Not sure if I'll be around tonight or not. But good luck!
You too busy having a life!!?
And I actually like goalie, except when some goals go in where it's just weird...there were a few where it almost seemed like I couldn't move off a rebound
Playing goalie is one of the most fun yet most frustrating things with this game.And I actually like goalie, except when some goals go in where it's just weird...there were a few where it almost seemed like I couldn't move off a rebound
Playing goalie is one of the most fun yet most frustrating things with this game.
Does your dude sometimes randomly fall even if you don't call? It seemed like my guy was just weak, or maybe I pressed buttons and didn't realize it
also what is this boost we get if we have ahuman goalie
I reccomend party chat next time. The game cuts off the communication too quickly after the game ends. Which is a killer in OT games
Yeah, they goalies do all sorts of wonky shit.
The more players you have in EASHL games, the more points you earn towards your club's rank.
Yeah, this is an absolutely stupid decision by EA. Cut off communication as soon as the most exciting play of the game happens. Plus it would be look over the postgame stats and talk about them. Pretty sure it's the same way in Madden as well.
Is there any penalty for leaving a drop-in game early? Had one where our center just put down his controller and walked away in the first period that I bailed out on.
last night on the mic were some classic moments including that awkward noise that i still have no idea who or what it belonged to
ph33nix's smoke alarm?
last night on the mic were some classic moments including that awkward noise that i still have no idea who or what it belonged to
it was like a scream or a yell. it was funny shit. I find this game way too funny playing with you guys.
Also, I'd like to be around tonight so we'll see.
I'll be on tonight.
3 wins, only 80 points to spend.
i wanna do intrasquad scrim we need to make it happen
Ok. You get bob
That's all gonna change tonight, friend.
Nah, I meant I thought you'd progress more after winning a few games. On the last two games I played last night I was A+. A+. A. Still only 80 points. I don't get how you ever progress.
It seems like the only progression you hit is ranking up each level, which basically boils down purely to wins and has little to do with grades (you just need to keep above the minimum threshold, which is rather low). That aspect is a little disappointing to me, I was under the impression that there were rewards/progression as long as you played your position properly, regardless of the outcome of the game.
That and the whole pay-to-play shit is obnoxious as well.
Ok. You get bob
Yeah, the seeming absurdly impossible rate of progression makes the booster packs really, really disgusting. Once we start winning enough games that we're getting beat based only on the fact that we haven't all paid to be 80+ players I'll be trading in the game.
For now it's rad though!
Nah, I meant I thought you'd progress more after winning a few games. On the last two games I played last night I was A+. A+. A. Still only 80 points. I don't get how you ever progress.
It seems like the only progression you hit is ranking up each level, which basically boils down purely to wins and has little to do with grades (you just need to keep above the minimum threshold, which is rather low). That aspect is a little disappointing to me, I was under the impression that there were rewards/progression as long as you played your position properly, regardless of the outcome of the game.
That and the whole pay-to-play shit is obnoxious as well.
If we could gift packs, I would level your racist skater
Marvie is the old pro shop guy from Ducks
I'm around but I'm worse than Bob
Where do I turn off it automatically skating backwards?