Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


I grinded coin dungeons last two days to get stones managed two final pulls.

Indra - nice, don't have a team for him, but his awoken might be good and if not, good skill inheritance.

Goetia - meh, I'll keep her though.

I think best card I got during this fest was dupe Akechi. Now if I can just get a Pandora some day I'll have a great team for her and can also make a solid Typhon team.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
I like Goetia... hope she will get a Uevo down the line. bunch of +oe, +5 dark orbs per active and really easy to skill up.

Indra is great though... Let's see what his Awoken will look like.

PS. If we get a BF reset soon I will need to do another triangle before the reset, haven't used my last one yet.

Priority No. 1 would be someone who will be playing YouYu... Wood leads like Astaroth/Bastet and the upcoming Row Bei would be an extra, as well as YomiDra and APandora.
I grinded coin dungeons last two days to get stones managed two final pulls.

Indra - nice, don't have a team for him, but his awoken might be good and if not, good skill inheritance.

Goetia - meh, I'll keep her though.

I think best card I got during this fest was dupe Akechi. Now if I can just get a Pandora some day I'll have a great team for her and can also make a solid Typhon team.

You can make a good typhon team without Pandora. You can run 2 akechi's. I ran typhon forever before I got my Pandora, used Satsuki and even grape dragon as subs.

My last pull I grinded stones for on my alt ended up being DQXQ, who I have on my main. Might finally be able to put together compatible leads that can take on late game co-op stuff. Now I just have to research A. DQXQ team builds.


I like Goetia... hope she will get a Uevo down the line. bunch of +oe, +5 dark orbs per active and really easy to skill up.

Indra is great though... Let's see what his Awoken will look like.

PS. If we get a BF reset soon I will need to do another triangle before the reset, haven't used my last one yet.

Priority No. 1 would be someone who will be playing YouYu... Wood leads like Astaroth/Bastet and the upcoming Row Bei would be an extra, as well as YomiDra and APandora.

I don't hate that card. I have her on my alt and use her on that A Luci team, but on my main account I have a lot of good dark subs and I don't know if I have a place for her. Maybe she'll get a good ult like you said. But with Escha, Haku, Okuni, and 2 Akechis I don't see a place for her.

I have a group of good dark cards I don't use. Castor, Satsuki (worst typing ever), Typhon, and now Goetia. I want to use those cards, but don't have a leader for them.

Edit: I also need to look at DQXQ teams. Should probably get her mats ready too. That team will be a nice change of pace and she was my starter pull.

And yes, I'm thinking about trying Akechix2, Yomi Dragon, and maybe Satsuki in the flex slot when I get Typhon leveled up and uvod. not ideal but it should be ok. The best Typhon team I saw being ran was Akechix2 and Pandorax2.


Got my account back, logged to PAD 2h before GF ends, made 7 pulls, got shit.
Dupe Shiva
Dupe Gadius

Rest are mp trash, I may sell Shiva too.
Main pulled 2/7 non trash units
Alt pulled 10/12 non trash units and all those were new units.
PCGF overrated GF :p.


Heads up, JP reset is up. I got a dupe Hino on my 150 and a Satsuki on my 250. I run mainly green and blue on that account, but I'll keep them for now.

Don't know who I will use my bf on, as previous ones cover all my green leads and two recent people added me as best friend for You Yu. I'll probably wait until I have a new lead I really like.


Now that the JP reset is done, any JP players who want to do a BFF triangle, let me know. I use A. Panda and leave up a A. Kirin who I now rarely use.


Heads up, folks.

Not only did JP get a full reset today, but it is now confirmed that NA/EU will get the original 4x reset (present egg, R150 + R250 Memorials, BF) on the evo mat rotation Tuesday night.

Use them or lose them!


Indra had to be my MVP this PCGF as I pulled him 7 times across 2 accounts. Haku was second and I&I third. Best pull on my main was Skuld as she was my initial choice for the PCGF. The alt had many significant upgrades.

I pulled a second Uriel (along with 3 dupe Gadius) on my alt and was shy 90k MP for XM. I decided to get rid of lots of trash and snag her. I almost sold a dupe Blue Odin but decided a 6* GFE would be too difficult to let go. Thankfully I was still able to gather enough MP. Before I took over the account last month, it had ~45k MP.

I'm missing ZB to evolve her but have already max leveled and skilled her along with a ton of +eggs. This'll make me take a look at Chrysanthemum as I probably won't get Xiang Mei on both accounts even if I had Uriel on my main.


Oh wow, talk about luck!
I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and as i went back to bed, i looked at the watch and saw: 01:34 o'clock. (German time)
I was wide awake now, cause i know i now had my shot on 26 minutes of tan farming! :)

This is the result:

Xiang Mei: Saria
Xiang Mei: Arcline
Uriel: Orochi
Uriel: Awoken Ra
Gadius: Raphael (I'm such an idiot, i sold my max skilled Genie, i was searching for him in my inbox and couldn't find him... don't know where he went :( )

I went on and cleared c10 with no sweat, this team is so forgiving... i failed to kill Vishnu during 3 force activations... and he also could not kill me within over 80 turns :D
With all awakenings, you have to to a 2 heart combo and one 3 red match. If you get more then 2 additional combos, you will heal him...
After he was down, the rest was a joke!


So now that the PCGF is over I need some advice. I really want to buy a MP dragon to finally break into some of the mythical + and C9-10 content, but I wasn't very lucky with rolling subs this time. So maybe some general team building advice too? I'm getting pretty tired of A. Kirin, and she's been kind of hit or miss for just regular (speed) farming. I also need to figure out where to dump the + eggs I've been hoarding, even without the extra +50s from PCGF, I probably have enough to 297 a couple people. Ideally, I'd want to try to find some overlap that would let me just co op with myself

I'm not sure if I really have the subs to make a good rukia team, most of my blue subs seem like they'd be more suited towards a water row team. NepDragon maybe? Also: big question, which uevo form for hermes? Awoken for the prongs to use in Rukia, or one of the other ones for row teams (and of those, white for blonia or dark for pretty much every other row team). Or just scrap it all and wait for the dragon caller uvos?

I don't think I have enough blue subs to really make doing I&I to pair with my other account's ryune worthwhile. Hermes/Andro/Eventually awoken SQ/???. I kind of feel obligated to make some sort of fire team, but Shiva never really clicked, and apparently there is a cap on how useful Shivadragon is for doing stuff other than farming. Maybe a thoria team? Not sure I have the subs for that though.

Is there any point in keeping (dupes) of these following monsters for skill inheritance/niche teams/whatever?:
Dupe Tsubaki (I doubt I'll get enough to make a system team, and he doesn't have the + heal orb thing anyway)
Archdemon Lucifer (or evoed AAL)
Yomi (Keeping one to skill inherit CTW, but beyond that?)
Elementals other than genie
Dill Sirius (I probably have enough, higher quality dark orb changers)
Berzerker Z
Actually, the PADZ monsters in general that aren't Not-Orochi and maybe Avalon Drake
Facet (in general, and for dupes)
Kraken Rider
The Dragon Swordsmen
The weapon series
The sticker girls
The spare REM tengus
Gamble mage
Wee Jas


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Got my account back, logged to PAD 2h before GF ends, made 7 pulls, got shit.

Dupe Shiva
Dupe Gadius

Rest are mp trash, I may sell Shiva too.
Main pulled 2/7 non trash units
Alt pulled 10/12 non trash units and all those were new units.
PCGF overrated GF :p.

Welcome back Sir,

and yeah PCGF is overrated - its all about that Waifu Gacha now xD


Welcome back Sir,

and yeah PCGF is overrated - its all about that Waifu Gacha now xD

Thank you Sir(?) / Madam(?)

I think I missed about 15-20 stones during one month idle time from daily logins and easy dungeons.
Since my alt had 65 stones to use to pulls (13th pull was Uriel). I was hoping I would get some new unit to make new team but nope, no such luck.

Not sure if I should sell those trash units for MP or use those 50 eggs for easier plusing. I might fuse them, cause I dont have any idea what to grab from MP shop when I hit 300k (now at 180k + some units that can be sold).


I really, REALLY want Xiang Mei, I've wanted her since she was revealed, but...I don't have a Gadius.

I have two Uriels, two Mamiya, Red riding hood, Mitsuki, Christmas Echidna, and Urd + Yamato ready to be inherited...Do you guys think it could work without Gadius??

On a side note, for people who are just pulling Yomi right now during this godfest, which evo are you guys going for? I don't plan to use him as a lead and while Awoken Yomi's awakenings are much better, the other uvos now have a 2.5x attack to god types in Japan's latest buff....so that active is much better than A.Yomi.

(Also, I'm sick of Angelious dupes, please make it stop.)

Don't buy MP cards without perfect teams. Just don't. It's not worth it.

Gadius serves many key roles. His active syncs with Uriel's. He serves as the team's much needed bind cleric. He's the only fire healer board change that can fill every one of these roles and putting together something with skill inheritance is going to leave you too long a CD.

Xiang Mei everywhere! She's second only to Pandora on my friend list. I pulled Uriel and if I luck my way into a dupe, I'll be boarding that train too.

Xiang Mei get. None of the subs are fully leveled or skilled, but it's a nice project to focus on. Running 1x Gadius, 2x Uriel, and 1x NY Mitsuki.
Apologies for double post & older post loans. I didnt really understand what I pulled (2nd Gadius) before one friend told me about XM. Then I had wtf? moment.

Question would this work with XM lead? Before I start to butcher my inventory.
1. Gadius max skill level
2. Uriel 4 skill level
3. Mamiya 1 skill level
4. Gadius 1 skill level

I prolly could get 300k mp by selling stuff I have inbox (now at 193k mp). Could be nice change to try something new. Downside is that Iam missing Red Trifruits and GYP & ZB are unevoed.
I prolly could get 300k mp by selling stuff I have inbox (now at 193k mp). Could be nice change to try something new. Downside is that Iam missing Red Trifruits and GYP & ZB are unevoed.

You have the start a start. People aren't advised to use the second Gadius because of the SBR. You need one more to become unbindable. A red riding hood could slot in well if you have one. I have your team but with a Red Riding Hood instead of Mamiya. Since I want to just beat mostly challenges and Decends I went ahead and bought her eventhough I don't have the perfect arena team. Using off type yamato on my last slot cause of his awakenings and actives.



Apologies for double post & older post loans. I didnt really understand what I pulled (2nd Gadius) before one friend told me about XM. Then I had wtf? moment.

Question would this work with XM lead? Before I start to butcher my inventory.

1. Gadius max skill level
2. Uriel 4 skill level
3. Mamiya 1 skill level
4. Gadius 1 skill level

I prolly could get 300k mp by selling stuff I have inbox (now at 193k mp). Could be nice change to try something new. Downside is that Iam missing Red Trifruits and GYP & ZB are unevoed.

XM is flavor of the month - the sub pool is minuscule.

- dup gad is frowned upon because of lack of SBR - dungeon without bind - no worries.
- 1 uriel and 1 gad is absolute minimum to run team
- personally (and still learning) I would not buy XM without pulling dupe Uriel.
- I am using mamiya, great sub but not optimal. wish she had 1k more hp base, using with urd skill works well, dark decrease is nice, but not really necessary for most dungeons.

- I bought XM because I was dying for something new - I am very happy with my decision.

- never recommend butchering an inventory to chase the flavor of the month - you never know what will shine with the next update.


Awoken Indra and Vritra Art is out but not their stat information and new skills. Come on I've been patient enough for these two, stop teasing the information and tell us already! D:


You have the start a start. People aren't advised to use the second Gadius because of the SBR. You need one more to become unbindable. A red riding hood could slot in well if you have one. I have your team but with a Red Riding Hood instead of Mamiya. Since I want to just beat mostly challenges and Decends I went ahead and bought her eventhough I don't have the perfect arena team. Using off type yamato on my last slot cause of his awakenings and actives.


XM is flavor of the month - the sub pool is minuscule.

- dup gad is frowned upon because of lack of SBR - dungeon without bind - no worries.
- 1 uriel and 1 gad is absolute minimum to run team
- personally (and still learning) I would not buy XM without pulling dupe Uriel.
- I am using mamiya, great sub but not optimal. wish she had 1k more hp base, using with urd skill works well, dark decrease is nice, but not really necessary for most dungeons.

- I bought XM because I was dying for something new - I am very happy with my decision.

- never recommend butchering an inventory to chase the flavor of the month - you never know what will shine with the next update.
Thank you for the insight :). I have once already butchered my inbox for the Yomi Dragon and it was good decision.

Sadly one of those butchered cards was RRH :). I have few options to that Gad slot, one is to use Inferno Sorcerer Laila which is healer. Another one is not healer but would solve SBR issues:
XM / Gad / Gad / Uriel / TS Chester

I want something new too. Those units I would sell are all unleveled / skilled and they have been just fillers in my box. But I will wait the day when I have 300k and no need for selling units to mp.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Thank you Sir(?) / Madam(?)

I think I missed about 15-20 stones during one month idle time from daily logins and easy dungeons.
Since my alt had 65 stones to use to pulls (13th pull was Uriel). I was hoping I would get some new unit to make new team but nope, no such luck.

Not sure if I should sell those trash units for MP or use those 50 eggs for easier plusing. I might fuse them, cause I dont have any idea what to grab from MP shop when I hit 300k (now at 180k + some units that can be sold).

Yeah between - +eggs, skill inheritance or Monster Points it gets tougher to decide which units to sell or to keep. I still have all my PCGF pulls even though there are some i will probably wanna sell soon.

Any reason to keep a dupe Liu Bei?

Yes - one Uevo with Triple TPA and one for his upcoming Awoken version.
Still got my BFF on NA available as well; if necessary I can wait for the other parts of the triangle to happen post-reset. I run Gadius and Horus in the fixed slots and typically Pandora, ASak, or I&I in the free slot.


Still got my BFF on NA available as well; if necessary I can wait for the other parts of the triangle to happen post-reset. I run Gadius and Horus in the fixed slots and typically Pandora, ASak, or I&I in the free slot.

So I just noticed I never used my last bff and now it's gone how do you still have yours?


Still got my BFF on NA available as well; if necessary I can wait for the other parts of the triangle to happen post-reset. I run Gadius and Horus in the fixed slots and typically Pandora, ASak, or I&I in the free slot.
I have BFF on main and alt. They're already BFF'd with each other so it'd be a choice between the two. My main has all hyper leads and the alt is working towards that and has lots of new monsters thanks to PCGF.


Usually have Verdandi, Ammy, or Blonia in BFF slot.

Xiang Mei

Usually have Gadius in BFF slot.


In general, this PCGF was a royal bust for me.

All in all, similar to the last 4x event, I greatly underperformed against the average expectations. 13 pulls over 3 days, yielding only 2 PCGF hits and 0 GFEs. Those 2 hits were white whales-ish, Isis and Pandora. That said, I'm not using rainbow teams anymore that would benefit from Isis directly and I don't have the orb/board changers to make Pandora work on her own.

A sad realization is that if I had not lucked out and pulled a Sylvie out of the 250 Memorial, Pandora would likely to have been fated to simply be a sub on my old lead Ronia team still. That's depressing, considering the account is almost 2 years old.

Looking ahead, I'm starting to slowly creep up on the point where a major purchase is possible. I don't have the subs for any of the Four Gentlemen, so all that is right out. For the MP dragons, the only one I **might** be close to realizing would be YomiDra, but that suffers from the same issue as going APanda - no board changers.

Once upon a time, I thought I would save up for Beach Claire next time the Summer REM came around. But, wouldn't Yomidra (in a sub role), be objectively superior to Claire?

So, now, I am pondering a scenario where I do not see any meaningful advancement for quite awhile. In that scenario, would I be crazy to purchase Courage to get around Sylvie's elemental weakness against red (see: Belial in C8+ and superbuffed Indigo Descended, Ronia, and so on) to push into L+ territory?


So I noticed I still have a present to give on my main account (NA). Anyone still have theirs they want to do an exchange with?

Also I have everything but the Tamadras to realize my XM team. Question for the group. Would Chiyome be better than Yamato as an inherited skill?

Chiyome has more limited use (make fire orbs from light) but is up more often, Yamato is a potential mini burst depending on the board configuration but at a bit more of a cooldown (+3 turns). I have a spare Yamato and I don't use Chiyome for anything at the moment so I'm not sacrificing anything but tans.

My gut says chiyome since if I need hearts I can pop RRH, Uriel, Gadius, or either XM.


Anyone want to triangle up when the reset comes out?

Running XM / Pandora main, probably shiva or A.luci in be slot.

All hyper leads, XM has Ra inherited now, but I may change that to Sanada or Yamato (probably Yamato cause he is skilled).


I'd be willing to triangle to once the reset is live. Have Shiva Dragon in slot one and Yomi Dragon in two. I run a lot of other leaders when they are called for, Luci, Saria, Sylvie, I&I, and will be buying You Yu most likely.
Looking for a best friend too. Have a Penta maxed Yomi Dragon with dark latents. Working on evoing XM(don't have the pig evo mat) but she is already max skilled, 297 and has Saria inheritance and will get 2 skill delays. and last slot will be between a 297 bastet who will eventually be an armor ace bastet and Awoke DQXQ when released.


Just cleared Seraphis. I ran it with A. Pandora and Xiang Mei. A shield is recommended if you plan on just sweeping everything.

Pandora team was:
A. Pandora
Sleeping Beauty
D. Valk
A. Pandora

Xiang Mei team was:
Red Riding Hood
XM --> Saria

If your RCV is high enough you can stall on Floor 3 forever. You can risk it against Folklore but 99% gravity isn't easy to recover from without popping an active. You have basically 3 turns to kill Kakkab unless you burn a shield. I'd recommend saving it for Seraphis though. Stalling through his 10 turn light shield is a task beyond me. I'd avoid bringing a light team personally.

What worked for me with Seraphis if you don't want to wait out his shield:
Burst hard, I don't recommend doing this with a dark team unless you can pop a shield and deal like 16 million damage in one hit. Eat the counter attack (61552 damage) and finish him off. Valen works on a 50% hypered team. Indra, Diza, or Susano would also fit the bill.
I have BFF on main and alt. They're already BFF'd with each other so it'd be a choice between the two. My main has all hyper leads and the alt is working towards that and has lots of new monsters thanks to PCGF.


Usually have Verdandi, Ammy, or Blonia in BFF slot.

Xiang Mei

Usually have Gadius in BFF slot.

I'll BFF your main if coy@GAF is the main account and not the sub.


BFF Reset coming? Time for a US triangle, I guess.

Main Lead: RaDra (Hypermax, Genie SI)
Secondary Lead: A. Shiva, A.Luci
In Planning:

Ideally I'm looking for a RaDra friend with a God Boost inheritance and Saria, but I'm open to other ideas.


staying relevant

- went out drinking,
- switched to XM main
- most of my old school A.Shivas are pissed.

now running S.dra and XM - BF is Ryune

This pisses off all the people that were following me for Blonia,

not sure how to make people happy,

refresh BF makes me likely to get a good influx of XM -

stupid system - my blonia friends are screwed - and they spent a ton of time making blonia teams.

you only get 3 of my mobs - I change with the meta - I piss off people because I change.

Stupid system.


staying relevant

- went out drinking,
- switched to XM main
- most of my old school A.Shivas are pissed.

now running S.dra and XM - BF is Ryune

This pisses off all the people that were following me for Blonia,

not sure how to make people happy,

refresh BF makes me likely to get a good influx of XM -

stupid system - my blonia friends are screwed - and they spent a ton of time making blonia teams.

you only get 3 of my mobs - I change with the meta - I piss off people because I change.

Stupid system.

Yeah if I ever change from Shiva Dragon a good chunk of my friends will be pissed. I think it will be awhile before be become irrelevant for farming though. I get a crazy amount of friend requests for him, though only one best friend and he still hasn't evolved his after like 6 months.

I will probably use my best friend on a You Yu, or the yellow gentleman. Still not 100% sure on You Yu since I have good yellow guy subs too, but still feeling him most.


My thoughts on the new descend:

-- Wow, powercreep central. If you are not running a current meta card or MP leader.... good luck, even on Legend. This may take you a few tries.

** Legend is roughly about Challenge 7 difficulty, Mythical: Challenge 8.
** Beware: Most floors after the first contain enemies that contain rage-mode autokills.

-- Floor 1: Sweep. You can try to stall here if you can chip out one or two of the gadgets, but that is risky. Failing to kill at least one of them on the first turn could result in you eating 20k damage.

-- Floor 2: 80% gravity preemptive, but the green keep always uses delay on the first turn so you can heal up. Easily stallable floor; rages for 26k/round at 30%.

-- Floor 3: Sweep if possible on an active, else chip away one at a time to minimize rage mode chances. Both dragons rage at 10%: Pisces for 32k, Taurus has **100% gravity**.

-- Floor 4: Dangerous floor. Awoken disable is easily stalled out, but the danger here is the small chance each round that Folklore will use a 99% gravity. Folklore also changes elements every third round. Kill ASAP after awoken disable drops, and is on a non-weakness color (if using a RGB team).

-- Floor 5: Countdown floor. The light absorb timer is the hidden countdown timer. Kaakab does NOT telegraph the countdown timer status during the fight.

WARNING: Kaakab has TWO autokill moves during the timer, one at halfway and one when the timer expires.

Kaakab will do nothing the entire fight while the timer counts down. On turn 4, Kaakab will howl and reset the entire board. It either needs to be killed that round, or at least a Susano level shield is needed to mitigate the 55k hit on Turn 5. On Turn 10, he will power up and then on the following turn essentially do infinity damage.

DANGER: Beware of using subs with light sub elements! If you leave him with a pixel of life because of a light sub on the team, Kaakan **will** automatically kill you in response. This hit is **not** stopable with a shield, even on Legend difficulty.

-- Floor 6: Two options here: If using a Dark team, you can attempt to one-shot him. However, if you do so, at least a Susano-level shield needs to be up, as Seraphis will counter for 61k in response.

Otherwise, the name of the game is going to be putt-putt golf, as you attempt to chip your way down into his sweet spot. Seraphis will throw all sorts of gimmicks at you, but none of them are truly dangerous. Be wary of the one-turn 7 combo shield, and just stall it out when it appears.

Seraphis gives the player a free turn every 3rd round: "Charging Magical Power".

CAUTION: On the 3rd round of the 3rd rotation of skills, Seraphis will give the message "Full Power". A shield or 40k HP is needed to survive the next hit (assuming still over 50% life).

The "sweet spot" is over 20%, but under 50%. When the sweet spot is reached, Seraphis will power up and do 2x damage for the rest of the fight. As soon as he does this, burn all actives to win.


I feel bad because I am changing - I understand that the reset comes slower to the us server.

I still have BF that are following me for old leads - and it is a constant change, but I feel like crap

Yes - you change the BFF leads.

Yes - I've changed with the meta,

- Fuck you for not supporting what I used to run.
- Thats just wrong - and sorry for the 14 people that followed me for A.Shiva.

edit: its not that you dont count - its just that I've spent more money than you so you cant benefit from what I've done - so totally spend more money, because now you have wasted your old BFF - and I totally dont feel crappy for changing

edit 2 - explain how this makes sense.


Even running a Hypermax RaDra, I've never gotten an unsolicited BF, so I don't usually feel too bad for shifting.

My Japanese Account got 1 unsolicited BF for A Sakuya, but I haven't need to shift her yet even though I don't really use her much.
staying relevant

- went out drinking,
- switched to XM main
- most of my old school A.Shivas are pissed.

now running S.dra and XM - BF is Ryune

This pisses off all the people that were following me for Blonia,

not sure how to make people happy,

refresh BF makes me likely to get a good influx of XM -

stupid system - my blonia friends are screwed - and they spent a ton of time making blonia teams.

you only get 3 of my mobs - I change with the meta - I piss off people because I change.

Stupid system.
If I remember to, I log in every few hours to change my slot 1 and current lead. Not sure if that helps anybody on my list though lol.


Fucking hell I'm exhausted trying to skill up Seraphis. I think I'll be giving him the Shynpy treatment. I feel like I've solved his descend but the constant chipping away is just brutal. One bad sky fall and a ton of work is fucked.

I burned 5 dupes for no skill ups./ Not super uncommon but the time it took me to get those 5 dupes could have been better spent doing almost anything else. At least he's awoken. I don't mind burning Tamas on the rest of the awakenings. I just don't feel up to the struggle.

XM is super risky because a heart skyfall can really ruin your day on Seraphis, and Gadius can royally fuck you over on Kakkab with one light skyfall after an 81x burst. I intentially pop Uriel there to remove light but still get dinged more often than I'd like from skyfall.


I wouldn't be too worried about friends, you'll lose some and then gain others that are more your pace. That's why these best friend resets are important. I have recently had to delete a few friends I have had for ages, they just don't play much and are like 200 levels below me. It happens.

Seraphis wasn't too hard for me since I played it on my JP account before and knew when it was safe to stall. Yomi Dragon took easier one down, and then I died on the second one first time because I hit him below 20%. Next time got him in the sweet spot and killed. Not gonna bother skilling him up unless I get his four other body parts.
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