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Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


I got many auto heal latent awakening from pre-Dra run. Who or what of mob should I give them to?

Some that I thought of -

LTron: barely use her now
A. Ame: see above.
A. Ama: on one team.
A. Sakuya: on several of my teams.
Kanna: also on several of my team
D. Inazami: on a couple of my teams based on situation
So I want Awoken Isis. But for that I:
- Need to get Cleopatra as my last mat
- To get Cleopatra, I need to first unlock the dungeon for it, which first means beating Ancient Dragons' Mystic Realm
- Beating that means I either have to struggle through Scarlet Desert Isle on a prayer with Verdandi or get a better Tricolor lead
- I have Shiva, but to survive the dungeon I'll first need to awaken him
- Can't awaken Shiva until I get 1 more Red Jewel
- Will have to pray to the RNG gods that I get a Red Jewel from the PAL Egg Machine
- PAL Egg Machine only here for the next week

This game
Just because it's tricolor doesn't mean you have to bring a tricolor team. This was my mistake when I was trying to get over that hump. As long as you have some orb changes and enough RCV to survive until they are up you'll have no problem. Also, because it is tricolor you can get some pretty high damage from sub attributes because of all the skyfall combos you will get.

I used a mono-light team with Saria/Saria and was able to make it through the trash floors on sub attribute damage only and then make light orbs for the harder floors.


I got many auto heal latent awakening from pre-Dra run. Who or what of mob should I give them to?

Some that I thought of -

LTron: barely use her now
A. Ame: see above.
A. Ama: on one team.
A. Sakuya: on several of my teams.
Kanna: also on several of my team
D. Inazami: on a couple of my teams based on situation

You won't get much out of them on Dark Izanami since they heal a percentage of the card's base RCV. I've been shoving them off on cards that don't have any other awakening priorities and have high RCV. They're fairly useless right now, maybe they will get buffed eventually.
To this day, the only complete pantheon of gods I own are the Chinese girls, and I rolled all five of them less than a month after release.

I've got a lot of 4/5s, though, and if you combine both my accounts you'd get one or two more complete pantheons.


So I spent my lunch break trying to beat Zaerog Infinite (Special) challenge with my awoken Shiva team.

That was stressful. And unsuccessful. I made it to phase one but the second board didn't leave me enough room/time to hit the 6 combo threshold. I'll bang my head against it some more as I would really like the woodpy and Zaerog. With skills I'm pretty sure I can take him down. Had a wood jewel invade on floor one too.


Since jewel invades are on for Challenge Descended 8, here's the old rewards/invades chart from when this set ran in JP:
Everything should still be the same. Note the rogue dungeons at the top have a very high invade rate. It would be really nice if we get 10x to overlap this weekend.

Thanks for this
Was wondering why I kept bumping into them
Gonna be hitting the dark jewel hard
All these awokens completely drained my supply

Good time to farm jewels it seems
Ranking dungeon in jpn drops them too
50 stamina for a crack at fangan and all 5 jewels is crazy generous

I've just been playing casually for the last couple of months, but I managed to pull a Bastet during this past godfest and I got a Vishnu awhile ago. I've also managed to beat a couple of the descends and that is a nice feeling.

Updated box, if anyone is interested or has team input for me.
Looks like you've got a nice green row team in the making also


You won't get much out of them on Dark Izanami since they heal a percentage of the card's base RCV. I've been shoving them off on cards that don't have any other awakening priorities and have high RCV. They're fairly useless right now, maybe they will get buffed eventually.
Crap it's percentage-based? I put them on Diza they were static amounts. Not that they are meaningful atm but I'd have put them on someone else instead.

Still hurt I've got 0 dark latents after 2 infestations. I'm just gonna 4/5 some leads and wait for another shot.


Crap it's percentage-based? I put them on Diza they were static amounts. Not that they are meaningful atm but I'd have put them on someone else instead.

Still hurt I've got 0 dark latents after 2 infestations. I'm just gonna 4/5 some leads and wait for another shot.

so glad I asked cause I didn't know it's percentage based either!


Doing pretty well on the descend challenge today.

Nordis is pretty easy with lucifer. Has plenty of stall power and eats up the boss.

There are also not very many worrying floors, would definitely recommend it to those that want to beat it.

Going to go for zaerog with the same team, and use a friend with 2 slr latents so I can kill Floor 1 without issue.

Maybe throw diza on the team for the one extra turn with the return to zero.


How do you plan on getting past the dark shieldras? I keep getting busted there as I can't hold out long enough to let the damage shield drop.


How do you plan on getting past the dark shieldras? I keep getting busted there as I can't hold out long enough to let the damage shield drop.
When I have done it with other teams I have stalled through. The attacks aren't that hard and the recovery on luci is really good.

That and hit with my sub attributes, water and light.


When I have done it with other teams I have stalled through. The attacks aren't that hard and the recovery on luci is really good.

That and hit with my sub attributes, water and light.
And I guess the follow-up is how do you burn through z8's dark res? Just superior overkill?


Doing pretty well on the descend challenge today.

Nordis is pretty easy with lucifer. Has plenty of stall power and eats up the boss.

There are also not very many worrying floors, would definitely recommend it to those that want to beat it.

Going to go for zaerog with the same team, and use a friend with 2 slr latents so I can kill Floor 1 without issue.

Maybe throw diza on the team for the one extra turn with the return to zero.

What was your Nordis team? I haven't beaten it yet.


With the PreDra from the Descend Challenge, I officially past 300k MP. Now I either need drops to make an MP dragon worthwhile (Come on Indra) or GungHo needs to release one I can really use. Ball's in your court, GH.


Luci/ bikinidora/ a. Haku/ okuni/ yomidra/ luci.

It was pretty easy overall. I was afraid I was not going to break the super king dragon defense but a row and another 3 match was enough.

Did you have a lot of plusses on your team? Was Okuni delay/spike essential? I don't have him.


Did you have a lot of plusses on your team? Was Okuni delay/spike essential? I don't have him.

Definitely not needed I don't think. You're already getting 2x damage with Nordis being light. Another orb changer would be useful as well so valk ot whomever you have would be good.

Team is fully plussed. (Missing maybe 20 on bikinidora) but that isn't too big a deal. Skills are more important I think than plusses.


Definitely not needed I don't think. You're already getting 2x damage with Nordis being light. Another orb changer would be useful as well so valk ot whomever you have would be good.

Team is fully plussed. (Missing maybe 20 on bikinidora) but that isn't too big a deal. Skills are more important I think than plusses.

I might try it with +209 A Haku, Akechi, +297 Yomi dragon, Persephone as subs. All are max skilled. My best 5 turn orb changer is Hanzo.


So I managed to do Zaerog with my Bastet team.
A. Bastet
Liu Bei
A. Bastet

Keep bastet's buff all the time or use it to add to a burst. Make sure Bastet's buff is up to bait Zaerog into not binding you. Keeping vishnu for the kill shot. I managed to Verd-->Liu Bei-->Vishnu and skyfalled my way to victory.

Fun side effect is having almost all of the mats to Uevo him right away. I just need to make a Bold Pirate Dragon King Zaerog to finish him off. So two more heavy metal dragons. One for YomiDra and one to make into a pirate.


Make sure to dupe awaken him before uevo

Already done. After clearing the Challenge I ran it a couple times for more heavy metal dragons. The King Carnival got all the XP/Dark Super Kings needed so I just need to farm Pirate Dragons. I don't think I'll be skilling him up the old fashioned way though. Way too much stress. I'd rather not ever do that again.


Descend requirements were removed shortly before the 8.7 update, so I think Tengu's entry requirement will be gone after the update.
Descend requirements were removed shortly before the 8.7 update, so I think Tengu's entry requirement will be gone after the update.
They were "removed" in that they made brand new dungeons with the updated requirements (which you could run for another stone). Not sure what they'll do for this already-existing dungeon.


Today, I crossed off one of my more embarrassing PAD bucket list items.

After 401 ranks, I *finally* had a spirit jewel invade a descend.

I don't even want to conceptualize what the odds were of not seeing a spirit jewel invade once in a year and half of PAD. (I've never seen Elia of Grisar invade either, although they are rarer than spirit jewels.) My PAD luck tends to be that bad all the time.

AS: Spawn 6 random light orbs, extend move time by 1.5x for one turn
LS: Increase attack for 5+ combos, up to 3x. Attr. where you match 5 orbs with at least one enhanced 2xATK

Discount A.Yomi

Edit: 200k MP, so not discount lol


Today, I crossed off one of my more embarrassing PAD bucket list items.

After 401 ranks, I *finally* had a spirit jewel invade a descend.

I don't even want to conceptualize what the odds were of not seeing a spirit jewel invade once in a year and half of PAD. (I've never seen Elia of Grisar invade either, although they are rarer than spirit jewels.) My PAD luck tends to be that bad all the time.

Ahahaha, that's great. Congrats!
I hope the next event (probably starting Friday) has 10x descends. I want to finish off Pandora #2 and start on Saria.

Knowing NA Gungho, it'll be 5x if we're lucky, nothing if we're not.


At this point, all I want is stones and an Indian 1.0 GF. I'm not sure if I want the Gofest now or after I save up more stones, since I doubt I'll be pulling Indra on the 4-5 I'll have by the time the next rolls around.

I've taken my A.Ra team as far as it can go and A. Luci really doesn't work great on my current setup, so I need to put my hopes on being able to justify a RaDra.


Luci/ bikinidora/ a. Haku/ okuni/ yomidra/ luci.

It was pretty easy overall. I was afraid I was not going to break the super king dragon defense but a row and another 3 match was enough.

I might try it with +209 A Haku, Akechi, +297 Yomi dragon, Persephone as subs. All are max skilled. My best 5 turn orb changer is Hanzo.

Thanks for these suggestions. I never cleared that dungeon.
Going to test it with:
YomiDra, Persep, A.Haku are max skilled.

Edit: First try to floor 10, where I made the mistake not having enough heart orbs to use YomiDra for bind clear. Died to "Proud Slash". Oh well new try incoming.


So the thing I never thought I'd be able to do I have done. Zaerog infinity is mine! It'll be forever until he's max skilled but I'm still psyched. Huge personal achievement there.


Good reminder for me and everybody else. Dont try anything fancy, do combo of 3.
Instead of doing combo of 3, I did 1 and got 1 from skyfall and died.

This game.

Edit: Next try, beat it.
Learning curve:
1st try: Died to some floor
2nd try: Died to binds (cause didnt have enough hearts)
3rd try: Died to that stupid mistake
4th try: Cleared it.


Finally able to get Awoken I&I. Damn her attack gets high quickly.

Now I just need more Ryune friends. Anyone here run her?


I hate skilling up in this game. I'm running out of space hoarding Diza's for the next big skill up event. I don't want to risk running not having the dungeon available during a 2.5-4x event.

At least this morning's flampy maxed out my Awoken Kagu. So now I have 2 teams max skilled except for their leaders.
Arena 1 complete! Decided I might as well give it a try since it's going away, and I managed to beat it on my first try. Forgot to take the final floor screen shot, but hopefully you guys trust me.

Notable spawns were Sopdet, Parvati, Lifive, and Hera-is. Hera was very nice to me, and didn't take away hearts until my 7th turn of stalling. Managed to one shot LKali through her shield.

All hypermaxed except Akechi at SL3. As for latents, I had 8 Dark resist and 1 of each other color, 2 SDR on Yomidra, and friend Luci was full dark resist.


Congrats Atlanta. Great achievement there.

I haven't tried it yet and I doubt I am going to before 1.0 goes away.

Also finally beat Scarlet for the first time for the badpy.

Ran it with luci, bikinidora, Haku, okuni, yomidra, luci.

Pretty doable I think with this team, just really need to manage skills and hearts to stall as much as you can.

Floor 3 with the grimoire was dangerous, needed to get her below 50 percent then I popped Pandora and okuni to burst. I think that okuni was needed with the 50 percent damage reduction.

Popped okuni again on hera ur for the stall after Dublit mirror and she had around 5 percent left.

Stalled on scarlets first form until skills were up again. Popped Haku, had a decent board and one shot her.

Final form needed to stall for 2 turns for okuni to be back up, then popped bikinidora, okuni, and the 2 luci. Had 2 rows and another 3 match with a 5 combo and one shot her.

This is probably the hardest dungeon I have done yet. I am not a fan of the rogue dungeons in general but specifically this one.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Arena 1 complete! Decided I might as well give it a try since it's going away, and I managed to beat it on my first try. Forgot to take the final floor screen shot, but hopefully you guys trust me.

Notable spawns were Sopdet, Parvati, Lifive, and Hera-is. Hera was very nice to me, and didn't take away hearts until my 7th turn of stalling. Managed to one shot LKali through her shield.

All hypermaxed except Akechi at SL3. As for latents, I had 8 Dark resist and 1 of each other color, 2 SDR on Yomidra, and friend Luci was full dark resist.

Awesome - congrats on that clear. Feels like it was yesterday that you bought YomiDra with the goal of working on an Arena clear. Time flies by fast in PaD.
Congrats on the clear atlantaguy! I really want YomiDra, but I'm missing Okuni. I think A. Pandora is my best bet on arena 2, though I should finish my Saria team for Arena 1. I see people clearing it consistently with Saria, but I'm struggling on C7s and shit. I'm hoping Apollo helps, I'll slot him in over Apoc since I can't skill Apoc up.


So these dragons and skydragons in the Legendary Dragon's Footprints and Skydragon dungeons... they're complete and utter trash minus those resistance L.Skills, right?


So these dragons and skydragons in the Legendary Dragon's Footprints and Skydragon dungeons... they're complete and utter trash minus those resistance L.Skills, right?

Pretty much how I see it. I think the high end Technical dungeons have usable dragons though.
So these dragons and skydragons in the Legendary Dragon's Footprints and Skydragon dungeons... they're complete and utter trash minus those resistance L.Skills, right?
Some are used for evolving stuff though so it might be worth saving them if you have the space so you don't have to spend stamina again to get them again in the future.

Also, these challenges are amazing. They're super easy so far (been using Saria/Thor and just cleared Demon Prince) and I've already had 5 jewel invades.


Some are used for evolving stuff though so it might be worth saving them if you have the space so you don't have to spend stamina again to get them again in the future.

Also, these challenges are amazing. They're super easy so far (been using Saria/Thor and just cleared Demon Prince) and I've already had 5 jewel invades.

Yeah I've been pretty impressed with the invade rate. I'm set for jewels in general (to evo stuff) but could always use more dark jewels to help skill up a. Haku.


Grats Atlanta and George on the arena clears!

Kudos to everyone on all the jewels After my post last night on my first jewel invade, I had a second invade on the immediate next run as well. No jewel invade today, so far.

In this event, the full set of jewels are awarded from an unusually easy set of dungeons (relatively speaking to past events). Perhaps with PreDra infestation now out, GungHo has kicked down the rarity of jewels a notch in favor of latents?


After just a day of challenge dungeon on jpn account

Low rank really benefits from doing this
Constant stamina refill from ranking up

Yeah this dungeon is amazing for experience. Going to run it a ton now that I've revived my jp account. Just evo'd awoken kirin as well.
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