U&Y is great, you guys arent worthy - his Uevo also makes him a kickass subs on multiple blue teams.
I know. I know. But if by the end of the month they aren't skilled up I'm going to rage hard.
The only saving grace is that I still need all three fruits.
How many skillups are left anyway ? I could see someone finishing it off with a Py if there is only one skill up missing just to be done with it.
Then again since you still need all 3 Trifruits you wont stop running the stage anytime soon. I would recommended holding out for 2.5 skill up rate for essential skills though - better than using Pys.
I used 2 green pys on Verdandi a while back and don't regret it. Trifruit farming and skilling is really frustrating. 1/3 chance of getting the fruits you want (usually get trolled and get only a few after running it all day) and then low skillup rates.
I still wouldnt recommend it - Py is just worth way more and i know that Negator has a bunch of green Gods that will need those Pys later and cant be skilled any other way. I am one of Verdandis biggest fangirls but max skilling her isnt worth Pys...honestly as long as you team up with a Hypered friend the Norns will be fine most of the time.
It worked out fine for you and you seem to have enough green Pys left that it doesnt bother you, so thats fine as well.
Eh I used 2 pii on nut after failing to finish skilling her while her rotation was up. Used one on set as well and don't really regret it.
It is easy to say use them only for awoken gods but if you're going to use them may as well utilize them as much as you can.
Using them on whatever units is fine...its just not recommended. Nut is a more specific case since she more or less needs to be max skilled to be really useful, also getting her skillup materials will be quite difficult before Water Carnival.
You can farm Verdandi skillups the whole year, thats a big difference... farming them a month when they are outside of the rotation and then use them on the next 2.5 skill up event and you will likely have her max skilled.
I would rather use a couple of stones for stamina to farm skill up material on weekly dungeons before using a Py tbh. Then again it also depend how difficult farming that specific unit is for you...Trifruit is a joke right now for me, but i remember a couple months ago i wasted a bunch of hours trying to figure out how to clear the stage with U&Y lol...the good old days.
In this case i am assuming that Negator can clear the stage without issues and doesnt need the maxskill as badly he thinks xD