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PSP and DS stickies = unfair taxation. Revolt! Impeach the MOds!

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All PSP and DS stuff keeps getting merged into a morass of confusion. I want the issue to be voted on by members: Stay with sticky threads or seperate threads like everything else gets? I vote seperate threads.

aoi tsuki

It sucks, but also prevents this from happening:

New shots of DS RR
Old? Better-looking screens of RR DS
Didn't bother to search... HOT new RR DS screens!
Hey guys, will teh DS play games?


Banstick Emeritus

\Ol"i*gar"chy\, n.; pl. Oligarchies. [Gr. ?; ? few, little + ? to rule, govern: cf.F. oligarchie.] A form of government in which the supreme power is placed in the hands of a few persons; also, those who form the ruling few.

All oligarchies, wherein a few men domineer, do what they list. --Burton.
It's for the greater good. If you have a game-specific DS or PSP thread, feel free to take it outside of the stickies. Anything else, however, will be RUTHLESSLY merged into the morass. Feel free to complain to that wall behind you if you don't like it.

Carry on.
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