The ackward moment, when you notice that you went to wrong dungeon.
I was twiddling between Cauchemar and Diagoldos. Checking from padx whatkind of bad things will come to me in Legend difficulty.
Then I choose, I go and try Diagoldos...
The fuck <cursewords alot of them>
Somehow I chose wrongly

. I found myself in Cauchemar Legend

No way I can win this, there goes my 50 STA
Ok, time to check again from padx whats up there.
- Clear first floor without major difficulties
- 2nd floor Shieldras are dead in a second. Pyro Demon is the pain in the ass

-> Get slash atk from Pyro Demon
-> HP in critical, barely manged to kill that nasty fucker
- 3rd floor managed to kill Lilith in 2 turns, good...
- 4th floor no big problems to my woodsters, killed Amon in 2 turns.
- 5th floor after preemtive, having 136 HP left and luckily I did have Verdandi & GZL skills ready -> managed to get 5 combo with 7 wood orbs...
1. I took 1st pic after my first turn, then I totally forgot that you have to do >4 combo...
2. Boom, somehow I got combo of 5. I see goldie wtf?!#
3. Droppings \o/
4. One more Greenie to me.
Thank you for reading this. I just dont know how I did it. Iam not so great PAD player...
I was so shocked that forgot to take screen caps more.