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PS, I Love You- Greg Miller's new PlayStation Podcast


Neo Member
Colin's continuing rage over The Drop is consistently entertaining.

It's honestly embarrassing to see complete trash being written on PlayStation's official blog. I understand some folks writing this stuff don't speak English natively; I understand others don't know how to write well. That's all fine. But someone should be editing this stuff, and, y'know, trying to actually make the games sound good/fun/interesting.

It would literally be the easiest 15 minutes of my week if I was given those write-ups and asked to re-write them. LOL.
It's honestly embarrassing to see complete trash being written on PlayStation's official blog. I understand some folks writing this stuff don't speak English natively; I understand others don't know how to write well. That's all fine. But someone should be editing this stuff, and, y'know, trying to actually make the games sound good/fun/interesting.

It would literally be the easiest 15 minutes of my week if I was given those write-ups and asked to re-write them. LOL.

But it would rob us of the best 15 minutes of ours :p

Maybe they just need to be read by Jackie T to unlock their full meaning...
It's honestly embarrassing to see complete trash being written on PlayStation's official blog. I understand some folks writing this stuff don't speak English natively; I understand others don't know how to write well. That's all fine. But someone should be editing this stuff, and, y'know, trying to actually make the games sound good/fun/interesting.

It would literally be the easiest 15 minutes of my week if I was given those write-ups and asked to re-write them. LOL.

I honestly think you should write them on the side. Heck, then we would get written stuff from you again!
Colin's pessimism around NMS ughhh ok, I'm fully on board with him (and anyone else) trying to reign in the wildly nonsensical expectations of what some people think (or hope) NMS is going to be; a lot of those people are usually willfully ignoring all relevant media and interviews pointing to the contrary anyway. However this...

"I think it's going to be short-lived, not as good as you think it's going to be.. and a game that I think is going to be largely forgettable in a couple of years..." and then goes on to seem baffled about the hype surrounding it since its initial reveal (which was December 2013 at VGX)

... really took me by surprise. Hello Games, regardless of the pedigree of their shipped products, is going all-in on offering up one possible solution to studios big and small in the area of asset creation, and a machine that intelligently manages those interlocking systems-- to say nothing of trying to do it with a light footprint on a system's resources. They are applying principles of scalability to world building in games-- or galaxy building, in this case, and the post-mortem on NMS' technical feat alone will seed the imaginations of future developers. To dismiss it as a gimmick (not Colin's words but absolutely the impression his attitude gives) betrays a shocking lack of vision as to its potential impact on game development going forward.

The game doesn't appeal to him, it seems. That's cool. We're all allowed to like different things. He's a savagely intelligent individual however, so it's always super off-putting when he decides to deride a thing and not try to think about it outside of his own biases.


It's honestly embarrassing to see complete trash being written on PlayStation's official blog. I understand some folks writing this stuff don't speak English natively; I understand others don't know how to write well. That's all fine. But someone should be editing this stuff, and, y'know, trying to actually make the games sound good/fun/interesting.

It would literally be the easiest 15 minutes of my week if I was given those write-ups and asked to re-write them. LOL.

I wonder if there's some weird bureaucratic reason stopping PS Blog folks from correcting them. Like, they figure some company might be offended or not like what changes they would make. As a result, it's decreed whatever is submitted is run as is.

Colin's pessimism around NMS ughhh ok, I'm fully on board with him (and anyone else) trying to reign in the wildly nonsensical expectations of what some people think (or hope) NMS is going to be; a lot of those people are usually willfully ignoring all relevant media and interviews pointing to the contrary anyway. However this...

"I think it's going to be short-lived, not as good as you think it's going to be.. and a game that I think is going to be largely forgettable in a couple of years..." and then goes on to seem baffled about the hype surrounding it since its initial reveal (which was December 2013 at VGX)

... really took me by surprise. Hello Games, regardless of the pedigree of their shipped products, is going all-in on offering up one possible solution to studios big and small in the area of asset creation, and a machine that intelligently manages those interlocking systems-- to say nothing of trying to do it with a light footprint on a system's resources. They are applying principles of scalability to world building in games-- or galaxy building, in this case, and the post-mortem on NMS' technical feat alone will seed the imaginations of future developers. To dismiss it as a gimmick (not Colin's words but absolutely the impression his attitude gives) betrays a shocking lack of vision as to its potential impact on game development going forward.

The game doesn't appeal to him, it seems. That's cool. We're all allowed to like different things. He's a savagely intelligent individual however, so it's always super off-putting when he decides to deride a thing and not try to think about it outside of his own biases.

To be fair, a million survival games have come and gone that no one remembers. It would make some sense to assume this will be no different, even excluding the potential backlash NMS could get.

But I tend to agree with you. I've never given a shit about survival games and I'm all in on NMS.
I ain't worried about it. I don't have any doubts it will live up to what Sean says about it. Anyone else expecting something more or different doesn't concern me much.
Speaking of NMS, I'll be bummed if it doesn't get great scores. I have no leaning one way or another about how it will fare, though either outcome would not be surprising to me. However, I fear if it does scores poorly, the pure hatred and vitriol (mostly aimed at Jason Schreier and Sean Murray) that came from the delay news will be exponentially worse.
Re: Colin's comments about not being able to predict what captures his attention these days, I imagine his dwindling free time as he gets older with more responsibilities definitely plays into it; it certainly has with me and he and I are both in our 30s. Delighted to hear he digs Downwell though. I really enjoyed it on PC and iOS (iPad). Seems great for Vita.

Speaking of NMS, I'll be bummed if it doesn't get great scores. I have no leaning one way or another about how it will fare, though either outcome would not be surprising to me. However, I fear if it does scores poorly, the pure hatred and vitriol (mostly aimed at Jason Schreier and Sean Murray) that came from the delay news will be exponentially worse.

Oh I think it'll be fine, score wise. Obviously reviewers are all different and so there will be wildly varying expectations and marks that the game will need to hit-- as does every game that gets reviewed-- but as long as performance issues don't detract from whatever loop the reviewer finds satisfying (e.g. trader, explorer, raider, Shepard-grade genocide bringer, etc..), I would be shocked if it wasn't generally favorable. As for unbalanced assholes on the Internet... they ain't going anywhere unfortunately.
Just watched that section.

My personal thing on NMS is, I wasn't hyped for the game from its first showing. I was intrigued, but I only really started anticipating once we began to get concrete details on it. Following the game and HG so closely ever since, I think they'll deliver on what they promised. If they do deliver on that, it'll be a great game for me.

There are people who are expecting way more, or something different. They will likely be disappointed, but that also goes the other way around too. There are a lot of people who aren't expecting much from it. I imagine a lot of people out there who just think the game is about "landing on planets and discovering stuff" will be pleasantly surprised, if they deliver on their vision. I think they will. The delay and the blog post in general only makes me more confident of that.

Now if the game delays again, I might just have to send them death threats.

edit: These typos I made are infuriating. I have no idea how I miss some of these things when I first write my posts.


It's honestly embarrassing to see complete trash being written on PlayStation's official blog. I understand some folks writing this stuff don't speak English natively; I understand others don't know how to write well. That's all fine. But someone should be editing this stuff, and, y'know, trying to actually make the games sound good/fun/interesting.

It would literally be the easiest 15 minutes of my week if I was given those write-ups and asked to re-write them. LOL.

Maybe you should freelance for PS Blog and write them. I'm sure Sid and Ryan can arrange that. :)


Aslong as people temper their excitement and expectations, NMS will be a great game. I'm similar to Greg where I will just be playing this game in short bursts and just relaxing and enjoying it for what it is (and not worrying about what it isn't). I believe there will be enough there for level-headed reviewers to score it in the 8-9 range, but I'm also sure some reviewers will score it low as they let their personal hype about the game get out of control and are expecting a "meaning of life" type narrative story, crazy deep RPG elements and endless customization.

I'm excited to break orbit for the first time in a video game... I honestly can't think of one where I've had complete control to enter a planet's atmosphere from space and land.. and also take off and break orbit into space. Should be a memorable gaming experience for sure.


For anyone curious, the way they're doing E3 predictions this year is they recorded their PlayStation predictions as the last part of the next Gamescast episode, and that part will be edited in as Topic of the Show for the next PS I Love You episode (I know because I just watched the next Gamescast). MS and Nintendo had their own Gamescast topic, and there is a topic for third parties like last year.
For anyone curious, the way they're doing E3 predictions this year is they recorded their PlayStation predictions as the last part of the next Gamescast episode, and that part will be edited in as Topic of the Show for the next PS I Love You episode (I know because I just watched the next Gamescast). MS and Nintendo had their own Gamescast topic, and there is a topic for third parties like last year.

Makes perfect sense. There's no point in repeating themselves. Had they done so, they could've created confusion about what they were predicting if one prediction (from KFGC) was worded one way and then another (from PSILY) was worded another way.
For anyone curious, the way they're doing E3 predictions this year is they recorded their PlayStation predictions as the last part of the next Gamescast episode, and that part will be edited in as Topic of the Show for the next PS I Love You episode (I know because I just watched the next Gamescast). MS and Nintendo had their own Gamescast topic, and there is a topic for third parties like last year.

Sounds good to me.

Also, I absolutely can't wait to watch the KFL2 event. I wish I had gone, it was on my birthday too.
Sounds good to me.

Also, I absolutely can't wait to watch the KFL2 event. I wish I had gone, it was on my birthday too.

I forgot it was at The Regency and walked past the long line on my way from the gym to the market. Between the amount of people I saw in line and the few video snippets I saw floating around, I'm definitely impressed with how big a following KF is pulling in.
I forgot it was at The Regency and walked past the long line on my way from the gym to the market. Between the amount of people I saw in line and the few video snippets I saw floating around, I'm definitely impressed with how big a following KF is pulling in.

I seriously hope they come to Toronto one day. Their following here in Canada is pretty big!


It's honestly embarrassing to see complete trash being written on PlayStation's official blog. I understand some folks writing this stuff don't speak English natively; I understand others don't know how to write well. That's all fine. But someone should be editing this stuff, and, y'know, trying to actually make the games sound good/fun/interesting.

It would literally be the easiest 15 minutes of my week if I was given those write-ups and asked to re-write them. LOL.

I agree tbh. To me it speaks to a different level of professionalism. Anyone can copy and paste things from an email in to a blog post, but honestly take the extra fifteen minutes to clean it up and make it look good. Its easy to blame the devs/pubs but they aren't the ones publishing the Drop post so that person(s) should take some pride in the work, even if they loathe it or feel it menial.
Hi this i my 1st neogaf post as got home (UK) from an epic KFL2 trip (LA SF Vegas and LA again) yesterday evening and find that my neogaf has been activated this morning :) which was a nice present.

So KFL2 was epic beyond belief and would urge anyone that can to go to KFL3 as ignoring the show the trip was worth while to hang out with so many best friends and got to do things like a massive tour of IGN with 200+ people had to split us into 4 groups and did an awesome q&a afterwards. Then there was all the food meet ups personal favorite being going to Hardwater with TheArcticSloth and 4 other bfs then going to Xmen where i promptly feel asleep after finishing 4th old fashioned lol. I feel really sorry for the barman at 21st Amendment as i walked in and sat at the bar and apologized that there was about to be a lot of people, he said not to worry, 20 mins later he had changed his tune lol as the entire place was bursting at the seams.

Everyone there and at all the other events were amazingly nice helpful and cool seriously hanging out with 10, 50, 200, 500 or 1000 best friends is an amazing thing to do and well worth my mini euros.

Then the show well that deserves a kf forum post as truly epic but the guys were amazing and the guest brilliant i mean Sisqo turned up omg plus getting to meet them all and they were super nice and know me unbelievable. The C&G live intros where out of this world and Jacky T doing the press conference wtf etc etc etc

The highlight for me was post show hanging outside the venue and suddenly hearing my name called to look around and see Erin (Colin's better half) run down the steps and hug me was surreal and wonderful, she is a lovely person and can see why Colin is so happy now as just super nice person. An then have a picture with a grinning Colin she took later when i bumped into them again :)

Anyway look forward to today's ep and going to get some lunch and finish off last weeks as not seen i all as been traveling. Will hopefully be here regularly from now on so Hi.

Mark Freeman


How did Colin write off the year of dreams so easily? I thought he was happy for last year's, yet he said it wasn't anything special. Shame. Maybe I didn't hear his initial opinions last year.


How did Colin write off the year of dreams so easily? I thought he was happy for last year's, yet he said it wasn't anything special. Shame. Maybe I didn't hear his initial opinions last year.

If I remember correctly, his main issue was that the dream announcements are still far away. Also, TLG hype was mainly that it actually got shown, gameplay was not mind blowing at E3 (although personally I am hyped for it).
If I remember correctly, his main issue was that the dream announcements are still far away. Also, TLG hype was mainly that it actually got shown, gameplay was not mind blowing at E3 (although personally I am hyped for it).

And a while back, in this very thread, people disagreed with Colin's opinion about how FFVII Remastered was being handled.


That conference was long and needed to be refined, but "trash" is wrong. PC gaming deserves a show at E3.

It's also the willful ignorance that's annoying. Greg really does seem like he doesn't know how to use a PC for gaming, as he's mentioned the problems he keeps running into which I don't think anyone has.


Some of the things Colin says is just bizarre.

Ni No Kuni 2 not coming until Fall 2018? Is he insane?

I like Kinda Funny, but I can't stand him.
he also thinks last year's conference wasn't very good :lol

It wasn't.

Shenmue, Remake, TLG... all these games that everyone thought were the greatest announcements? It's been a year. No idea when they're coming out still. Just a vague idea of TLG.

How is that a good conference? "Hey, someday, who knows when, you maybe will get to play these!"

It wasn't.

Shenmue, Remake, TLG... all these games that everyone thought were the greatest announcements? It's been a year. No idea when they're coming out still. Just a vague idea of TLG.

How is that a good conference? "Hey, someday, who knows when, you maybe will get to play these!"


A game being announced can be amazing even if it is a few years out, especially when they were the ones sony announced. I don't get this line of thought at all.

Some of the things Colin says is just bizarre.

Ni No Kuni 2 not coming until Fall 2018? Is he insane?

I like Kinda Funny, but I can't stand him.

I find Colin hard to take, and disagree with him more then agree, but can;t stand him is too strong of a term to use . He says some weird and opinionated shit though,
A game being announced can be amazing even if it is a few years out, especially when they were the ones sony announced. I don't get this line of thought at all.

And I don't get the line of thinking where an announcement is better than actually having games to play. So we are at an impasse.


I find Colin hard to take, and disagree with him more then agree, but can;t stand him is too strong of a term to use . He says some weird and opinionated shit though,

He's incredibly stubborn, stuck up and arrogant.

When they were talking about him going to Alexa from Gamespot's dinner for E3 and he just blew it off and said he was selective with who he spent his time with. He sounds like a terrible friend.


It's also the willful ignorance that's annoying. Greg really does seem like he doesn't know how to use a PC for gaming, as he's mentioned the problems he keeps running into which I don't think anyone has.

I'm at the point where I feel like Greg is hamming it up a bit and just isn't being truthful about his "computer issues."

Dude is smart as fuck and his issues are so minor.....I just don't understand how he could have such a bad experience and I am far from understanding computers.

Heh, again with their shots at PC gaming. TRASH, is it?

Shit. Maybe I shouldn't listen this week lol.


Colin is just very open and honest about what he likes and dislikes. Out of the major announcements last year (FFVII, TLG, Shenmue, Horizon, and Dreams) only Horizon appealed to him. As such I think it's fair for him to say it wasn't very good; at least to him, which is something he should point out more.

I kind of agree with him *a bit*. Objectively it was a great conference but on a personal level (IE: games that appeal to me) I liked 2014 more. It happens.


How did Colin write off the year of dreams so easily? I thought he was happy for last year's, yet he said it wasn't anything special. Shame. Maybe I didn't hear his initial opinions last year.
He was seemingly happy with the conference last year, I remember him saying that Sony won the show praising the big announcements but Xbox One backwards compatibility was the biggest announcement of E3. He seems to have changed his tune or just forgotten what was at the show last year (which would make sense since on the latest Gamescast he said he thought Shenmue 3 was announced at PSX).


And I don't get the line of thinking where an announcement is better than actually having games to play. So we are at an impasse.

Here here!

Announcing games that are just storyboards is called spitballing, and I'm really tired of conferences "announcing" games that are 2-3 years off. It's the most non-committal way to reveal a game ever.

edit: also, you guys are right, I don't like Colin because he doesn't like the same things I do too. It makes me not stand him.

edit edit: I love Colin.


Here here!

Announcing games that are just storyboards is called spitballing, and I'm really tired of conferences "announcing" games that are 2-3 years off. It's the most non-committal way to reveal a game ever.
This is why I thought Horizon was easily the best Sony announcement last year. It was new, interesting, and debuted with gameplay.

But the other announcements were still exciting for many, many people.
I am laughing at this release date stuff. E3 has always been about big announcements with vague release dates. It has been about what a company can announce to blow socks off and keep people interested in the platform by announcing things despite how far they are. Sony, MS, Nintendo, etc... have all been doing this for years and they have been doing it this generation. All of a sudden release dates are just so important now that it nullifies the impact of what Sony announced. Yeah.

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