So I checked out the thread a few days ago. It's looking good. I've learned never ever take the first one because that's just Beta. But DA is usually pretty fast with the updates. I do make a Pandora Battery and CatB50 whatever it is stick. Oh boy am I glad I did that. Keep up the good work Mejilan.
Who the fuck has the default going to the Sony Updater! I updated and everything on my stick is invisible. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Break out the Pandora and the magic stick. I root around and find the other stick I used to upgrade to 4.01. Okay, all is well with the world in a bad and wrong kind of way.
So I know what I did wrong (hold the stupid R button down and make sure it defaults to CFW updating). So I figure while I'm at it I'll install CWCHEAT. That's right, the mighty Yian Kut-Ku will die this time, and painfully, and over and over again. But what, after I follow the fucking instructions "Press X to enable the SEPLUGINS" I exit and I can see the icons for the games but cannot run diddly squat... and all of my video is gone. What?
Oh, I'm getting real good at this, downgrade the bastard to 3.80, back to 4.01, net update to 5.00 m33-3. WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK, all of the SAVEDATA was deleted! Nooooooooo!!! FUCK! Four months of Hot Shots Golf OT2! Many months of Taiko 1 and 2. And worst of all my DJMAX FEVER WON"T RUN!!!!! I can't live without DJMAX FEVER! For fucks sake, Goddammit, this is stupid beyond belief. And it's not just me, even if I am a techie whore masochist confirmed.
So Pandora, stick, 3.80 and then 4.01 and I'm back to where I started from, yet, minus one months worth of save files. Yeah, luckily I did find a back up of the stick I did last month. But it still sucks. Lost over 100 matches of golf, 20 levels in DJMAX and gold starring all the easy and medium songs on Taiko (so I can get all the medals!). And then I lost a few missions from MHP2, but I guess that's penance for trying to install CWCheat. I love my PSP, but this shit must cease now!
Really, I don't know what to think. What reason is there for me to upgrade?