused on stump-speeching/deflecting from his scandals/lack of answering questions
etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Hillary actually spent time answering questions with substance. She didn't stoop to his level.

You know, I want to ask you. As a Trump supporter, how can you defend the desire of Pence, the RNC and Trump (due to wanting a VP to do all things foreign and domestic) to legalize torture of LGBT individuals? How do you defend how horribly they treat survivors of sexual assault/rape? How do you defend their misogyny? How do you defend the blatant racism? How do you: etc. etc. etc. etc.
How can you even stand by any of that.

I wouldn't bother. I've already asked him maybe half a dozen times why he is willing to vote for a white nationalist. His response was to call me rude and not address the question. So you can draw your own conclusions on that.


I think Hillary narrowly won. She had more ammo than she could carry going into the debate, yet she spent most of it on the defensive.

Trump, although incoherent, had more stamina tonight than in the first debate.

What is stamina? Did you listen to any of his responses?



I'll take it, since more oppo will drop between now and the election and they'll get smeared for not dropping him after the first tape.


How about the questioned asked? So many had no substance. "Trump says the campaign has changed him. When did that happen?" "You don’t call that extremely careless?" "Is okay for politicians to be two-faced?" "Do you believe you can be a devoted president to all the people of the United States?" "Does Mr. Trump have the discipline to be a good leader?"

We're complaining that they talked more about each other than policy, but with these kinds of questions, what could they do? But this is apparently what Americans want to hear about.


Has this been posted? How is this legal?


Trump ally paid sexual assault victim critical of Clinton

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, left, listens as Kathy Shelton makes remarks before the second presidential debate with democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Washington University, Sunday, Oct. 9, 2016, in St. Louis. (Evan Vucci / AP)
Tribune news servicesContact Reporter
A sexual-assault victim who is critical of Hillary Clinton and who appeared alongside Donald Trump before Sunday night's debate was paid $2,500 by a political action committee founded by Trump ally Roger Stone.

The Arkansas woman, Kathy Shelton, was sexually assaulted at age 12 and was the victim in a 1975 case in which Clinton was appointed to represent her then-41-year-old attacker, Thomas Alfred Taylor. Shelton has accused Clinton of crossing ethical bounds in the case, and over the past few months, Shelton has given TV and video interviews slamming Clinton.

Shelton's case has been extensively cited in conservative media as evidence that Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, does not have the best interests of women at heart.

The May payment to Shelton by the Committee to Restore America's Greatness PAC, founded by Stone, was described as "contract labor" in campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. Asked by The Associated Press about the reason for the payment, Stone said in an email that Shelton "was extensively interviewed on video about her experience with Hillary Clinton and was paid for her time."

Shelton did not respond to a written request for comment left at her home in recent weeks by an AP reporter.

In 1975, Clinton was asked by a judge overseeing the case to represent Shelton's alleged attacker. After the prosecution lost key evidence, Clinton's client entered a plea to a lesser charge. In an interview a decade later, Clinton expressed horror at the crime, but was recorded on tape laughing about procedural details of the case. The audio has been seized on by conservative groups looking to attack Clinton's candidacy.

Stone is a former lobbyist for Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, and has boasted about his role as a bit player in the Watergate scandal. Stone served as a senior adviser to Trump's White House campaign in its early days. After separating from the campaign early last summer, Stone created a series of pro-Trump organizations. He has said he remains in direct touch with the candidate.

A dark debate: Trump and Clinton spend 90 minutes on the attack
Stone has arranged to pay other women critical of the Clintons.

Earlier this year, Stone sought to raise money to pay off the mortgage of Kathleen Willey, who accused Bill Clinton of making unwanted sexual advances toward her during her time as a volunteer in his White House in the 1990s. Stone claimed in an online video interview that Trump had personally contributed to the fund.

Trump's campaign has not endorsed Stone's political action committee, and has sent the group a cease and desist letter. The campaign has denied that Trump gave money to Willey's mortgage fund.

Shelton wrote on Twitter that her trip to the debate in St. Louis was being paid for by a company called WeSearchr. That firm was co-founded by conservative media figure Charles C. Johnson, an outspoken Trump supporter. WeSearchr says it crowdfunds research about rumors it believes are not being covered by news outlets.


Unconfirmed Member
Sigh... Barack Lesnar was the only person I blocked on this forum and for good reason, yet I still see his posts when people quote him. Damn it.


I don't understand how a presidential candidate who starts a debate by denying the awful things he clearly said in the tape and then dismisses sexual assault as just locker room talk and quickly deflects to ISIS can be seen as winning by anyone. Oh and then goes on to admit to not talking to his running mate and quickly contradicts him.
She should probably talk to her homeboy when he's done kissing up on her..

"Donald made those comments 18 years ago and listen, he has shown a lot of introspection since, especially after sitting with these victims and hearing their stories firsthand...I gotta tell you, he was emotionally affected hearing the tragic, horrible nature of the claims against Mr.Clinton. I can assure you, following this, he no longer thinks like the man in that video with Cavuto, almost 20 years ago."


Hillary for me looked exceptionally strong solely for not wincing or feeling any pressure from that pussy hand orange hawking behind her.

I'm a dude and I wouldn't want trump on my blind side ever.
This was one thing I really did notice. Going into the debate I was expecting Trump to get absolutely nuked from orbit by Hillary and I don't feel like she ever really went for the metaphoric throat. She still won, by a good margin in my opinion, but I think she could have ended the election right then and there.

I got that impression as well. I think that the release of the tape generated enough controversy that she felt she didn't need to really bring out anything big. She might be playing it safe and saving that for the final debate, so he won't have any time to really try and repair any damage before election day.



I'll take it, since more oppo will drop between now and the election and they'll get smeared for not dropping him after the first tape.

Good. Give them false hope and complacency. They started it, they stay till the end and crash and burn with it!


I think the third debate will be a circus. Trump will go all out. Hilary has a big choice. Take the high road or "how low can you go"?



I'll take it, since more oppo will drop between now and the election and they'll get smeared for not dropping him after the first tape.
It's good too because so many Republicans already publicly disowned him, so his base is pissed at them.


I think it's really important we be clear on what trump said in regards to jailing Clinton, because saying it incorrectly just gives fuel to his supporters.

He said he was going to have a special prosecutor re look into the emails, not directly throw her into jail.

While I totally agree that that is still bullshit, when we start saying stuff like "he said he'll throw her into jail if elected!" it gives fuel to his base and machine that the media and whatnot are out to get him by making up stuff.

That in itself is a problem, because that is the president politicizing the justice department. You can't do that. That's a straight up Nixon deal.


I wouldn't bother. I've already asked him maybe half a dozen times why he is willing to vote for a white nationalist. His response was to call me rude and not address the question. So you can draw your own conclusions on that.

Like I said to LegendOfJoe: I want him to explain himself. I want him to explain how he can stand by all of that. Does he seriously not give a fuck about LGBT Americans, women, racial minorities, etc. etc. etc. Trump supporters need to explain themselves and face the facts.


I think the third debate will be a circus. Trump will go all out. Hilary has a big choice. Take the high road or "how low can you go"?
As much as people want to see her do a big takedown, continuing to take the high road is seemingly the best option.

Especially during the point that Trump tried to hit her on Bill's past, that Hillary basically told him she wasn't going to play his game clearly set him off more than almost anything else said last night. He was clearly ready to hit her on any reaction, and couldn't handle it when she didn't give him anything.
It's bizarre that the one thing every Republican said he needed to do (apologize with real contrition) is the thing he didn't do and yet they have to stick with him because he mentioned George Soros and Sidney Blumenthal and that's what the base loves.
As much as people want to see her do a big takedown, continuing to take the high road is seemingly the best option.

Especially during the point that Trump tried to hit her on Bill's past, that Hillary basically told him she wasn't going to play his game clearly set him off more than almost anything else said last night. He was clearly ready to hit her on any reaction, and couldn't handle it when she didn't give him anything.

Ya. he had to have been fuming that his whole plan involving those women was thwarted first by the debate commission and then by Hilary herself.



Not surprising, he has never had anybody go up against him in his life. For all of his words and bluster, his mind and body scream 'retreat', and so he goes to stand behind the closest thing resembling a podium, a thing that gave him power in the primaries.

Can't run from your true self.


I'm surprised anyone is saying Trump was better in this debate than the first one. He seemed noticeably crazier this time to me. Maybe that translates to a better performance for his base but I don't see how the broader public views that as an improvement, much less a win.
It is just expectations.

Prior to the debate Trump had possibly the worst week any presidential candidate has ever had. People were turning in to see if he would spontaneously combust on live television or if Satan would appear from Hell to reclaim his favorite child. He did not do well by any measure, but using those expectations he at least kept it together until the end. And honestly I was not sure he was going to keep it together. He started out horribly and looked like he was going to pass out onstage. But he calmed down and did his usual bullshit. It was also the inverse of the last debate where he started out strong and then went full Trump for the last hour. In this one he started out horribly, but then calmed down and kept it together (at least for his standards).

If you judged it by any other candidate though and any other year he was a fucking embarrassment. This is the transcript of him responding to that Muslim woman who asked about his response to Islamaphobia:

QUESTION: Hi. There are 3.3 million Muslims in the United States, and I'm one of them. You've mentioned working with Muslim nations, but with Islamophobia on the rise, how will you help people like me deal with the consequences of being labeled as a threat to the country after the election is over?
RADDATZ: Mr. Trump, you're first.
TRUMP: Well, you're right about Islamophobia, and that's a shame. But one thing we have to do is we have to make sure that — because there is a problem. I mean, whether we like it or not, and we could be very politically correct, but whether we like it or not, there is a problem. And we have to be sure that Muslims come in and report when they see something going on. When they see hatred going on, they have to report it.
As an example, in San Bernardino, many people saw the bombs all over the apartment of the two people that killed 14 and wounded many, many people. Horribly wounded. They'll never be the same. Muslims have to report the problems when they see them.
And, you know, there's always a reason for everything. If they don't do that, it's a very difficult situation for our country, because you look at Orlando and you look at San Bernardino and you look at the World Trade Center. Go outside. Look at Paris. Look at that horrible — these are radical Islamic terrorists.
And she won't even mention the word and nor will President Obama. He won't use the term "radical Islamic terrorism." Now, to solve a problem, you have to be able to state what the problem is or at least say the name. She won't say the name and President Obama won't say the name. But the name is there. It's radical Islamic terror.

What fucking slime ball.


I'm surprised anyone is saying Trump was better in this debate than the first one. He seemed noticeably crazier this time to me. Maybe that translates to a better performance for his base but I don't see how the broader public views that as an improvement, much less a win.

His body language creeped me out and every time he walked up close behind her and loomed menacingly, I actually wondered if he might hit her. I suspect other women felt similarly.


Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:

1. Is Trump a bad man?
H: He is a very bad man
T: I am not a bad man

2. No really, Trump’s bad right?
T: No, I’m not. Her husband raped several women. She is the devil, and should be put in jail.
H: Trump is bad.

3. How would you fix health care?
H: Spend more money to pay for poor people to have health care.
T: Repeal Obamacare. Repeal lines to foster competition.

T: They need to self-police and RADICAL ISLAM.
H: Muslims are people.

5. Ban Muslims?
T: I mean we need to ban extremists and have better vetting.

6. Wikileaks says Hilary is a two-faced liar liar pants on fire.
H: Abraham Lincoln, proposed the 13th Amendment to allow me to carry hot sauce in my purse. THE RUSSIANS don’t like me and are helping Donald.
T: Putin seems ok. I opened a post office recently, and I pay a lot in taxes.

7. Make the rich pay more taxes?
T: Remove carried interest & other loopholes. Hillary could have done this already but didn’t
H: I’m Robin Hood y’all. Rich people owe us more.

8. Trump, you sly tax evading devil!
T: Yup, I used laws that Hillary failed to prevent. Legally I did nothing wrong WHAT. Heck all her friends are doing it too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ BTW Hillary created ISIS.
H: Golly…I sure love children. After 9/11 I did things I was supposed to do, and helped women in unexplained ways. Also, people voted for me to be senator.

9. Syrian boy died. How do we help dead Syrian boys?

H: Syria is fucked right now. I made no-fly zones. THE RUSSIANS hate me, but I’ll work with them to fix it somehow. War isn’t my thing really. Maybe send some ninjas or offer ninja training. We could also send guns there and let them sort it out themselves.
T: We need more nukes than Russia. At least everyone over there is killing ISIS for us. KILL ISIS. Hillary is stupid.

10. Why will you be the bestest president ever?
H: People voted for me. HAHAHAHA. I’m proud of 30 years. Know your place. Think of the children.
T: Yes because Hillary is a liar. Ethnicity name drops. Education is a disaster. I can’t be worse than her.

11. Why did you call half of us deplorable?
H: My bad, I just really hate Trump. He hates minorities. Me & Bernie are besties <3
T: We are divided. Hillary = Obama.

12. Late night tweeting is bad.
T: When I was tweeting in the middle of the night, Hillary was asleep and Bengazi happened.
H: Trump is mean. My husband did things. Obama is also good and did things.

13. Voting for Supreme Court justice replacement?
H: I want one that will do the things I want. Senate are assholes for not doing their job.
T: I want one that will do the things I want. GUNS.

T: American energy is best energy. Less foreign dependence. Fuck the EPA.
H: I failed to prevent China from letting Trump do stuff cheaper. Agree energy independence good. Clean energy superpowers. I had a plan.

15. Now kiss?
H: I hate him, but his kids are ok I guess.
T: Yup my kids are great. You suck, but at least you don&#8217;t quit sucking.

I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.
I don't understand how a presidential candidate who starts a debate by denying the awful things he clearly said in the tape and then dismisses sexual assault as just locker room talk and quickly deflects to ISIS can be seen as winning by anyone. Oh and then goes on to admit to not talking to his running mate and quickly contradicts him.

It's not that he won it's that he's not breaking. It seems every time I see someone talk about the debates it's about how Trump is acting like a child, is a baby, is a dumbass, etc. When you watch the debate he may get obnoxious and interrupt but he's not acting insane he's only saying insane things. Hilary then has to say each time, "that's not true Donald, go look at my webpage". It boils down to he said she said where, probably, a good chunk of people don't even want to do research on what they say.
She was acting like a president should act. I think this one was good self control on her end. That pre debate shit that Donald pulled was childish as hell. This guy is not fit to be president. He's like a child.

Yes, I completely agree. She was amazingly polite and calm and composed throughout this debate. Trump continues to act like an aggressive territorial ape, while she's not stooping to his level and indicating through doing almost nothing that she has a far more presidential demeanour and temperament.


Agreed. So many things she could have attacked and taken him down with.

I was reading an CNBC article that said it's best for Clinton to only wound Trump, but not take him down. The odds of him winning are near impossible. If Trump drops out it adds uncertainty. Going low like Trump only helps with your base who is voting for you regardless of. The high road should help her with more undecided voters.



Fuck you KellyAnne, you're a fucking embarrassment to all women. People like KellyAnne deserve the deepest level of hell.

Eh, I don't care about her. She's making money. I doubt she has any great love for Trump. You could make the same argument for her as one would for Hillary being a defense attorney.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Just watched the debate. Took mini-notes while watching and this is what I ended up with:

1. Is Trump a bad man?
H: He is a very bad man
T: I am not a bad man

2. No really, Trump’s bad right?
T: No, I’m not. Her husband raped several women. She is the devil, and should be put in jail.
H: Trump is bad.

3. How would you fix health care?
H: Spend more money to pay for poor people to have health care.
T: Repeal Obamacare. Repeal lines to foster competition.

T: They need to self-police and RADICAL ISLAM.
H: Muslims are people.

5. Ban Muslims?
T: I mean we need to ban extremists and have better vetting.

6. Wikileaks says Hilary is a two-faced liar liar pants on fire.
H: Abraham Lincoln, proposed the 13th Amendment to allow me to carry hot sauce in my purse. THE RUSSIANS don’t like me and are helping Donald.
T: Putin seems ok. I opened a post office recently, and I pay a lot in taxes.

7. Make the rich pay more taxes?
T: Remove carried interest & other loopholes. Hillary could have done this already but didn’t
H: I’m Robin Hood y’all. Rich people owe us more.

8. Trump, you sly tax evading devil!
T: Yup, I used laws that Hillary failed to prevent. Legally I did nothing wrong WHAT. Heck all her friends are doing it too. ¯_(&#12484;)_/¯ BTW Hillary created ISIS.
H: Golly…I sure love children. After 9/11 I did things I was supposed to do, and helped women in unexplained ways. Also, people voted for me to be senator.

9. Syrian boy died. How do we help dead Syrian boys?

H: Syria is fucked right now. I made no-fly zones. THE RUSSIANS hate me, but I’ll work with them to fix it somehow. War isn’t my thing really. Maybe send some ninjas or offer ninja training. We could also send guns there and let them sort it out themselves.
T: We need more nukes than Russia. At least everyone over there is killing ISIS for us. KILL ISIS. Hillary is stupid.

10. You is gonna be a gud bestest presiden?
H: People voted for me. HAHAHAHA. I’m proud of 30 years. Know your place. Think of the children.
T: Yes because Hillary is a liar. Ethnicity name drops. Education is a disaster. I can’t be worse than her.

11. Why did you call half of us deplorable?
H: My bad, I just really hate Trump. He hates minorities. Me & Bernie are besties <3
T: We are divided. Hillary = Obama.

12. Late night tweeting is bad.
T: When I was tweeting in the middle of the night, Hillary was asleep and Bengazi happened.
H: Trump is mean. My husband did things. Obama is also good and did things.

13. Voting for Supreme Court justice replacement?
H: I want one that will do the things I want. Senate are assholes for not doing their job.
T: I want one that will do the things I want. GUNS.

T: American energy is best energy. Less foreign dependence. Fuck the EPA.
H: I failed to prevent China from letting Trump do stuff cheaper. Agree energy independence good. Clean energy superpowers. I had a plan.

15. Now kiss?
H: I hate him, but his kids are ok I guess.
T: Yup my kids are great. You suck, but at least you don’t quit sucking.

I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.

Oh, k.


Hillary for me looked exceptionally strong solely for not wincing or feeling any pressure from that pussy hand orange hawking behind her.

I'm a dude and I wouldn't want trump on my blind side ever.

There were a few moments when he was lurking behind her and all I could think was "Is he going to deck her in the back of the head??"

It definitely came off so awkward and creepy, and he seemed over it from the get go.


I really hate both candidates at this point. No matter who wins, we lose. You can argue who will suck the least, but that's just sad. The moderators did a terrible job limiting answers & responses, but at least they seemed to give equal time to both candidate's drama.

As a minority whose rights and very life are in danger: I continually tire of the privilege it takes for people to say "both sides suck".

They are nowhere near comparable.
Yeah, when she was defending her record, I wish she had said, "you're right, I have 30 years of experience solving problems and working with foreign dignitaries to your zero years. And in those 39 years I have had a ton of success such as blah blah blah, but over 30 years you are always going to have a few things that didnt turn out the way you wanted them to. As someone who filed for bankruptcy six times, I imagine Mr Trump would be aware of that."

I also wanted her to say "You keep using that Bernie Sanders quote. That quote was made in the heat of competition in the primaries. Now that the primaries are over he supports me completely. Donald Trump on the other hand has the major Republican representatives abandoning him faster than he abandoned his first two wives."

Way too much spin. Hillary Clinton didn't go on an individual crusade like say Elizabeth Warren vs. financial institutions. She wasn't taking on bias of the tax code against the political will of the Wall St. Wing of the Democratic party and Republicans. I mean c'mon...

Other accomplishments in her record that aren't relevant to the design of tax code, POTUS veto power, and the fact she's one Senator are deflections of why the tax code is structured the way it is and what she personally did about it.

Bernie is only supporting Hillary because he disagrees more with Don. Are you going to whitewash the primary race and how long he kept fighting Hillary long after she beat him fair and square? Trump hit the nail right on the head on taxes.
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