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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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Is there some weird daylight saving stuff going on? I should be at 4-5 stam or so but I'm at 0. The timer ran out, started over at 10 mins and I'm still at 0.
Is there some weird daylight saving stuff going on? I should be at 4-5 stam or so but I'm at 0. The timer ran out, started over at 10 mins and I'm still at 0.

Do you have multiple devices running the same account? Someone was complaining about that happening recently too.


Do you have multiple devices running the same account? Someone was complaining about that happening recently too.

I was going to ask this the other day. Can you run one account on multiple devices? Are there any repercussions for doing so? I don't want Gungho to suddenly ban me or corrupt my account but would love to play 1 account on 2 devices.


I don't think you'd be able to run one account on multiple devices without transferring the files back and forth, since your account isn't so much an "account" as it is a "save file."


I have some Ruby Pengdras to feed to some monster. Which should be my priority in leveling?

Red Skydragon El Dorado
Meteor Volcano Dragon
Echidna the Red Empress
I was going to ask this the other day. Can you run one account on multiple devices? Are there any repercussions for doing so? I don't want Gungho to suddenly ban me or corrupt my account but would love to play 1 account on 2 devices.

I don't think you'd be able to run one account on multiple devices without transferring the files back and forth, since your account isn't so much an "account" as it is a "save file."

If you put the same data048.bin on both devices supposedly it works, albeit with some non-permanent sync issues. It's technically against Gungho's TOS but I haven't heard of any ody getting banned for it.


I was farming Adept for Marine Goblins and ran into a wall of Lil' Blues. Never seen that before.



I read that the elementals are getting buffed to 2.5x HP in the version update. With the starter dragons also getting buffed (to 2x ATK/RCV) and the arrival of the Greek gods, it looks like there are more options for mono-color teams. Basically, you can mix and match:

Red/Blue/Green -
Elemental - 2.5x HP (Shaitan/Undine/Sylph)
Starting Dragon - 2x ATK/RCV (Tyannos/Plesios/Broccoli)
Norse God - 2x ATK/RCV (Freyr/Idunn & Idunna/Freyja)
Greek God - 2x ATK/HP (Ares/Hermes/Artemis)
Indian God - 1.5x ATK/RCV/HP (Shiva/Lakshmi/Parvati)

Light/Dark -
Elemental - 2.5x HP (Genie/Thanatos)
"Starting" Dragon - 2x ATK/RCV (Pterados/D'Spinas)
Norse God - 2x ATK/RCV (Thor/Loki)
Greek God - 1.5x ATK/RCV/HP (Apollo/Persephone)

(Caveat: all these leader skills are for final/ultimate evolutions.)

Dual Indian (Greek for light/dark) will yield 2.25x across the board for the most balanced pairing, but you could go Norse/Greek for 4x ATK 2x RCV/HP or Greek/Indian for 3x ATK/HP 1.5x RCV, or Elemental/Greek for 2x ATK 5x HP.

Although the Norse gods may start to look redundant with the starting dragons getting a buff, the gods still beat the dragons in stats and active abilities. For example, Ultimate Plesios has HP 2195 ATK 1158 RCV 264, while evolved Idunn & Idunna have HP 2415 ATK 1232 RCV 519 (and they're cuter).

So, which pantheon combination do you think will be "the best"?

My money is on Greek/Indian with a strong subbed healer.
So, I've finally convinced myself to forget about possibly ever completing the Monster Book, and I feel like a great burden has been lifted off my shoulders. I cannibalized every monster I don't foresee being used in a team either now or in the future. And I'm not holding onto anything "just in case" it might get a future evolution. If something I've cannibalized does get a useful future evolution, oh well. I'll either have to acquire a new one or do without. I've even cannibalized all of my evolved Lil' ripper Dragons. I've found that it's been a while since I've used any of them on a team, and even if I need a resist leader skill, the Greek gods and Toy Dragons are superior. The Greek gods have superior stats, and in 5.0 some will even have mono-mono color versions with even better 60% resists. And the Toy Dragons have better active skills. Their stats may not be as good, but if you're using resist leaders, you're playing a marathon defensive team anyway. And the Toy Dragons' orb to Heart change skills suit such a team better. As for the ripper active skills, once you have enough team cost for them, the Mech Dragons are better for that, too.

I was amazed at how much "junk" I was holding onto. I freed-up around 30 box spaces and got an additional 20+ stat bonuses for my ADK and Siren.

So, which pantheon combination do you think will be "the best"?

My money is on Greek/Indian with a strong subbed healer.
Goemon. =p

Seriously, though, Goemon is my most wanted team from 5.0. Gigas' -500 RCV simply breaks Goemon's balance. Look at how difficult it is to consistently utilize the Egyptian gods' leader skills. If you can manage to get below 20% HP with Goemon, you get a 25x ATK multiplier with no conditions.

If I had to choose from your list, I like the Norse/Greek combination of 4x ATK/2x HP/2x RCV are far as leader skills, but I don't really care for the Norse active skills. Next, I like the Greek/Indian combination of 3x ATK/3x HP/1.5x RCV, and they have awesome active skills. My favorite combo in particular would probably be Parvati/Artemis. It's a shame GungHo messed up on the Light/Dark Greek gods. Apollo/Persephone should have 2x ATK/2x HP like Ares, Hermes, and Artemis. Instead they have Indian-style leader skills. So, you can't make a 4x ATK/2x HP/2x RCV Light or Dark team. They should have created 2 more Light/Dark Indian gods to have the leader skills that Apollo/Persephone have. Still, finally having Light and Dark monsters with "Indian" leader skills is awesome, and their active skills are really good, too.


Goemon is just brokenly powerful, especially if you subbed Shiva in there for the rolling defense cancellation.

I agree with you re: the light/dark Indian gods. Apollo and Persephone are doing Indra and Vritra's jobs, so I'd hope that they make someone, somewhere, to stand in for the Greeks in light/dark.


Yes, use the King Metal Dragon on your DK. That may be the monster you want to get evolved the quickest as ADK's leader skill will boost all dragons on your team. Pterados and Tyrannos are monsters you will probably want to replace before too long as well. Try to get Lil' xxx Dragons (xxx = red/blue/green/yellow/black) from the Pal Pull machine. An ADK team with 3 or 4 of those fully evolved will carry you through pretty far into the game.

Well, I've got a Lil' Red dragon and Red Dragon atm. At what point should you trade Tyrannos for the Red Dragon? Next evolution or final evolution? I'm going to guess the Red Dragon will beat Tyrannos statwise at some point, as I don't really see much difference in their skill (Tyrannos has 10X his attack and Red Dragon's final attack is 20K damage to all).

I've als got one Mystic Ice knight but that's it. Rest of my monster box is filled with evolution food and common dungeon fodder. Still need to find a better dark monster one day, because the Dark Knight is starting to suck (hard).


So, for trying this how does one get access to the 5.0 version in Europe? I have tried apk downloader but it only says my device, which is an Nexus 7, is not compatible.

Edit: Ok, since the 5.0 japanese version seems to be in, uhm, japanese; any safe places to find the us apk? I can't seem to download it with apk downloader.


Neo Member
Well since I can not connect at the moment ....

Any advice on beating the master level sky dragon without Xeios's Ammy?

Well... I have beaten Master Level Sky Dragon with 50% resist and siren.. won twice and lost once... lost once because I was stupid and wasn't looking at the health.. Just take your best green attackers for the rest of your team... You just have to keep an eye out for your health and you will be fine.. plan at least one step ahead and leave some orbs... If you have a siren already, find a friend with Toy Green Dragon... Since it can change blue orbs into health as well... you got extra health.

Any advice on beating the Castle of Satan?

Not sure what level you are stuck on. If you have a friend with Green Odin and you got good auto healer like Siren or Alraune, there's not much to it.. Just be careful about your health with Green Odin.. You got to make sure you heal up to the full health before getting hit.


Neo Member
GC - after seeing you and several other people talk about farming neptune for +1s, I decided to give it a go. With an ADK team, the only real threat is breaking neptune's armor. I decided to take a Dark Golem (lvl 14, 3*) in, which provides -75% armor for 5 turns. Well...hello farm mode enabled with 0 risk :p


It seems my problems were related to servers being down. Having played for a short while, I found the game entertaining but extremely slow due to stamina. :)


Damn it!


The servers are back up, and you can now log in to Puzzle & Dragons.

The Stamina regeneration issue may be related to the recent time change and the reason why it was showing the incorrect Stamina info.

The P&D team will continue to research this issue.

Most devices will make the switch to daylight saving time automatically, but if your device did not adjust on its own, you will need to change the time manually.

You should also avoid frequently changing the time on your device or you may encounter similar issues again in the future.

If your Stamina is still displaying incorrectly, please try rebooting the application after you have set the time correctly.

Unfortunately this issue has lead to a delay in the version 5.0 update. We will provide the new date and time soon, and we are currently working on appropriate compensation for this incident.

We hope you continue to enjoy Puzzle & Dragons and we sincerely appreciate your patience during this time.


You have a few fights and then it's out, and it takes around 7-8 minutes per stamina tick. What is the problem? :D

I did t start running out of stamina for awhile after I started so I was just surprised. Seems like for the first 20 ranks or so I never ran out


Well, the stamina thing is a pretty serious problem. People losing stamina, not regaining stamina, not using the correct amount, etc, is pretty bad, but consider too that if that's possible, then isn't it possible to gain extra stamina, maybe even infinite stamina, by the same means?

I don't mind them delaying, if it's just a few days. If there's going to be a godfes for 5.0, I'd like to be able to stock up on stones in the meantime. Speaking of which:

I just tested my Alraune + Echidna, and was able to clear both Master Skydragons. Boss damage (with 50% resist) is 2160/rnd for fire, 4410 every 2 rounds for water, but, like said before, it's the imps leading up to the boss that are the real problem. Alraune only heals 1983/rnd, which is not enough for same-timer imps, but Echidna gave us plenty of breathing room on the bosses. I even screwed up by accidentally sweeping the first room (only 2 imps), had to burn my way through floors 2-4 before floor 5 gave me some breathing room to charge my skills.

Got the water skydragon, too, finally. That leaves my tally at: 1 water skydragon, 1 mystic ice knight (from expert), 1 naga (my echidna is now skill level 3), and no siren.
Well, the stamina thing is a pretty serious problem. People losing stamina, not regaining stamina, not using the correct amount, etc, is pretty bad, but consider too that if that's possible, then isn't it possible to gain extra stamina, maybe even infinite stamina, by the same means?

I don't mind them delaying, if it's just a few days. If there's going to be a godfes for 5.0, I'd like to be able to stock up on stones in the meantime. Speaking of which:

I just tested my Alraune + Echidna, and was able to clear both Master Skydragons. Boss damage (with 50% resist) is 2160/rnd for fire, 4410 every 2 rounds for water, but, like said before, it's the imps leading up to the boss that are the real problem. Alraune only heals 1983/rnd, which is not enough for same-timer imps, but Echidna gave us plenty of breathing room on the bosses. I even screwed up by accidentally sweeping the first room (only 2 imps), had to burn my way through floors 2-4 before floor 5 gave me some breathing room to charge my skills.

Got the water skydragon, too, finally. That leaves my tally at: 1 water skydragon, 1 mystic ice knight (from expert), 1 naga (my echidna is now skill level 3), and no siren.

not a bad haul. Between fire and water, all I got was both skydragons. No knights, sirens, or nagas. boo

Also, what are some rare drops we should be farming with the current 1.5xdrop going on the rest of the day? Been trying for a siren/succubus, but nothing right now. Could use another wood drop though


GC - after seeing you and several other people talk about farming neptune for +1s, I decided to give it a go. With an ADK team, the only real threat is breaking neptune's armor. I decided to take a Dark Golem (lvl 14, 3*) in, which provides -75% armor for 5 turns. Well...hello farm mode enabled with 0 risk :p
Hey, nice idea. It works this way too. ^^



I've got no idea what to do to keep progressing. 4th fertile land dungeon wipes me on the boss, and I can't beat a single regular dungeon after CoS.

Reposting party:
Red Dragon (20)

Beast Rider(13)

Aurora Dragon(31)

Vampire Lord(22)
D'spinas (24)
Succubus(25, waiting on evo mats)
Dark Golem(22)
Devil Dragon(70)


If there any specific reason to farm Neptune instead of guards of the underworld? I thought guards had a better exp/steam ratio.
Mystic masks are always nice but I guess the main benefit is 8 trash waves instead of 5 which means more chances of +1 eggs and king metal dragons.


2x drop is active on Skydragon of Flame. If anyone needs to get it before it disappears, this is your last chance. If you need a Naga, this is your best bet as well.


I have no idea what I'm doing.

I have Enchida and Loki along with some fighters. I can't use Loki because he's costs too much, heh.

What should I be doing?


I have no idea what I'm doing.

I have Enchida and Loki along with some fighters. I can't use Loki because he's costs too much, heh.

What should I be doing?
Loki will be a great leader for a dark team, you just need to keep ranking up so you can use him. Echidna is also super useful, keep working on her. Get some good helpers on your friends list, Vampire Lord works great with Loki and autohealers are always useful early on.


I have no idea what I'm doing.

I have Enchida and Loki along with some fighters. I can't use Loki because he's costs too much, heh.

What should I be doing?

leveling i guess. tower of giants half stam all weekend. pretty much endless leveling for a long while. cant play passively and sell the shit tone of useless monsters you'll receive along the way.

dragons tower gives you 500 exp for 1 stam. 3 stam = 1383 to 1678 payout


Neo Member
If there any specific reason to farm Neptune instead of guards of the underworld? I thought guards had a better exp/steam ratio.

More rounds for +1s, 40k gold per clear. I'm rank 169, so getting a little more rank exp isn't too important for me.


Regarding that level, is the recommended ADK team the regular 3x ADK 2x CDK? I have that setup but they are quite underleveled. I am just wondering what level would be needed to break through Neptune's defense without the use of MDK or so.
Last level of Ocean of Heaven,Sea-God of Heaven.

It is x1.5% drop rate on weekends.

It's also ridiculously easy with a green focused ADK team and a Shiva to deal with Neptune.

Just save your nukes and 1 ADK active for round 9's carbuncles, and then pop shiva and the other ADK on Neptune. He has a ridiculous amount of defense, but Shiva deals with that and his HP is really low

EDIT: neptune's defense is too high to break through, you really need to cancel or poison him.
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