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PSP Japanese price and new PS2 model announcements looming

I didnt get this from the official sources, but word is that within the next 24 hours the price of the PSP (at least in Japan) and the new model PS2 will be unveiled.





"GAF's biggest wanker"
But you could have gotten it from official sources, since Sony has officially announced it.


force push the doodoo rock
heres something

[11:04] <TToB> Tokyo, September 21, 2004 ? Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI), announced today a completely new look for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system (SCPH-70000), which will become available in Japan, North America and Europe for the year-end peak selling season. The new model will be available in stores on November 3rd in Japan, and on November 1st in North America and Europe.
[11:04] <TToB> While inheriting the basic functions and design philosophy of the current PlayStation 2, the internal design architecture has been completely overhauled, resulting in a slimmer and more lightweight design. Internal volume has been reduced by 75%, overall weight has been halved, and thickness trimmed down to 2.8 cm (thickness of current model is 7.8 cm). Its size is almost as small as a hardcover book, making it easier to carry around and e
[11:04] <TToB> njoy games and DVD videos anytime, anywhere.

So what do we need a psp for? Sounds kinda made up anyway.


force push the doodoo rock
kaching said:
I don't think you're off the mark for the Japanese release. $300 for the US.

I think its obvious considering they talked about how the ps1 and the ps2 launched at 300 dollars and what not.
kaching said:
davis' announcement does leave out the details, doesn't it? ;)

Hehe, I know I know, but I just felt like I had to. :p

Anyways, I might as well regain some credibility and be serious. I'm still standing strong on my thoughts of $250-$300 at launch. That seems to be the case with everyone else... who isn't a crazed dreaming fan.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I wonder if Nintendo have known that the price would be announced today for a while. Could explain them holding off DS price details for so long, maybe thye want to see where the competition are pricing themselves.


Mama Smurf said:
I wonder if Nintendo have known that the price would be announced today for a while. Could explain them holding off DS price details for so long, maybe thye want to see where the competition are pricing themselves.

I don't think they knew exactly when, but they knew it had to be soon. It's like what Sega and Sony were doing just before the announcements of the Playstation and Saturn prices in Japan. It's been a virtual game of chicken, but somebody eventually had to give.


Unless you are always on the road, are an extreme techie, or have money to burn... why the FUCK would anyone pay $300 for a portable system? Good god, call me when it hits $150 or less.

Also, Sony is going to announce their purchase of Nintendo. Not only will the PS3 incorporate all the tech work done for the Revloution thus far, the new PSTwo will also be compatible with GameCube games. Existing owners of GameCubes can actually trade in their systems for the new PSTwo, as long as they demolish their Cubes on-site at a Gamestop or EB (and while being videotaped). Also. Sony will take the technology from the DS, patent it, and never use it, nor let anyone every use it. Then they're going to sell off the rights to all the Nintendo characters to Microsoft so they can be used as targets in the next Brute Force title.

You just watch people, you just watch!!!


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Razoric said:
Unless you are always on the road, are an extreme techie, or have money to burn... why the FUCK would anyone pay $300 for a portable system? Good god, call me when it hits $150 or less.

Why would anyone pay $300 for a set top console?


kaching said:
Why would anyone pay $300 for a set top console?

Speaking on my opinion alone I get 100 times more playtime from a set top console than a portable. That alone offsets the price. PSP seems to have a lot of PS2 ports / portable versions. Unless you are on the road, why not just buy the games for the much cheaper PS2? Just seems really gimmicky to me... a $300 dust collector within 6 months... even more so when the PS3, Xbox 2 and revolution come out. Again Im speaking from the perspective of casual portable gaming. I rarely carry my GBA around. The only reason I play it is because of the awesome 2D games that dont come out anywhere else.


kaching said:
You started by projecting that opinion onto others, which you don't have the perspective to pull off.

Uh no, I said if you dont travel (ie dont have much use for a portable), aren't a techie / dont have the money to burn, why the hell spend $300 on a portable? Sorry but if it's that much it will bomb. Don't mean to burst your little bubble there.

Ranger X

PSP is going to be cheap as fuck but the battery life will suck and then Sony will start to make batteries and sell them in every single fucking store in America. They won't loose a penny that way. lol


force push the doodoo rock
Wyzdom said:
PSP is going to be cheap as fuck but the battery life will suck and then Sony will start to make batteries and sell them in every single fucking store in America. They won't loose a penny that way. lol

lol indeed.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Razoric said:
Uh no, I said if you dont travel (ie dont have much use for a portable), aren't a techie / dont have the money to burn, why the hell spend $300 on a portable? Sorry but if it's that much it will bomb. Don't mean to burst your little bubble there.
Right, like I said, your opening question was rhetorical. I don't have a bubble to burst on this since I can see the validity to many arguments for and against PSP success. But I do think that claiming that it's a foregone conclusion that it will be a failure at a $300 price point, is getting a little ahead of yourself. For one thing, when you refer to "people who don't travel" you knock out those people who may not "travel" much, but certainly spend a lot of time away from home, whether its 5 minutes down the street, an hour or 5 hours away. And that's a good chunk of society these days.


Anyone who thinks it will be more than $300 needs to pass what they're smokin this way. PS3 wont even be more than $300.


IIRC during one of Sony's press confrences(E3?).... or maybe one of my pipe dreams.. I think I remember hearing Sony wasn't planning to make much money off the PSP from launch, it would start making profits over it's lifespan (PS2?). Again I can't remember correctly what the source was but I know I heard it somewhere. But if this is true it's US launch price should be cheap to compete with DS and make large number of sales up front. And as time goes by technology would become cheaper and eventually Sony would finally start to make larger profits. If I'm completely wrong... then ignore my ramblings :D



I'm jumping for joy (not literally of course) if Sony quotes less than $300 for PSP. I'm not counting on it though.
EGM92 said:
IIRC during one of Sony's press confrences(E3?).... or maybe one of my pipe dreams.. I think I remember hearing Sony wasn't planning to make much money off the PSP from launch, it would start making profits over it's lifespan (PS2?). Again I can't remember correctly what the source was but I know I heard it somewhere. But if this is true it's US launch price should be cheap to compete with DS and make large number of sales up front. And as time goes by technology would become cheaper and eventually Sony would finally start to make larger profits. If I'm completely wrong... then ignore my ramblings :D


Sony's never said such a thing. Many have speculated. They've been incredibly tight lipped about so many things regarding the system, so that's why this conference and especially TGS are so highly anticipated. We're still waiting for the "true" coming out party.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Kaz Hirai did in fact say something to that effect shortly after/during E3, SC.

Of course, just because he said they probably won't price PSP to make much profit off of hardware at first, doesn't mean it won't still be up around $300 just to cover cost...
I'm not interested in PSP yet, but I hope its cheap... that's the core benefit for me. How cheap it makes GBAs, Nintendo DS and any forthcoming GBA2
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