I played for a full year before spending a penny. if you have invested 10-20 hours learning to play and have decided you like the game, or are debating whether you are the type to log in daily like most of us, I would seriously consider re-rolling.
you have nothing in what you posted that will make a viable team for early, mid or late game.
you will find most of talking or venting about high level stuff - and the game is designed so that you don't see or understand the high level stuff from your POV.
you can get through a ton of content - maybe all of it without spending a penny - with one caveat - you have to have a good starter that will build a great team.
in the OP/header there are links, but it will be said countless times - you can play with anything to a certain point, but to play without spending money you might have to spend 10-20 hours just re-rolling.
if you don't plan to throw stones at the golden dragon, REROLL!
FWIW: pick up tap titans, its so much deeper than I thought it would be for a game that you just tap the screen. your little dudes keep working while you are away, and the numbers get so big its just silly/
Thanks for the comments. So how hard is it then to get a decent high tier monster instead if I am willing to spend at least a few bucks? You talk about potentially having to reroll for hours...that means that even if I buy in, I'd have to get somewhere in the range of..50?100? stones or something to eventually roll something decent?
Since I've already had fun with the game I wouldn't mind spending some money instead of wasting a lot of time, but of course only up to a point. If it's equally unreasonable to go the IAP route at this stage then I guess I'd rather do it the free and tedious way.
Fire Forest Nerva is the first point in the game where the difficulty starts ramping up, so don't feel bad about struggling at your current position.
Never (as a beginner) fuse away anything that pops out of the rare egg machine. Nearly everything from the PAL machine and the normal dungeon progression is easily replaceable, there's a slightly out of date list of exceptions here:
Most good monsters come from the rare egg machine, and as a non-IAP player it common knowledge not to put stones into the REM outside of Godfests, which occur around the 15th and 30th each month. It looks like you've been shaking the gold dragon's hand a bit, so the primary advantage of starting over is for you to more easily rebuild your stone collection in advance of the upcoming godfest.
I assume you're in Taiwan. There is an argument to be made to play the Taiwanese version of PAD, since a) time limited dungeons align better with your sleep schedule, b) you can friend people you meet IRL in TW PAD, and c) the TW version shares servers with the JP version, which inarguably gets more and faster content than anybody else. You lose being able to play with most gaffers (but there are a few of us who play JP), and if you don't know Japanese or Taiwanese well the language barrier is a bit intimidating, but that's about it.
Thanks for the comments. Yeah I get that rare monsters shouldn't be thrown away like that...though sometimes I collect 3 stars monsters in dungeons and feel unsure if they are worth to be evolved to something viable or if they should just be fed away. Like, is it even worth evolving the more common monsters to something viable as a sub, or should they just all end up as fodder for the starter/4 stars plus monsters?
Yeah I'm in Taiwan...but actually I use the US App Store (works out cheaper that way) and nobody I know around here plays it anyway...so I think I'll stick to this version for now. But thanks for making me aware that there's a difference.