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Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android

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I say try again.

Unless you plan to spend money, your first roll is essential to your future down the line.

Try for Tri color Indian, Norse except Thor, Any New Greek, Any Ninja, Tri color Egypt, Odin, Amu, Orochi, Valk.

Everything else? Dump.

I started with an evolved highlander. After the first few days, I never used him again until recently (and he's now a steady team member). I'd reroll....

On it!


Puzzle & Dragons |5.0 OT| Sayonara 50 stamina


Also, I can confirm the increased king appearance rate lately. I ran a ton of emerald dragons last week, and barely picked up 1 king for every 3 runs. It's much higher now. Kinda peeved I used the stones before now.

As for Two Heroes, I'm hoping it is coming, too. Was planning to use my green team, maybe sub in Shiva or a Green Knight for Highlander's defense. Burning up the 3 Vamp Lords before that 26k damage does me in will be the hard part. I'm fairly confident that I can take Berserk due to the green weakness. If that doesn't work, I can try a backup plan with a Wood/Dark Ceres, but she's not ready for a while yet.


So, looking at the wiki, 2 heroes is:
Floor 1: 5 demons (one of each color) hitting for ~3.4k - 3.7k, 1400 armor and just under 20k HP.
Floor 2: 4 divine masks (random colors)
Floor 3: 4 random knights; ATK 5-6k, 270 armor and 23-27k HP
Floor 4: 3 vampire lords; ATK 8520 every 3 rounds, 700 armor and 600k HP
Floor 5: Berserker (ATK 14k every 3, 1.1 million HP) and Highlander (ATK 5.7k every 1, armor 16500 and 372k HP)

Yikes. I can see why quad resist is so desirable. Even with insane HP from a green team, that would be a lot to try to heal.


I seemed to beat the dungeon of light on expert fairly easily. Should I make a run at master? What team should I take. I don't have a lot of options though.


Well, first 3 floors are mostly for charging skills. If you struggle on them, I doubt you can take the last two. I guess 4 masks all on the same timer might be trouble, though. I can heal for 5-10k a turn with ease (way more with Parvati's skill), so I am just deciding on who to build up as subs. Odin for light nuke, Wood mech for HP/damage reduce, Ceres for full heal...got a lot of options to consider.


I love having multiple teams. For my Keeper run tomorrow, my team will be ...

Ammy/Green ripper/Black ripper/ White ripper/ Red ripper/ Odin friends (assuming they leave Odin's up)

Otherwise I am not sure what team to use.

Now to figure out what keepers I need!


I seemed to beat the dungeon of light on expert fairly easily. Should I make a run at master? What team should I take. I don't have a lot of options though.

If you can do 50% resist, just need to heal 3300 every 2 turns. That's a 550 RCV Siren, or most any evolved Amaterasu. Just watch for multiple devils. They will wreck you if you don't have rippers to wipe them or a big enough HP pool to endure. Dark team members will bring double damage, so they are preferred. Post your box if you want more specific suggestions.
I love having multiple teams. For my Keeper run tomorrow, my team will be ...

Ammy/Green ripper/Black ripper/ White ripper/ Red ripper/ Odin friends (assuming they leave Odin's up)

Otherwise I am not sure what team to use.

Now to figure out what keepers I need!

If you leave up your Ammy I will leave up my Odin :). Funny, I have a ton of ADK like everyone else on my list (and I am still at a point where that is helpful) but I used to have a lot more Siren action going on. That number has seriously dropped for me.


If you can do 50% resist, just need to heal 3300 every 2 turns. That's a 550 RCV Siren, or most any evolved Amaterasu. Just watch for multiple devils. They will wreck you if you don't have rippers to wipe them or a big enough HP pool to endure. Dark team members will bring double damage, so they are preferred. Post your box if you want more specific suggestions.
Here ya go!



If you leave up your Ammy I will leave up my Odin :). Funny, I have a ton of ADK like everyone else on my list (and I am still at a point where that is helpful) but I used to have a lot more Siren action going on. That number has seriously dropped for me.

You got it! I will log in and out throughout the day!
You got it! I will log in and out throughout the day!

Great, I will do the same. And my Odin is max level! I even have two extra Odin just sitting around for when I do evolve him to try and skill up. I might even break down and do it now, it is only like 20k experience I would be sacrificing.


Great, I will do the same. And my Odin is max level! I even have two extra Odin just sitting around for when I do evolve him to try and skill up. I might even break down and do it now, it is only like 20k experience I would be sacrificing.

Ugh! Trade me one! I'll give you one of my Extra Loki's or my extra Ammy :)


Ok, best roll so far: Lakshmi

It's actually my first god monster ever, but I have a feeling I should still continue. 15th try so far.


Ok, best roll so far: Lakshmi

It's actually my first god monster ever, but I have a feeling I should still continue. 15th try so far.

That one is pretty great, actually. If you can do backups, store it and save it for the time being while you keep rolling.


So....aside from the weekend dungeon that I didn't utilize enough due to the other special dungeons are there any other good money gaming dungeons?


Ok, best roll so far: Lakshmi

It's actually my first god monster ever, but I have a feeling I should still continue. 15th try so far.
Really good pull. With dual Lakshmi leaders and all water subs you get 2.25x ATK, HP and RCV when evolved. Really good in the long run, but unfortunately not quite useful to you now.

So....aside from the weekend dungeon that I didn't utilize enough due to the other special dungeons are there any other good money gaming dungeons?
Neptune Glacier is 2x coins right now
So....aside from the weekend dungeon that I didn't utilize enough due to the other special dungeons are there any other good money gaming dungeons?

The majority of my money has come from the weekend dungeons but as you get further into the regular ones you will start making pretty decent coin. Unfortunately, the metal/jewel dragon dungeons - while obviously important - give you next to nothing in coins.


Is there any reason to do the endless corridors? I got to battle 20(ish not exactly sure) and then got wrecked by a big shield guy (a keeper I think).
So, I pulled the trigger on a couple of evolutions today. I used up a Rainbow Keeper and did this:

I'll have to post my reds later as I think I have the pieces for a solid team.

I also went ahead and used my one Mystic Mask to get this:

His stats aren't bad even at level 1 but I shold level him up some. I have a spare Emerald King laying around - any reason not to use it on him?
Is there any reason to do the endless corridors? I got to battle 20(ish not exactly sure) and then got wrecked by a big shield guy (a keeper I think).

I believe you get a stone and a ranking if you finish it, but otherwise there isn't much else to it. It can pass the time if you have to play and have no stamina. It can also be a team building tool to see how different monsters work together.


That one is pretty great, actually. If you can do backups, store it and save it for the time being while you keep rolling.

Yep, did that. Will continue rolling tomorrow.

Really good pull. With dual Lakshmi leaders and all water subs you get 2.25x ATK, HP and RCV when evolved. Really good in the long run, but unfortunately not quite useful to you now.

Yeah well, if I don't find anything better in the next 20-30 pulls, I might just continue with this. It's only for my sub account, so I don't mind if I can only use it in the long run.
Is there any particular reason why Thor is not considered a good Norse god? He seems identical to Loki, but I never hear Loki spoken about with such disdain.


Here ya go!

Hmm, you are a bit under level for Master. Do you have any +RCV eggs on that Siren? What is it's skill level? At level 17, you will lose about 250 HP per hit from the Skydragon. I think you can recover that difference using Siren's skill.

Leader - Siren
Chaos Devil Dragon
Graviton Earth Dragon
Dragon Knight
Firedragon Tyrannos
Friend leader - Lightning Holy Dragon

Should be about 9000 HP, depending on your friend leader.

If your team cost is too high, you can try moving out the Dragon Knight and Firedragon for whatever you can squeeze in that has the highest HP. The CDD and GED are required for their skills and damage output.

Strategy: If you get more than 2 devils on round 1, you probably won't make it. Otherwise, tap on a devil and do as much damage as you can as fast as you can. Once you are down to one or two monsters in that first round, you need to stall. Single matches, heart orb matches, or matches for a color that does no/little damage. You need to get those Dragon skills up and active. After 15 turns, clear out the first round (but don't use the skills yet). Turns 2-4, activate a ripper dragon and blast away. Should wipe each round, or be very close. Turn 5 is midboss. Use this time to charge the dragon skills back up. After 15 turns, you can move on. Turns 6-7, blast with GED and LHD again. On turn 8, if you aren't surrounded by devils, wear everything down normally and try to charge up the dragons again. Turn 9 will be really tough. 2 Angels will hit for more than you can heal, especially if they are on the same timer. Focus on one and unload as much as possible, including the Chaos Devil Dragon skill you should have saved. Hope you make it. Once you get to the Skydragon, it shouldn't be too much issue. It will take a while, since his HP is pretty massive compared to your damage output. Match as quick as you can, and unleash CDD every time he is available. Every so often you will need to pop that Siren active skill, so keep red orbs around. You will need them to make up the difference in RCV vs resisted damage.

Skydragon is not a 100% drop on Master, so you may need to do this more than once. If you are having trouble healing or getting past the Angels, you might consider putting the Keeper of Flame into your team and using his damage reducing skill when necessary.


Hmm, you are a bit under level for Master. Do you have any +RCV eggs on that Siren? What is it's skill level? At level 17, you will lose about 250 HP per hit from the Skydragon. I think you can recover that difference using Siren's skill.

Leader - Siren
Chaos Devil Dragon
Graviton Earth Dragon
Dragon Knight
Firedragon Tyrannos
Friend leader - Lightning Holy Dragon

Should be about 9000 HP, depending on your friend leader.

If your team cost is too high, you can try moving out the Dragon Knight and Firedragon for whatever you can squeeze in that has the highest HP. The CDD and GED are required for their skills and damage output.

Strategy: If you get more than 2 devils on round 1, you probably won't make it. Otherwise, tap on a devil and do as much damage as you can as fast as you can. Once you are down to one or two monsters in that first round, you need to stall. Single matches, heart orb matches, or matches for a color that does no/little damage. You need to get those Dragon skills up and active. After 15 turns, clear out the first round (but don't use the skills yet). Turns 2-4, activate a ripper dragon and blast away. Should wipe each round, or be very close. Turn 5 is midboss. Use this time to charge the dragon skills back up. After 15 turns, you can move on. Turns 6-7, blast with GED and LHD again. On turn 8, if you aren't surrounded by devils, wear everything down normally and try to charge up the dragons again. Turn 9 will be really tough. 2 Angels will hit for more than you can heal, especially if they are on the same timer. Focus on one and unload as much as possible, including the Chaos Devil Dragon skill you should have saved. Hope you make it. Once you get to the Skydragon, it shouldn't be too much issue. It will take a while, since his HP is pretty massive compared to your damage output. Match as quick as you can, and unleash CDD every time he is available. Every so often you will need to pop that Siren active skill, so keep red orbs around. You will need them to make up the difference in RCV vs resisted damage.

Skydragon is not a 100% drop on Master, so you may need to do this more than once. If you are having trouble healing or getting past the Angels, you might consider putting the Keeper of Flame into your team and using his damage reducing skill when necessary.

Yeah....she has a +2 in HP. Honestly I didn't have a clue what I was doing at first with this game and just kinda haphazardly powered monsters up. Team cost is not an issue at all. I never even get close to max. I might try....idk. I'll probably just try to get other monsters leveled up. I have a red dragon that's maxed out and needs to be leveled in to the Volcano Dragon. Also need to level up my DK. Maybe once I do that I'll take a run at some of the master dungeons.


When can you get Keepers?
I just beat the Tower of Giants and I got my Basilisk up to max lvl. He needs a Keeper of Dark and I haven't seen one of those yet (I did get a Rainbow one in a pal pull though). I looked online and it looks like Tyrannos and Pterados both need Keepers too (they're a long way from 35 though).

Side note are the Metal Dragons only purpose to level up your dudes? because that's all I've been using them for.


Yeah....she has a +2 in HP. Honestly I didn't have a clue what I was doing at first with this game and just kinda haphazardly powered monsters up. Team cost is not an issue at all. I never even get close to max. I might try....idk. I'll probably just try to get other monsters leveled up. I have a red dragon that's maxed out and needs to be leveled in to the Volcano Dragon. Also need to level up my DK. Maybe once I do that I'll take a run at some of the master dungeons.

Well, we all started somewhere. I actually started 3 times before I figured out how to keep going. Rolling a Valkyrie was what got me into the higher level stuff.

I think you can do it, and Master level exp is nothing to sneeze at. Just may take a little while.


When can you get Keepers?
I just beat the Tower of Giants and I got my Basilisk up to max lvl. He needs a Keeper of Dark and I haven't seen one of those yet (I did get a Rainbow one in a pal pull though). I looked online and it looks like Tyrannos and Pterados both need Keepers too (they're a long way from 35 though).

Side note are the Metal Dragons only purpose to level up your dudes? because that's all I've been using them for.

Metal Dragons are for experience, yes. Although the lowest tier loses its luster once your monsters require a lot more to level up.

Keeper Dungeons are tomorrow! Light/Dark drop randomly on the Red,Blue,Green Keeper levels. At least one of the two is guaranteed on Rainbow Keeper, but that dungeon can be really tough if your monsters aren't up to snuff.
I know I'm a little late following the God Fest weekend, but I wanted to share what I scored, plus weekend happenings:
- Anubis x2 (fed one to another, no skill-up)
- Titan (eh, didn't mind getting another one)
- Idunn & Idunna
- Freyr
- Sylph Wind Elemental
- Dark Toy Dragon
- Loki
- Undine x2 (fed to another Undine, no skill-ups)
- Odin (was gonna stop after Odin, but decided that this would be my last pull for a while, so I did one more)
- Horus

I think I made off pretty well. Seeing some posts in the FB group of some unlucky sets of pulls always gets you nervous. I really wanted one of the tri-color Egyptian gods, so I'm stoked that I got Horus, though I am still terrible at activating his leader skill. I don't really have a great team to sub under Horus, either. Like others have said, though, plotting out your moves really puts the puzzle aspect back into the game.

ADK Dungeon:
About a dozen runs yielded 3 MSKs. 0 Skill-ups. My favorite run featured an MSK on 3 of the 4 floors leading up to the boss. No MSKs dropped.

Scored a the Light Skydragon on my first run this morning (Master Level). Will most likely use the stone from this dungeon to up my friend list. Anyone who I haven't added already, that's running a fire team (Shiva, Freyr, Horus), feel free to send me a request. Will be working on a water team, too when I need to mix things up. I've got the usual gang of pets I can put up, too. Just send me a message via PM here or in game.



Hey quick question guys before I decide that this game is evil. I have been farming sea cave to skill up siren. Fed her 10 goblins and not a single fuck was given by her skill up.

Is this how it's going to down or is this not normal....
Hey quick question guys before I decide that this game is evil. I have been farming sea cave to skill up siren. Fed her 10 goblins and not a single fuck was given by her skill up.

Is this how it's going to down or is this not normal....

SaintR, know that this game is in fact evil. Furthermore, I can confirm that your poor rate of skill-ups is par for the course, even though we have a x2 skill-up rate going on right now.
Nice haul, Log Ride. And I'd hold onto that second Titan, in case you ever decide to build a Goemon team. Dual Red Giant Gigas are essentially party members for a Goemon team.

Is that supposed to be Freyja's ultimate evolution? GungHo accidentally made her a Fire monster? I'm sure they'll fix it. They better! For my mono-green team's sake. So, besides the element error, what's changed for her?


Hey quick question guys before I decide that this game is evil. I have been farming sea cave to skill up siren. Fed her 10 goblins and not a single fuck was given by her skill up.

Is this how it's going to down or is this not normal....

The game is evil.

it will burn you with skill ups, you almost give up - then suddenly it will give you 2 or 3 in a row then nothing for a week....

The game seriously knows just how much punishment I will take then rewards me just enough to get me playing again.

I have some serious signs of what I would consider stockholm syndrome - a direct quote from wiki entry: 'essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness'


Neo Member
It happens for all the ultimate evolves, as soon as you relog it seems to get fixed though. Essentially she's a dual color green now (if she follows loki's pattern) and she effects healers as well.
It happens for all the ultimate evolves, as soon as you relog it seems to get fixed though. Essentially she's a dual color green now (if she follows loki's pattern) and she effects healers as well.
Ah. Okay. So, I can spend another 4mil exp for some higher stats and extra secondary damage. Can't really see myself using any of the current healers in a Freyja team, though. A higher stat ceiling is always welcome, though.

Almost all of the high-end evolutions require Rainbow Keeper. I know I need at least 4 for my current evolutions, but I'm going to farm the hell out of it tomorrow, since it's a 2x drop event. They're needed for everything, but there's no where else to farm them. I went 0/6 last Tuesday. Good thing I only used available stamina and didn't spend any stones to farm them. Ridiculous. I'll also be using the additional Light/Dark keepers to skill-up my Mechs. I already have the Water Mech at max skill. Gotta work on the Fire and Wood ones.
Going forward then, is this how GungHo will go about with all the monsters? Add new stages of evolution. If already at last stage, add ultimate/busty evos? After that, would they just keep adding new evos or keep upping the lvl caps? Add to that new gods/characters every now and then ad nauseum.


Nice haul, Log Ride. And I'd hold onto that second Titan, in case you ever decide to build a Goemon team. Dual Red Giant Gigas are essentially party members for a Goemon team.

Is that supposed to be Freyja's ultimate evolution? GungHo accidentally made her a Fire monster? I'm sure they'll fix it. They better! For my mono-green team's sake. So, besides the element error, what's changed for her?

Oh, you know it. Another something to look forward to one day. I need to check on team setups for this dungeon.


Just ran metal dragons four times and got a king every time. They had to have done something over the weekend because it wasn't like this on Thursday and Friday when the x2 started. Yesterday I got a ton of kings running emeralds and today I've gotten a king almost every time, I think I only missed one round when I ran it five hours ago.


Thanks log ride for the response. I will continue this self-inflicted torture then...

@quantum -that was the perfect description of what this game does to you...
It happens for all the ultimate evolves, as soon as you relog it seems to get fixed though. Essentially she's a dual color green now (if she follows loki's pattern) and she effects healers as well.

Aww that's too bad; I was hoping to get free stones from them fucking up (got 2000 PAL points from extended server maintenance, though).


Just ran metal dragons four times and got a king every time. They had to have done something over the weekend because it wasn't like this on Thursday and Friday when the x2 started. Yesterday I got a ton of kings running emeralds and today I've gotten a king almost every time, I think I only missed one round when I ran it five hours ago.

Yep I went 5 for 5 on kings in the metal dungeons a bit ago. Was definitely worth it. If I didn't need so many Rainbow Keepers I'd probably keep running Jewel Dragons as much as I can. But, gotta get those evo mats for all this 5.0 stuff.


Neo Member
Ah. Okay. So, I can spend another 4mil exp for some higher stats and extra secondary damage. Can't really see myself using any of the current healers in a Freyja team, though. A higher stat ceiling is always welcome, though.

Almost all of the high-end evolutions require Rainbow Keeper. I know I need at least 4 for my current evolutions, but I'm going to farm the hell out of it tomorrow, since it's a 2x drop event. They're needed for everything, but there's no where else to farm them. I went 0/6 last Tuesday. Good thing I only used available stamina and didn't spend any stones to farm them. Ridiculous. I'll also be using the additional Light/Dark keepers to skill-up my Mechs. I already have the Water Mech at max skill. Gotta work on the Fire and Wood ones.

It's an ultimate evolution, GC - no further exp required.
Go figure I was hitting the jewel and metal dungeons at least twice a day and since they went 2x kings I haven't been on at the right time all week.
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