Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Day 1 pulls for me:

Isis (New)
Snow White (dupe, 3k MP)
Unicorn Rider (dupe, 5k MP)
Zweihander (dupe #23,256, 5k MP)
Izanagi (New)

2 out of 5 hits, so... decidedly average?

Joke Alt pulls:

Angelious (troll gold)

Light gala bias? Nah....
Fuck me I did it again. Butchered my dupes for Xian Mei. It was a bloody day. But I have the key subs for it and I'm a complete whore for OP teams.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Fuck me I did it again. Butchered my dupes for Xian Mei. It was a bloody day. But I have the key subs for it and I'm a complete whore for OP teams.

Worth it...have fun with the team.

Looking forward to read some impressions down the line.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Thanks. Do we have any idea what the best latent Tamadra set up is?

Just looking at my Friendlist it seems like the 2 Skill Delay resist are more or less mandatory down the line while the other 3 are just an extra used on HP, Dark Res or RCV.

Unless you already have them i would wait until SDR latents hit the global dungeon - dont think its worth the MP Price...them hitting NA cant be too far away.


Did 8 more pulls after getting Pandora on my first three and all where trash hah why didn't I stop while I was a head.

What's the best place to skill up Pandora without using Skill up monsters, looking at the options now it seems all have a 1 in 4 chance on one floor at 50 stam so average 200 stam per drop which is Shocking!
Just looking at my Friendlist it seems like the 2 Skill Delay resist are more or less mandatory down the line while the other 3 are just an extra used on HP, Dark Res or RCV.

Unless you already have them i would wait until SDR latents hit the global dungeon - dont think its worth the MP Price...them hitting NA cant be too far away.

I have the delay resists and rainbow resists already.
Pulled a Yomi this morning.

Going ham on FF with stocked stones was a bad idea though, otherwise I'd be pulling more. But I like FF, so... whatever

I keep failing challenge Lv.8 with a A.Bastet team. I'm close to beating it though, I think.


F the PCGF. I will never roll in this trap again. I pulled 5 times, got a dupe Raphael and Apollo and 3 silver trash. I have never gotten anything close to a good set of rolls during PCGF. It's a great opportunity for new players to build up their box but for long time existing players it should 100% be avoided.

After close to 1400 days I'm starting to lose interest. I've barely been playing over the last few weeks and my stamina is constantly capped. I'm just dumping it into challenge 9 and 10 and the ridiculousness of those dungeons. I did however buy Xiang Mei today and hoping this gets me interested again. I already max skilled her and 297 but I dont have Zhu Bajie, Am I missing an obvious spot to find her? What latent tamadras should I put on her? I'm thinking RCV or Rainbow.


Do you have an Amaterasu? She is actually more ideal than Indra in a modern RaDra team. Indra works, but Ama gets you full bind immunity. You can then inherit Orochi on Isis, a shield on Ama (Indra usually), and a god boost probably on RaDra himself. New Years Ama is the most ideal, but regular A. Ama works well enough.

I don't have Ama unfortunately, but I think I'll end up pulling the trigger on Ra Dragon. It'll be the least amount of work for maxing that team and I have some other good options if I don't need Indra shield, I love the damage output of Kanna with her 3 2prongs.


F the PCGF. I will never roll in this trap again. I pulled 5 times, got a dupe Raphael and Apollo and 3 silver trash. I have never gotten anything close to a good set of rolls during PCGF. It's a great opportunity for new players to build up their box but for long time existing players it should 100% be avoided.

After close to 1400 days I'm starting to lose interest. I've barely been playing over the last few weeks and my stamina is constantly capped. I'm just dumping it into challenge 9 and 10 and the ridiculousness of those dungeons. I did however buy Xiang Mei today and hoping this gets me interested again. I already max skilled her and 297 but I dont have Zhu Bajie, Am I missing an obvious spot to find her? What latent tamadras should I put on her? I'm thinking RCV or Rainbow.

Zhu Bajie was obtainable last weekend during "Journey to the West".

I jumped on the XM train too, but i still need a few things for this team to shine:

Most important are 2 more red piis for my second XM, then i need a reasonable timeslot for the tan dungeon. 3 o'clock in the morning in germany is not fun :(


I think I'll wait until Friday to snag Xiang Mei. I figure by then the PCGF frenzy will calm down and I can honestly evaluate my box and decide whether her, or You Yu is the better buy. I'm thinking XM since I rarely coop and I already have Mech Zeus for that.


Zhu Bajie was obtainable last weekend during "Journey to the West".

I jumped on the XM train too, but i still need a few things for this team to shine:

Most important are 2 more red piis for my second XM, then i need a reasonable timeslot for the tan dungeon. 3 o'clock in the morning in germany is not fun :(

Yeah, I was keeping an eye out but missed it with my lack of play time. Hopefully the bring it back sooner now that she's been released.

What latents did you put on her? I think I'm leaning towards RCV.


Did 8 more pulls after getting Pandora on my first three and all where trash hah why didn't I stop while I was a head.

What's the best place to skill up Pandora without using Skill up monsters, looking at the options now it seems all have a 1 in 4 chance on one floor at 50 stam so average 200 stam per drop which is Shocking!
If it's your only Pandora then you should go for the awoken form so your only option is to use skill up monsters.


Yeah, I was keeping an eye out but missed it with my lack of play time. Hopefully the bring it back sooner now that she's been released.

What latents did you put on her? I think I'm leaning towards RCV.

Everything I've seen says 2 SDR then whatever to suit your needs. I'm probably going Dark Resist since I can't imagine RCV is a problem on a XM team. Every burst is going to have a huge heal component to it.

If I had spare RCV latents just taking up box space I might do that.

I really hope tomorrow's pulls get me that second Uriel. I'll be running XM, Gadius, Uriel, Uriel, Red Riding Hood, XM if so. I'll sub in XMas Echidna if Uriel number two doesn't pan out.


Got Orchid.

Hypered her immediately, team is hypered as well.

What are best skill assists for her? I threw ra for the damage but is that the best? Also have valen with urd but I am not sure what really would be ideal.


jp pad the dungeons in the mail how do i play them?

I open one and i have no idea what it is or where to go, not sure if I'm supposed to press the middle button or right one when i open the mail. I pressed the middle one and it took me to the special dungeon tab but I don't see any thing different or new.

edit: searched on reddit looks like i needed to change my timezone to jp before i open it, well at least it was my alt whatever it was i just lost.

what was the point of the pii dungeon mail? You dont even get a stone for doing it.

edit: looks like waiting an hour for it to show up works too if you don't set your time zone to jp, the mail dungeon popped up on my alt.


Yeah, I was keeping an eye out but missed it with my lack of play time. Hopefully the bring it back sooner now that she's been released.

What latents did you put on her? I think I'm leaning towards RCV.

Definitely 2x delay resist then maybe rcv or fingers, I don't know yet


Got Orchid.

Hypered her immediately, team is hypered as well.

What are best skill assists for her? I threw ra for the damage but is that the best? Also have valen with urd but I am not sure what really would be ideal.

On her or her team? Things that jump out to me are Yamato, Sanada, and Urd. Arcline would be hilarious but probably unnecessary, Cao Cao if you need a delay+orb change. A. Ra works too I think.


On her or her team? Things that jump out to me are Yamato, Sanada, and Urd. Arcline would be hilarious but probably unnecessary, Cao Cao if you need a delay+orb change. A. Ra works too I think.

Her, I have urd on Phoenix rider. Yamato I could use as well, but I am not sure what the use would be for another fire maker considering I have the 2 uriel and stalling is easy.
jp pad the dungeons in the mail how do i play them?

I open one and i have no idea what it is or where to go, not sure if I'm supposed to press the middle button or right one when i open the mail. I pressed the middle one and it took me to the special dungeon tab but I don't see any thing different or new.

edit: searched on reddit looks like i needed to change my timezone to jp before i open it, well at least it was my alt whatever it was i just lost.

what was the point of the pii dungeon mail? You dont even get a stone for doing it.
You can re-enter to reroll what color pii you get.


^thanks for the tip.

edit: looks like waiting an hour for it to show up works too if you don't set your time zone to jp, the mail dungeon popped up on my alt.


Her, I have urd on Phoenix rider. Yamato I could use as well, but I am not sure what the use would be for another fire maker considering I have the 2 uriel and stalling is easy.

Well looking around this is a consistent Arena 2 team:
•Xiang Mei 1 Xiang Mei inherits Arcline
•Xiang Mei 2 Xiang Mei inherits Awoken Ra
•Xiang Mei 3 Xiang Mei inherits Saria
•Gadius inherits Fencer
•Uriel inherits Zeta Hydra/Orochi

Any of those options would work, you could use Genie instead of Fencer for the shield or Shiva for the defense break. Apparently Arcline isn't as crazy as I thought.

I think for me,
I'll inherit Arcline on XM.
Uriel gets Zeta Hydra,
Valen gets Urd,
Xmas Echidna gets Cao Cao, and
Gadius gets A. Ra

Valen's spot might be subbed by Red Riding Hood in bind heavy dungeons though. RRH will inherit Indra


Not sure if to go Dario or A Ra on my orchid....

Compare with your friends list. It's not like SI is permanent. Tans will come like Tamas.

Most of my XM list has Saria, one has Genie and two run A. Ra. In my case Arcline would be the best benefit since I can snag the other utility from my friends list.

Granted I need to level and skill him up now.

It's interesting, I have all the primary monsters skilled up (except Valen) but the inherits are still short levels (both skill and XP). I figure I'll run with the main team and inherit as monsters become ready.

As it stands I need to level, awaken, and skill:
Zeta Hydra

Only Valen will see any use as a sub instead of an inherit.


So what things like to inherit Pandora's skill? I've pulled #3, #4, #5 in 10 PCGF rolls. 😭

Christ. I could see a Yomidra or Awoken Archdemon Lucifer team appreciating it. More hearts for a potential bind clear, burst heal after a 99% hit, haste (if awoken) to get crucial actives up, give Lucifer something more useful than true damage on a nonpii/predra floor. A Mecha Hera team if you have her would dig it too to get back over 80% health and do crazy damage.


Xiang Mei everywhere! She's second only to Pandora on my friend list. I pulled Uriel and if I luck my way into a dupe, I'll be boarding that train too.

So what things like to inherit Pandora's skill? I've pulled #3, #4, #5 in 10 PCGF rolls. 😭
If you run a Haku team, that'd be a good use as Pandora eliminates the unnecessary orbs for activation.


What most don't realize is, genie not only voids dark damage but also enhances light orbs. Gadius and saria active creates light orbs. So your final burst is: Gadius, Xian Mei to create hearts, then Uriel to convert the enhanced light orbs to enhanced fire orbs!


I have a a full set of rainbow resists. Thinking of giving them to gadius for my shan mei team?

What's your team like? I've been researching this and basically what I'm seeing is cover your resists (for 100% gravities) and any haste monsters should get at least 2 SDR. Given Gadius has a haste component I'd recommend Uriel instead.

for me
XM/Gadius get 2 SDR, not sure about the rest, RCV on XM, TE on Gad maybe?
Uriel gets rainbow
No clue on Valen/RRH/Xmas Echidna

EDIT: I didn't think about the whole unbindable thing on Gadius. Maybe give him the Dark/Wood/Water res in addition to the 2 SDR? Are there Fire/Light 100% gravities?
Was gold bowl dragon the easiest way to skill up Genie without shypys? Drop rates were kind of awful in my experience.

Christ. I could see a Yomidra or Awoken Archdemon Lucifer team appreciating it. More hearts for a potential bind clear, burst heal after a 99% hit, haste (if awoken) to get crucial actives up, give Lucifer something more useful than true damage on a nonpii/predra floor. A Mecha Hera team if you have her would dig it too to get back over 80% health and do crazy damage.
Unfortunately don't have any of those. Maybe I can put one on A.Yomi.

If you run a Haku team, that'd be a good use as Pandora eliminates the unnecessary orbs for activation.
Haven't used a Haku lead in a long time but that's a good use for the double orb change.


Xiang Mei get. None of the subs are fully leveled or skilled, but it's a nice project to focus on. Running 1x Gadius, 2x Uriel, and 1x NY Mitsuki.


Which team would suit best for Arena

A.Pa/Zuoh/Goddess Pa/DD Haku/Nethy or

A.Pa/Zuoh/Goddess Pa/DD Haku/Zuoh

Don't have a Hanzo/Valk/Akechi


You guys....ISIS. I bought a pack basically expecting +eggs to max out a team. Instead I get Isis on the first pull! Everything else was trash but still!
I can hyper a Ra Dragon team now. Still need a Sphinx to finish the job though.


I am terrible at activating XM!

You guys....ISIS. I bought a pack basically expecting +eggs to max out a team. Instead I get Isis on the first pull! Everything else was trash but still!
I can hyper a Ra Dragon team now. Still need a Sphinx to finish the job though.

I was thinking about doing this as well - but I have refrained so far because I had decent luck this fest and dont want to turn it into a sad event - still....
Tried out Xiang Mei in EEC and a few thoughts:

- bursting for over 50 million damage with little matching skill required is insane - team only has four 297s including friend helper

- I only had a few skills inherited and even then it took some conscious effort to manage the right skills in a long dungeon - bet that's less of a problem if you have the full system team though

- forgot about Beelzebub's preemptive poison board and used my Gadius active too soon...but double XM actives saved my bacon - lol RCV on this team


PADX is reporting that the Shuten-Doji descend for this weekend in NA has been scrapped and redeemed for 10 Monster Points.

In its place, Seraphis is being rushed to the forefront and is scheduled to launch on Friday.
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