Cosmo Clock 21
Basically did the same thing rolling Zooey in Granblue yesterday
Myr is such a love/hate relationship type of card. She's always on the brink of clearing anything or wiping on any given turn due to trolling or bad matching, whatever. I've wiped a ton because of orb trolls, Cooldowns gones or just simply messing up the cross. If any of those things happen the run is over. It's a different and fun play style but I definitely prefer XM over her.
My teams on my JP account were having problems with Myr dungeon. Finished maxing my 2 Sumires and used them, Gabriel, summurd, and Orochi with a Sumire friend. First time trying a heart cross team on a hard dungeon. It worked though it took a long time. Dunno if I want to farm it with that team.
Now starting the process of uvoing her... Almost done on NA and I guess it gives me something to do on the JP account, but man she's a pain to do. Will need to awaken DQXQ as well on that account. I need a good light team and that will make two eventually.
These Z8 runs on stream are painful to watch.
These Z8 runs on stream are painful to watch.
Yeah I was gonna edit my post to add that but I was just too dumbfounded by what was happening.Nowhere near as bad as watching Mantastic having to endure 4 runs to clear Star Justice with Antonio. Even more laughable that the other team couldn't even make it past the third floor at all, period.
Yeah I need to chain run Myr on JP too and don't have ALB. Sad times
Agreed. I'm just not going to bother unless they become evo mats. And I really hope that doesn't happen.Star Justice L+ co-op using Myr is pretty safe as long as your partner has a clue of what's going on. I usually use gravity on floor 1 and on floor 3 I just slow grind it since it turns junk into heart every other turn anyway.
I gave up on looking for Another Justice given how rare it drops. Rare boss on descend is a terrible trend that needs to die.
Tried the Star Justice dungeon a few times solo with my blue team(s) (Blue Sonia/Idunn and Idunna, Motonari, Orochi, Midgard, Andromeda, Blue Sonia/Ryune) before finally taking a shot at it with my Myr team and clearing it (almost annoyingly) easily. Moogle (thank you Bladelaw) was the star of the team, with Okuninushi and Amaterasu filling out colors while playing back up when Moogle wasn't active. Thankfully it was the blue one that dropped, so I just got my stone and I can move on from that annoying dungeon.
Ok so I bought the "one-time" deal thing in the magic stone shop (I don't mind spending money) and got Isis from the machine. I get the sense that she's not very powerful but I should still hold onto her, is that accurate?
I still need to get better subs for my verdandi team as she's the only real leader I have![]()
Ok so I bought the "one-time" deal thing in the magic stone shop (I don't mind spending money) and got Isis from the machine. I get the sense that she's not very powerful but I should still hold onto her, is that accurate?
I still need to get better subs for my verdandi team as she's the only real leader I have![]()
Just finished my Myr team and i agree with you. I enjoy her a lot but one mistake and you are done. My 50k XM team is a beast at clearing content I normally wouldn't be able to otherwise. Are we friends?
Not sure, what's your in game name? Send me an invite 391130292 if not.
When it debuted I think I called it "literally every bullshit gimmick GungHo has ever made stuffed into one dungeon"
I actually got pretty far solo on Legend+, but I think my NA account is getting to the point where it can't clear endgame content anymore.
Osiris stats alone makes it worth replacing any of those subs.If my team is:
Verdandi (not ulted yet, I need the masks, but maxed awoken)
-Wild Flowerdragon, Howling Brachys (lvl/awoken maxed)
-King Woodsie (lvl/awoken maxed)
-Flame Armor Ogre (lvl/awoken maxed)
-Earth Baron (lvl 80, not awoken)
should I replace someone with a lvl 24 max awoken "Soul-Judging God of Dark Riches, Osiris"? I think Flame Armor Ogre is the right call to be replaced because its active does nothing, it's not Balanced so the Woodsie active doesn't synergize, and the two awoken skills are meh comparatively.
Or should I wait and level him more? I don't know, I just wanted some box space so I evolved him to his ult and blew a ton of Tamadras on him.
Akechi skill ups in dark carnival must be a myth. I am not seeing them.
Akechi skill ups in dark carnival must be a myth. I am not seeing them.
So I had no business clearing the Agni Challenge but Myr is strong as fuck (big shock). I managed to stall through his combo shield because I suck despite having three full board changers up. Stalled through his 10 turn 300k damage shield because combos magically started skyfalling for me pushing me over the damage threshold. Then when it looks like he ran out of tricks I fail the kill shot so he puts up his 50% damage shield. Finally I kill his ass with a Myr/Elia combo. So GG me I guess?
I try to solo challenges first, coop is if I need help or plan on farming. I like when the challenges are legitimate instead of Star Justice level of bullshit. Playing any other team I have I would have been wrecked 3 times over.I just beat Agni with ALB coop, one shot the boss with an Avalon Drake active on the first turn. Easy.
Cleared Myr solo with Sumire/Byr, time to farm her till the end of time. Does anybody on JP have one so I can get more runs? None of my BFFs seem to have her.
Also, I am now feeling the regret from neglecting to skill up Snow White for the like three years I've had the opportunity to