Decided to make a YOLO pull on both accounts.
Alt: Sumire. A good card that my alt simply does not have the box to support. My other notable water cards on that account are Ryune, HUndine, Sadalmelik, Wetatron, and Water Dragon Swordsman. Pieces of a team, yes, but not yet a good team. At least it's another option to coop with my main.
Main: Fenrir. So, Fenrir, Algedi, Jormungandr, Hanuman... Who else makes jammers?
I was worried that I'd be tempted to make more pulls after my initial YOLO pulls. I was, a little bit, on my main at least, but thanks to everyone else who posted their terrible pulls, I can resist. Bring on the PCGF! I got at least ten pulls on each account to make in it!
Provided that cards I want get selected, of course.