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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

Who won?

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Dear mods,

This joke is played out now.

The Lamonster

I didn't create this poll or any of the other ones, but honestly I don't think it even necessarily represents a joke in as much as it's just trying to highlight how useless these kinds of polls are most of the time. I'm not trying to offer a cynical hot take here when I say that most of the time, the person who most closely shares your views is going to win. The only way that's not going to happen is if one candidate turns in a remarkably good performance and/or the other turns in a remarkably bad performance.

That's not to say that all people are incapable of being impartial. But trying to be impartial in a contest like this where substantive answers are kept as brief as they are here mostly just involves trying to grade on style points or on technical accuracy. The latter is also something that your average viewer is not going to be able to do effectively without the aid of online fact checking which will distract from the live debate.


Really Really Exciting Member!
After both debates, I have a tremendous hate of the word "tremendous". Hope I never hear it again after this election.


seeing joe on morning joe say trump won by literally being a caged animal with nothing to lose is pathetic. dude makes no sense on what he likes and doesn't

literally saying he won by "stopping the bleeding." that's how low the bar is for trump, won by not committing suicide on stage (even though he did to anyone with more than two brain cells), amazing

Well let's be fair. Trump did perform very well considering what had just happened. I mean he didn't have a meltdown. He had nothing to lose and somehow he managed to make it through this.

How that is a win in the grand scheme of things I'll never know but it keeps him alive until his next scandal so there is that I guess.


I didn't create this poll or any of the other ones, but honestly I don't think it even necessarily represents a joke in as much as it's just trying to highlight how useless these kinds of polls are most of the time. I'm not trying to offer a cynical hot take here when I say that most of the time, the person who most closely shares your views is going to win.
I answered it truthfully: "The person I'm voting for"
The more I see Europeans comment on the debate and this eleciton, the more I want to move my family to Europe.
Don't worry, we have our own Trumps (AfD in Germany, Le Pen in France, the fuckery which is going on in UK, Orban, etc.)

But Trump takes the cake because he is absolutely clueless about everything and acts like this is in some kind of reality TV show where he has to win the game.


And this is one of the biggest reasons that Clinton was between a rock and a hard place for most of the debate.

Clinton could have attacked Trump head-on, definitely. But take his first question for instance, where he immediately goes off the rails into ISIS issues, or his revisionist history on his support for the Iraq War, or even his expectation that if she was an "effective senator," she would have single-handedly changed America. Two minutes is not a whole lot of time when you're on stage, especially for answering questions of a heavy policy nature. And a lot of what Trump was saying, despite him "telling it how it is," was just factually wrong, so Clinton would have to cover a lot of ground each question.

It was a judgment call and she decided to stick to answering the questions at least, because I think she understood (more than Trump) that those people on the stage were representative of the undecided moderates and this was probably one of her only chances for her to appeal to them directly.
It's called the "Gish Gallop". It's a technique where you fill your responses with a lot of lies, with a few truths sprinkled in. The audience members hear the onslaught of charges and recognize one or two of the facts which lends some credibility to the lies that they might not be familiar with. Then, the opponent has to waste their time clearing up which of the statements were true or false.


Kills Photobucket
The media narrative is that Trump kept his campaign above water, but Clinton won the debate.

Trump played to his base, and will keep them fired up, but I can't imagine he drew in new voters.

As for Clinton, I don't think she had her best night. I would say that Trump lost the debate, not so much that Clinton won it.


i agree that donald tramp is a lot worse than clinton but i don't why gaf see clinton as some kind of a saint.

I'm part of GAF, I'm voting for Clinton, and I don't see her as a saint. I would much rather be voting for Bernie Sanders. Actually, outside of maybe a couple of people, most, regularly point out the issues she has. Am I going to say that GAF doesn't favor Clinton, no, but the point still stands. I don't think I ever saw anybody here say she was perfect.





It's still weird that there is a 'winner' or 'loser' of these debates in the sense that people compare E3 conferences or something.

Like that isn't even the point of these townhouse meetings which isn't about fighting each other, but to relate to the undecided voters, which clinton had a few good moments with the muslim lady, and sam jackson.

Did Trump even give a 'thank you for the question, (question reader)'?


Back to analyzing the debate:

Did anyone else notice Trump reaching into his pocket with his right hand? What's in the pocket?

Was he sending out tweets like Yagami Light eating potato chips and writing names in the Death Note?


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
One thing that make me sad about the last debate was the lack of law & order.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Look...I know it hurts mate, I get it. I experienced what you're experiencing right now for the last week but it only took me less than a day to admit how badly he lost the 1st debate. It could take you guys a couple days since she wasnt taken to Suplex City like Trump was in the 1st debate... but trust me you'll get there soon enough. It's 1-1. One more to go.
You don't win a debate by using lies for more than 50% of your "facts". As usual, Trump lied more than he told the truth.

Your definition of winning either ignores reality, or assumes that because Trump got a couple of zingers in, that this allows for everything else he says to be utter bollocks.

Trump done better than the 1st debate, but on actual debating substance he was nowhere.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Trump a stalked behind Clinton like an ape performing a mating ritual and threatened to throw his her jail like a third world dictator. And people want to say he did "ok"? Get the fuck out of here.
I didn't create this poll or any of the other ones, but honestly I don't think it even necessarily represents a joke in as much as it's just trying to highlight how useless these kinds of polls are most of the time. I'm not trying to offer a cynical hot take here when I say that most of the time, the person who most closely shares your views is going to win. The only way that's not going to happen is if one candidate turns in a remarkably good performance and/or the other turns in a remarkably bad performance.

That's not to say that all people are incapable of being impartial. But trying to be impartial in a contest like this where substantive answers are kept as brief as they are here mostly just involves trying to grade on style points or on technical accuracy. The latter is also something that your average viewer is not going to be able to do effectively without the aid of online fact checking which will distract from the live debate.
That's a good point (that it's not necessarily a joke), and something I did consider after I posted. However, this particular debate was...special, in that one candidate failed to effectively defend himself against accusations of sexual assault while also wincing and whining the entire time, so I find it hard to comprehend how anyone would think that he won!

Yeah, but you see now it's tradition.
haha fair enough.
That's Paula Jones...

So. . .shawty with the bedazzled full zip-up hoodie?

Cool a quick google search and I found the image. Did she not know she was going to be on live tv. If this was a stunt to help Trump you think she would have been consulted on how they wanted her to be presented. She can wear whatever she wants but the attire and screaming at the end helps show that this was a terrible decision.


Oh crap. My city paper just endorsed Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is our choice for Commander in Chief.

Bear in mind, I live in the most UBER-conservative state in the union, in an UBER-conservative city, full of UBER-conservative people, and this IS our paper.

This is huge for this city... and it's going to get them a ton of backlash.

terrydoty 43 minutes ago
I will not renew my subscription-i take the paper for the news not your opinion about the election
Amber Wright from Facebook7 hours ago
I will be canceling my subscription today. You call your paper a conservative voice yet you are all endorsing Late term, tax payer abortions. Sickens me to my core.
Brandon Grantz from Facebook7 hours ago
It is very disappointing that even in our small town of Enid Oklahoma the media is trying to persuade the people to continue a corrupt system that is evident to fail the people and continue to be unconstitutional to for all. And for all the non-trump supporters I will not try to persuade you to switch cause that is your right to choose but the media should help either candidate cause it's not fair to say she is the only candidate to choose for us cause ,us is a lot of people not just you

Oh man, they're getting really serious:
Emma Shirleen Hill from Facebook10 hours ago
Not the first time you've made a poor choice, Enid News & Eagle. I just hit the UNLIKE button on your FB page.
Oh crap. My city paper just endorsed Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is our choice for Commander in Chief.

Bear in mind, I live in the most UBER-conservative state in the union, in an UBER-conservative city, full of UBER-conservative people, and this IS our paper.

This is huge for this city... and it's going to get them a ton of backlash.

Trump has zero endorsements from any major newspaper in the country. it's really not that unprecedented no matter how conservative your town is.

He's really THAT bad of a candidate.
Cory Lewndowski is one of the filthiest, scummiest, most despicable talking head I've ever seen. Incredible how the Trump campaign managed to find these kinds of people with such a capacity for shameless lying, deflection, and distortion. It makes me livid that this fuck works for CNN and no doubt gets well paid for perpetrating such mindless trash. I feel a propensity for violence whenever his ugly face is ons screen. The guy is pure human scum.


Sgt. 2nd Class in the Creep Battalion, Waifu Wars
seeing joe on morning joe say trump won by literally being a caged animal with nothing to lose is pathetic. dude makes no sense on what he likes and doesn't

literally saying he won by "stopping the bleeding." that's how low the bar is for trump, won by not committing suicide on stage (even though he did to anyone with more than two brain cells), amazing
What did Mika have to say?


I'm curious what Gaf wishes they had seen with Clinton that they didn't last night?

Well let's be fair. Trump did perform very well considering what had just happened. I mean he didn't have a meltdown. He had nothing to lose and somehow he managed to make it through this.

How that is a win in the grand scheme of things I'll never know but it keeps him alive until his next scandal so there is that I guess.

It could be any moment now


Rockne Hughes from Facebook12 hours ago
It would appear that the editors admire one of the most corrupt politicians in the country today. She has lied, cheated, been involved in the theft of millions, perhaps committed treason and probably the worst, stated "What difference does it make" when questioned about the deaths of four people in the Benghazi affair. Not the type of person I would have anything to do with.
Lara Settle Kostka from Facebook13 hours ago
Aren't you a media source?? Where's your neutrality? WOW! Inappropriate! I am not a Hillary supporter, but that's not why I take issue. You are not a voice for ALL of your viewers!!
Debra Jarrett from Facebook13 hours ago
Baahahaha the only ones taking up for ene are same sex couples and a liberal lawyer!
god i love comments
Note, had they endorsed Trump, that very same person would have praised them for their editorial and opinion.

I'm sure they didn't exactly drop their subscription after that paper endorsed romney and mccain.

The conservative hive mind mentality is just bizarre.
Cory Lewndowski is one of the filthiest, scummiest, most despicable talking head I've ever seen. Incredible how the Trump campaign managed to find these kinds of people with such a capacity for shameless lying, deflection, and distortion. It makes me livid that this fuck works for CNN and no doubt gets well paid for perpetrating such mindless trash. I feel a propensity for violence whenever his ugly face is ons screen. The guy is pure human scum.

And to think, he's a retired police officer..
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