How is the PS4? Worth picking up? Long time Xbox guy, but the one just isn't doing it for me. Does the controller feel better? Because I remember DS3 feeling like something you'd find at Toys R Us.
The controller is better, yes. I don't honestly get some of the absolutely gushing impressions of it that I've seen out there, but it's a marked improvement on the last several Playstation controllers.
When you grip the handles naturally, it places your thumbs in a neutral spot between the two control options, unlike the old dualshocks, which placed them on the d-pad and button centers. This means that using the analog sticks no longer forces you to either reach way over, or hold the controller in an un-natural way. The sticks themselves are also much better than the DS3.
The triggers are still a step back from the 360 controller, but the rest of buttons continue to be better. I'd rate it equal with the 360 controller overall.