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PS2 sales in NA more than double as a result of price drop.


From GameSpot.

"Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) today announced that sales of the PlayStation 2 have more than doubled in North America since the price of the console was cut from $179 to $149 last month. Immediately following the pre-E3 price drop announcement SCEA's major retail partners saw week-over-week PS2 sales increase by 216 percent. Sales for the three full weeks since the price drop were up 141 percent on the three weeks prior to the announcement, and up 26 percent compared to the same three-week period in 2003."

I figured there'd be an increase, but that much?
Redbeard said:
From GameSpot.

"Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) today announced that sales of the PlayStation 2 have more than doubled in North America since the price of the console was cut from $179 to $149 last month. Immediately following the pre-E3 price drop announcement SCEA's major retail partners saw week-over-week PS2 sales increase by 216 percent. Sales for the three full weeks since the price drop were up 141 percent on the three weeks prior to the announcement, and up 26 percent compared to the same three-week period in 2003."

I figured there'd be an increase, but that much?
Xdude is teh d00m3d?!

Doubtful. Once the hardware sales slow down again due to the fact that everything is realitively the same cost, the software will push the hardware later on this fall.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Like everyone else was wondering when SCEA would make an annoucement.

EDIT: Gunther you don't think Sony's fall software schedule 1st and 3rd party is strong than their 1st/2nd quarter schedule? How can it not be? The first and 2nd quarters have been slooooow.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Well I guess my NPD predictions were off. I didn't think there would be a jump in sales until June.
The rest of the story:

"Response to the $149 price point has been amazing," said Debbie Mola, divisional vice president of merchandising for Electronics Boutique. "We've seen a steady increase in consumer demand throughout our stores nationwide, with sales of PlayStation 2 rising to well above our expectations."

"This price drop came when we felt it was strategically the best timing to expand the market, and it's gratifying to see consumers respond so aggressively to our commitment to meet their growing expectations," added Jack Tretton, executive vice president, Sony Computer Entertainment America. "The new sales data provides a powerful proof point that consumers--both our mass-market, core audience and casual gamers--are placing their confidence in the longevity of PlayStation 2, which we see as absolutely essential to the health of the industry. We will continue to make the PlayStation 2 experience the best entertainment value in the gaming category."
Well, coloured me impressed and unsurprised. $149 is a great price point for the console which doubles up as a DVD player. No spin needed.


sonycowboy said:
Nope. Another week. May was a 5 week fiscal month that ended on Saturday June 5th.
Are you sure? March was a 5 week month that ended the quarter. NPD is on a 4-4-5 variation, so June should be the long month.
DarienA said:
Like everyone else was wondering when SCEA would make an annoucement.

EDIT: Gunther you don't think Sony's fall software schedule 1st and 3rd party is strong than their 1st/2nd quarter schedule? How can it not be? The first and 2nd quarters have been slooooow.
True the first 2q's have been slower than normal, but that's due to the dev cycles of these damn games. I mean, wasn't GT4 supposed to be out this month?

Anyways, regardless, not only will Sony (i'm assuming) push more software with the hardware this fall, but it shaping up to be a software pusher for both MS and Nintendo as well.
AirBrian said:
Are you sure? March was a 5 week month that ended the quarter. NPD is on a 4-4-5 variation, so June should be the long month.

You're right. Brain fart. I was basing it off the fact that NPD schedule show that it will not release until next week. For some reason, they are ALWAYS late on May's NPD. It's not E3, so I don't know what accounts for it.


sonycowboy said:
You're right. Brain fart. I was basing it off the fact that NPD schedule show that it will not release until next week. For some reason, they are ALWAYS late on May's NPD. It's not E3, so I don't know what accounts for it.
Yeah, that is weird. Maybe they take the week of E3 off...who knows.
Redbeard said:
From GameSpot.

"Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) today announced that sales of the PlayStation 2 have more than doubled in North America since the price of the console was cut from $179 to $149 last month. Immediately following the pre-E3 price drop announcement SCEA's major retail partners saw week-over-week PS2 sales increase by 216 percent. Sales for the three full weeks since the price drop were up 141 percent on the three weeks prior to the announcement, and up 26 percent compared to the same three-week period in 2003."

I figured there'd be an increase, but that much?

The year of the PS2....or better.... the generation of the PS2

Too bad most of the good PS2 games are coming out after September. My poor PS2 is gathering dust. But obviously these new adopters aren't suffering. AH, to be just getting my PS2, able to experience DMC, FFX, Vice City, Sly, Ratchet, ICO for the first time....

I find it weird though how such tiny price drops have such an effect on people. I bought an XBOX a month before the price drop even though I knew it was coming, because I wasn't going to wait a month to save 30 lousy dollars.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Too bad most of the good PS2 games are coming out after September. My poor PS2 is gathering dust. But obviously these new adopters aren't suffering. AH, to be just getting my PS2, able to experience DMC, FFX, Vice City, Sly, Ratchet, ICO for the first time....

I find it weird though how such tiny price drops have such an effect on people. I bought an XBOX a month before the price drop even though I knew it was coming, because I wasn't going to wait a month to save 30 lousy dollars.

1) $149 is one of the "magical" price points that reaches a new audience

2) You save $50 on the network bundle (which was already saving you $30 at $199). That is a huge amount and something most people are missing. From the channel checks I've done, the NA bundle is selling 10-1 better than the core system and it should. Only a Dick of a sales person wouldn't tell somebody that they could get more for the exact same price. I don't care if they're not going online.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Only a Dick of a sales person wouldn't tell somebody that they could get more for the exact same price. I don't care if they're not going online.
Isn't a PS2 in the online bundle an old model (39000)? If it is, I don't think that getting the new one without a broadband adapter, for the same price, is such a bad deal.
Marconelly said:
Isn't a PS2 in the online bundle an old model (39000)? If it is, I don't think that getting the new one without a broadband adapter, for the same price, is such a bad deal.

No. It was wayyyyy, wayyy back when it was first introduced, but since long before the holidays it's been the new model.


Redbeard said:
From GameSpot.

"Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) today announced that sales of the PlayStation 2 have more than doubled in North America since the price of the console was cut from $179 to $149 last month. Immediately following the pre-E3 price drop announcement SCEA's major retail partners saw week-over-week PS2 sales increase by 216 percent. Sales for the three full weeks since the price drop were up 141 percent on the three weeks prior to the announcement, and up 26 percent compared to the same three-week period in 2003."

I figured there'd be an increase, but that much?

The thing is you've got to read this carefully. The week after the price cut, PS2 sales doubled compared to the week before the price cut. The 3 weeks after the price cut, sales drop down to 141 per cent(for example:if they sold 200,000 in the three weeks before the cut, the 3 weeks after the cut would be 280,000). The 141 percent is the significant number here not the 216. It's still a good sales bump though.

Also, we can't simply apply the 26 per cent to last May's total numbers because this was for a 3 week period.
Chi-Town said:
The thing is you've got to read this carefully. The week after the price cut, PS2 sales doubled compared to the week before the price cut. The 3 weeks after the price cut, sales drop down to 141 per cent(for example:if they sold 200,000 in the three weeks before the cut, the 3 weeks after the cut would be 280,000). The 141 percent is the significant number here not the 216. It's still a good sales bump though.

Also, we can't simply apply the 26 per cent to last May's total numbers because this was for a 3 week period.

NO, you've got to read it carefully. You've got it a bit backwards. They state sales increased 141%, not that sales were 141% of previous sales. Sales increased 216% the first week which is over 3 times as much. An increase of 100% means that sales doubled. An increase of 200% means that sales tripled.

For the three week period, sales were ~2.5 times greater than the previous three weeks.

For example, say that they sold 200k before. A 141% increase would mean that they sold ~428,000k.


Based on the numbers given, Sony sold about 250-260K PS2s in May.

I would guess Xbox will be about the same or slightly below that for the month.


Fact: People just buying the ps2 for dvd players
Fact2: nothing on ps2 in past 3 months has been worth a hoot.

evil ways

davis said:
Fact: People just buying the ps2 for dvd players
Fact2: nothing on ps2 in past 3 months has been worth a hoot.

Fact 3: You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

With the current prices on stand alone DVD players, even as low as $40, I doubt any average consumer will pay $150 for a PS2 just to play DVDs.
davis said:
Fact: People just buying the ps2 for dvd players
Fact2: nothing on ps2 in past 3 months has been worth a hoot.

That sounds a lot like

" Omg omg omg... 2 times... more PS2... more people buying PS2... I NEED to troll the PS2 on a message board, and then maybe all the NA will realize what they're doing!!! Quick, let's find something about.... games, yes games... my preciousss."
davis said:
Fact: People just buying the ps2 for dvd players
Fact2: nothing on ps2 in past 3 months has been worth a hoot.

I honestly can't believe people are still using that first line to bash the PS2. So you're saying that people who've never owned a PS2 before are suddenly buying it for the DVD player despite how many extremely high quality games the system has?

The 2nd "Fact" is equally absurd.


well FF11 is cool but that hasn't been released in last 3 months. tsc tsc

ok you got me on Fact1

How about Fact4: where are the games? why pushed all back to end of year tsc
Because the best PS2 are always released in the later half of the year, it's not like its something new or anything. And so far this year the PS2 has had Onimusha 3, Samurai Warriors, Front Mission 4, La Pucelle, Siren and Crimson Sea 2. So it doesn't make sense to suggest there hasn't been anything worth playing on the PS2 this year.


davis said:
Fact2: nothing on ps2 in past 3 months has been worth a hoot.

What about the past THREE YEARS? People buying NOW don't care about the last three months, they don't have any games to begin with!
Fusebox said:
But to compare to the Xbox price I'd also have to add a memory card, network adaptor and multi-tap right?

Well, the NA is bundled w/ a game for the same price as the core system $149. And the network card in the Xbox is about as useful as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest without Xbox Live which is $70.

And, of course, if you're going to talk about having to buy a Multitap, then you're saying that you're going to buy 3 more Xbox controllers @ $30.00 for a total of $90, whereas the PS2 controllers are $20 for $60 and a multitap costs $30 as well. So to get four player capability, you have to pay $90 for both systems.

You've got to love the selective math capabilities of some people around here.

evil ways

sonycowboy said:
Well, the NA is bundled w/ a game for the same price as the core system $149. And the network card in the Xbox is about as useful as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest without Xbox Live which is $70.

And, of course, if you're going to talk about having to buy a Multitap, then you're saying that you're going to buy 3 more Xbox controllers @ $30.00 for a total of $90, whereas the PS2 controllers are $20 for $60 and a multitap costs $30 as well. So to get four player capability, you have to pay $90 for both systems.

You've got to love the selective math capabilities of some people around here.

You forgot the DVD playback kit.
evil ways said:
You forgot the DVD playback kit.

At this point in the game, people would have to be retarded to buy the Xbox remote for $30. I just bought a progressive scan DVD for $30 ($39 with $10 rebated).

Even the PS2 remote for $15 is pushing it. But at least the PS2 has progressive scan and the remote isn't a complete POS.

They should both just bundle it with the hardware at this point. I recognize for M$ it would be harder as they would then be required to pay the DVD licensing fee for every Xbox vs only paying when people buy the remote.
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