So it is nearly 1/2 6* GFEs. Kind of a bummer, but everyone sort of prepared me for it. On the bright side, the 5*s all seem pretty solid.
Obviously, I really want Pandora, but I'd be pretty happy with a Krishna, Akechi (my 2nd), Acala, or maybe even a Ra. It would give me some stuff to mess around with at any rate. I'm not counting 6*s, cause that seems like a pipe dream.
While we are at it, how did scheat make it in? She was my first 6* and I've been rather unimpressed with her. She isn't a good leader and her really low attack minimizes the value of all of those TPAs. Her active is pretty solid, but it breaks hearts, which seems like a significant drawback currently.
EDIT: just saw the Xmas update. Seems generally kind of lame, but we might get a free roll, so everything isn't so bad. Also, Red Gremory having access to god and devil seems like it could broaden her sub pool considerably. Sure, no one is going to roll her, but still.
I'll have a good number of stones available for it (~100 on my main and ~60 on my alt), but I don't know how much I actually want to risk on it. My alt may have to go all-in for the sake of getting Liu Bei while plenty of dark cards are available (thank you, Dark Gala, please be nice). My main might actually have to hold back, since other than the Myr subs none of them would actually be immediately useful and would be more in the "nice to have" category.
Is the dark gala going to be happening at the same time? If so, that makes me feel a little bit better about rolling on this thing.