Full list of rolls in order of appearance:
Green Wee Jas, alright!
Krishna, PCGF was worth the wait!!!
Isis, niiiiiiiiiiiice!
Chrono Turtle, every box needs at least one of these, right? Finally my time (heh) has come!
Famiel, is this even in the PCGF? I think it just willed its way into my box! I'll take it!
Viper Orochi, yasssssssssssssssss!
CyberButt Kakkab, troll gold
Water Dragon Swordsman, didn't have one yet, but meh
GrimRock, another ShitRock, and this one has +hp eggs too, it's like these things WANT to be fed!
Acala, finally another good card but it's a DUPE, and a low value dupe too, I think?
All in all I did FINE. Surprisingly few silvers for Silverfest 3. I'm a couple stones away from another pull on my alt. As soon as I get some stamina I'll do one more yolo roll for yuks.