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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Awesome. Let me know if you ever want to grind z8 with him. It's so easy. Other rogues are easy too, but that's the one that is super simple.

Legend plus or Mythical plus? What subs are good? I have a lot of good light cards like Raphael, chibi Valk, Awoken Apollo, Awoken Amaterasu, Awoken Ra, Wukong, etc all max skilled. I also have utility cards like Awoken Orochi.
Legend plus or Mythical plus? What subs are good? I have a lot of good light cards like Raphael, chibi Valk, Awoken Apollo, Awoken Amaterasu, Wukong, etc all max skilled. I also have utility cards like Awoken Orochi.

Myth plus. You need something to deal with pre-dras/ baby z8, someone needs a utility to heal if you get a pre-empt on the pirate dragons (I use ama when I have to have the utility, others use raph, a delay can work), and the rest is just orb changers/board change. A. Apollo is a real good option because if you don't end up one shotting Z8 he debuffs your light sky fall. Most floors take one light match or even off color mass attacks. I usually run Saria/a. Apollo/A. DQXQ/A. Ra, and use a Saria-Apollo combo to one shot Z8. It's really flexible on what you can bring, since the damage is so easy.


Myth plus. You need something to deal with pre-dras/ baby z8, someone needs a utility to heal if you get a pre-empt on the pirate dragons (I use ama when I have to have the utility, others use raph, a delay can work), and the rest is just orb changers/board change. A. Apollo is a real good option because if you don't end up one shotting Z8 he debuffs your light sky fall. Most floors take one light match or even off color mass attacks. I usually run Saria/a. Apollo/A. DQXQ/A. Ra, and use a Saria-Apollo combo to one shot Z8. It's really flexible on what you can bring, since the damage is so easy.

So if we both need true damage I can bring A Ra, and A Amaterasu (hyper) for the heal (or unbind on Zaerog). For the last 2 spots I can use

A Apollo
Light/Water Apollo
Chibi Valk (hyper)
So if we both need true damage I can bring A Ra, and A Amaterasu (hyper) for the heal (or unbind on Zaerog). For the last 2 spots I can use

A Apollo
Light/Water Apollo
Chibi Valk (hyper)

I would bring Apoc and A. Apollo. Normally, if you bring the utility, the person you're playing with will take z8 since they have more actives available. Both Apoc and Apollo should be enough for any floor you need to sweep. levels, plus eggs, and skills really aren't that important, since it's a rogue and you should have enough SBs between the teams to have any changer up floor one. ping me on discord if you want a walk through, I should be around this evening. the damage requirements for each floor take a bit to get used to, but it's really easy.


I would bring Apoc and A. Apollo. Normally, if you bring the utility, the person you're playing with will take z8 since they have more actives available. Both Apoc and Apollo should be enough for any floor you need to sweep. levels, plus eggs, and skills really aren't that important, since it's a rogue and you should have enough SBs between the teams to have any changer up floor one. ping me on discord if you want a walk through, I should be around this evening. the damage requirements for each floor take a bit to get used to, but it's really easy.

Thanks, I'll msg you on discord later.


Will anyone shift their Ra Dragon team around with the 50% SBR badge? Indra still fills a vital role as a shield but maybe having Wiza take his place? A much weaker shield up basically any time you need it plus the enhanced orbs and the built in dark resistance sounds pretty good to me. And her cooldown is short enough you could just inherit Indra on her and get the best of both worlds.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
We are getting ver. 9.2 next week - finally getting the mailbox update. Crazy that so many years after the launch there was no other of finding out the content of your mailbox lol.

What does the standard Skill inheritance situation looks like for Rowbei farming teams ? Im planning on Liu Bei x Dios x Dios x Dios x Drake x Liu Bei - i guess Drake is the flex spot, i could also use Astaroth and co. depending on the stage.

I think at least 1 Liu bei needs a Ra direct damage type of skill inherited - dont know about the rest of the subs. Same for Latens - are atk latents or sdr needed for the main mythical plus stages ?
We are getting ver. 9.2 next week - finally getting the mailbox update. Crazy that so many years after the launch there was no other of finding out the content of your mailbox lol.

What does the standard Skill inheritance situation looks like for Rowbei farming teams ? Im planning on Liu Bei x Dios x Dios x Dios x Drake x Liu Bei - i guess Drake is the flex spot, i could also use Astaroth and co. depending on the stage.

I think at least 1 Liu bei needs a Ra direct damage type of skill inherited - dont know about the rest of the subs. Same for Latens - are atk latents or sdr needed for the main mythical plus stages ?

I don't think there's a standard team, it's dungeon specific. I've never seen anyone talk about latents either. Mainly you'll be building teams to button z8, scarlet, and linthia, and for anything else you're going to just adapt.

It looks like a ton of evos should be coming with 9.2 (A. LB, Dios, Apoc, Sumire, Kaede). Pretty exciting but now I really need to sit down and see what mats I'll need. There's like 8 evolutions I'd want to do day 1.


So looking at the mats for everything I want I feel like I've got a lot of work to still do.
I need a ton of stuff for Sumire system (skill ups and evo mats mostly).

Bei/Dios Miru farm team is far from ready (so many plusses...)

Inherits for the above teams are also missing things like XP, skill ups, and awakenings.

Well at least it'll give me something to do in game.

I'm curious if there are other Miru farm teams. Even if they aren't as fast as ALB, as long as it's consistent that matters more to me. I'll farm Legend Plus all day as all I want is Miru skill ups.


Sorry for the double post but I was looking at Napoleon I can see some decent teams coming out of there. Paired leads with a Tsubaki sub = 35% permashield on a 39x lead. He's orb hungry sure but he has lots of options to fix that. Awoken Hino, R/G Cao Cao for TPAs, Uriel, Gadius, Yamato for rows. TPA teams would have worse RCV offset by the 35% shield and 2.25 RCV, rows wouldn't because Yamato and Uriel are stacked there.

Either way Tsubaki is a must. Gadius maybe for bind clearing. His active could screw you out of an activation on a TPA team (no Uriel). Assuming permashield you would have a 1.35/6.25/3.04 team with a type that has high native HP

A. Hino
R/G Cao Cao

The TPA team has more EHP (~36k with shield) and lower RCV (~7k) when hypered and is one skill boost short of having the shield up turn 1, though the SB badge solves that problem. Cao Cao and Hino will be doing most of the damage and bring tons of utility (Delay/Def Break) but even with 16 red OE trolling via Gadius is possible.


The row version has all skills up turn 1 so no worries about getting the shield up, sits at 34k effective HP with 14 red OE and 8 rows and RCV of over 9000 (lol) when hypermaxed.

Either team could benefit from a Sanada inherit probably on Gadius.


5x skill ups in JP...... 4x in NA/EU when?

Also, 5x GFE godfest in JP, but with no pantheons. Smells like a worse trap than 4x GFEs + 1 pantheon to me.
YES! Finally, on the last day I got a Meimei to show up and won that Jewel of Wood.

Now I just need ~4 more and I'll have as many as with the other colors. :p


Godfest announced.

Hel’s Kitchen Godfest
[Duration]: 7/16 (Sat) - 7/17 (Sun), UTC-8
*The Godfest starts at 7/16 (Sat), 1:00 AM and ends at 7/18 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT).

This Godfest features 3x Rates for featured Gods and Godfest Exclusives!

Day One will feature Japanese Series 1 and Indian Series 2 Gods. Day Two will feature Egyptian Series 1 Gods and Devil Series. Each day features a unique lineup of Godfest Exclusives.
Newly added to these Godfest Exclusives are Fenrir Viz, Sherias Roots and Balboa! Take this opportunity to obtain these monsters and create a powerful team! See here for details: http://bit.ly/29N0xBU

Also during the Hel’s Kitchen Godfest, all non-featured Godfest Exclusives will appear at Standard Rates!

*Monsters will only appear in their unevolved forms.
DAY 1: 7/16 (Sat), UTC-8
Day 1 of the Godfest starts at 7/16 (Sat), 1:00 AM and ends at 7/17 (Sun), 12:59 AM (PDT)

DAY 2: 7/17 (Sun), UTC-8
Day 2 of the Godfest starts at 7/17 (Sun), 1:00 AM and ends at 7/18 (Mon), 12:59 AM (PDT)

Note: All images and data displayed are in development, and they may be adjusted if necessary.


I need the co-op achievement in the JP badge quests. If anyone with a JP account could help, might be too late tonight. But any easy dungeon is fine, you can even join and quit after I enter. Just need to do one co-op dungeon.
So Mech Athena's stats are out.

LS: Machine type slightly increase HP (1.35x?), ATK x3. ATK x2.5 during Co-op.
AS: Enhance wood and heart. Haste 1 turn.

That's an awesome active and the leader skill looks nice, but with serious RCV problems and a smaller sub pool I'm not sure how much she'll get used. I still want her.


So Mech Athena's stats are out.

LS: Machine type slightly increase HP (1.35x?), ATK x3. ATK x2.5 during Co-op.
AS: Enhance wood and heart. Haste 1 turn.

That's an awesome active and the leader skill looks nice, but with serious RCV problems and a smaller sub pool I'm not sure how much she'll get used. I still want her.

Is the 3x atk for everything or just Machines? It's not clear on Puzzledragonx.com

Li Kao

Mmh, so let's act like I have any leisure time left and would like to play P&D again. Are there differences between how the US and EU servers are handled ? Is one of them bad, lagging behind on event or anything ?


Mmh, so let's act like I have any leisure time left and would like to play P&D again. Are there differences between how the US and EU servers are handled ? Is one of them bad, lagging behind on event or anything ?

They are more or less the same now, but if you're interested in co-op, the US server has a lot more players.


They are more or less the same now, but if you're interested in co-op, the US server has a lot more players.

I remember reading somewhere that EU doesn't get ranking dungeons. Don't know if that's still a thing (or if it ever was, never played on EU myself), but if it is it's a pretty major difference.


I supposedly have an important phone call to take sometime in the next hour or so, but ping me on discord (@a hot mess#6187) whenever you have time.

I never used Discord before. Downloaded it and I'm in the reddit PaD channel. Don't know how to ping though. Trying to get help in the JP co-op channel but it's pretty dead.


If you go to Direct Messages then Add Friend you can put in my nickname.

Ah, someone actually helped me already now. Thanks for the help though. That unlocked pretty much everything else, my mailbox is so full now...

Edit: I yolo rolled the JP godfest with some of the stones I got for the quest rewards. I pulled a Cao Cao. I don't run a fire team, but now I have some options for one. Not sure if I want to make awoken Cao Cao and make a team for him, or turn him to R/G Cao Cao for dragon type and try to build a Napoleon team. I have Yamato, Tsubaki, and Hino for Napoleon subs already, but I also have other good subs like Urd, Leilan, etc... if I make awoken Cao Cao. Anybody know which would be a better team?


I actually have the optimal subs for mech Athena...Spica, Australis, and...well that's pretty much it. Susano with Lmeta for bind clear I guess? Reincarnated Zeal gets machine type right?


NA/EU servers are getting the "Christmas in July" event, during the offweek between events on Monday.

Fairly common roll for CPaulina as a silver for those who bought YY.


Which difficulty of gold bowl dragon is best to farm genie skill ups? I've seen the mug in every difficulty but int. Not sure if the spawn chance is higher on other difficulties.


Which difficulty of gold bowl dragon is best to farm genie skill ups? I've seen the mug in every difficulty but int. Not sure if the spawn chance is higher on other difficulties.


It's an older dungeon. Higher difficulties = better chance for the mug to spawn on each floor.


yeah easy to just go mythical, but today legend has been good for me unlike yesterday. I was watching my stamina and trying not to rank up and waste stamina so I ran a couple of master and legend and they were dropping, ranked up and just kept running legend and they kept dropping.
As someone who is starting the game
for the like the 300th time...previously got overwhelmed from learning curve and amount of content
, what unit should I be attempting to get on this weekend's Godfest?


As someone who is starting the game
for the like the 300th time...previously got overwhelmed from learning curve and amount of content
, what unit should I be attempting to get on this weekend's Godfest?

What's right for you depends on your preferred playstyle, but with her new Ult Evolution, Jasper Dragon Caller Kaede is supposedly one of the best leads in the game. She's what I'll be aiming for when I start my alt this weekend. But her playstyle requires being comfortable with creating multiple combos and a cross, so it might not be for everyone.
ugh 2 stamina bars in coop (18 runs at mythical) for 2 mugs. fuck this. On the bright side Arcline is almost max skilled.

Have you looked in to skilling her up with squids? I'm in the same situation where I'd like to skill my genie. Squids drop a lot and it doesn't take a ton to evolve them. Seems like less of a hassle to me, but still terrible. Figure I can just use z8 drops to level all of them.


Have you looked in to skilling her up with squids? I'm in the same situation where I'd like to skill my genie. Squids drop a lot and it doesn't take a ton to evolve them. Seems like less of a hassle to me, but still terrible. Figure I can just use z8 drops to level all of them.
Yeah, i just dont have box space till the super Dios update to hold evo mats for the squids.


Once we get Awoken Liu Bei and Super Awoken Zeus Dios I can free up 20 box spaces. I've had good luck skilling up my 3 Dios. I've got them to 16 (max skill), 18, and 20 turns. I'm going to stop when I have them at 16,17,18 no need to max skill them all since using 1 uses a turn.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I don't think there's a standard team, it's dungeon specific. I've never seen anyone talk about latents either. Mainly you'll be building teams to button z8, scarlet, and linthia, and for anything else you're going to just adapt.

It looks like a ton of evos should be coming with 9.2 (A. LB, Dios, Apoc, Sumire, Kaede). Pretty exciting but now I really need to sit down and see what mats I'll need. There's like 8 evolutions I'd want to do day 1.

Alright thanks - just wanted to make sure that im not missing some big Latent setup or so the standard teams needs. Max skilled 3 Dios now...next step is to max level them and later start plussing them. Will take some time but it will save me even more time down the line.

For the other teams - im mostly interested in what kind of team would be needed for Miro desc - from what i remember having the whole squad +297 is essential for Miru runs.

Also looking forward to the evo wave...Sumire, Sun Quan, Liu Bei, Dios, Apoc...all here and waiting to evolved....cant wait to finally save up some mayor space from my box.
So Mech Athena's stats are out.

LS: Machine type slightly increase HP (1.35x?), ATK x3. ATK x2.5 during Co-op.
AS: Enhance wood and heart. Haste 1 turn.

That's an awesome active and the leader skill looks nice, but with serious RCV problems and a smaller sub pool I'm not sure how much she'll get used. I still want her.

And of course the green farmable unit has to be kinda lackluster again. Meh...

Then again if i were to pull Spica and she get the same awesome Uevo treatment as her brothers and sister. Well lets stop dreaming...for now heh.


pulled a few times on my main jp account on day 2 looking for Zouh for my panda team.

Only card worth of note was Gremory, She is a great leader and I have all her essential subs except for Xin Hua who I can buy if I want. But i never seen her on my friends list or even used by travelers.

Yolo day 1 NA hoping for Orochi, but got Shiva. A dupe but might useful for 0 defense breaker for skill inheritance.


So, I've been losing interest in the game for a little while now, but I rolled in this godfest. In order I got Fuu (silver dupe), and then Urd, Gadius, and Kagutsuchi. My fire box just got a lot better lol.


Really wanted some Indian 2 gods since they're next in line for a uevo.


Cool, now all I have to do is roll Kaede 2 more times.


Two rolls, got Princess Valkyrie, and Susano!

.... what do I do with Susano? My main teams are LKali and working on a Bastet team (almost done). Apologies for asking, I'm more of a casual player who loves wasting stones on pulls :)
Rolled twice hoping for a Japanese God 1 or Indian God 1, the only monster I have from that group is Ganesha.

Wood Wizard Leeza
Melon Dragon (dupe)

Sigh, why are fruit dragons even in the REM? At least Leeza has potential to find a spot on my GZL team, but I've got better monsters for that.


Rolled 4 times.

All dupes/trash except for the new blue gfe dragon with haste tacked on.

Devilits are skill ups now conveniently so I fed all mine off and got him to skill level 4.

I don't know what use he'll be, but he could be decent I guess as a sub at the very least.
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