Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


I am getting extreme buyer's remorse with xiang mei. I absolute hate playing this team so far. You are constantly orb trolled and 100% reliant on active skills to provide any type of damage. Having my last two cards as less than ideal subs is crippling the team and makes it almost useless. I thought having Gadius and uriel would be enough, it's not. Every single turn it's either "oh look only 5 hearts" or "great 6 hearts but only three red orbs".


I should have bought ra dragon ages ago. So disappointed.


So I went and bought ra dragon. I figured a have all the subs so mine as well.

So I'll be looking for more Ra dragon friends with the upcoming BF in NA.

Not sure what skill inheritance I'll do yet.

So far Im thinking

Ra dragon - > izanagi
D kali
D kali
Isis - > orochi since his delay will have Isis back
Indra or Kanna but her burst would be redundant
Ra dragon

Don't know what to put on the others yet.


I am getting extreme buyer's remorse with xiang mei. I absolute hate playing this team so far. You are constantly orb trolled and 100% reliant on active skills to provide any type of damage. Having my last two cards as less than ideal subs is crippling the team and makes it almost useless. I thought having Gadius and uriel would be enough, it's not. Every single turn it's either "oh look only 5 hearts" or "great 6 hearts but only three red orbs".


I should have bought ra dragon ages ago. So disappointed.

I don't have the second XM, but do have dupe uriel - matching even three hearts plus the +4500 heal every turn allows me to take a hit or two before needing an orb changer to activate.

initially I felt the same way, but I've been playing this team more like a tank team that needs orb management - setting up the board while taking a hit or two - then bursting and healing at the same time. with a hyper maxed team even six heart orbs and three red (one combo and 36x from 2 healing matches) does significant damage - even five healing orbs alone heals significantly.

that being said - if you are running end game dungeons and are getting frustrated - yeah - they are designed to suck stones from any team - and while XM isn't perfect RaDra gets orb trolled more frequently imho - (I don't have RaDra but I have A.Ra with ideal subs - I tried to like it but didn't)

- it sucks that MP points take so long to accrue and that you can't test drive cards before you make a decision.

- XM is more user friendly than RaDra will ever be, having two non ideal subs cripples the total damage, but I think the same could be said for having a non-ideal ra team

- no clue why I'm defending XM o.0 - maybe I feel bad for her/him (violin playing gentleman with lots of orchids who can't even be bothered to open her eyes...)

I wouldn't be too worried about friends, you'll lose some and then gain others that are more your pace. That's why these best friend resets are important. I have recently had to delete a few friends I have had for ages, they just don't play much and are like 200 levels below me. It happens.

I know I shouldn't - but I do get unhappy about it - I have a bunch of non-iap people that are still using blonia and/or a.shiva that use me constantly and play multiple times a day (I still have 40+ active users a day) and I feel shitty changing my second and third spots dropping those to leads from "active duty" - gungho should just make all my hyper-maxed available to BFs

- I don't see the down side
- it would probably encourage more team discovery and trying different leads if you have more options available
- stupid design that hasnt evolved with the meta of the game - stamina has changed - why not the rules of who you get to select
- harping on the point - I have a JPN account that I am SLOWLY leveling - I am starved for friend leads as I just started a green lead after changing from DXDQ - I hate logging in because I can never get a good lead to play with.

If I remember to, I log in every few hours to change my slot 1 and current lead. Not sure if that helps anybody on my list though lol.

ugh - I hate to think I have to actively change my leads to keep people happy

- I understand the logic, but this is my game to enjoy - I don't want to feel like I have to switch to make someone else happy.

- don't get me wrong - I like that I use other people leads and get requests to change all the time - even have team crafting theory discussions with a few players - but I don't want to feel like I have to change my account around to satisfy others.
ugh - I hate to think I have to actively change my leads to keep people happy

- I understand the logic, but this is my game to enjoy - I don't want to feel like I have to switch to make someone else happy.

- don't get me wrong - I like that I use other people leads and get requests to change all the time - even have team crafting theory discussions with a few players - but I don't want to feel like I have to change my account around to satisfy others.

Don't feel bad about putting up whatever you want. They're getting a BF reset so they're free to find someone with those leads again. I get no requests from my BFs on leads outside of the occasional Goemon or Ganesha request, so I just put up what I think my best leads are, and will probably shuffle things next reset depending on if I seek a triangle.


Failed Seraphis the first time with Pandora because the game decided to skyfall a cluster of 6 dark orbs, followed by another 3 dark orbs, which of course triggered the rage attack.

Pretty easy on the second try. It's not too bad considering the monster is at 10M xp curve. Too bad I won't be able to gather the mats for a while.



I should have bought ra dragon ages ago. So disappointed.
I think your overreacting.

Even with your less then optimal team i imagine once fully max leveled, awakened, plussed, latents, and skill inheritance the team is strong enough to take on 90-95% of the games content.

IMO one Uriel and Gadius is needed for a XM team, unless your really into min-maxing

I would say don't buy XM if you are not into tank teams.

Here is one Arena 2 clear that did not use the power creep 2-3 XM set up, this guy didn't even bring poverty healers just said fuck it and rolled with Urd and Sanada.

Here is a Miru clear with just one Uriel and Gadius and poverty healer subs

Just watch some of the videos posted on youtube yes plenty of vids with the most optimal set up, but just as many videos with teams clearing content with one Uriel/Gadius with non healer subs or poverty healer subs.

Epic Drop

I am getting extreme buyer's remorse with xiang mei. I absolute hate playing this team so far. You are constantly orb trolled and 100% reliant on active skills to provide any type of damage. Having my last two cards as less than ideal subs is crippling the team and makes it almost useless. I thought having Gadius and uriel would be enough, it's not. Every single turn it's either "oh look only 5 hearts" or "great 6 hearts but only three red orbs".


I should have bought ra dragon ages ago. So disappointed.

I've only got one Uriel and one gadius as well. I got sucked into the hype and bought XM against my better judgement. So far I really hate it. I'm rational enough to realize that it has a lot to do with the fact that I'm coming from a hyper max a.pandora team and a hyper max a.luci team to a not fully skilled not fully leveled, 0+ egg team... I'm just not sure I even like the XM play style. I recognize I'm not giving it a fair shot, its just how I feel.

At this point I'm trying to decide if I make the best of a bad situation by doubling down and buying a second XM (which I think would help make the team much more consistent), or if I chaulk it up as a sunk cost anf go back to my original plan of picking up you yu (who I have an ideal team for).


The way I see it, the goal is to build a consistent Arena team. At that point it removes the pain of farming skillup monsters forever. So if XM is the answer to that, there's no reason not to double down on it.

For now I'll stick with Pandora since it should be able to clear Arena 1 consistently, so I'll just save the MP for later.


So I thought similar with XM but as other posters noted it requires a shift in playstyle (which is what I was looking for).

It's the ultimate tank team. I'm using slightly less than optimal subs and still clearing content. I haven't thrown it at arena (missing some awakenings and inherits) but against anything else it's been working. Slowly but it works.

Seraphis is a good example. I'd rather have a faster team for it but no other team I've thrown at it has the same success rate as my XM team. The only issues I've run into is bad skyfall at Seraphis, or a light skyfall on Kakkab. The rest of the dungeon is cake. Even Folklore's 99% gravity isn't an issue. every sub but Valen can make hearts and the RCV of the team is so great that 3 hearts and a few combos will keep you above KO range.

If I need speed I have Yomidra, if I need stupid damage and want to really play at peak efficiency I have Ra Dragon, if I want to live forever I use XM.


The way I see it, the goal is to build a consistent Arena team. At that point it removes the pain of farming skillup monsters forever. So if XM is the answer to that, there's no reason not to double down on it.

For now I'll stick with Pandora since it should be able to clear Arena 1 consistently, so I'll just save the MP for later.

What is the typical A Pandora team for Arena 1?


A. Pandora, UUEvo Pandora, D. Valk, Zuoh, Loki

I feel like Akechi could sub in for UUEvo Pandora though. I haven't tested it though. I use Sheen instead of Loki also.

I would have to replace Zuoh with D/D Haku if a devil board change is required, and replace D Valk with Akechi or Hanzo. I have everyone else.


So I went and bought ra dragon. I figured a have all the subs so mine as well.

So I'll be looking for more Ra dragon friends with the upcoming BF in NA.

Not sure what skill inheritance I'll do yet.

So far Im thinking

Ra dragon - > izanagi
D kali
D kali
Isis - > orochi since his delay will have Isis back
Indra or Kanna but her burst would be redundant
Ra dragon

Don't know what to put on the others yet.

The things I would aim for.

Replace Indra someday with A.Ama or NY Ama if you can get her. Equip a shield like Indra or Genie on her.

This change is obvious, but change Iza for Muse if you ever get him.

On the D. Kalis, D.Kali like actives are the best equips. You really only want them for the free delay resits. D. Kali, Ichigo and Lightning are ideal. Running 1 Lightning and 1 Ichigo is probably absolutely ideal, but that's a crazy ask. Barring that, just put a really high CD active on her. You don't really want it to ever get fully charged anyway. You just want the delay resist.

On Indra, equipping a True Damage active like Rodin or A.Ra is probably the best. Genie might be nice too as the 100% dark damage shield for 3 turns is super damn useful.


Ok thanks to Kanetsugu I have my first Hypermaxed team.
Just need the Tama invasion later today to get the last two inherits. I'll report back how a hypered sub optimal XM team performs in some chunky content.

I plan on running the rogue dungeons and if funds allow, Mechahera.


Sold my Magic Online collection for an embarrassing sum and rolled a ton more in the PCGF following initial disappointment. One of my last rolls was FA Lucifer, and after dark not even registering on my radar, I realized I have a super solid dark box (greatly strengthened by my PCGF rolls).

What kind of team comp. should I be thinking about? I'm looking at clearing late-game content and having something that could work for endgame (Level 350, through all normals + everything up to Paradise of the Beasts which I can probably beat). No Padherder, but these are notables:

FA Lucifer
Valkyrie Claire
Haku x2
Hamal x2
Sleeping Beauty (not waiting until after PCGF to get a MP dragon was... ill-advised)

Thinking something like:
Lucifer/Eschamali/DValk/Akechi/Sleeping Beauty/Lucifer

10 rows, 9 OEs, good protection against skill lock/bind (though not 100%).


Sold my Magic Online collection for an embarrassing sum and rolled a ton more in the PCGF following initial disappointment. One of my last rolls was FA Lucifer, and after dark not even registering on my radar, I realized I have a super solid dark box (greatly strengthened by my PCGF rolls).

What kind of team comp. should I be thinking about? I'm looking at clearing late-game content and having something that could work for endgame (Level 350, through all normals + everything up to Paradise of the Beasts which I can probably beat). No Padherder, but these are notables:

FA Lucifer
Valkyrie Claire
Haku x2
Hamal x2
Sleeping Beauty (not waiting until after PCGF to get a MP dragon was... ill-advised)

Thinking something like:
Lucifer/Eschamali/DValk/Akechi/Sleeping Beauty/Lucifer

10 rows, 9 OEs, good protection against skill lock/bind (though not 100%).
I'd replace D. Valk with Okuninushi. You need hearts to stall and FA Luci's burst isn't amazing. Okuni buys you a turn and buffs you


The things I would aim for.

Replace Indra someday with A.Ama or NY Ama if you can get her. Equip a shield like Indra or Genie on her.

This change is obvious, but change Iza for Muse if you ever get him.

On the D. Kalis, D.Kali like actives are the best equips. You really only want them for the free delay resits. D. Kali, Ichigo and Lightning are ideal. Running 1 Lightning and 1 Ichigo is probably absolutely ideal, but that's a crazy ask. Barring that, just put a really high CD active on her. You don't really want it to ever get fully charged anyway. You just want the delay resist.

On Indra, equipping a True Damage active like Rodin or A.Ra is probably the best. Genie might be nice too as the 100% dark damage shield for 3 turns is super damn useful.

Thanks, I didn't realize that awoken Susano is bind immune. I just got him this past godfest, so I could use him instead to have a full bind immune team, but then is Isis active really necessary then? Well I'd have to then find a bind immune water card or subtype.

My only choice seems to be Dmeta or Neptune. Well crap if no Indra then I lose skill bind immunity...


Thanks, I didn't realize that awoken Susano is bind immune. I just got him this past godfest, so I could use him instead to have a full bind immune team, but then is Isis active really necessary then? Well I'd have to then find a bind immune water card or subtype.

My only choice seems to be Dmeta or Neptune.

Isis has good Awakenings, easily grants you good Skill Bind immunity and her short active is perfect for inheritance. Isis inheriting Orochi is enough justification for running her.


I am contemplating selling my dupe blue Odin and gronia.

Haven't used any of them ever and don't see a need for either to be honest either.

I could then buy a second day Orchid and run a pretty optimal team (Orchid/ Orchid/ Uriel/ Uriel/ Gadius). Thought anyone?


I am contemplating selling my dupe blue Odin and gronia.

Haven't used any of them ever and don't see a need for either to be honest either.

I could then buy a second day Orchid and run a pretty optimal team (Orchid/ Orchid/ Uriel/ Uriel/ Gadius). Thought anyone?

I could see a dupe Blodin being useful when the Odins inevitably get Awoken Evos. If we get a good water row lead, he could definitely be good in multiples. Then again, his non-ideal active could limit that potential.

Gronia is interesting for skill inheriting on Grass and Dark teams, but you could likely find other people to fill that role.

They both have some use long term, but an optimal Orchid team could be more useful.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Thanks to Tamadra Retreat i was able to get all Awakenings on Eschamali - needless to say that the card is quite the improvement on my YomiDra team. Havent looked it up but just from regular gameplay it seems like the team is hitting like 20-25 % harder and is less independent on TPA/Rows - really like it.

Cant wait to max skill her, to really let the part start.

Only thing that sucks is that i feel now the pressure to +297 Eschamali and Haku lol.


Thanks to Tamadra Retreat i was able to get all Awakenings on Eschamali - needless to say that the card is quite the improvement on my YomiDra team. Havent looked it up but just from regular gameplay it seems like the team is hitting like 20-25 % harder and is less independent on TPA/Rows - really like it.

Cant wait to max skill her, to really let the part start.

Only thing that sucks is that i feel now the pressure to +297 Eschamali and Haku lol.

Yeah I didn't even consider buying Yomi Dragon until I pulled Escha. She makes that team so much more viable. Take Seraphis, I have a janky Yomi Dragon team on my alt, I beat it but it was a struggle. Optimal team on my main cleared it easy. She makes a huge difference and her active is great. Haku to Akechi boards do major damage with her on the team.

If you use that team often then definitely plus it out.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Yeah I didn't even consider buying Yomi Dragon until I pulled Escha. She makes that team so much more viable. Take Seraphis, I have a janky Yomi Dragon team on my alt, I beat it but it was a struggle. Optimal team on my main cleared it easy. She makes a huge difference and her active is great. Haku to Akechi boards do major damage with her on the team.

If you use that team often then definitely plus it out.

YD damage was already great for little effort but it often felt like i was hitting the enemies into their Rage modes - the 25% of Escha will make quite the difference especially for quick farming sessions.

I have YD and Izanami +297 on my team so far. Escha as a core member will likely be maxed as well and maybe Awoken Haku down the line. The final spot would be between Akechi/Castor/Okuninushi....so far leaning toward Castor because the Akechi/Haku board seems more like a Pandora/Luci combo for Main Row teams. Then again i havent out much time into the combination yet.


My standard team is Escha, Haku, Akechi, Okuni. I swap in Diza when I need a shield and sometimes Luci for god killer, usually in Okuni's place. I have a Zeus Stratios that I made for arena, but with skill inheritance I will probably not need him.

On a side note, I accidentally just went into tamadra with Blonia when I meant to take Yomi Dragon, so I had my Blonia team paired with a Yomi Dragon. Was actually pretty easy, on last floor I popped Blonia and did water firework and 2 rows and the subs hit for about 1.5 million each lol.


So now that the PCGF is over I need some advice. I really want to buy a MP dragon to finally break into some of the mythical + and C9-10 content, but I wasn't very lucky with rolling subs this time. So maybe some general team building advice too? I'm getting pretty tired of A. Kirin, and she's been kind of hit or miss for just regular (speed) farming. I also need to figure out where to dump the + eggs I've been hoarding, even without the extra +50s from PCGF, I probably have enough to 297 a couple people. Ideally, I'd want to try to find some overlap that would let me just co op with myself

I'm not sure if I really have the subs to make a good rukia team, most of my blue subs seem like they'd be more suited towards a water row team. NepDragon maybe? Also: big question, which uevo form for hermes? Awoken for the prongs to use in Rukia, or one of the other ones for row teams (and of those, white for blonia or dark for pretty much every other row team). Or just scrap it all and wait for the dragon caller uvos?

I don't think I have enough blue subs to really make doing I&I to pair with my other account's ryune worthwhile. Hermes/Andro/Eventually awoken SQ/???. I kind of feel obligated to make some sort of fire team, but Shiva never really clicked, and apparently there is a cap on how useful Shivadragon is for doing stuff other than farming. Maybe a thoria team? Not sure I have the subs for that though.

Is there any point in keeping (dupes) of these following monsters for skill inheritance/niche teams/whatever?:
Dupe Tsubaki (I doubt I'll get enough to make a system team, and he doesn't have the + heal orb thing anyway)
Archdemon Lucifer (or evoed AAL)
Yomi (Keeping one to skill inherit CTW, but beyond that?)
Elementals other than genie
Dill Sirius (I probably have enough, higher quality dark orb changers)
Berzerker Z
Actually, the PADZ monsters in general that aren't Not-Orochi and maybe Avalon Drake
Facet (in general, and for dupes)
Kraken Rider
The Dragon Swordsmen
The weapon series
The sticker girls
The spare REM tengus
Gamble mage
Wee Jas
Anyone able to give some advice, before the MP shop rotation preferably?


Game8 has moved Kaede into the SS tier? Holy shit. That has to be on the back of co-op, right? I have a near ideal non system team for her (running Verdandi instead of Genbu), so I guess I should definitely invest in that squad after RaDra.

Anyone able to give some advice, before the MP shop rotation preferably?

You could probably sell most of what you listed. The things I might consider keeping are the Riders and dupe Tsubaki. Tsubaki is useful as a double on her own team even if you don't have a full system. I would also keep the Gem girls even as dupes. They have some of the best attack boost actives around and could be hugely valuable long term for inheritance. Elementals are all worth keeping for the same reason.

Being honest, looking at your box, I'm not sure where an MP card is really going to help you. The only MP cards that I would say are better for hard content than your current cards are Yu You, Xiang Mei and RaDra and you don't have the right subs for them. I would say keeping plugging away at your Rukia squad and hopefully pulling a Scheat and gettign good with that squad is your best bet.


In general, this PCGF was a royal bust for me.

All in all, similar to the last 4x event, I greatly underperformed against the average expectations. 13 pulls over 3 days, yielding only 2 PCGF hits and 0 GFEs. Those 2 hits were white whales-ish, Isis and Pandora. That said, I'm not using rainbow teams anymore that would benefit from Isis directly and I don't have the orb/board changers to make Pandora work on her own.

A sad realization is that if I had not lucked out and pulled a Sylvie out of the 250 Memorial, Pandora would likely to have been fated to simply be a sub on my old lead Ronia team still. That's depressing, considering the account is almost 2 years old.

Looking ahead, I'm starting to slowly creep up on the point where a major purchase is possible. I don't have the subs for any of the Four Gentlemen, so all that is right out. For the MP dragons, the only one I **might** be close to realizing would be YomiDra, but that suffers from the same issue as going APanda - no board changers.

Once upon a time, I thought I would save up for Beach Claire next time the Summer REM came around. But, wouldn't Yomidra (in a sub role), be objectively superior to Claire?

So, now, I am pondering a scenario where I do not see any meaningful advancement for quite awhile. In that scenario, would I be crazy to purchase Courage to get around Sylvie's elemental weakness against red (see: Belial in C8+ and superbuffed Indigo Descended, Ronia, and so on) to push into L+ territory?

Bumping my questions as well.

TL;DR: If I don't have any teams that work for any of the MP Dragons or Four Gentlemen (and do not reasonably expect to pull the needed cards anytime soon), and I run Green currently, would buying a Puppet be worth it?


Bumping my questions as well.

TL;DR: If I don't have any teams that work for any of the MP Dragons or Four Gentlemen (and do not reasonably expect to pull the needed cards anytime soon), and I run Green currently, would buying a Puppet be worth it?

What's your green box like?

If I'm being honest, I don't see the puppets being a good investment long term. They are a neat gimmick, but I think their time is quickly passing.

Green has gotten a massive boost in the past month or so and is now a viable color, but none of those major leads that have boosted it (Liu Bei, Kaede, Ace Bastet and arguably Zeus Dios) have made any use of green puppet. Look towards building one of those top squads and save your MP for a card that fits your box better. It's not like it expires.


Made the decision and bought a second XM.

Fed her a bunch of xp fodder and got her to level 90 or so. Don't have the mats for her evolution or the extra pii, but should be done with eggs soon at the least.


Game8 has moved Kaede into the SS tier? Holy shit. That has to be on the back of co-op, right? I have a near ideal non system team for her (running Verdandi instead of Genbu), so I guess I should definitely invest in that squad after RaDra.

Well... yeah, think about it.

75% on-demand shielding is outright stupid (unlike Grodin, who has to be at full life). Stacking 64x attack on top of that is game-breaking.

Assuming a normalish Kaede team has a 25k health pool (it is probably a bit more), that means with only as few as 5 hearts, the team can tank 100k hits indefinitely (as long as hearts exist or can be generated).

This is the best of Ra Dragon (while only needed Green + Hearts), **AND** Green Odin (but is good for multi-hit attacks, unlike Grodin).

Either GungHo nerfs this, or the level of power creep needed to balance this is going make every other team worthless outside of a massive power bump on their next evos. This is a Juggler level jump in power creep. Kaede literally trivializes Annihilation dungeons.


Yeah Kaede and Sumire are really strong now, especially if you have the system.

Sumire solo arena 3 clear:

Kaede solo mech Hera clear:

For examples of how strong those systems are. That 75% damage reduction is so strong and now carries over for preemptives. If you can get good at making the cross and comboing Kaede is essentially 4/64/4 which is nuts.

I have neither of those cards on any of my accounts.


What's your green box like?

Current team is Sylvie/Perseus/Avalon Drake(Australis)/Green Sonia/Flex(usually ACeres or ASusano); multiple cards pentamaxed. Tend to prefer partnering with a Green Sonia for the damage bump over AFreyja. Thinking about inheriting Frejya's spike onto one of the cards.

Don't have Astaroth, Kaede, Bastet, Liu Bei, or Vishnu (or any green triple TPA); so green rows is all I have to work with.

I'm somewhere on the outside looking in at Yomidra. Pulling Pandora from the PCGF helps, and I do have Oki and Loki and AHaku. But, still missing Eschi, Akeski, or Claire to really make Yomidra worth the effort. Everything else from the MP shop is not even remotely close to be feasible.


Anyone able to give some advice, before the MP shop rotation preferably?

I see a decent Rukia team. No Scheat is tough but Orochi makes up for it a little.

Rukia would work.

You have a near perfect A. Pandora team.
A. Pandora
D/D Haku
D. Valk
A. Loki

Akechi would be nice but Loki serves much the same purpose.

Awoken DQXQ could be in your future. but since you asked about MP dragons

Shivagon: like you said, it's not going to help you clear anything you're not already clearing
YomiDra: You're missing a couple staple subs (Okuni, Eschamali, Akechi) but you could make it work. That said you'll probably be in the same boat as Shivagon.
OdinDra: lol
Ra Dragon: No Dark Kali no sale
NepDra: it could work as a sub on an arena Ryune/I&I team. If you feel compelled to get an MP dragon go this route. Your water bind clearing options aren't great though.
RagDrag: not any better than your existing options as a lead and without Ra Dragon not much worth as a sub either

Xiang Mei: nope, Gadius and Uriel really are that important.
You Yu: Probably your best bet for an MP purchase. He's by far the most versatile MP monster and capable of doing crazy damage. You just need to mitigate his HP issues. Paired with a Sumire and cross hearting, or inheriting a shield would fit the bill when needed.

If I was in your place I'd develop my Pandora team and save my MP for when I get optimal subs.

EDIT: got damn I can't wait for Sumire's Ult. I have the system, I just need to develop it. I even have comparable skill inherits.


Current team is Sylvie/Perseus/Avalon Drake(Australis)/Green Sonia/Flex(usually ACeres or ASusano); multiple cards pentamaxed. Tend to prefer partnering with a Green Sonia for the damage bump over AFreyja. Thinking about inheriting Frejya's spike onto one of the cards.

Don't have Astaroth, Kaede, Bastet, Liu Bei, or Vishnu (or any green triple TPA); so green rows is all I have to work with.

I'm somewhere on the outside looking in at Yomidra. Pulling Pandora from the PCGF helps, and I do have Oki and Loki and AHaku. But, still missing Eschi, Akeski, or Claire to really make Yomidra worth the effort. Everything else from the MP shop is not even remotely close to be feasible.

You're in a bit of a tough spot. I don't see where any of the MP cards are going to help you long term. Yomidra is on her way out anyway and she's not worth buying without an Akechi. None of the other cards meet your needs either.

I would just keep pulling and see what GungHo does with the MP store longer term.


Has Gung Ho actually nerfed a card? I don't see it happening here either.

Only Mastering way back in vanilla days.

That said, if dungeons have to be balanced to deal with Kaede as she is now, that would mean something like the 5 low ninjas on floor 1 of a dungeon hitting for 30k each and having a couple million health. Everything that spawned solo on a floor would need to hit for upwards of 60-80k+ to even be meaningful damage.

In response that would make said dungeon impossible for every other team in the game that couldn't sweep every floor because there would be no way to consistently take a hit from any floor.

There's a reason why Grodin's shield is extremely limited. If a player can put that up that kind of defense anytime with trivial cost, they are literally invincible outside of attacks that do infinity damage.


Only Mastering way back in vanilla days.

That said, if dungeons have to be balanced to deal with Kaede as she is now, that would mean something like the 5 low ninjas on floor 1 of a dungeon hitting for 30k each and having a couple million health. Everything that spawned solo on a floor would need to hit for upwards of 60-80k+ to even be meaningful damage.

In response that would make said dungeon impossible for every other team in the game that couldn't sweep every floor because there would be no way to consistently take a hit from any floor.

There's a reason why Grodin's shield is extremely limited. If a player can put that up that kind of defense anytime with trivial cost, they are literally invincible outside of attacks that do infinity damage.

I think they'll just let her rest long term. There are ways in the game that already made you near invincible if you wanted to just go slow and tank it out. The puppets, for example, can be pretty broken as well.

I think we'll see a new shield pierce mechanic introduced to counter her for top content longer term, similar to what we see with the new monsters invalidating Awoken skills mid fight.

What's a non-system Kaede team's power look like? I know it's not super broken like system, but is something like Kaede/Vish/Vish/Verdandi/Ceres/Kaede comparable to say RaDra? The only problem I have with that squad is a lack of heart orb generation. Maybe run Paravati over a second Vish? Some skill inheritance could fix that up a bit as well.


You're in a bit of a tough spot. I don't see where any of the MP cards are going to help you long term. Yomidra is on her way out anyway and she's not worth buying without an Akechi. None of the other cards meet your needs either.

I would just keep pulling and see what GungHo does with the MP store longer term.

Agreed. Hence the pondering of the green puppet.

Fair enough, I'll just sit on what I have for now.

yami4ct said:
The puppets, for example, can be pretty broken as well.

Which is it? Broken or meh?


I would have to replace Zuoh with D/D Haku if a devil board change is required, and replace D Valk with Akechi or Hanzo. I have everyone else.

With inheritance and such a long dungeon there are many different viable configurations. You definitely don't need Loki. You could just inherit Loki/Freyja instead.

Also, if you're not using Haku for anything else, you might want to consider switching it to D/R instead. The two killer awakenings stack and she does 9x damage against Dark Kali.


Agreed. Hence the pondering of the green puppet.

Fair enough, I'll just sit on what I have for now.

I can see why you'd lean that way, but that 250k cost doesn't seem worth it for the puppets anymore. As more and more MP cards are released that are also good subs for themselves, saving that and being able to buy 2x of an MP card when one hits that fits your team could be really valuable in the longer term.

Which is it? Broken or meh?

The puppets can be broken if you set your team up right for a lot of content. You can literally be 100% damage resist, but that means potentially taking hours to clear Arena. Hence, they can both be sort of broken and not worth messing with. The things that made puppets invincible are also being countered through game mechanics as well, like Awoken Invalid preempts. Hence, my using them as an example of GungHo countering a potentially broken card with other mechanics.


Also note that Mastering and the Puppeteers aren't REM content. Thus far GungHo hasn't done much to directly nerf broken REM cards.

Yep. What makes Kaede potentially broken is also very much in the card herself. With Xiang Mei, I could believe GH made a card a bit more powerful than they intended. With Kaede, they knew exactly how strong her shield and multiplier were. She's working as intended.

They will counter her through new dungeon mechanics, so she won't be as long term broken as she looks. Juggler was actually a bit more of a problem since he relied on pure damage. It's hard to nerf him through mechanics without hitting a lot of other teams.

With the new Dragoncallers, they're strength is in their shield and you can create a new mechanic to mess with that without killing every other team.


I can see why you'd lean that way, but that 250k cost doesn't seem worth it for the puppets anymore. As more and more MP cards are released that are also good subs for themselves, saving that and being able to buy 2x of an MP card when one hits that fits your team could be really valuable in the longer term.

The puppets can be broken if you set your team up right for a lot of content. You can literally be 100% damage resist, but that means potentially taking hours to clear Arena. Hence, they can both be sort of broken and not worth messing with. The things that made puppets invincible are also being countered through game mechanics as well, like Awoken Invalid preempts. Hence, my using them as an example of GungHo countering a potentially broken card with other mechanics.

Obviously, the only real issue with a Green team is running into a Red opponent. The only thing that really stops me is running into a L+ or M+ difficulty Red opponent with nearly 10mm health and hits for 25k+/round (Belial in C8, etc). In that sense, the green puppet conveniently addresses that issue (also thinking Kali in Arena).

But, as you mention, is that really 250k MP worthy? Ehh... Magic 8 ball says "Outlook hazy, try again later". I'm on the fence about it honestly. If that gets me to a point where I can farm MPs and Pys from dungeons, then great. I can definitely wait it out a bit longer and see what happens. As you mention, it is a nice gimmick that is potentially interesting. 250k interesting? Skeptical, as it really a "double down" on the green team for the at least the longer medium term.


Thanks, I guess I'll just go purge some innactive friends and try to find someone with a rukia to BFF. I'm guessing it'd be better to put the plusses on Ryune or orochi instead of rukia, because she doesn't have the prongs?.

How about my other account: https://www.padherder.com/user/Spoit/ ?

Most interesting thing on your alt I can see is Awoken DQXQ.

Amaterasu, Indra, L. Kali, Zeus & Hera, Raphael and Ars Nova are all interesting subs for that. Only REM sub you might remotely want and don't have is Apollo and he's not neccsarily part of an ideal team. Defoud is an interesting farmable sub you might want to look at as well.


With inheritance and such a long dungeon there are many different viable configurations. You definitely don't need Loki. You could just inherit Loki/Freyja instead.

Also, if you're not using Haku for anything else, you might want to consider switching it to D/R instead. The two killer awakenings stack and she does 9x damage against Dark Kali.

D/D Haku is a fresh dupe that I haven't skilled yet. I already have 1 Awoken Haku so I made the 2nd D/D so she will get the devil stat boost from A Pandora. Not sure I want to switch to D/R for the God/Dragon killers.


Most interesting thing on your alt I can see is Awoken DQXQ.

Amaterasu, Indra, L. Kali, Zeus & Hera, Raphael and Ars Nova are all interesting subs for that. Only REM sub you might remotely want and don't have is Apollo and he's not neccsarily part of an ideal team. Defoud is an interesting farmable sub you might want to look at as well.

How does that work? It seems really light on orb changers, and given that you need a row to trigger ADQXQ...


Made the decision and bought a second XM.

Fed her a bunch of xp fodder and got her to level 90 or so. Don't have the mats for her evolution or the extra pii, but should be done with eggs soon at the least.

interested in hearing your thoughts about the team before and after.

I have considered buying a second one, but am still very impressed with the team I have.


How does that work? It seems really light on orb changers, and given that you need a row to trigger ADQXQ...

The main thing you want with ADQXQ is a light team that covers all. The leader herself covers blue. L. Kali is a great sub that covers red and guarantees at least a basic active. Awoken Ama is great for clearing binds and covers green. You then only need to cover Black.Baal would be ideal for that, but there aren't many Y/B cards, so Zeus and Hera provides some good utility. Your last slot is then open. A light orb changer would work well there. L. Valk is an OK option.

You're right that without that many orb changers, your bursting options are limited. The main thing you want with DQXQ is to be able to activate her base active with pretty much any board scenario, so getting colors is more important than the orb changers. A L.Kali should provide you enough orbs for a decent burst most of the time.

It's not the best team you're sitting on, but it's probably one of the ones that's not super obvious but could be fun to mess around with.
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