I don't really get Vishnu as a leader. I saw Dzy recommend it to people on his stream, but I don't see why. He seems like Krishna without the benefit of being tanky. So you get the great +atk, good scaling damage leader skill, and even good recovery, but not enough HP to make the recovery useful, and no way to tank big hits. Unless I'm missing something he seems kinda sub par to me.
Honestly I'm starting to think Dzy might recommend shit to people that only seems viable to him because he has a box full of hypered cards, and like fifty kaede's and ragdrags and shit. The rest of us in the trenches are trying to hobble teams together with whatever scraps Gung Ho sees fit to give us.
Anyways, both of my accounts are max stamina right now, and it's Monday, so technically I have infinite stamina, I need SO many skill ups out of this Metal Star dungeon, and there's a host of new challenges I need to finish... yet I don't feel like playing PAD right now... But if I don't play NOW I'm going to regret it tomorrow, or the next day, when I don't have infinite stamina but still want to get this crap done...
Help. I've fallen right back into that trap I nearly quit this game over.