PSVR2 PC gaming adapter reviews


I don’t believe your PhD in optics honestly. All these “identical” fresnel lenses you mention and saying you could capture a through the lens “easily” are a huge red flag. Might as well take a picture of that diploma on your way to take pictures easily through the lens.
I can confirm my name and post proof to a mod if you like for that too.

The blur compared to Quest 2 is easy enough, for one PSVR2 has lower sub pixel count than Quest 2. PSVR 2 also has a coating on the display to reduce screen door effect but it doesn’t help with resolution.
You're joking right? Quest 2 is lower resolution than a PSVR2. You're here talking about subpixels as if the screen door effect is visible to begin with. How is that possible when you say the lens is causing a blurred image of the screen where you wouldn't even see pixels let alone subpixel structure? Nonsense you're spouting.

There’s many optimization solutions in designing a fresnel lens. Do you have the exact convex dimensions? The thickness? Distance from display? No? How do you even go about and say they are identical, mind blowing. For all we know, a more convex lens would introduce more distorsion in the camera as eyes can laser focus on a center, cameras don’t.

In the end, not a single through the lens on PSVR 2 managed to make it as clear as Quest 2. Multiple different peoples throughout a year and a half in often multiple different analysis when introducing new headsets. They all passed word to each others to make Quest 2 or other fresnel PCVR headset to look better than PSVR2, every single time. Everyone is against Sony and plotting to showcase it in a bad light, since you can easily capture through the lens

So say they are “identical” lenses (again :rolleyes:) So either meta/PCVR headsets have the miracle recipe to remove chromatic aberration of fresnel lenses or everyone is against Sony, on top of the user experience which is clear as day that it doesn’t need to move much to lose the sweet spot. So Sony fucked it up by inserting that identical lelenses. their headset in a bad position/distance and force everyone to struggle finding the sweet spot, so in the end Meta understands the user experience better? Pick your poison in this “identical” lens theory.

There are barely any through the lens shots to begin with but you can find shit ones for all headsets with fresnel lenses. For Quest 2 in that link, notice both the chromatic aberration and "god rays". I'm not sure why you're falsly claiming Meta removed it from headsets that use fresnel lenses when they haven't.

Sony’s move away from PSVR’s aspherical lenses and full RGB display is a regression.

Because you say so I'm sure.
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Buggy Loop

I can confirm my name and post proof to a mod if you like for that too.

Sure do.

You're joking right? Quest 2 is lower resolution than a PSVR2. You're here talking about subpixels as if the screen door effect is visible to begin with.

Subpixels don't count now? Holy shit dude. Where were you in PSVR days. A coating on the display to remove SDE is not the same effect as having the subpixels.

How is that possible when you say the lens is causing a blurred image of the screen where you wouldn't even see pixels let alone subpixel structure? Nonsense you're spouting.

When did I see the lens is causing a blurred image? Sweet spot displacement will add chromatic aberration, nobody can find the camera position for that perfect sweet spot like eyes would do.

But you will, by end of day.

Sacha Baron Cohen Thumbs Up GIF by Amazon Prime Video

There are barely any through the lens shots to begin with but you can find shit ones for all headsets with fresnel lenses. For Quest 2 in that link, notice both the chromatic aberration and "god rays". I'm not sure why you're falsly claiming Meta removed it from headsets that use fresnel lenses when they haven't.

Are you dense? I'm playing along your claim that "identical" lenses somehow only showcase the PSVR 2 as the worst one. To play that claim, I sarcastically said that in all through the lenses videos vs Quest 2 with the same methodology, same camera, same person doing the tests that Quest 2 ends up with less chromatic aberration, it means Meta found the magic recipe. Because you haven't provided fuck all for the explanation of it, NADA. Other that they must be doing a shit job, but only for PSVR 2. No I don't believe Quest 2 has no god rays or chromatic aberration, I see it enough with my own eyes in the headset.

Your PhD in optics should already have the answer long ago, many posts before this.

So what is it.

What makes all of these through the lens look off.

Do tell doctor.

Whole community is basically just waiting for that explanation for a long time, I tell you what, I can already prep them up for the hype of your explanation on discord, maybe even call out Tyriel, MRTV, VOODOODE, for that finale. Today right?

christoph waltz television GIF by Saturday Night Live

Because you say so I'm sure.

Find me a single reason why fresnel would be a better pick than aspherical? Or full RGB subpixel rather than pentile? It was the whole goddamn praise back in PSVR 1 release because the other headsets on the market were on fresnel + pentile. Aspherical lenses are typically in the higher range in price headsets for PCVR. So other than pricing, why would Sony not continue with that for PSVR 2? Do tell.


Sure, let a mod know and I'll send it and they can confirm with you
Subpixels don't count now? Holy shit dude. Where were you in PSVR days. A coating on the display to remove SDE is not the same effect as having the subpixels.
Are you dense? You think a discussion of "sweet spot" is related to subpixel structure. What exactly happens when you find that sweet spot does the subpixel structure change? I know you have problems following discussions and keeping on topic but a small sweet spot has nothing to do with subpixel structure "counting" or not
When did I see the lens is causing a blurred image? Sweet spot displacement will add chromatic aberration, nobody can find the camera position for that perfect sweet spot like eyes would do.

But you will, by end of day.

Sacha Baron Cohen Thumbs Up GIF by Amazon Prime Video

Are you dense? I'm playing along your claim that "identical" lenses somehow only showcase the PSVR 2 as the worst one. To play that claim, I sarcastically said that in all through the lenses videos vs Quest 2 with the same methodology, same camera, same person doing the tests that Quest 2 ends up with less chromatic aberration, it means Meta found the magic recipe. Because you haven't provided fuck all for the explanation of it, NADA. Other that they must be doing a shit job, but only for PSVR 2. No I don't believe Quest 2 has no god rays or chromatic aberration, I see it enough with my own eyes in the headset.

Your PhD in optics should already have the answer long ago, many posts before this.

So what is it.

What makes all of these through the lens look off.

Well done posting the same videos we were discussing moments ago. You think this is some kind of point?
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I couldn't get it working. I think I need a different bluetooth dongle. Have ordered one from Amazon so hopefully will arrive tomorrow.


Sure do.

Subpixels don't count now? Holy shit dude. Where were you in PSVR days. A coating on the display to remove SDE is not the same effect as having the subpixels.

When did I see the lens is causing a blurred image? Sweet spot displacement will add chromatic aberration, nobody can find the camera position for that perfect sweet spot like eyes would do.

But you will, by end of day.

Sacha Baron Cohen Thumbs Up GIF by Amazon Prime Video

Are you dense? I'm playing along your claim that "identical" lenses somehow only showcase the PSVR 2 as the worst one. To play that claim, I sarcastically said that in all through the lenses videos vs Quest 2 with the same methodology, same camera, same person doing the tests that Quest 2 ends up with less chromatic aberration, it means Meta found the magic recipe. Because you haven't provided fuck all for the explanation of it, NADA. Other that they must be doing a shit job, but only for PSVR 2. No I don't believe Quest 2 has no god rays or chromatic aberration, I see it enough with my own eyes in the headset.

Your PhD in optics should already have the answer long ago, many posts before this.

So what is it.

What makes all of these through the lens look off.

Do tell doctor.

Whole community is basically just waiting for that explanation for a long time, I tell you what, I can already prep them up for the hype of your explanation on discord, maybe even call out Tyriel, MRTV, VOODOODE, for that finale. Today right?

christoph waltz television GIF by Saturday Night Live

Find me a single reason why fresnel would be a better pick than aspherical? Or full RGB subpixel rather than pentile? It was the whole goddamn praise back in PSVR 1 release because the other headsets on the market were on fresnel + pentile. Aspherical lenses are typically in the higher range in price headsets for PCVR. So other than pricing, why would Sony not continue with that for PSVR 2? Do tell.

Both headset has pros and cons but many prefer psvr2 vs quest3 on pc becasue of colors, blacks, brightnes, fov and lack of compression artifacts.


I couldn't get it working. I think I need a different bluetooth dongle. Have ordered one from Amazon so hopefully will arrive tomorrow.
FWIW, which driver you use can make a huge difference with BT adapters. If you’ve downloaded a manufacturer provided driver then it can easily perform worse vs just using the Windows supplied one.

I’m using a 6-7 year old BT adapter and it’s never worked well with my gamepads on the manufacturer driver. But when using the default Win driver they all connect flawlessly and the same goes for the PSVR2 controllers.


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FWIW, which driver you use can make a huge difference with BT adapters. If you’ve downloaded a manufacturer provided driver then it can easily perform worse vs just using the Windows supplied one.

I’m using a 6-7 year old BT adapter and it’s never worked well with my gamepads on the manufacturer driver. But when using the default Win driver they all connect flawlessly and the same goes for the PSVR2 controllers.
Thanks. Tomorrow I’m going to reinstall w10 and start from scratch. See how that goes.


So the Steam test app was trying to get me to subscribe to something but regardless as promised here is the first through lens pic of PSVR2 I took showing an alternative high contrast text to see the effects of a well taken image vs a badly taken one:

First image I took

Second image I took where I intentionally misaligned with a big angle for lateral chromatic aberration

Now which do you think this:

most resembles? You can even see how off angle the text is in both. And sorry for the delay as I had to charge my camera battery for this.

The first image was easy to take, the only difficulty was that the strap on PSVR2 is solid and gets in the way of trying to get a chunky cam in there. The Quest is a floppy ribbon you can put to the side and doesn't get in the way when sticking a cam to the lens.
Now if DGrayson DGrayson or any other mod can see my email address and wants me to verify my physics/optics background for Buggy Loop Buggy Loop let me know.
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Gold Member
Sony’s move away from PSVR’s aspherical lenses and full RGB display is a regression.
Yeah, and they also made a bad judgment on the timing. Everyone in the scene warned them about the configuration being outdated before it was even released. Instead of glass aspherical lenses and rgb striped panels, they wasted all their money on eyetracking and OLED, a panel at that with pentile arrangement and bad mura and horrible low persistence performance. And top it off they also added an ugly diffuser.

Btw don't take part in the cringe credentials thingy. It doesn't matter at this level unless a VR engineer.
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So the Steam test app was trying to get me to subscribe to something but regardless as promised here is the first through lens pic of PSVR2 I took showing an alternative high contrast text to see the effects of a well taken image vs a badly taken one:

First image I took

Second image I took where I intentionally misaligned with a big angle for lateral chromatic aberration

Now which do you think this:

most resembles? You can even see how off angle the text is in both. And sorry for the delay as I had to charge my camera battery for this.

The first image was easy to take, the only difficulty was that the strap on PSVR2 is solid and gets in the way of trying to get a chunky cam in there. The Quest is a floppy ribbon you can put to the side and doesn't get in the way when sticking a cam to the lens.
Now if DGrayson DGrayson or any other mod can see my email address and wants me to verify my physics/optics background for Buggy Loop Buggy Loop let me know.
When can I subscribe to your Youtube?


I suck at AI generation.
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So, I can confirm, the Tp-Link-bluetooth dongle was the culprit. With the ASUS one I played around 2 sweaty hours of SUPERHOT VR (Fuck, I love this game) without even a tiny hitch in the controller tracking.
Now, after a weekend away from home, I will start HL Alyx for the first time ever tonight... I am a bit excited.
Shit, didn't get to play Alyx again... Wanted to see, if the solved tracking problem makes Skyrim more fun to play (Spoiler: Fuck yeah, it does), and then there is the original "Arizona Sunshine" for sale on Humble for 5 € or something. "Tested" that for about 2 hours too...


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Finally sorted out my hardware issues. What an absolute ball ache it was. I honestly felt like giving up.

Anyhoo. Here's my mini review. I'm comparing this to my Quest 3.

The negative.
1. The cable. Yes it's there but to be honest it's not bothering me that much. A lot less than I thought it would.
2. Mura. Yes I can see the mura effect if I really look for it but when playing an actual game I don't tend to notice it. I can certainly live with it. Maybe I'm lucky with my unit.
3. Screen door. Yes I can see that as well but once again in game I don't notice it. I can see that it's a lower resolution then the Q3 but in game it doesn't seem to matter.
4. Sweet spot. It took me quite a while to find it. Compared to pancake lenses the margin is very tight but I did eventually find the sweet spot and it was sharper than I thought it would be.

The pros.
1. Black level. It's stunning. Groping around in the dark catacombs in HLA is amazing. The blacks are truly black. It's hard to impress how much of a difference the massive contrast difference between Q3 and PSVR2 makes. This is the visuals I've always hoped for in a VR game. I'm extremely pleased.
2. The colours just pop and look completely natural. Again probably because of the massive contrast advantage.
3. It's lighter and doesn't sit on your face like the Q3 does (and I've got a bobo vr strap).

I'm really impressed with PSVR2. I wish Sony had put in a compatible bluetooth dongle in the box. I would have made a massive difference in set up for me.
So many damn wires. Wires from box to DVI, Box to USB, Box to power, box to headset, wires for headphones, and wires to charge to controllers. I sold mine to pick up a Meta Quest 3 where i can play with zero wires. Gonna miss the OLED but it's worth not having the wire mess and having the freedom to play anywhere using streaming to the headset or playing games on the headset itself.
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Played Asgards Wrath via Revive. What an amazing experience.
The pure OLED blacks were astonishing as where the colours. I don’t think I’ve ever played a PC VR game without compression since the CV1 days. I can’t believe just how amazing the textures looked.
This and HLA, easily the best visuals I’ve seen in VR so far. I was a bit worried about getting a PSVR2 but I’m really glad I did.
Played Asgards Wrath via Revive. What an amazing experience.
The pure OLED blacks were astonishing as where the colours. I don’t think I’ve ever played a PC VR game without compression since the CV1 days. I can’t believe just how amazing the textures looked.
This and HLA, easily the best visuals I’ve seen in VR so far. I was a bit worried about getting a PSVR2 but I’m really glad I did.

It’s even better on the ps5. I’m glad I got 1 headset that can do both now.


Gold Member
Finally sorted out my hardware issues. What an absolute ball ache it was. I honestly felt like giving up.

Anyhoo. Here's my mini review. I'm comparing this to my Quest 3.

The negative.
1. The cable. Yes it's there but to be honest it's not bothering me that much. A lot less than I thought it would.
2. Mura. Yes I can see the mura effect if I really look for it but when playing an actual game I don't tend to notice it. I can certainly live with it. Maybe I'm lucky with my unit.
3. Screen door. Yes I can see that as well but once again in game I don't notice it. I can see that it's a lower resolution then the Q3 but in game it doesn't seem to matter.
4. Sweet spot. It took me quite a while to find it. Compared to pancake lenses the margin is very tight but I did eventually find the sweet spot and it was sharper than I thought it would be.

The pros.
1. Black level. It's stunning. Groping around in the dark catacombs in HLA is amazing. The blacks are truly black. It's hard to impress how much of a difference the massive contrast difference between Q3 and PSVR2 makes. This is the visuals I've always hoped for in a VR game. I'm extremely pleased.
2. The colours just pop and look completely natural. Again probably because of the massive contrast advantage.
3. It's lighter and doesn't sit on your face like the Q3 does (and I've got a bobo vr strap).

I'm really impressed with PSVR2. I wish Sony had put in a compatible bluetooth dongle in the box. I would have made a massive difference in set up for me.
in the end what matters is that many of the negatives aren't really noticeable while playing, like you stated. In GT7 it's night and day in the menus vs in car. I am waiting for my adapter to arrive, probably next week, hoping for the best, prepared for the worst in regards to BT :messenger_grinning_sweat:


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Have been trying Elite Dangerous with a HOTAS. Game looks amazing. Space games really shine on the PSVR2.
I finally got a chance to play some games on PCVR using the headset and a friends PC and adapter. It seemed to work well. No tracking issues. The colours popped a bit more than his Index with no real downside. For any PC gamers with PSVR2 the adapter is a great option.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion

Hmm that Pentile OLED is really obvious, but hard to say without trying how much you actually notice. However OG PSVR was FULL RGB headset (probably only one on market, at least at that time), so that's dissapointing.

didn't really look into before, just noticing


Hmm that Pentile OLED is really obvious, but hard to say without trying how much you actually notice. However OG PSVR was FULL RGB headset (probably only one on market, at least at that time), so that's dissapointing.

didn't really look into before, just noticing
It's definitely noticeable in test images like that but I don't really think it's an issue in practice. My original HTC Vive also has a Pentile display and it's quite a bit more visible on that due to the lower resolution. But it never actually bothered me while playing games and I feel that it's become a lesser issue on PSVR2 with the higher res.

It's not perfect but I think it's a decent tradeoff for having an OLED over LCD. Pentile artifacts are somewhat exaggerated on test images but it mostly blurs together while actually using the headset.


I finally got a chance to play some games on PCVR using the headset and a friends PC and adapter. It seemed to work well. No tracking issues. The colours popped a bit more than his Index with no real downside. For any PC gamers with PSVR2 the adapter is a great option.

"A bit more" is radically underselling it. Index's displays have been terrible since it was new over 5 years ago and are/were the worst displays most people own. Everything else about Index is still the best you can buy, but the displays were BY FAR its weakest aspect. VR2's OLED's are a multi-generational leap in comparison. The fact that Valve didn't use the 1400x1600 Samsung OLED's that appeared in Quest1/Vive Pro/Odyssey was a crime against humanity.
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I have been trying out this new color prediction game called 91 Club APK lately. It’s been pretty fun! If anyone’s into this kind of game, I’d recommend giving it a shot. Would love to hear what you think if you try it


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"A bit more" is radically underselling it. Index's displays have been terrible since it was new over 5 years ago and are/were the worst displays most people own. Everything else about Index is still the best you can buy, but the displays were BY FAR its weakest aspect. VR2's OLED's are a multi-generational leap in comparison. The fact that Valve didn't use the 1400x1600 Samsung OLED's that appeared in Quest1/Vive Pro/Odyssey was a crime against humanity.
Yes. I also have a Quest1. It’s still a fine vr headset considering its age especially for dark games. Colours are good and better than Quest3 but PSVR2 has the best colours I’ve ever seen in a VR headset. Very natural and accurate. In actual gameplay resolution and sharpness is sufficient. Quest3 still beats it due to higher native resolution and those amazing pancake lenses but when you’re immersed in the catacombs and dark hallways in HLA the fantastic colours, lack of compression and incredible contrast beats it.


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Cactus VR Studios have worked out how to do adaptive triggers on PC



works for me in a Rog strix 15 with a usbc to display port adaptor. Only negative was games dont seem smooth and feel kind of janky. AMD GPU


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works for me in a Rog strix 15 with a usbc to display port adaptor. Only negative was games dont seem smooth and feel kind of janky. AMD GPU
Have you tried reducing the steam vr render resolution to 68%


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There has been an update to the steam PSVR2 app.

Thank you for using PlayStation VR2.
We've released PlayStation VR2 App version 2.0.0 with the following changes:
  • You can now adjust the VR headset refresh rate on PCs that have an AMD Radeon RX graphics card.
    • To change the refresh rate, go to the SteamVR Status window of the SteamVR app, open the menu, and then select [Settings] > [General].
    • Or if you're wearing your VR headset, you can adjust the refresh rate by going to the SteamVR dashboard and selecting [VR Settings] > [General].
  • We've improved an issue where display distortion sometimes occurred when moving your head from side to side.
  • We've made some performance and stability improvements to the app.
  • We've improved the messages and usability on some screens.

If you're experiencing issues with controller connectivity or tracking, reviewing the Bluetooth devices you're using and your surrounding environment may help improve the situation. For details, refer to the PlayStation Support page "Bluetooth adapters compatible with PS VR2 on PC".


There has been an update to the steam PSVR2 app.

Thank you for using PlayStation VR2.
We've released PlayStation VR2 App version 2.0.0 with the following changes:
  • You can now adjust the VR headset refresh rate on PCs that have an AMD Radeon RX graphics card.
    • To change the refresh rate, go to the SteamVR Status window of the SteamVR app, open the menu, and then select [Settings] > [General].
    • Or if you're wearing your VR headset, you can adjust the refresh rate by going to the SteamVR dashboard and selecting [VR Settings] > [General].
  • We've improved an issue where display distortion sometimes occurred when moving your head from side to side.
  • We've made some performance and stability improvements to the app.
  • We've improved the messages and usability on some screens.

If you're experiencing issues with controller connectivity or tracking, reviewing the Bluetooth devices you're using and your surrounding environment may help improve the situation. For details, refer to the PlayStation Support page "Bluetooth adapters compatible with PS VR2 on PC".
  • We've improved an issue where display distortion sometimes occurred when moving your head from side to side."
Woww, they fixed this. Amazing. Thanks Sony!!


Gold Member
PSVR2 better then Big Screen Beyond?

[ MEDIA=youtube]XC4RWoMOeN0[ MEDIA]

I'm not going to watch the video, but I believe I understand why some people are hesitant to adopt the Bigscreen Beyond, which aligns with my reasons as a flight simulation enthusiast for not purchasing it.

The headset is designed with a very small form factor (that's its thing), which relies on the use of tiny pancake lenses. Unfortunately, these small lenses result in significant compromises: a limited sweet spot, a narrow field of view, and pronounced glare, despite the pancake lens technology and superior micro-OLED displays.

This shows the urgent need for new lens technology to further the development of small form factor VR headsets.
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