The servers aren't connected, but the content gap between the two versions is basically gone these days. And NA/EU has also settled into a ~1.5-2 month delay from JP whereas in past years the schedule was super unpredictableOh crap...i thought i lost my account because everytime i oppened the app i got pls accept the ToS...now i finally gave in and wanted to start a new account...but my phone loaded some data and my old account was there right in front of me...i missed soooo much content >.< and i forgot how to play, don't have friends anymore and so on. Iirc i played on the european server, are us and euro nowadays connected?
Damn it looks like Challenge 5 is literally impossible with my alt's team (doesn't seem possible with any mono color team...) I guess I'm not getting that snow globe.
What was your team comp? I assume not Dios because c9 is no dupe. My friend and I just tried c9 with ADQXQ and it was hard with all the move time reduction.Just beat c8 - c10 with ALB in coop. Cleared 1-7 solo. All done.
What was your team comp? I assume not Dios because c9 is no dupe. My friend and I just tried c9 with ADQXQ and it was hard with all the move time reduction.
Thanks!You need 5 sbr across both teams. I used ALB, Dios, Perseus, Avalon Drake and Freyja (used her boost for floors 4 & 5). Partner used ALB, Dios, Perseus, Verdandi, and green Wee Jas.
I've been playing this game on and off for a little over 4 months now and this thread might as well not even be written in English. I'm not even sure I'm playing the same game as you guys. Just thought that was funny.
Haha this thread gave me flashbacks of my first post in this thread.
I can't believe this was just over a month ago. Feels like a lifetime.
Did you beat challenge 5 yet?
Finished challenge 9 & 10 solo with awoken cao cao. Had to use 1 stone on 10 because my yamatos got bound on flr 4 damn skyfalls.
Not even gonna bother skilling up my bane I'll just wait for the lumiel and famiel update to get here.
What was your team for c9/c10? I run ACC as well, currently fielding A.Leilan/2x Scarlet/Urd.
My Harem but with a Dragon Guard
Why do you solo 08 and 09? Its just much more stamina efficient to coop (and easier with alb) it...
My Harem but with a Dragon Guard![]()
Mostly because of the challenge - im not actively farming for something so i dont really care much about stamina and am more less in a casual mode now...this wont change until i get to work towards a team im really excited about.
But as said a couple a posts before...its difficult to get excited about the latest awakenings if you already have a solid cross heart team UNLESS you get lucky enough to pull one of the newer GFE.
EDIT: Yesterday's mask drop rate continues to baffle me. I had 30 runs over the day since I'm trying to skill up Sitri, who should be a great Sarasvati, Revo Lak, and You Yu sub but man out of 30 runs only 7 blue masks dropped. Out of that only 1 skill up. If I wasn't saving pys for things like Revo Lak I'd have probably just py'd her already.
Why do you solo 08 and 09? Its just much more stamina efficient to coop (and easier with alb) it...
I have to get working on her evo mats, are there hints that it will be live soon?
The team looks great. I'd build something very similar.
Based on JP's releases we should be getting the rest of the Samurai evos (Mori, Sanada, Keiji) then the JP2 Awokens (Okuni, Kushi), then Alreshca, then finally maybe Krishna/Ganesha.
Nice, grats dude!
Anybody with a Ronove team want to get together sometime today and do some co-op? Nothing in particular, Ace myth, any descends, etc. I just wanna practice Ronove in some actual dungeons but I don't want to spend 50 stamina a pop to do it solo.
You're stuck with just balanced subs with that pairing but it's more viable now with Akechi and Plum. Maybe Akechi, plum, Typhon and...another Akechi?I'd like to switch my Typhon to Anaphon, but I just can't until I can spare the badpy. I'd kinda like to use a few on A. Yomi so I can try him as a Gremory sub, so that's a few right there.
Does Anaphon pair well with Gremory as a co-lead?
I guess I should really play more arena.
You're stuck with just balanced subs with that pairing but it's more viable now with Akechi and Plum. Maybe Akechi, plum, Typhon and...another Akechi?
If you can get to a point where you can reliably clear mech Hera you can farm A Yomi skill ups. I'm almost done just from that.
Ahh, okay. I've never cleared MHera. Haven't had an ALB for it and my few Gremory attempts didn't go so hot. How are you farming it?
I could go all balance, because I've got a Plum team to fuck with, but I doubt many people running her can. That's actually my Plum team, 2 balanced akechis. Reminds me that I haven't even tried it out yet.
You should run Endless Corridors for practice, no stamina.
Yeah, that has been my go to but it's not a very balanced difficulty or good representation of what it's like to adapt to a real dungeon's mechanics. Most of the floors you can sweep with an old cross active.
For instance, I'm 100% convinced that I will never pass a 4+ combo shield with Ronove without the assistance of some good old fashioned LiQuid! Dumb Luck.
Once you clear that harder versions open up. Then you clear those and even harder version open. Ultimate Endless is basically somewhere between arena 1 and 2.