While it would be nice to max skill some things for me yet seems silly on a blonia team which typically has so many skill reduction awakenings. With my current team blonia/blonia/blodin/blodin/bubblie/ blonia friend you have 14 skill boosts meaning a max blonia is up turn one.
For me it is just hard to dedicate stamina to evoing mobs. Would rather just feed the evoed ones and then others as fodder. It will be back and I am not in any rush.
Also did anyone see the new chibi three Kingdom rem? Going to pull a few and hope for a lubu. Have been pining for one since they were released and is the only card that I really desire.
- the main reason I would like a quick orb changer is for floor 1 dungeons and orb trolling.
- I have been using seig in this situation but the awakenings are crap.
- blonia is a great team for a bunch of the game but the damage sucks compared to almost any end game team.
- the mini 3k aren't super interesting to me *except* Zhao Yun - where has this mob been? with the change to big GGY to include dragons this might be the key piece to making a great great GGY team.
What's wrong with drinking a martini every night? Or, well, at least a little wine.![]()
Nothing if you don't have to get up at 0600 every workday - If I have one I'm very slow the next morning and I don't like it.
- I'm a little slow this morning.