I pulled a 6 Star cao cao, is he usable? Looks like a generic type Captain.
Def. will be useful early on if you can use him as a leader with a bunch of farmable attackers. 3x atk multi and increased HP should be good to clear/farm the normal stages.I pulled a 6 Star cao cao, is he usable? Looks like a generic type Captain.
Dem OE Awakenings at work - now i only need to stay put for Water Canrival to arrive so i can skill up these Nuts.
Day 2 for me too. Since I only have Verdandi / LKali / Zuoh (2x).
Hopefully not pulling 3rd Zuoh. Andromeda & Skuld would be nice but so slim chances to get them.
Edit: Woke up at 5:04 am (dunno why). Decided to do Tama Retreat few runs.
- 8 Runs (7x50 sta, 1x99 sta)
- 3 Stones used
- Cleared 99 Tama dungeon (got stone there)
- 4 Tamadras (1 Invade, 1 from 99 sta dungeon, 2 from TR last floor)
- 24 Baby Tamadras
^^ Its better than nothing but so many Chibidras & so few Invades & Didnt see single Tamadra + Baby Tamadras floor.
Also today going to do Dragon Zombie Dungeon with my makeshift party (cost issues). Vritra could use few skill ups thru bone fish evolutions.
Hi rixa, would like to add you. Is there some more room in your friend list? ;-)
I fell asleep exactly an half hour before the tamadras would have been mine^^
Unable to enter dungeon error again. How could Gungho still not get daylight savings right after so many years when every other single stamina based game can?
Oh hey! Remember this post?Heck, "bifruit" would be an improvement for me. I just keep stacking the green ones.
Can't sell or feed them away because I know once I do, I'll pull some green monster that takes 40+ of them to max skill.
Challenge dungeons 1-8 only crew
I only did up to 7. Once i have my bind clear monsters up to snuff I'll start tackling dungeons like that one.
Edit: Well, I just got Awoken Amaterasu. She's level 27 and half awoken but she's max skilled and is a bind clearer with green sub-attribute. I might as well jam her in the team and at least try.
My light box is the least developed, but I do have some decent cards that I could use for the team later. Something like this maybe?
Edit: Da Quao probably fits in that team somewhere. I never use Xiao Quao so I might switch her over.
If you have some good subs you can clear lv 8 with Awoken Amaterasu leads. I one shot the Angelit and Devilit with Fuu + mini Valk + Venus on the first turn. I also killed Raphael with the same combo. It was easier than using Awoken Ra (I don't have any Kali's so there is a small chance of orb troll in no rcv dungeons).
I wish I had that light knight thing. I currently use SQ on my ama team, but I'd rather have something on color.
Wow on the damage that is impressive. Maybe i should level the light Knight.
I get over a million with chibi valk but that is great damage.
Managed to beat challenge 6 in 3rd try, despite doing 1 stupid mistake on last floor cause I couldnt do over 4 combo which would have killed boss. Well luckily I could kill it next turn.
Man I hate those "Do atleast x amount of combos or else youre fucked" skills.
Of course wood team isnt ideal for this dungeon...
So Hera Challenge (yeah 2x Snowglobes) and FF Collabo tomorrow...at least something to do again.
So Hera Challenge (yeah 2x Snowglobes) and FF Collabo tomorrow...at least something to do again.
Congrats !!
Yeah hitting higher combos with Verdandi while matching TPAs can be difficult - once she gets her UEVO and finger Awakenings it should be a bit easier.
Since it was Halloween, I decided to do a YOLO roll because why not. Got a Snow White and turned off the game in disgust. Oh this game and their trap REM.