Look at any pull vid. you will find only sadness
The first video I watched had Karin and Rozzie pulled. I would have really liked either of those. But yeah, after that it was sadness.
I wasted money on the REM - it is not worth it.
use the stones to increase the space and problem = solved.
I think once you can consistently farm arena you start streaming and try to get paid like Dzy.
W00: Bro, if you spend 5 stones on a junk pull, you will save yourself 6-8 box spaces from the tamas you feed it, minus the 1 box for the junk pull itself. If you just buy box you can hold 25 tamas and those box spaces are good forever. Be smart about this. Don't be stupid. I provide enough stupidity for this thread already.
Yeah, okay, box space it is, then. Thanks for talking me down, you three.