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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends

x26244 atk multiplier lmbo

Now I'm going to have to actually learn how to make crosses. Kinda salty that Pollux and Castor are getting split ults before Akechi. I have dupes of both, so I'll make each. Pollux's L/D version is going to fit great on my A. DQXQ team since I don't have a great dark coverage option.

And being able to rejoin the same room when farming is a huge improvement. Pretty good stream. Notes are up on padx.


Just rolled Cao Cao on my alt this morning, so I guess he's not going to be used until his awoken gets here. Seems like a good farm lead.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I really wanted to get YouYu - but with Sumire Uevos, the now announced UUvoe Sara and upcoming Alreasha Split Uevos is kinda tough to justify the cost for him...especially since all of them including Skuld can team up with him if they need the extra damage.

Hyped for Super Ult Sara.
Also forgot to comment on the new badges they showed off. Unbindable leader badge?! That single handedly improves so many teams, and probably brings them up a tier. It'll be big on A. Pandora. I still wonder how it's going to be implemented, if it's something you can easily switch or if it's going to have some sort of cost to it.
I wonder if the +100 team cost badge is going to be easily attainable for newbies - it'd singlehandedly solve one of the biggest stumbling blocks for new players.


Alright, game, I probably shouldn't be rolling in this Godfest, but my Ra wants some Kalis, and you've got them. So I'm gonna give you two pulls to give me one, and if you don't, I'm gonna be annoyed, kapeesh?

Pull one: Guardian Dragon, Avalon Drake
Pull two: Wee Jas (dupe)

Not even remotely close.
Welp. Looks like I'm off the YY train for now. I need to focus my rolls on Sarasvati.

I'm sure I can form a team out of Scheat, Blue Sonia, Blue Valk, Hatsume, Andromeda, Gabriel, Awoken Hermes, Ryune (and Awoken I&I for inheritance).

Looks like I'm only gonna roll during water gala or Indian 2 godfest in the near future.


Rolled what stones I had left after the crushing disappointment from June Bride.

First roll: Gronia (new) Not sure what I'll do with her but I'm keeping her

Verdandi (dupe number 5? Sold)
Maeda Keiji (dupe) Saving for inherit I guess? How many places does one need that active?
Sea Serpent (sold)
Thumbelina (sold)
Set (New, might actually have a home with Awoken Cao Cao.)

So Cao Cao is now going to need Zeus Mercury for that meta? I'm not sure if I'm going to revert my R/G Cao Cao. Max skilling him was annoying and I'm not exactly flush with flampys. That said I have a team for him from the ashes of my awoken Shiva team plus some more recent gets.

Cao Cao, Yamato, Uriel, Urd, R/L Ares seems like a pretty solid fire team.

Not sure what to make of the new ults for the machine gods. They look awesome but I'm in a place where I think only Pollux would find a home as a lead for me. Castor's sub version is going to be extremely tempting to slot into AALuci, glad I didn't sell my dupe.

For Pollux thinking about what I have available, you'd want as many machines as you can, for light what fits the bill in NA?
Pollux, Apocalypse, (Light Eschamali but fuck that) Alcyone, Leonis, sub Pollux?

Full haste system, 100% sbr, can inherit a bind clear on Leonis. I can see RCV as a problem but given the stat boost it's a 42.25 ATK boost for the 5 match. Mix in a TPA or row, sub Sherospada or Indra if a shield is called for over dupe Pollux.
I had enough stones saved up for three rolls, was hoping for a Liu Bei.

1st roll: Sun Wukong

Decided to go for it.

2nd roll: Indigo Dragon Caller, Sumire
3rd roll: Artemis

So happy I didn't roll a silver egg right now.

EDIT: Sumire looks like she has beastly potential. o_O

EDIT #2: And Sun Wukong looks like an amazing additon to my LMeta team, and Artemis can easily find a home with my ZGL. GungHo giving me subs for my team leaders, instead of Uevo forms...
I had enough stones saved up for three rolls, was hoping for a Liu Bei.

1st roll: Sun Wukong

Decided to go for it.

2nd roll: Indigo Dragon Caller, Sumire
3rd roll: Artemis

So happy I didn't roll a silver egg right now.

EDIT: Sumire looks like she has beastly potential. o_O

Those are all good rolls. You might be able to lead with Artemis paired with your partners Liu Bei for co-op push buttons for some dungeons.


So the Sarasvati Uuevo looks really good. Still lacks SBR so accommodations need to be made for that. I'm still sticking with You Yu for my end game I think. I'll wait a little while before purchase though just to see how he shakes out with Sumire as a shared lead. I'm trying to think of what content I'd have trouble with using Sumire/You Yu that would be trivial with just You Yu.

I have a solid team lined up either way. Scheat, Skuld, Isis, flex

Flex will be either Sumire, Xmas Paulina, or Andromeda


One roll on main, red riding hood. I guess I'll keep her this time though.

Alt got hathor, sold and almost enough for You Yu.
Yolo rolled hoping for something in the light gala or a GFE. Ended up with my 3rd Liu Bei. Wish I could give it to someone who doesn't have him. Don't know if I need to have 2 Awoken Liu Bei.

Edit - also, that Gronia is a good pull Bladelaw. Can use it in A. LB farming where there's dungeons with a combo shield. Really nice flex sub option.


So I almost sold my Dupe Typhon for MP to get You Yu. Then I saw this.

Similar to the "Ace" Armors for Bastet, Horus, and Zeus, there's an "Ana" armor evo coming for Typhon, Ceres, and LValk.

Now I need to find out if I have enough junk (does one really need a kakkab system?) to clear out for You Yu.
So I almost sold my Dupe Typhon for MP to get You Yu. Then I saw this.

Similar to the "Ace" Armors for Bastet, Horus, and Zeus, there's an "Ana" armor evo coming for Typhon, Ceres, and LValk.

Now I need to find out if I have enough junk (does one really need a kakkab system?) to clear out for You Yu.

How close are you? I'm assuming you sold all the june bride pulls. If you're close enough, you could probably just farm the MP in Z8. I'm trying to limit the amount of REM pulls I sell, unless it's something that's obviously useless.


How close are you? I'm assuming you sold all the june bride pulls. If you're close enough, you could probably just farm the MP in Z8. I'm trying to limit the amount of REM pulls I sell, unless it's something that's obviously useless.

Close enough I could farm it before he leave the shop but I'd have to really focus on that. Bonus would be a max skilled Z8.

I'm more about trying to free up box space from cards that are useful, but ultimately ones I won't spend any real resources on. Big offenders are dupes with awoken evos. I have every flavor of Haku and Persephone, and the Anubis dupes to do the same with him. I was planning on selling my spare castor and pollux but with there split evos I kind of want to get both of them. That leaves things like Kakkab which has a useful active but really lack luster stats. I don't mind farming the MP but I'm definitely supplementing it by selling some of the REM trash I've kept.


Hey all, so I’m about halfway to my Bastet team, wanted to make sure this was looking good. It’s the first time I’m trying to build a mono-type team from my units, so any advice that I’m on the right or wrong track would be great! Here’s what I plan on running:
- Awoken Bastet
- Awoken Ceres
- Brave Vanquishing Deity Perseus
- Demon Destroying Star Angel, Ruel
- Awoken Meimei

Perseus only needs the Metal dragon for its awakening, while Meimei and Ruel are both at their base levels. Working on them now. It should give me 80% chance to resist poison, 120% skill lock resistance, team starts with 8 turns worth of skills charged, healing 500HP by clearing any drops, and increasing orb movement by 3.5 seconds.
I’m definitely set with bind resistance, since Ceres and Ruel would have 100% chance, matching a row of hearts reduces bind by 6 turns, and Cere’s skill eliminates bind. So I’m definitely set there. Three have TPA (four if friend Bastet).

So… good plan? Despite day 200 hitting recently, I’m still new to team building. My LKali team really took me far (even got all the evos for Bastet and Ceres’ awakening, which wasn’t easy. No gems though!). I’m also not sure how to change my thinking to work a mono-type team. I’ve been running LKali so long I try to avoid Green matches except for combos.
I also have the following Green monsters that are alright, but I think my team up there is good enough.
- GOdin
- Gaia
- Marine Rider
- Four Leaf Clover Princess, Thumbelina
- Wood Mech Warrior, Asgard
- Chrono Turtle
- Zuoh


Hey all, so I’m about halfway to my Bastet team, wanted to make sure this was looking good. It’s the first time I’m trying to build a mono-type team from my units, so any advice that I’m on the right or wrong track would be great! Here’s what I plan on running:
- Awoken Bastet
- Awoken Ceres
- Brave Vanquishing Deity Perseus
- Demon Destroying Star Angel, Ruel
- Awoken Meimei

That looks solid to me. As for combos, ignore colors and any time you're planning on bursting, pop Bastet's active for the extra move time. As long as you get one green TPA you should be fine on damage. Just make sure to get at least 6 combos for a burst turn, more is obviously better.

Be on the look out for Vishnu and Liu Bei. Vishnu is better (IMO) has 3 TPA awakenings, gives you green skyfall, and doesn't flood your board like Liu Bei does. That said R/G Liu Bei does a shit load of damage, ensures you'll have enough orbs to hit hard with, and heals you. I'd replace Ruel with either of those if I had the opportunity. Verdandi also provides one of, if not the best board changes for Bastet.

TL;DR: You've got a solid team, look out for the triple TPA monsters Vishnu and Liu Bei, and pray for Verdandi.


SBR definitely does, can't say for Rows though. Given that just about everything else does I don't see why it wouldn't.

Actually it's very inconsistent. Most defensive awakenings combine, except elemental resists (learned it the hard way). Offensive awakenings like rows and enhanced orbs only work for you.


Actually it's very inconsistent. Most defensive awakenings combine, except elemental resists (learned it the hard way). Offensive awakenings like rows and enhanced orbs only work for you.

Weird, I wonder if this is in any in game documentation. It'd be nice to know what applies where. I can kind of see the defense awakening argument since when you take a hit of the right color the card with the awakening will usually bounce and flash.

So I just checked my MP situation, I'm at ~273,000. I know I can farm up 27,000 MP in a few days. I'm still mulling the You Yu decision. I'm not planning on Xiu Min, so realistically I'd be waiting for the next wave of MP monsters before I get any. And given the x-heart leads I think my MP would be better spent on Pys/SDR. I have a Sumire system that just needs skill ups at this point.

I like big numbers though so I'm probably going for it.


Trying to figure out a Sumire team for my JP account and it definitely feels like people haven't cracked her in the way they have Kaede. I don't know if it's because her sub pool is worse or just because people haven't gravitated towards her. It feels like she's missing key things that Kaede has access to. She doesn't have the amazing heart orb generation of Parvati for instance. Lakshmi is probably OK, but 4 orbs is low for the relatively long CD. Sarsvati isn't the slam dunk for her that VIsh is for Kaede.

The things she seems to have over Kaede is a really good bind clear in Isis, a good enhance in I&I and more board change options, but that feels situational. Obviously running a multiple Sumire is an option, but not one a lot of people have access to.

Think I'm going to go with Sumire/A. I&I/A. Isis/Ryune/UUevo Sarasvati/Sumire and see where it takes me.


Weird, I wonder if this is in any in game documentation. It'd be nice to know what applies where. I can kind of see the defense awakening argument since when you take a hit of the right color the card with the awakening will usually bounce and flash.

So I just checked my MP situation, I'm at ~273,000. I know I can farm up 27,000 MP in a few days. I'm still mulling the You Yu decision. I'm not planning on Xiu Min, so realistically I'd be waiting for the next wave of MP monsters before I get any. And given the x-heart leads I think my MP would be better spent on Pys/SDR. I have a Sumire system that just needs skill ups at this point.

I like big numbers though so I'm probably going for it.

I sold the troll golds I got from bride rem on my alt and now have enough for him. I plan on one day to co-op mzeus with my alt with You Yu. I need to have some stones handy as the combo shield is the problem. Easy enough to do the damage, but might need a little skyfall help. For now will develop both teams.

They should be able to do a lot of other content together though, until I'm ready.


Hey peeps. Don't post much here, but in half an hour I'll have a pentamaxed You Yu Bamboo in NA. Looking for friends and I have plenty of slots open. Feel free to add! Really dedicated to water leads. [My ID: 399, 891, 278]

First slot: Ryune
BF slot: Sumire/Sara/Skuld
Third slot: You Yu (Susano SI)

Happy padding! :)


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
How often does Twinton show up in this stage ? I need to skill up my Zeta Hydra soon.


Hey peeps. Don't post much here, but in half an hour I'll have a pentamaxed You Yu Bamboo in NA. Looking for friends and I have plenty of slots open. Feel free to add! Really dedicated to water leads. [My ID: 399, 891, 278]

First slot: Ryune
BF slot: Sumire/Sara/Skuld
Third slot: You Yu (Susano SI)

Happy padding! :)

Nice, will add you in a bit.

My ID for fellow YY user - 357.739314


Stayed up late to get my You Yu's, tested a bit. I have somewhat janky teams, but I bought them to co-op. So far seems really legit trying a few different teams.

I need to plus some of the water subs on both teams, and max skill a few others. But I feel that I will be able to crush a lot of content now. Main thing I noticed is RCV, but once plussed shouldn't be too much of a problem with the right subs.

Going to bed, happy with You Yu, not looking forward to finishing the teams, but I think it will be worth it.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
YouYu is awesome - hitting for 50m like it's nothing heh.

The damage potential is great which means you can bring along more defense/utility subs as long as you have the actives ready when you need them. Skill inherited Valens active onto my Bamboo.

Don't have Scheat or Hermes, still works out pretty well... Will be even better after Sumire gets her Uevo.

PS. Yolo GG Day 2 pull... Australis, really nice, my first one.


That looks solid to me. As for combos, ignore colors and any time you're planning on bursting, pop Bastet's active for the extra move time. As long as you get one green TPA you should be fine on damage. Just make sure to get at least 6 combos for a burst turn, more is obviously better.

Be on the look out for Vishnu and Liu Bei. Vishnu is better (IMO) has 3 TPA awakenings, gives you green skyfall, and doesn't flood your board like Liu Bei does. That said R/G Liu Bei does a shit load of damage, ensures you'll have enough orbs to hit hard with, and heals you. I'd replace Ruel with either of those if I had the opportunity. Verdandi also provides one of, if not the best board changes for Bastet.

TL;DR: You've got a solid team, look out for the triple TPA monsters Vishnu and Liu Bei, and pray for Verdandi.

Awesome, thanks for the info! I'll keep an eye out for those three


Godfest Day 2 rolls:

Ronia - sold, I only keep 3 in my box
Australis - new, not sure where I'll use

Thinking about buying You Yu since I have almost 350k mp. I have some good subs:

Hermes x2
Awoken Orochi
Blue Valk
Awoken Karin
Godfest Day 2 rolls:

Ronia - sold, I only keep 3 in my box
Australis - new, not sure where I'll use

Thinking about buying You Yu since I have almost 350k mp. I have some good subs:

Hermes x2
Awoken Orochi
Blue Valk
Awoken Karin

People seem really pumped about him. Looks like you have the subs for it. I'd say do it. I'm slowly farming MP for a You Yu purchase I think, but I doubt I'll get it done until his 2nd or 3rd appearance. But then I might even buy NY Ama if she comes back to the MP shop. Eventually I'll have You Yu though.


I went ahead and bought You Yu. I had 3 blue snow globes and 15 bubpys in my box so he is now max skilled and lv 95. I will ultimate evolve him soon.

I needed a top tier blue lead, failed to get Rukia with a few pulls in that collab. Don't have Sumire or Sarasvati.


Tried out Linthia for the first time in awhile (using my Nobunaga/A.Pandora multi team). The damn poison skyfalls messed me up on my first try. I had Thief's shield up, but the poison knocked me into her killing range.

Tried again after and on my final attack I used Lu Bu (3x devils, HP to 1) and after my near full dark board, what happens...a freaking poison skyfall! Luckily I had a heart skyfall drop after that and I was able to survive. Glad to pick up the stone again as that was the only reason I played it again.

Also had pulled once more on both of mine. Picked up a dupe Leeza on my iPad which I sold for MP and on my main account I picked up Light Fenrir. I'm glad to pick up a 6* GFE, but I don't really have any plans to make a jammer centric team.

Very close to 300k MP on my iPad to pick up YY once when comes back into the rotation.
Apparently JP is getting 5x skillups sometime in the future.
So JP is getting 3 +297 rewards from their most recent stream? What the actual fuck. This better be a thing in NA.
Wow, very nice. I watched the stream yesterday (not live) and it'll be a nice treat to have those easy 297s.
The other presents are always nice as well. (5 stones and 6 piis)

I wonder how 5x will be? Seems like it's been awhile since 4x was last around.


Godfest Day 2 rolls:

Ronia - sold, I only keep 3 in my box
Australis - new, not sure where I'll use

Thinking about buying You Yu since I have almost 350k mp. I have some good subs:

Hermes x2
Awoken Orochi
Blue Valk
Awoken Karin
I'd be buying YY if I had those subs. In the meantime, I'll be using the Skuld I got during PCGF to pair up with YY friends.

Edit: Looks like you did it. Grats!


Incredibly LTTP post:

-- Elemental crosses seem cool. No way that kind of damage multipliers make it to the production servers though. I could have sworn I saw a reddit posting mentioning a Yama tweet that other shapes, such as circles, was in development.

-- Second round of PADX evos incoming. 9* Light Valk might be interesting. Very strange decision on Typhon though, as he literally just got his 8* evo. Ceres may be an intriguing option.

-- Day 1 Godfest pulls were all garbage. A silver and two light gala hits that weren't useful. One pull so far on day 2 was a troll gold. Expecting more disappointment this evening.

-- At least I finally evo'd APandora and Z8 last night. Had the piis for Pandora, but still lack meaningful subs. Farmed Z8, went 0 for everything. Later in the day, farmed for Uevo GHera skillps; went 0 for everything as well. What a time to be alive, lol.


You Yu is great, but I'm used to playing him with skyfall buffs on my JP account, makes it much easier. Hopefully I can pull a card with that down the line, it makes longer dungeons much more tolerable.

Edit: also for You Yu players, he can truck through the weekend dungeon with a Ganesh friend really fast.


no pulls on my main account today but my alt got Uriel. That account is sitting on a better XM team than I have on my main. Oh well. At least I can farm coop with it.


Rolled a second dark kali this morning. Am I nuts if I sell her? It seems like the color match meta has been passed over and I don't have our intend to get ra dragon. The 50k would put me close to my second xiang mei.


Rolled a second dark kali this morning. Am I nuts if I sell her? It seems like the color match meta has been passed over and I don't have our intend to get ra dragon. The 50k would put me close to my second xiang mei.

Well 50k mp is farmable and D Kali isn't. I'm a packrat though so I'd keep minimum two of everything. Color match meta seems to be waning for sure but 6* GFE rarity isn't going anywhere.

I wouldn't say you're crazy but in the same position I wouldn't sell her. If you're still short of MP when XM rolls around again and you haven't found a use for her then I'd sell her.


Hm, my Haku wants Xuanzong but I can't get through Journey to the West. Well, he's in Descended Carnival 1, I'll just get him from there.

"Everything but Xuanzong drops.*


Also, I finally got around to using my pull from the special REM for buying the bundle. Was hoping for a second Isis or anything that wasn't a dupe. Got a dupe Sakuya. Suppose I can wake one and super ult the other.


Minor rant: I've been trying to get a Light Mystic Knight to drop from Mechdragons today since I could double up and farm plus eggs. I didn't expect it to take all day. I'm getting decent enough rank XP so I'm not burning stones but fucking hell I've almost got another 297 mule just running this coop with my alt and not a single Mystic knight drop. I've seen 4 today. Oddly enough I've had 5 Light Chasers spawn over the runs. According to padx they're supposed to be the rare spawn.

Really fucking annoyed since I'm trying to clear out evo mats to prep for Miru and it's literally the last piece I need for her. Desire sensor in full effect. On the plus side I managed to score Okuni on my alt which should be perfect for his Luci team.
EDIT: finally got him to drop. All set for Miru on day one.



Minor rant: I've been trying to get a Light Mystic Knight to drop from Mechdragons today since I could double up and farm plus eggs. I didn't expect it to take all day. I'm getting decent enough rank XP so I'm not burning stones but fucking hell I've almost got another 297 mule just running this coop with my alt and not a single Mystic knight drop. I've seen 4 today. Oddly enough I've had 5 Light Chasers spawn over the runs. According to padx they're supposed to be the rare spawn.

Really fucking annoyed since I'm trying to clear out evo mats to prep for Miru and it's literally the last piece I need for her. Desire sensor in full effect. On the plus side I managed to score Okuni on my alt which should be perfect for his Luci team.
EDIT: finally got him to drop. All set for Miru on day one.


Too late now but it's not a good place to farm mystic knights. Mystic knights used to be one of the essential farmables so they drop very rarely in the early dungeons.

Miru farming isn't as bad as initally thought. Farming certain rogue and rush dungeons got me half of the non-evolve mats already. I just need a bunch of green orbs because it seems like every descended mob require green orbs these days.


Managed to scrape enough stones for 1 more pull last night and got skuld. Was pleasantly surprised. I finally am starting to get some decent blue cards.


yolo: fenrir

huh - this is a gfe?

you mean like GGY?

oh - they removed GGY instead of buffing it ? when does fenrir get removed?

at least I've never pulled it before.


Well 50k mp is farmable and D Kali isn't. I'm a packrat though so I'd keep minimum two of everything. Color match meta seems to be waning for sure but 6* GFE rarity isn't going anywhere.

I wouldn't say you're crazy but in the same position I wouldn't sell her. If you're still short of MP when XM rolls around again and you haven't found a use for her then I'd sell her.

That's a lot of farming for me but I understand your point. I really have to start trying multiplayer and getting a consistent mp frm dungeon team.

I'm going to hold on to her and wait until I really want something with the mp.


Too late now but it's not a good place to farm mystic knights. Mystic knights used to be one of the essential farmables so they drop very rarely in the early dungeons.

Miru farming isn't as bad as initally thought. Farming certain rogue and rush dungeons got me half of the non-evolve mats already. I just need a bunch of green orbs because it seems like every descended mob require green orbs these days.
Yeah, the +eggs were really good so like said it wasn't a waste. I managed to 297 my alts lead and I did eventually get what I wanted.
Don't think I'm breaking the top 1% for this JP ranking dungeon. It is apparently the most skill-intensive ranking dungeon created so far; some JP players are able to post multiple crown-worthy scores in a row. I can't puzzle hard enough to hit those consistent combo counts ;_;
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