I haven't figured out who I'll vote for, but I'm leaning towards Paimon. Would be a great upgrade on my Myr teams and I'm not sure if he'll make it.
I haven't figured out who I'll vote for, but I'm leaning towards Paimon. Would be a great upgrade on my Myr teams and I'm not sure if he'll make it.
Is it different this time? Like Yoda, I like the scramble but can see the benefits of keeping it blind. I'd have to put some thought into then. Probably go with a non-GFE that has a good AS for inherit.The tallies aren't displayed, there's no knowing (at least at this point) if we'll get that data before voting closes.
Is Paimon like a yellow Kaede?
Her weapon drops from Collab 1 IIRC
FF1 int on 2x
It's more common than Sephiroth's Masamune for me (I skilled up 2 Y'stholas and 0 sephiroth)
Similar number of rolls for me (93) no bkali/sakuya.
You people are voting for GARBAGE. No wonder we got Trump!
I guess not given the lack of brag posts on Reddit. I just assumed Kali and Sakuya were in the same pool.You can pull Sakuya right now as well ?
Used up all my saved pal points. No Kali, but I got 2 Arthur and enough pluses (including +132 Puzzdroid) to make 3 +297 mules.
@LiQu!d: Fully Farmable "get carried through Myr" setup: I can't make the carrier setup and probably don't have the skills to pull it off even if I did but here you go http://gl1tch3d.com/myr-carry/
Eek, maybe I'll find someone on discord (late) tonight. I gave L+ a shot this morning with Ilm but there wasn't enough time to find the 4 combos through the blind.
Also the game isn't matching me up with random Ilms so I can't try again![]()
So, like what garbage did you vote for?
Anyone have experience with Gaia dragon? I'm in the last round of one shot challenge with Myr and don't want to blow it.
I was bored so I tried Revo Minerva/Ilm vs Myr L+ and it was pretty easy. Look for a Minerva partner because you can stall much easier on all the light bosses. Just save Ilm for the kill shot, bring a Saria or two, and if something isn't a color you can tank like water or wood just kill it fast. I used Minerva/Saria/Saria/Rodin/Tsubaki. Rodin was a wasted pick. I thought I'd need him for the tan on floor 1 but just use Minerva's active and target the tan. Rodin wasn't up. I'd throw in another quick change like a Tsubaki. If you can't do it solo or can't find a Minerva, I can help in co-op tonight.
With Myr the only real solution is burst hard, often. You want to get Gaia to near 50% HP by the time the shield wears off, then do a solid kill shot.
What subs do you have available?
If you have a Saria-->Lakechi board I'd start the round off with that, then plink away with whatever skyfall grants you then finish with a similar combo (Apoc-->DQXQ/Elia)
I guess not given the lack of brag posts on Reddit. I just assumed Kali and Sakuya were in the same pool.
Used the Pal Points i got today from playing...
I guess that PaD ways of rewarding me for playing Blue Leads for a while. 54 pulls in total = 2 Blue Kali, nice.
Hah okay that makes sense...because otherwise she must have been incredible rare.
I have Ilm permanently up in slot 1 for the FOTM. 359,535,296Didn't get bkali in my 50 rolls but honestly I'm ok with it. There are a few days left and I won't go crazy if I don't get it (would be lovely though).
Should I just use Pianis and Arthur as +egg mules then?
Currently on floor 4 of Myr before I took a break. Had to use Ronove because I don't have any friends or randoms with either Minerva or Ilm up. Maybe this is the time....
I've never rolled in this Pal Machine before. What's worth keeping and why? I rolled 28 times so far and got 3 Arthurs and 2 Pianis, who I've seen mentioned. Are they good for something?
I got a Lu Bu, any good?
If it's from the PAL machine (all lower case letters in the name) then no, not really.
Is there a list of which ones from the pal are good?
And I should be pulling this week from the Pal, right?