I only see Ares, Haku, Tsubaki and Persephone. Other rolls are trash tier.tl;dr
Holy shit my pulls \o/.
Still need that last badpy for Yomi.
Well I was kind of debating with myself on whether to pull or not. I did really want Levi and I was very happy to get him on my 3rd pull at it. I'm not trying for the others though.Heh man this is too funny...i knew when they unveiled the AoT cards and Levy be one of them that i will sooner or later read a post from you about how you just pulled him. Congrats xD
You are a cruel reminder of all those great collaborations we will never get :-D
Getting him with only 3 pulls is amazing though especially since he has a place in multiple of your teams.
I only see Ares, Haku, Tsubaki and Persephone. Other rolls are trash tier.
My 6 rolls:
Blodin, (OK)
Lu Bu, (Nice one!)
Liu Bei, (OMG OMG my next team will be green for sure)
Two pulls so far
Dino Rider
trying to scrounge up stones for a 3rd
e: Laila
gogo Fire Galaaaaaa
With the removal of 3* from REM "roll until not gold" is actually a pretty dangerous proposition
I sold 2 of my 5 Ronias after the MP Shop was introduced.What could I do with 4 Ronias? Any suggestions beside a Ronia-Ronia-Lubu-Ronia-Ronia team?
Holy shit my pulls \o/.
Had enough to throw a few:
Archangel Metatron
and awhile ago I pulled once and got Flashing-Clawed CyberBeast, Leonis.
I have no idea if any of these are good. Kagutsuchi seems like Echidna without the delay special, but maybe it gets good in a later form or something?
D/L Lilith is strictly better in all ways except stat distribution, if you have light coverage on Horus already then I would probably consider D/DPitch Black Night Lilith or Moonbeam Fang Witch Lilith?
Icedragon Depth Plesios or Phantom Icedragon, Mirage Plesios?
Tentatively both are being used as Horus subs. Looking at the stats alone, I can't see why I'd pick Moonbeam or Depth but I dont know if I'm not considering some utility.
What do you think about Dark and Light Metatron?
I have DMeta almost max plused in my box and don't know what to do with her. DMeta teams are in the past, I think, and as a sub she isnt that good.
I have used her sometimes in my Ra team but her skill is so situational so I don't know. She just a stat stub.
True - i think Baggi and Trunks were the Top Tier subs that put A. Lakshmi over A. Parvati in JP - but for Neptune Dragon its all about Rows + Orbchangers iirc. If i had Skuld i probably could run a kickass Neptune team...but without her...well.Well I was kind of debating with myself on whether to pull or not. I did really want Levi and I was very happy to get him on my 3rd pull at it. I'm not trying for the others though.
Definitely a great sub to have for me. I can probably use him as a leader as well since I have a lot of Attackers. Sub is guaranteed though.
I don't really think you need Baggi for Neptune Dragon. All of the teams that I've seen with him don't use Baggi at all.
continuing my schizophrenic relationship with PAD I bought and rolled a pack - very surprising statistics as I know RNG is RNG.
as follows:
King Carnival, Super King Carnival, Extreme King Metal Dragon Descended are better in terms of overall EXP/stam I think but don't really give you control over color, so if you're trying to feed specific colors supers are still the best.Is waiting for metal dragon time and farming that hour still the fastest avenue for XP, or is there something else outside of that?
Super jelly of that Phact. Definitely one of the best balanced green subs. Lots of good other stuff too!
Edit: Rolled, Uriel/Fuu. Uriel will add a good amount of power to my Gadius team, shaping up quite nicely now that I have him and Yamato! Too bad Fuu wasn't Mitsuki from the same series, would have been another great Gadius sub.
Maybe I'll scrounge up another 5 stones and try for Yukimura tomorrow. Gadius power!
Just taking a quick look at this Guide it seems like you have a kick ass Gadius team if you start working on it...all Top Tier Subs. Not bad, not bad at all.Thanks.
Iam planning something around Gadius since I think I have nice subs for him. Ofc they are not awoken etc so it will be long project. This is just quick team edit and not optimal which I made earlier today and another pic: fire units I have inbox. Could switch Ronia to Mitsuki and got that Shiva too.
Just taking a quick look at this Guide it seems like you have a kick ass Gadius team if you start working on it...all Top Tier Subs. Not bad, not bad at all.
Any sub suggestions? I figured echidna, but not sure who else.Put my Asmodeus up if anybody wants to beat up Xuanzhang ez.
I had an evolved Orochi lying around, also used CDK and Mamiya on my clear of Master.Any sub suggestions? I figured echidna, but not sure who else.
I just pulled Gadius, so that looks very useful to me. I think I can put something together like Uriel/Uriel/Leilan/Strawberry. Thanks for the link!Just taking a quick look at this Guide it seems like you have a kick ass Gadius team if you start working on it...all Top Tier Subs. Not bad, not bad at all.
I'm in a similar boat. Went from needing Yamato to really, really needing him for my fire teams lol.I did look that today (just before I took those pics). Only missing Yamato, but so many great choices. Ill start to level my fire units and use wood dragons to Phact, thats the plan.
King Carnival, Super King Carnival, Extreme King Metal Dragon Descended are better in terms of overall EXP/stam I think but don't really give you control over color, so if you're trying to feed specific colors supers are still the best.