Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
PADX is reporting that the Shuten-Doji descend for this weekend in NA has been scrapped and redeemed for 10 Monster Points.

In its place, Seraphis is being rushed to the forefront and is scheduled to launch on Friday.

Meh...i was planning on max skilling my Baal and skill up regular Yomi a bit...bummer.


Played PAD for a while now,
but never come in here. :|

Level 159, think I'm close to having an ok team,
but it'll probably still take a while. :p
Xiang Mei is max skilled and 297'd. Have two skill delays for her but haven't fed them yet. Saria is ready to go for skill inheritance. Uriel is Max skilled and awoken and has 200+ getting ready for Awoken RA, Gadius has a full rainbow resist and 100+, Red Riding hood is going to get Chiyome soon and the offtype Yamato wraps up my intended team. Wasn't even planning on getting her now I'm putting in some work. It's great fun having new projects.


I may save the remaining 50 stones on my main as the pulls have been okay but not spectacular. I am pleased with Uriel and Skuld. On my alt (my gf's account she barely plays), I have 90 stones left after starting with 250 and I plan on using all of them as this account has many needs.

Rolled four times this morning.


I think the game is trying to tell me something..
If none of those are dupes, those are excellent rolls! Find a Zuoh if you don't already have one and go to town.

Played PAD for a while now,
but never come in here. :|

Level 159, think I'm close to having an ok team,
but it'll probably still take a while. :p
Welcome! Ranking up has been made much easier lately so if you felt like losing some brain cells to mindless farming you can bump yourself up pretty quickly.
Rolled a 3rd Uriel so I guess NYMitsuki gets bumped from the lineup now. Time to grab skill ups while 3x is still active. I'm really hesitant to 297 dupes though.


Can I ask for some team advice here? Because after saving up stones for about 25 rolls and spending them all on this godfest, I'm now not really sure how I should proceed.

My Padherder is here and everything that's +50 is what I rolled. The good stuff is the following:

Isis * 2
Gadius * 2
Red Valkyrie

Currently, I'm using a pretty bad LKali team (LKali/Vampire/Chocobo/Cursed wyrm/echidna) that works decently enough. I can clear some of the easier descends, but I can't really clear harder content. From what I see, my options are the following:

1.) Improve the LKali team - Indra and Isis should both be good subs, but I feel like I'm missing a good dark sub. Something like LKali/Isis/Indra/Chocobo/Vampire maybe?

2.) Make a dark team - I rolled some pretty good dark gods, so this could probably work, right? Maybe something like a DLuci team. I don't know how well that would work without Yomi dragon though.

3.) Work towards a red team - Also rolled some good red gods, and I have ROdin and Leilan from before, so this might be an option, but I don't really know what specific team to go for.

4.) Something else? I'm no expert at the game, so I might be missing some great teams.

I'm also wondering if any of the non PCGF featured rolls are worth keeping, or should I just sell/fuse all of them?
Can I ask for some team advice here? Because after saving up stones for about 25 rolls and spending them all on this godfest, I'm now not really sure how I should proceed.

My Padherder is here and everything that's +50 is what I rolled. The good stuff is the following:

Isis * 2
Gadius * 2
Red Valkyrie

Currently, I'm using a pretty bad LKali team (LKali/Vampire/Chocobo/Cursed wyrm/echidna) that works decently enough. I can clear some of the easier descends, but I can't really clear harder content. From what I see, my options are the following:

1.) Improve the LKali team - Indra and Isis should both be good subs, but I feel like I'm missing a good dark sub. Something like LKali/Isis/Indra/Chocobo/Vampire maybe?

2.) Make a dark team - I rolled some pretty good dark gods, so this could probably work, right? Maybe something like a DLuci team. I don't know how well that would work without Yomi dragon though.

3.) Work towards a red team - Also rolled some good red gods, and I have ROdin and Leilan from before, so this might be an option, but I don't really know what specific team to go for.

4.) Something else? I'm no expert at the game, so I might be missing some great teams.

I'm also wondering if any of the non PCGF featured rolls are worth keeping, or should I just sell/fuse all of them?

I'd make a FA Luci team. Luci/eschamali/Akechi/Yomi/vampire duke/Luci is not bad at all. Is it the perfect team, no but it'll take you very far and those are good monsters to invest in. I don't run FA Luci since I don't have him, so maybe others could give you better advice.


Man was having trouble with challenge 9, tried a bunch of different teams. Finally went with i&i/orochi/Karin x2/blodin/ryune and it was pretty straight forward. Don't know why it took me that long to try that team.


Man was having trouble with challenge 9, tried a bunch of different teams. Finally went with i&i/orochi/Karin x2/blodin/ryune and it was pretty straight forward. Don't know why it took me that long to try that team.

Good call, I'll have to try this.


So my plan is to have 5 full 297 mules by the end of this.

I'm STRONGLY considering XM as the recipient.

My theoretical XM team would be
Xiang Mei
Red Riding Hood
Xiang Mei

I would need to hyper the whole team but, I've seen this team clear pretty much everything. I have all the necessary inherits to further pump this team up (Arcline, Urd, etc).

Other Alternatives I could Hypermax:
A. Pandora team (standard or Arena 2 versions)
Rukia (I only need 3 Hypers here and Orochi is used in other places)
Ra Dragon (see Rukia)
Machine Zeus (Light side coop) moose is most of the way there but the rest of the team is underdeveloped (just max level not skilled)

Also my Red Trifruit drought continues. 10 runs today and 6 green 3 blue and 1 red. On the bright side I'll be able to max skill Skuld number 2 and Verdandi number 2 for inheritance. I need 5 red to get Uriel to super ult and to evo XM.


For those wondering it took 1200 stamina to get the 5 red tri-fruits I needed to evo XM and get Super Ult Uriel. That works out to 24 runs 5 red, 10 green, and 9 blue.

Not enough data to be relevant but still pisses me off that it's ALWAYS the red tri fruit I'm missing even when I'm trying to skill up something that uses one of the other fruits.

On the bright side I have 2 max skilled Verdandis and Skulds (I had 20 banked blue tri-fruits hoping one day I could use them) for inheritance purposes.

I still need to level Valen and Xiang Mei, and awaken Uriel for the team to be "done" but a quick test run was pretty successful. Combo shields might be a problem and I can totally see why a second Uriel is strongly encouraged. Even without him I was pumping out tons of damage. I'll be swapping out Red Riding Hood unless I know I have to deal with binds though. While she brings hearts and bind clear and SBR (while also being a healer) I need more orbs. I'll probably slide Urd in her place until every one is up to snuff.


Day 2 Pulls:

Pandora! (Silly fun fact: Account age was on day 666)

4 troll golds.

I'd be throwing my phone at the moment if it wasn't for the Pandora pull.


I have 3 more rolls, don't know if I should use them here or not. I kind of want to try my luck on the wedding REM stuff. How long until NA gets that?
Sorry I used mine I thought the reset was at jp midnight or something and used it. You did not reply to my post so I assumed you did not like my leads.
Oops I was waiting to see if anybody else replied before confirming. I don't really have any particular need for specific leads on JP anymore so I'm just trying to burn the BFF. We can do a present exchange after the reset if you want
Final pulls:

haku (dupe but useful via skill transfer)
Cinderella (trash)
Yomi (Dupe not sure what to do with it since I already have another and an awoken)
L. Kali (it had been my white whale)

So I hate the rem, and now I don't know what to do... Missing a gold keeper and a red dublit to ultimate evolve.

So where is the link to the tier list and good teams?


I have 3 more rolls, don't know if I should use them here or not. I kind of want to try my luck on the wedding REM stuff. How long until NA gets that?

Probably not for a couple of months.

NA has the updated Academy cards downloaded, so it might be next. Then again, last year, Academy was intentionally delayed until "Back to School".

The "June" Wedding event is a Japan concept, and not really relevant in the West. It will likely be converted to "Summer" Wedding when it is localized. All that said, it is possible for the event to occur, all the card that are skilled up are outside of REM besides Ult Hera-Beorc, which is live in NA. So, it could happen. But, I wouldn't hold your breath to see it before the usual 2 month-ish delay on content transferring from JP to NA/EU.

In other news, one of the fun concepts of a long event is that draw rates tend to be reverse engineered by the end of them. Per Reddit, the general pool rates appear to have been satisfactorily determined:

PCGF Hit ~40% (agrees with 4x rates in general)
Light Gala Hit ~20%
Random Garbage Pull from Anything Else ~40%



I guess I'll do three more pulls...

And the verdict is... Basically a distribution to the %'s you just posted

Marine rider dupe
Facet dupe
Rodin new to me but I don't have much use


I'd make a FA Luci team. Luci/eschamali/Akechi/Yomi/vampire duke/Luci is not bad at all. Is it the perfect team, no but it'll take you very far and those are good monsters to invest in. I don't run FA Luci since I don't have him, so maybe others could give you better advice.

Thanks for the advice. I've heard some good things about the team so I'll probably go for it.


Is there any use for 3 Gadius cards (besides skill inheritance)? I pulled 2 more dupes today, and I sold 1 because I don't see the point of holding onto 4 of them. I'm not at a stage where I can run silly systems comfortably, and I can only see myself using 1 for skill inheritance.

Also, is there any use for a dupe FA Luci? I already have one Awoken A.Luci and I can't think of a team where the Awoken A.Luci active is useful...

Given the impending releases You Yu and Xiu Min, I'd rather have the MP to buy one of them (or both...). I'm not in a rush to buy one now, but I do plan on purchasing either card in the future (I'm banking 540k MP right now). I've held on to certain cards in hopes of buffs or for skill inheritance, but when it comes time to purchase the MP gentlemen I will most likely have to clean my box a bit to secure the MP.

I've put my padherder below for reference.



Thanks for the advice. I've heard some good things about the team so I'll probably go for it.

Replace Vampire Duke with Haku and you have the team I run when I don't want to think.

The team has a lot of HP, decent to amazing RCV (if you plus up), and hits real hard. Yomi provides time to move the board (something usually lacking on this team). Really binds, dark absorbs, and orb trolling are the only things that will give you trouble.

Haku/Akechi is a massive nuke. I could see Akechi/Duke working well too.

I think it's a great team, just keep its weaknesses in mind. Aamir/Typhon/Sleeping Beauty all work as bind shields so consider them if you can when you expect to be bound (like against FA Lucifer's devil bind)

If you're severely orb trolled and don't need true damage you can always pop your leader skills for a row.

Also, is there any use for a dupe FA Luci? I already have one Awoken A.Luci and I can't think of a team where the Awoken A.Luci active is useful...

Any time you need 150k true damage (EKMD, Mei Mei) to solve a problem? Not a universally useful skill (A. Ra is obviously more useful 95% of the time) but nice to have in your back pocket. Don't know that it's worth the effort to evo/level/Awaken/skill though.



I guess I'll do three more pulls...

And the verdict is... Basically a distribution to the %'s you just posted

Marine rider dupe
Facet dupe
Rodin new to me but I don't have much use

Very interesting that you pulled a Rodin (he just got a nice buff in JP to make him more leaderish, but of course that is still going to be ~2 months away for NA).

One additional fun fact as the analysis is still coming in on the numbers:

*** As a shock to absolutely no one: rolling for 6* GFEs (Rodin, Escha, etc.) is a giant trap. Decomposition of the data is still in progress, but within the margin of error, the rates on a 6* GFE at 4x rates are still about 1%. This would agree with the popular anecdotal assertion that the natural 6* GFE rates are around 1/4 to 1/3 of one percent ( 1/3 is the more popular assertion as 3x rates on a normal godfest = 1%).

To put this in perspective, using the more beneficial 1/3% base rate:

Normal GFE: 1 in 100 chance (1%) to pull a 6* GFE.
4x GFE: 1 in 98.7 chance (1.33%) to pull a 6* GFE.

Thus, the bonus draw rate during 4x is statistically insignificant from 3x rates. It would take literally thousands of pulls for any noteworthy difference in number of successful pulls to appear, and even then that could be reasonably explained as RNG smiling favorably upon the player.

All that said, grats on the 6* GFE pull. GungHo eventually always buffs these cards to keep them relevant as chase cards for the player base to pursue.


Any time you need 150k true damage (EKMD, Mei Mei) to solve a problem? Not a universally useful skill (A. Ra is obviously more useful 95% of the time) but nice to have in your back pocket. Don't know that it's worth the effort to evo/level/Awaken/skill though.

Ah, good point. I guess I never took that into account considering I pulled a dupe Ra...but as of now I'm not really sure I want to invest all the effort into making another AA Luci (like you mentioned).

I'll probably end up getting rid of it when I am in desperate need of MP.


Normal GFE: 1 in 100 chance (1%) to pull a 6* GFE.
4x GFE: 1 in 98.7 chance (1.33%) to pull a 6* GFE.

Thus, the bonus draw rate during 4x is statistically insignificant from 3x rates. It would take literally thousands of pulls for any noteworthy difference in number of successful pulls to appear, and even then that could be reasonably explained as RNG smiling favorably upon the player.

I didn't think that 4x rate made THAT little of a difference...wow.


So all the 6* GFEs:

D. Kali
Red Guan Yu
D. Meta

Congrats if you pulled any of these, you officially beat the odds (or your wallet).


tagged by Blackace
~30ish pulls

Water Dragon Swordsman
Archangel Uriel x2
Archangel Raphael x2
Haku x2 (Both dupes)
Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao x2
Angelious (Dupe)
Light Wizard, Rei Sirius
Evil Knight, Creuse (Dupe)
Wandering Wizard, Wee Jas
Cerberus Rider
Flashing-Clawed CyberBeast, Leonis
Hattori Hanzo
Light Courier Fuu (lol)
Goddess of Secrets, Kali x2 (both dupes)
Gamble Mage (Dupe)
Holy Knight, Arcline
Radious (Dupe)
Berserker Z
Shining Dragon Swordsman
Blue Knight, Muse

- - - -

I now have 3 Hakus and 3 L.Kalis D; Still have room for 5 more rolls but I think I'm going to chill..

So...which of these should I throw to the bushes and which should I focus on? I usually do everything with my A.Horus teams, but I'm trying to diversify because that can't handle everything. I have several other mostly levelled/Awoken monsters that have just been sitting around and I have no idea where to start with building teams around them:

Skuld, Lakshmi, Ra, Meimei, Isis, Shiva, Zuoh, Bastet, D. Metatron, Sakuya, Tsubaki
Verdandi, Haku, Liu Bei, Sarasvati.

Out of all of these, what should I work on to build teams for what A.Horus can't handle?
~30ish pulls

Water Dragon Swordsman
Archangel Uriel x2
Archangel Raphael x2
Haku x2 (Both dupes)
Da Qiao & Xiao Qiao x2
Angelious (Dupe)
Light Wizard, Rei Sirius
Evil Knight, Creuse (Dupe)
Wandering Wizard, Wee Jas
Cerberus Rider
Flashing-Clawed CyberBeast, Leonis
Hattori Hanzo
Light Courier Fuu (lol)
Goddess of Secrets, Kali x2 (both dupes)
Gamble Mage (Dupe)
Holy Knight, Arcline
Radious (Dupe)
Berserker Z
Shining Dragon Swordsman
Blue Knight, Muse

- - - -

I now have 3 Hakus and 3 L.Kalis D; Still have room for 5 more rolls but I think I'm going to chill..

So...which of these should I throw to the bushes and which should I focus on? I usually do everything with my A.Horus teams, but I'm trying to diversify because that can't handle everything. I have several other mostly levelled/Awoken monsters that have just been sitting around and I have no idea where to start with building teams around them:

Skuld, Lakshmi, Ra, Meimei, Isis, Shiva, Zuoh, Bastet, D. Metatron, Sakuya, Tsubaki
Verdandi, Haku, Liu Bei, Sarasvati.

Out of all of these, what should I work on to build teams for what A.Horus can't handle?

Do you have a Gadius? You might want to think real hard about buying Xiang Mei, even if you have to trim some of your box. A. DQXQ should be here soon and looks like a fun lead. No idea how to build a team though. Sakuya is probably an easy upgrade from A. Horus, but I don't run either.


I've been playing around with my proto XM team. I slid Arcline in over Red Riding Hood just to test out the damage. It's pretty great.

So to re-evaluate my plan for inheritance.

Xiang Mei --> Arcline (since most of my friend's list has inherited Saria)
Gadius --> Urd
Uriel --> Cao Cao
Valen --> Chiome
Red Riding Hood --> Zeta Hydra

I think this will work. Gadius to Uriel works regardless of which skill combo is up. Chiome is insurance in case I need red orbs. RRH is a 100% utility sub. Anything I'm missing here?


Rolled one more time on my jp main after grinding a few dungeon clears to get 5 stones, hoping the pcgf would at least give me something redeemable, I was disappointed.

Decided against my previous decision not to roll anymore on my NA account, but light gala was on and everybody complaining about troll golds and silver, So I figured let me roll for Genie now or i will never get her.

Got her in two pulls, first pull was Rodin.

Glad I got Genie quickly, but really pleased at getting Rodin, I would rather use him then my only A Lucifer to inherit on my XM team.
I've been playing around with my proto XM team. I slid Arcline in over Red Riding Hood just to test out the damage. It's pretty great.

So to re-evaluate my plan for inheritance.

Xiang Mei --> Arcline (since most of my friend's list has inherited Saria)
Gadius --> Urd
Uriel --> Cao Cao
Valen --> Chiome
Red Riding Hood --> Zeta Hydra

I think this will work. Gadius to Uriel works regardless of which skill combo is up. Chiome is insurance in case I need red orbs. RRH is a 100% utility sub. Anything I'm missing here?
Similar to mine

Xiang Mei --> Saria
Gadius --> A Ra
Uriel -->
Red Riding Hood --> Chiome

What I have for now. If I get my hands on another important active I'll use them as well.

Two bits of news.

Korea resetting BF and Memorial REM's NA/EU Incoming?

Damn I hope. and

Awoken badge System

This is intended to be a new feature to help players earlier on in the game. The badge feature will be awarded to players who have achieved the following:
Cleared all Normal Dungeons

Entry at least 1000 entries in the Monster encyclopedia

The follow up tweet talks about what it's going to do, you can choose from the following supposedly:
Add 100 extra cost to your current cost
Team stat boost
Extra SB
Extra SBR (?)
Add Skyfall Bonus
If the final implementation allow you to add an extra SBR to your team, this can open up a lot of new team opportunities.
So you have to see at least 1000/2978 of the total cards in the game at this time. That may be a tad hard for a newer player to get, maybe. Or maybe it'll be tougher for NA/EU users since we don't get to see as many collabs.


Similar to mine

Xiang Mei --> Saria
Gadius --> A Ra
Uriel -->
Red Riding Hood --> Chiome

What I have for now. If I get my hands on another important active I'll use them as well.

I didn't think about a true damage add. Good call. Hmm...Why'd you pick Gadius over the other members of the team? I know what skills I'd like to use but I'm struggling with who goes where.

A big 5 reset would be lovely. The Awoken Badge thing could dramatically open up team composition. Ra Dragon, Xiang Mei, Awoken Liu Bei, and Sarasvati would all love that free SBR if that actually happens.
I didn't think about a true damage add. Good call. Hmm...Why'd you pick Gadius over the other members of the team? I know what skills I'd like to use but I'm struggling with who goes where.

I haven't really aside from Saria on XM. I'm not sure what goes best where but he will be going on one or the other at some point. Might have to do with their cool would make the choice easier?

10 for Gadius, 8 for Uriel, 7 for A Ra and


so far for me:

Xiang Mei --> Urd
Gadius -->
Uriel -->
Uriel -->
Mamiya -->
Xiang Mei --> Sun Quan

urd + mamiya or urd + xiang mei depending on urd rng

before awakening the team (the fingers) I was having difficult spiking - since - this is the easiest new team I've put together yet in the game.

I'm glad I didn't buy two XM for the moment - while Mamiya is not ideal, 20% dark dmg reduction and decent awakeings comboed with and urd active (and xm back-up) makes this team excellent so far.

I'm having some trouble juggling actives - but I guess to be expected.

I took on C8 for fun (enhanced healing) - to say it was a joke is an understatement,.


I haven't really aside from Saria on XM. I'm not sure what goes best where but he will be going on one or the other at some point. Might have to do with their cool would make the choice easier?

10 for Gadius, 8 for Uriel, 7 for A Ra and

Cooldown management is definitely going to be a thing. That's why I want Chiome on RRH. 6 turn bind clear or 11 turn light-->fire seems decent. The others have long enough cooldowns that it's tough to really say what would fit best.

Looking around people seem to be settling on the following:
XM-->board change (Saria), Damage enhance (Arcline), True Damage (A. Ra)
Gadius-->Shield (Genie, Valen, A. Susano)
Uriel --> Long Delay (Zeta/Orochi)
Uriel --> One of the things XM didn't get
NY Mitsuki --> One of the things XM didn't get

Given my team I need to make some adjustments
XM-->Damage enhance (Arcline)
Gadius-->Shield (Genie, A. Susano)
Uriel --> Zeta Hydra
Valen --> A. Ra
Red Riding Hood --> Chiome

The reasoning is sound too.
  • XM: The only time you'd need Arcline is when you need to do a shitload of damage (Mech boss, Kali) so it's safe on her.
  • Gadius: Putting a shield on an unbindable card is an insurance policy
  • Uriel: Aside from RRH his cooldown is the lowest and if you need to you can stall until the Hydra active is up.
  • Valen: You only need his active in very specific circumstances, A. Ra gives him one more.
  • RRH: Shortest cooldown meaning she either generates hearts for a burst/heal/bind clear, or she generates fire for a burst.

Also Genie to Chiyome generates enhanced fire which could be nice.
I think I'm ok with this. I need to keep in mind this is a tank team and should be played as such. It's safe not fast.
At least I have the tans needed to pull this off, now I just need to do the grunt work of leveling/evoing/awakening the assists.
At least I have the tans needed to pull this off, now I just need to do the grunt work of leveling/evoing/awakening the assists.

I need to get some tans today and I too need to keep working on those inherit subs. Thanks for the insight. I need to scour my box to see which of those useful subs I do have.


I know in some Reddit threads they are suggesting putting the delay on Gadius, so if you get binded and don't have the hearts you have turns to try and get them. On most of her teams he is the only unbindable card.


I know in some Reddit threads they are suggesting putting the delay on Gadius, so if you get binded and don't have the hearts you have turns to try and get them. On most of her teams he is the only unbindable card.

I saw that. If I wasn't running with RRH I'd probably do that instead. In some cases a shield accomplishes the same thing, especially against protected enemies.
I know in some Reddit threads they are suggesting putting the delay on Gadius, so if you get binded and don't have the hearts you have turns to try and get them. On most of her teams he is the only unbindable card.

I do have a sun quan. @x Delay plus 2x attack on healers but the cooldown is very long(13 turns maxed).


yeah - as I get better at comboing this team the damage is starting to scale...



Just 100 million damage. No big deal.

I yolo rolled one last time because poor impulse control. Blue motherfucking Sonia. Yeah this PCGF worked out alright. Out of everything I was looking for only a second Uriel escaped me.


Just 100 million damage. No big deal.

I yolo rolled one last time because poor impulse control. Blue motherfucking Sonia. Yeah this PCGF worked out alright. Out of everything I was looking for only a second Uriel escaped me.

Congrats, I have her on my alt account, I was pretty surprised with how strong of a leader she is. I think I use her more than Yomi Dragon.


So finally rolled out pretty much all the orbs i've been saving since the beginning of the year and here are the results:

Ganesha - New but considered Troll Gold
Dill Sirius
Ars Nova x 2
Kano (s)
Dragon Rider
Shiva x 3 - First was new, then 2 dupes
Gryps Rider
Hanzo Hattori
Haku x 3 - All dupes
Ivory Dragon (s)
Blue valkyrie x 2 - now this shit surprised me, first was new, second was dupe, contemplating selling one
Akechi x 2 - first new, then second dupe, probably selling second
Salamander (s)
Thanatos (s) x2
Light Kali - Second one, pretty great for my a.ra team!
Kopis x 2 - such troll
Isis - First, improvement of my a.ra team even more!
Dark Dragon Swordsman (s)
Grimrock (s)
Raphael - new!
Alcyone x 2 - First new, second dupe, wondering if i should sell dupe
Apollo x 2 - New, then second dupe, but figure one awoken and one uuevo
DQXQ - Dupe, probably useless so selling
Blue Ryune - new! Yay, gonna try to build a team for this one
Orochi - new! looks like a good delay skill inheritor
Marine Rider (s) - i got almost all the riders
Melon Dragon - ...
Yomi - first! dunno how i'm gonna slot this in anywhere
Gamble Mage (s)
Undine (s)
Arcline - the fad with XM arriving, cept I don't have any XM subs
Basilisk (s)
Creuse - new
Genie (s) - only silver i'm glad about
Thumbelina (s)
Bastet - new! just in time for that new fusion
Snow White (s)
Fallen Angel Lucifer - New and made me stop rolling since this or pandora was what I hoped for this GF since I have so many dark subs.

Exactly 50 rolls (250 orbs),

14 silver (28%)
PCGF Exclusive - 16 (32%)
6* GFE - 3 (6%), 2 not even part of the PCGF

And Bastet, who defied all odds, who was neither light gala, nor PCGF.


so far for me:

Xiang Mei --> Urd
Gadius -->
Uriel -->
Uriel -->
Mamiya -->
Xiang Mei --> Sun Quan

urd + mamiya or urd + xiang mei depending on urd rng

before awakening the team (the fingers) I was having difficult spiking - since - this is the easiest new team I've put together yet in the game.

I'm glad I didn't buy two XM for the moment - while Mamiya is not ideal, 20% dark dmg reduction and decent awakeings comboed with and urd active (and xm back-up) makes this team excellent so far.

I'm having some trouble juggling actives - but I guess to be expected.

I took on C8 for fun (enhanced healing) - to say it was a joke is an understatement,.

You reminded me to beat challenge 8 with my Awoken Amaterasu team. 33k hp and 34k auto heal = almost unkillable. Really easy.

I would jump on the Orchid train but I only have 1 Uriel. I don't have any other healers that make fire orbs so I would have to use defensive healers or use off type subs like Yamato.


Managed to gather enough stones for four more pulls. So my total take for this Godfest is:

Radious (fed him to Ammy for the +s)
Akechi (dupe)
Berzerker Z (became food for someone else)
Viper Orochi
Raphael (dupe)
Pandora (neat!)
Rei Sirius (I really want to feed him to Ammy. Will I regret it if I feed him to Ammy?)

Not a bad take, I suppose. I was really hoping for a second Isis (I've got a water team in the works that would really benefit from A.Isis, but I don't want to devolve my S. Isis), but I know Ammy and Pandora will both be awesome once I wake them up. I could probably gather enough stones for another draw, but I think I'll wait for the Waifu REM.


Rei Sirius will be getting attacker and god killer awakenings soon. Those and his two prongs make him pretty lethal.


9 rolls:
FA Lucifer #2
Susano #2
Kirin #2
Yomi #2
Thanatos #4
Strawberry dragon #2

Didn't get anything I wanted
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