PS5 Pro Has Reignited my enjoyment of Consoles


Gold Member
I'm tired of baiting me into Pro vs. "PC for Pro price" discussions.
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Gold Member
Btw, Until Dawn? I was not the biggest fan of the Remake (I bought it on PS5 not realizing the PC version would have raytracing), but on the Pro? Game looks notably better and that 60fps is 💋


I agree that it's great, no doubt about it. But, so is the Pro.

To me, the value is up to the individual. In my world, is a 4090 great value? Absolutely, because as both a user who plays games and a character artist, it will be in a highly used, multipurpose machine (more so than my Pro will ever be). I just don't understand why people have to speak on value like it is universal. Sure, the Pro isn't a mass market item, but it clearly has its audience. I don't see why that ruffles feathers.
Of course it's all subjective.

By that time, remind us how much the 5090 will cost compared to PS5 Pro.
A lot more, but it'll also be a shit load more powerful. It'll be above what I'm willing to spend on gaming hardware, but it's cool for OverHeat OverHeat


Well for starters you (for example) post in PS5 Pro threads more than people who are actually interested in PS5 Pro and less than you post in PC threads.

You're borderline obsessed with the Pro.

Look how many pc threads are here vs Pro threads. This forum is like 70% PS5/Pro threads.


PC users so annoying. Yall act like Jehovahs witness with all the constant preaching about how PC is so much better
But I'm not the one claiming this is Jesus Christ made manifest.
That's why many of us stick with more than one platform. For me, PS and PC will always be my mains. I get the best of both worlds with a ton of freedom to choose what platform I want to buy games on.
Yeah I end up buying one or two consoles each gen aswell. I need to play that GT7 somehow.


Well when I created the thread, I knew alot of the PC nerds would get upset and have to come in bleating on about counterpoints and SUPREME PERFORMANCE.

Well, as I said, I have a top-of-the-range PC and i wanted to share an experience i was hoping others had too, or in fact maybe the opposite.

I dont think anyone is disillusioned to the fact that PC has many factually better elements like higher IQ and frames but thats not the point at all. The point is the ease of use and a platform designed around games and access to them that makes the whole experience quicker and more enjoyable.

Its not about exclusives, the concept of exclusives is over and dead, if you dont know that than you cant be helped. But the concept of access and ease of use is going nowhere and being able to play those games at comparative quality and for much less than a high end PC is compelling.

Dont worry, your PC is going nowhere and steam will still exist even if you buy a PS5 pro.


On the main page roughly 20% of the threads are about PS5 Pro...and it just launched.

The problem with obsession is the next step is usually delusion.

Get your facts straight.

HARDWARE threads, majority of them is PS5/PS5 Pro. There is not much PC only stuff on this forum.

If you don't like my posts you can ignore them.


As someone who plays 80% on PC I understand this sentiment.

Do I want a PS5 Pro? Yes. Do I want to pay 930 EUR (MRSP)/1030 EUR (street price) for this upgrade? No. Okay, I could still sell my base PS5 but that's still 500EUR then. I've updated my six years old CPU for 200 EUR instead.

I still really like my PS5. For the very things I do with it. For this it's a great device. That is exclusives (even timed ones), coop games with my PS5-only buddies, and having that console experience, which is a huge plus. You pick up the controller and the console and TV turns on, everything works, is automatically updated while in rest mode, pairing additional controllers easy as pie. Everything just works. It's the same interface when playing at a friend's. I take my game disc with me, play the game with the same settings and performance there. From an overall experience it's just a great piece of tech.

For everything else it's still PC for me (21:9, free multiplayer, free cloud save games, better ray-tracing, better performance, PC-exclusive strategy and/or indie games, some early access titles, Steam Deck compatibility of my library, ability to play in our study so my wife can do things in the living room). Still, lots of things don't work as I would like it to do. Just to name a few things is that the DualSense won't charge over USB on my, no matter which settings and USB port and different cables. DualSense offers its full features most of the time via wired mode only, and even then some PS5 PC ports lack said support. Having the screenshot button working, it must be set via SteamInput for each game individually. If the game offers native DualSense support and you want to use that, you can't have that screenshot button. Monitor change between study and living room is a bit wonky at times with Windows 11. So is HDR. Controller desktop controls only work when Steam is active, but sometimes I use uPlay, GOG or Epic or Xbox software. If I leave Steam open, SteamInput often interferes with games running via GamePass (lately Hellblade 2). There are still precious minutes spend on small things that add up easily.

ANYWAYS, each device has its use I think. I understand the appeal of an Xbox, Switch, PC, or having all of them. Everyone has different demands.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Do you know how you can tell that the PS5 Pro is the real deal?

It's making hardcore PC (only) gamers super the point that they have to come into every fucking PS5 Pro thread.
Yas Yes GIF by chelsiekenyon
God forbid people read the OP comparing and contrasting PC + PS5 Pro and then post their opinion in favor of PC. Maybe you should stay out of this thread if you can’t handle differing opinions.


As someone who plays 80% on PC I understand this sentiment.

Do I want a PS5 Pro? Yes. Do I want to pay 930 EUR (MRSP)/1030 EUR (street price) for this upgrade? No. Okay, I could still sell my base PS5 but that's still 500EUR then. I've updated my six years old CPU for 200 EUR instead.

I still really like my PS5. For the very things I do with it. For this it's a great device. That is exclusives (even timed ones), coop games with my PS5-only buddies, and having that console experience, which is a huge plus. You pick up the controller and the console and TV turns on, everything works, is automatically updated while in rest mode, pairing additional controllers easy as pie. Everything just works. It's the same interface when playing at a friend's. I take my game disc with me, play the game with the same settings and performance there. From an overall experience it's just a great piece of tech.

For everything else it's still PC for me (21:9, free multiplayer, free cloud save games, better ray-tracing, better performance, PC-exclusive strategy and/or indie games, some early access titles, Steam Deck compatibility of my library, ability to play in our study so my wife can do things in the living room). Still, lots of things don't work as I would like it to do. Just to name a few things is that the DualSense won't charge over USB on my, no matter which settings and USB port and different cables. DualSense offers its full features most of the time via wired mode only, and even then some PS5 PC ports lack said support. Having the screenshot button working, it must be set via SteamInput for each game individually. If the game offers native DualSense support and you want to use that, you can't have that screenshot button. Monitor change between study and living room is a bit wonky at times with Windows 11. So is HDR. Controller desktop controls only work when Steam is active, but sometimes I use uPlay, GOG or Epic or Xbox software. If I leave Steam open, SteamInput often interferes with games running via GamePass (lately Hellblade 2). There are still precious minutes spend on small things that add up easily.

ANYWAYS, each device has its use I think. I understand the appeal of an Xbox, Switch, PC, or having all of them. Everyone has different demands.
Great points, its nice to see someone post some realistic things that happen with pc gaming. Your points on the dualsense are spot on, there are issues as well with EA games like F1 and EAFC where it says it supports the DS but it doesnt without steam input and in that instance its emulating an x input device.So you get dumb rubble and sometimes triggers? The wireless dualsense support is okay it connects and you can use triggers but the haptics obviously dont work, I just end up using a xbox one.


Why? I acknowledged the more powerful hardware of PC.

It just isn't that noticeable anymore. Much less even now that PS5 Pro released. 😉
Ray tracing and higher framerates are very noticeable, that's why people who care about this stuff and have the money spend thousands on a single PC component to have all the visual goodies. And the 5090 will make the gap a lot bigger in a few months, for those lucky enough to get one!


I was blaming you for the PC/PS threads, but mostly in jest.

Interview With The Vampire Television GIF by Anne Rice's Immortal Universe's Immortal Universe

But I didn't create those threads. My point here was that it's hard to NOT post in Pro related threads when most hardware threads are Pro related.

I'm sorry that my opinion about Pro don't align with opinion from most loyal Sony fans but what can I do?


Oh baby yes

They destroyed MS (or MS destroyed themselves?) so there can be only PC vs. PS5 war from now on.

And that tells you everything you need to know.

A ton of us own gaming PCs as well as consoles......I've never in my life seen PC only gamers act sooooo fucking insecure regarding a console launch.

It's embarrassing.

I would like to know WHY PC gamers are insecure in your opinion.
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