Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Looking for a BF triangle after the reset

Penta A. Panda and soon to be Hypered XM (need 2 more pii's) are in slots 1/2

Also have

297: A Luci/Kirin/Soon to be A DQXQ and A Perse
Hyper: Yomidra

And as soon as Kaede is released, it will be hypered as well.



Looking for a BF triangle after the reset

Penta A. Panda and soon to be Hypered XM (need 2 more pii's) are in slots 1/2

Also have

297: A Luci/Kirin/Soon to be A DQXQ and A Perse
Hyper: Yomidra

And as soon as Kaede is released, it will be hypered as well.


Are you thinking of keeping Kaede in a permanent slot? If so, I would be very game. I'm currently running a Hypered RaDra and A.Ra, but I'm planning on disassembling that A.Ra team to inherit him so that slot will be open. I have a non-hypered A Luci I can put in there or I can put together an A Kirin, Persephone or DQXQ if you want that.

ID 371,242,226


Looking for a BF triangle after the reset

Penta A. Panda and soon to be Hypered XM (need 2 more pii's) are in slots 1/2

Also have

297: A Luci/Kirin/Soon to be A DQXQ and A Perse
Hyper: Yomidra

And as soon as Kaede is released, it will be hypered as well.


if you and yami would like to form a triangle, i'm down.

Right now I'm running A.ra/A.Astaroth, and almost pentamaxed my awoken luci (just got him in pcgf), with an adqxq and a kaede in the wings I plan on working on when she comes out.



Er I am actually looking for someone who has a XM and Panda as well, seems like none of my BF's have actually switched to either of those yet.


if you and yami would like to form a triangle, i'm down.

Right now I'm running A.ra/A.Astaroth, and almost pentamaxed my awoken luci (just got him in pcgf), with an adqxq and a kaede in the wings I plan on working on when she comes out.


Are you planning on main-ing Kaede? My main goal is to have at least 1 up all the time since I'll be using her to replace A.Shiva as my main farm lead and an additional descend lead to RaDra. I'm willing to mess around with one of my main permanent slots to make that work and accommodate folks. As long as I can get that, I'm pretty open to whoever we use as a 3rd.


Are you planning on main-ing Kaede? My main goal is to have at least 1 up all the time since I'll be using her to replace A.Shiva as my main farm lead and an additional descend lead to RaDra. I'm willing to mess around with one of my main permanent slots to make that work and accommodate folks. As long as I can get that, I'm pretty open to whoever we use as a 3rd.

definetly one of my future plans, since it would top my current asta/luci leads as a better lead. the only thing i'm looking for is currently an a.luci lead, that's about it, a third with kaede future would be the best


definetly one of my future plans, since it would top my current asta/luci leads as a better lead. the only thing i'm looking for is currently an a.luci lead, that's about it, a third with kaede future would be the best

I can put a Max Level/Max Skill A.Luci in my other permanent slot unless I need that slot to attract a 3rd person. I've got A.Ra sitting in there right now and I'm going to be dismantling that team to inherit him. A. Luci will be far down my list of things to +, but I could stick him in there.


So how exactly can i make sure that the Game Data (Android) is saved on the Google Play Cloud ? Do i only have to login through Google Play or is there an additional step ? My phone nearly died today so i thought it might be better to back the Game Data up via Google Play.

It's wierd.

There is an additional step that you wouldn't normally figure out.

The link is at Others --> User Info --> Game Data Migration in-game.

The GPlay stuff at the title screen is only for the original set of GPlay achievements and does not actually back up anything.


So how exactly can i make sure that the Game Data (Android) is saved on the Google Play Cloud ? Do i only have to login through Google Play or is there an additional step ? My phone nearly died today so i thought it might be better to back the Game Data up via Google Play.

What Lyrian said

I used data migration recently and it's a smooth process. Just make sure you save your id and secret code somewhere I emailed it to myself just in case anything happens to my phone.
I'm looking to BF (NA) before reset. I'm mostly looking for Awoken Lakshmi or Blonia.

I have the following:

1.) Blonia +297, Skill level 2, 1 HP latent
2.) Awoken Lakshmi + 297, Max skill, 5 HP latent
3.) Awoken I&I +297, Max Skill, 3 Fire latent or Urd (when farming).
Will plan to buy YY though probably in the 2nd rotation. Also working on Yuna.

Pretty late, so not particularly picky.

ID: 300 296 341
MZeus is mine!

Reached out to a really good Sephiroth player on PF, and he helped put my team together and really carried me through it. He hit a god damn beautiful killshot. Zero stoned it! I had a couple complete flubbs, but got lucky skyfalls.

Now I get to brainlessly farm co-op.


It's wierd.

There is an additional step that you wouldn't normally figure out.

The link is at Others --> User Info --> Game Data Migration in-game.

The GPlay stuff at the title screen is only for the original set of GPlay achievements and does not actually back up anything.

I'm a bit pissed - I just lost my second account because of this bs this morning (talk about timely discussion)

hopefully gungho will re-activate it without as much pain as when I lost my main account.

why wont they create a verifiable backup that you can do automatically that is both reliable and easy to use.
I'm a bit pissed - I just lost my second account because of this bs this morning (talk about timely discussion)

hopefully gungho will re-activate it without as much pain as when I lost my main account.

why wont they create a verifiable backup that you can do automatically that is both reliable and easy to use.

Yeah, I don't know why they haven't figured out a better account system. It's 2016, give us 2-step verification.


MZeus is mine!

Reached out to a really good Sephiroth player on PF, and he helped put my team together and really carried me through it. He hit a god damn beautiful killshot. Zero stoned it! I had a couple complete flubbs, but got lucky skyfalls.

Now I get to brainlessly farm co-op.

I'm looking to BF (NA) before reset. I'm mostly looking for Awoken Lakshmi or Blonia.

I have the following:

1.) Blonia +297, Skill level 2, 1 HP latent
2.) Awoken Lakshmi + 297, Max skill, 5 HP latent
3.) Awoken I&I +297, Max Skill, 3 Fire latent or Urd (when farming).
Will plan to buy YY though probably in the 2nd rotation. Also working on Yuna.

Pretty late, so not particularly picky.

ID: 300 296 341
I've got a hypermax Blonia with 4 HP latents. I could use a Lakshmi BF since I play her occasionally - mine is max skill but not plussed.

Do you use anything other than blue teams?


I'm looking to BF (NA) before reset. I'm mostly looking for Awoken Lakshmi or Blonia.

I have the following:

1.) Blonia +297, Skill level 2, 1 HP latent
2.) Awoken Lakshmi + 297, Max skill, 5 HP latent
3.) Awoken I&I +297, Max Skill, 3 Fire latent or Urd (when farming).
Will plan to buy YY though probably in the 2nd rotation. Also working on Yuna.

Pretty late, so not particularly picky.

ID: 300 296 341
havent posted in a while but i have a pentamax a.lakshmi, and a max skill blonia. sent an friend request

Thanks! Once I get it up to speed, I'll be down to co-op. Probably next week since I don't have it in me to stone gold keepers tonight. Not really sure what my best team is. Seems like I have a better light team when looking at the usual light/red combo, but I'm missing some key subs (Ralph, Attackeratsu, Baal, LLM). Sure we can trivialize most co-op dungeons anyways. Hopefully my memorial REM pulls tomorrow help out.
I've got a hypermax Blonia with 4 HP latents. I could use a Lakshmi BF since I play her occasionally - mine is max skill but not plussed.

Do you use anything other than blue teams?

I sometimes use Urd to farm with. Also working on Yuna, though I probably turn into some sort of Blue TPA team.

Unfortunately, I've been blessed (cursed?) with blue.

I have six 6* and four have them been blue. I have 8 +297 monsters (all blue). So I'm pretty heavily invested in blue.

havent posted in a while but i have a pentamax a.lakshmi, and a max skill blonia. sent an friend request

I've added you!

If both of you agree to it, we can do a BF triangle. If not, I'll just BF one of you.


Yeah, I don't know why they haven't figured out a better account system. It's 2016, give us 2-step verification.

Grats on the MZeus!

I would have never known about the actual cloud backup for GPlay, had someone else not actually told me. For ages, I was running without any sort of backup at all, unknowingly.

Every now and then, I go back and re-register just in case. Sometimes, I think the system is a bit screwy if multiple Google accounts are used on the same device and loses track of the original account.

I'll settle for my much smaller victory of beating Z+H for the first time on mythical tonight. I really got to work on consistently making 6 combos on demand.


Thanks! Once I get it up to speed, I'll be down to co-op. Probably next week since I don't have it in me to stone gold keepers tonight. Not really sure what my best team is. Seems like I have a better light team when looking at the usual light/red combo, but I'm missing some key subs (Ralph, Attackeratsu, Baal, LLM). Sure we can trivialize most co-op dungeons anyways. Hopefully my memorial REM pulls tomorrow help out.

I can't make the push button version of a red team but I have enough red row/tpa monsters to burn through enough. Nordis should be a joke, same with Scarlet with some planning.
I sometimes use Urd to farm with. Also working on Yuna, though I probably turn into some sort of Blue TPA team.

Unfortunately, I've been blessed (cursed?) with blue.

I have six 6* and four have them been blue. I have 8 +297 monsters (all blue). So I'm pretty heavily invested in blue.

I've added you!

If both of you agree to it, we can do a BF triangle. If not, I'll just BF one of you.

What else do you run, Tobe?


Er I am actually looking for someone who has a XM and Panda as well, seems like none of my BF's have actually switched to either of those yet.

I just restarted the game .. I IAP though and have XM and Pandora as leads ... will slowly work them up. Can I add you? One fine day maybe we can be best friends!
NA servers are back up.

On my main I got:
150 - Ra (New and needed!)
250 - Verd (Dupe but possibly useful)

150 -Karin (New)

Grats on the MZeus!

I would have never known about the actual cloud backup for GPlay, had someone else not actually told me. For ages, I was running without any sort of backup at all, unknowingly.

Every now and then, I go back and re-register just in case. Sometimes, I think the system is a bit screwy if multiple Google accounts are used on the same device and loses track of the original account.

I'll settle for my much smaller victory of beating Z+H for the first time on mythical tonight. I really got to work on consistently making 6 combos on demand.

I tried and failed Z&H 3 times yesterday. I can't figure it out. I kept accidentally hitting resolve with my A. Pandora team. I'll try again next time.

I can't make the push button version of a red team but I have enough red row/tpa monsters to burn through enough. Nordis should be a joke, same with Scarlet with some planning.

Yeah, I mean I have some okay red monsters (Urd, Rodin, Gadius, A. Hino, Ronia, Tsubaki, Goemon) and just about any type of utility sub so we can probably figure something out for most stuff. Definitely don't need to find push button teams or anything.

Would like to eventually get M. Hera with him, but I haven't looked at those team comps at all.


I rolled a dupe LMeta and dupe Lu Bu from the two memorial REMs.

Is anyone interested in a BF triangle? Ideally, I want to BF someone who will use Sumire once her UVO comes to NA. I will have Pandora and ADQXQ (why is this still not in NA yet) in my first two slots and rotate between Sumire, AAma, Verdandi, ABastet, and AShiva in my active slot.


My 150 & 250 pulls were interesting:
Cause I dont have perfect subs (Rodin & Yamato where are you), is there any Idea to think about Shiva Dra, when I already have Yomi Dra?

I have these subs ready:
- Uriel
- Ares
- DHS Leilan

These need to be evo & to choose God uevo:
- Tsubaki
- Cow Cow (dupe)
- Shiva (dupe)
- Horus (awoken, skill change?)
- Krisha

Then I need 100k more MP.

Also got few (4 I think) BF that use AAstaroth, could jump to AA club, what subs AA teams generally use?


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Rank 150: Grodin ....well duped, i have to look up his optimized active skill but i will probably sell him for MP and unless he can be useful for Skill Inheritance.

Rank 250: Sumire No. 3 - dupe, but one of my favorite units in the game so im happy about that. Cant wait for the Uevo.
It's wierd.

There is an additional step that you wouldn't normally figure out.

The link is at Others --> User Info --> Game Data Migration in-game.

The GPlay stuff at the title screen is only for the original set of GPlay achievements and does not actually back up anything.
Thanks you sir,

just did that and you are right no way i would have figured it out on my own. This also mean i just created a Google Play account for nothing since i dont really care about Achievements and Co. lol.
What Lyrian said

I used data migration recently and it's a smooth process. Just make sure you save your id and secret code somewhere I emailed it to myself just in case anything happens to my phone.
Yeah i have my Secret Code saved - just didnt wanna have to contact the CS and wait who knows how many days to get a transfer done if something happens to my phone or i lose access.
MZeus is mine!

Reached out to a really good Sephiroth player on PF, and he helped put my team together and really carried me through it. He hit a god damn beautiful killshot. Zero stoned it! I had a couple complete flubbs, but got lucky skyfalls.

Now I get to brainlessly farm co-op.
Awesome congrats - i really need to start looking to clear/get Mech-Hera and Zeus in the next couple weeks. I gotta work on dedicated teams.
My 150 & 250 pulls were interesting:

Also got few (4 I think) BF that use AAstaroth, could jump to AA club, what subs AA teams generally use?
Great welcome to th....
Thanks. I noticed that I dont have _any_ subs for Astaroth. Tho let it rot in inventory :).
...nevermind lol.

But still a useful pull if you plan on working on a Awoken Row Bei farming team - she is a great sub for that team or Green Row teams in general.

150: Astaroth. Cool I have some green row leads maybe she'll come in handy

holy shitballs
...Holy Cow - congrats - what a pull. Your first one too ? And yeah im talking about DKali even though im a Astaroth fanboy.


My friend (doesnt have gaf nick) is looking for friends & possible BF Triangle.

Rank: 390
IGN: Kobold
ID: 341,571,395

Usually has Ryune and Sylvie up, maybe Saria too.
Sometimes also uses Lakshmi and Astaroth (which will be in BF slot).
Mostly looking for I&I and Thor friends

If you want friend that plays daily ^^ Toss a fr to Kobold.

Great welcome to th....

...nevermind lol.

But still a useful pull if you plan on working on a Awoken Row Bei farming team - she is a great sub for that team or Green Row teams in general.

Thanks, I do have 2 Beis tho. But how does this leader skill do with units that aint Devil nor Healers?
Cauchemar Crusher:
Effects: Healer & Devil type cards HP x1.5, ATK x1.5. ATK x3 when simultaneously clearing 6 connected Wood orbs.

Ahhh as sub yeah, makes sense.
Also please send friend request to my friend :D


My friend (doesnt have gaf nick) is looking for friends & possible BF Triangle.

Rank: 390
IGN: Kobold
ID: 341,571,395

Usually has Ryune and Sylvie up, maybe Saria too.
Sometimes also uses Lakshmi and Astaroth
Mostly looking for I&I and Thor friends

If you want friend that plays daily ^^ Toss a fr to Kobold.

I've got I&I, Thor and Sakuya up all the time.


I sent him a friend invite!
...Holy Cow - congrats - what a pull. Your first one too ? And yeah im talking about DKali even though im a Astaroth fanboy.
Yeah that's my first one. I just pulled Isis and Indra last Godfest, that's like... almost the template Radog team!

Also anybody want to exchange presents


NA servers are back up.

On my main I got:
150 - Ra (New and needed!)
250 - Verd (Dupe but possibly useful)

150 -Karin (New)

I tried and failed Z&H 3 times yesterday. I can't figure it out. I kept accidentally hitting resolve with my A. Pandora team. I'll try again next time.

Yeah, I mean I have some okay red monsters (Urd, Rodin, Gadius, A. Hino, Ronia, Tsubaki, Goemon) and just about any type of utility sub so we can probably figure something out for most stuff. Definitely don't need to find push button teams or anything.

Would like to eventually get M. Hera with him, but I haven't looked at those team comps at all.

For Zeus&Hera you could bring a delay and wait out the 2 turn preemptive status shield. I like to use Arkham Knight, really good farmable devil type delay. I use Awoken Shiva in this dungeon and bring Echidna (Cao Cao would be even better).
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