Yeah, guys. I am sorry, I totally f*cked up, Romney-style.
Please accept my humble apologies...
Edit: Also, you guys were right. MBA is pretty fun. Colors look fantastic on the Vita!
It's not official. All we've heard is that JSR has been "delayed for a couple of weeks".
It could easily be delayed longer than that.
Then again, so could any of these titles. PSN could get hacked again and shut down for a month or more. Who can really say?
You're welcome!
The amount of people buying Mutant Blobs Attack makes me happy ^_^
Copy and paste the link
Add me to the list
saw it on sale and jumped on it, really fun so far
love the 50's/60's sci fi music and the humor in the background posters and environment
i can see this having some tricky puzzles later on, and having fun finding both friends and gold medaling each level
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus is confirmed to be released across Europe in Q1 2013 on PlayStation Vita. #TKfamily
Lego LOTR has been delayed till the end of November on consoles.
I assume the vita version is the same.
I think they already said early 2013,expect a delay for 'performance optimisation'.
Handheld versions (Vita, 3DS and DS) are still standing firm for 10/30. The console versions were delayed last week and there hasn't been any change for handheld.
Maybe I should have clarified.
Need for Speed looks sub-native based on the direct feed screens posted.
In the higher quality off-screen videos for Liberation, aliasing can be seen like in this video by IGN.
I'm hoping that I'm wrong.
That pretty much confirms its not a console port right?
Okay, so i lead a really very sad life and i have an excel spreadsheet of every purchase i have ever made on PSN (seriously). I just checked out how much i've spent on PSVita's store. Not including Minis and PSP/PSOne games i've purchased to pay on my Vita (So basically just Vita games and DLC) i've spent...
Vita has no games...?
Okay, so i lead a really very sad life and i have an excel spreadsheet of every purchase i have ever made on PSN (seriously). I just checked out how much i've spent on PSVita's store. Not including Minis and PSP/PSOne games i've purchased to pay on my Vita (So basically just Vita games and DLC) i've spent...
Vita has no games...?
Okay, so i lead a really very sad life and i have an excel spreadsheet of every purchase i have ever made on PSN (seriously). I just checked out how much i've spent on PSVita's store. Not including Minis and PSP/PSOne games i've purchased to pay on my Vita (So basically just Vita games and DLC) i've spent...
Vita has no games...?
Okay, so i lead a really very sad life and i have an excel spreadsheet of every purchase i have ever made on PSN (seriously). I just checked out how much i've spent on PSVita's store. Not including Minis and PSP/PSOne games i've purchased to pay on my Vita (So basically just Vita games and DLC) i've spent...
Vita has no games...?
Carl just to make you feel better -
Edit: that doesn't include dlc or non-steam games too...
That is quite.. substantial.
Handheld versions (Vita, 3DS and DS) are still standing firm for 10/30. The console versions were delayed last week and there hasn't been any change for handheld.
Okay, so i lead a really very sad life and i have an excel spreadsheet of every purchase i have ever made on PSN (seriously). I just checked out how much i've spent on PSVita's store. Not including Minis and PSP/PSOne games i've purchased to pay on my Vita (So basically just Vita games and DLC) i've spent...
Vita has no games...?
Bah! That's nothing compared to my stato-like monotony that is my spreadsheet fetish that includes a backlog, completed list, purchase history, wish list and loads more dating back to PS One days.
There's a demo of Lego LotR available for the 3DS. A real shame they couldn't be bothered putting a Vita one out there for that and Batman.
PSBlogEU said:PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale which, by the way, will be available for Vita users too (whether you’re a Plus member or not)
Carl just to make you feel better -
Edit: that doesn't include dlc or non-steam games too...
:0 it's genius! Why haven't I been doing this for all my games?!
Oh god I've just checked my Steam account and I'm obviously a sucker for sales...
I hope the Mrs doesn't see this.
It'd probably be smarter to just use Backloggery, lol
But I started this before I knew about that site (possibly before it existed), so I'm in too deep now.
TOTP: Vita has a couple games, I guess. You should buy them.
Haha holy shit, now i feel much better
It'd probably be smarter to just use Backloggery, lol
But I started this before I knew about that site (possibly before it existed), so I'm in too deep now.
TOTP: Vita has a couple games, I guess. You should buy them.
Perhaps some of these other upcoming games will be US Only and we'll get to enjoy more surprises.
Street Fighter x Tekken
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz
Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward
DJMax Technika Tune (retail)
Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
DJMax Technika Tune (digital)
Jet Set Radio
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Ragnarok Odyssey
Smart as...
Legends of War: Patton
When Vikings Attack
Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified
Persona 4: Golden
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
who needs a backlog