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PS4 Pro Benefits for 1080p TV Owners (general and game-specific)

So none of these games are going for 60 fps that don't already run in 60 fps on regular ps4s?

Well, it's interesting to note that a lot of the big games released this month that will be getting PRO modes already -do- target 60 fps. And whatever shortcomings they have in reaching that (Battlefield 1 Conquest multiplayer) should be vastly improved.

Titanfall 2, Battlefield, Call of Duty Infinite Warfare / Modern Warefare are the three games that a lot of people are focusing on, and all three are games designed to run at 60 fps on everything. It'd be pointless to run them at 120fps.

Right now I think it's far easier for developers to patch older games by increasing pixel count than brute forcing 30fps to 60fps. Which is why we're seeing older legacy games like Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and Clank take the cheaper way out and just include higher pixel counts. The fact that Uncharted 4 MP runs at 1080p at 60 fps with mostly equivalent visual settings and all that chaos compared to single player tells me it can be done. But at this point, it's just not worth it to retool your entire single player campaign to get it there. Honestly, how much more is Uncharted 4 going to sell because of this. Great game, but people have moved on.

I do however feel games that are currently in development, will try to make an effort to do a 1080p 60 fps mode versus a 4k 30 fps mode. Much like we see in Nioh and Tomb Raider.

I just think trying to double your framerate on a CPU that's only 35% better on a game that's already been released just isn't worth it financially. But, on a games that is yet to come out, it might be worth an investment to see what you can do in having two main option modes. One focusing on high resolution and the other focusing on high framerate. And hopefully Sony standardizes what developers call it. I like Cinema vs Action. Simple two setting toggle in the options so people don't complain that consoles are getting too complicated or whatever nonsense.
Have we seen any comparison for the SSD on PS4 pro. Initial comments from DF were not looking good.

I just wanna know if my 1TB SSHD will run faster than the stock 1TB in the Pro. If not, it would make transferring them a lot more easier if I didn't have to worry about the swap.
Thank you from the other thread.

Been looking for a actual answer to my question instead of bits and pieces. Even more excited for my pro now.


Does the original PS4 version of Infamous First Light have the performance toggle thing on the menu and does it give close to 60 FPS?

If not then that may be worth testing. I'll have a look when my Pro arrives on Thursday. In the DF review of the Pro there was a short (5 seconds ish) clip of IFL in it's unlocked mode and it was sitting around 55 - 60 FPS all the time and that was in the city too - zipping along a normal street using the neon travel power with all the particle effects that generates. COuld be very promising - 60 FPS Infamous haaaaawwww yeah.


There's a significant part missing from the OP regarding Horizon: Zero Dawn.

We’re also looking at enhancing the quality of our shadow maps and increasing the quality of our anisotropic filtering. This is a technique which increases the quality of texture sampling, resulting in more detailed environment textures. We still have to tweak these elements of the 1080p output quality for the final game, but we have quite a bit of power yet to play with.


So all I'm doing is telling my PS4 to output in 4K even though I have a 1080p

So I guess in FFXV settings I go put it to 4K, it wouldn't actually be called supersampling, right?

No, you set the PS4 Pro output setting to 1080p otherwise you won't get a picture on your TV.

Downsampling is simply about the game internally rendering in a resolution that is higher than your display output setting.
No, you set the PS4 Pro output setting to 1080p otherwise you won't get a picture on your TV.

Downsampling is simply about the game internally rendering in a resolution that is higher than your display output setting.

Sorry to reiterate the question but what resolution are screenshots when the Pro is set to 1080p.

Is it a snap from the frame buffer before or after the downsample?


Sorry to reiterate the question but what resolution are screenshots when the Pro is set to 1080p.

Is it a snap from the frame buffer before or after the downsample?
It should be after downscale.
In some games the UI might even be rendered after down scaling to get pixel perfect result of bitmaps.


Very curious about the SSD speed test. Picking up the system regardless, but if the SSD boost is significant, I may drop the extra cash on a new drive.


It's great to see super sampling being embraced on consoles, it's become one of my favourite things about going to PC yet it's seemingly not that widely known or used. Does wonders for alleviating aliasing!


- Better quality video clips through Share button (1080p @ 60fps)
I believe it's 1080p/30 for video recording. (60fps for streaming)

Anyone knows how much bigger is a 15 minutes clip? IIRC on normal PS4 it's around 750MB


what ?. i almost thought its 1.5GB

the two points above can have 2 meaning

- additional 1.5GB of ram is added, with 512mb for gaming and 1gb for OS
- additional 1GB of ram is added, with 512mb for gaming and the rest for OS ?

They added an additional 1GB of DDR3 RAM. Half is used by the OS, other half by games. This in turn also frees up 512MB of the existing 8GB GDDR5 to be used for games (it was used by the OS in the standard PS4).


It's 512MB actually.
And it's only for the OS
what ?. i almost thought its 1.5GB
additional 1GB of ram is added, with 512mb for gaming and the rest for OS ?
Correct! :D

Actually, the added 1GB RAM of slower DDR3 is used as swap space specifically for apps like Netflix or the Browser. When you switch back to a game, the 1GB portion of the 8GB GDDR5 that is used for apps is moved to that new memory bank. This effectively frees up 1GB of fast memory which is divided like mentioned above. When you go back to the app, the data is moved back into GDDR5 for runtime usage. Nothing ever is run while residing in slow memory.
Great thread.

Dumb question, but would a Pro shorten boot / wake up time ?
It might be my cluttered HDD that bottlenecks things, but I feel waking up from rest mode (without suspending apps) has taken a large hit with the last major software update


Great thread for anyone wanting info specifically for 1080 screens. The other threads are a mishmash.


So if first light is running 55-60fps on the 4k mode on PRO, this bodes well for the 1080p performance mode which the devs spoke about, should be locked 60fps...


Press - MP1st.com
I have a 4K TV but just wanted to say that this is a good idea, OP. Should answer a lot of questions that will no doubt be asked repeatedly.


This is a great thread and it needs to be completely flooded with comparison pictures of PS4 and PS4 Pro @ 1080p .
Any improvements on non patched games ? (like more stable frame rates for unlocked games or games that fail to reach their target.. Or games with dynamic resolution keeping to higher resolutions) or is that a no-go ?


More generally, are there (clear) benefits running Skyrim on 1080p televisions using the PS4 Pro?

I think the only thing we know for sure is a cleaner, crisp image from supersampling. Fallout 4 is supposed to receive a 4k patch soon too.


So will FFXV have supersampling since we have confirmation of a 4k patch?

I'm not sure what to do though. Games like tomb raider I would rather play in 1080p mode due to the enhancements compared to just 4K check rendering with the OG graphics





Correct! :D

Actually, the added 1GB RAM of slower DDR3 is used as swap space specifically for apps like Netflix or the Browser. When you switch back to a game, the 1GB portion of the 8GB GDDR5 that is used for apps is moved to that new memory bank. This effectively frees up 1GB of fast memory which is divided like mentioned above. When you go back to the app, the data is moved back into GDDR5 for runtime usage. Nothing ever is run while residing in slow memory.

How is that false? Bottom line is there is (give or take) 512MB of GDDR5 RAM extra available for devs to use.

"On PS4 Pro, we do things differently, when you stop using Netflix, we move it to the slow, conventional gigabyte of DRAM," Cerny told Digital Foundry. "Using that strategy frees up almost one gigabyte of the eight gigabytes of GDDR5."

Half of the freed-up RAM is available to game developers, boosting the total amount to 5.5 GB. (The existing PS4 offers as much as 5 GB of memory for games.) The PS4 Pro uses "most of the rest" of the extra graphics memory, said Cerny, to draw the console’s interface at 4K resolution — four times the pixels of the current 1080p resolution.

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