Puzzle & Dragons |OT4| Co-op Edition: Stoning With Friends


Rank 150 pull : Wukong, already have 2 don't know if I should keep this

Rank 250 pull : Ariel, new so will keep (got DKali last time)


Only rank 175, so I did my 150 rank, pulled Ceres.

Actually seems decent. I'm in the midst of trying to make a Bastet team. Looks like Awoken (Green/green) is the way to go. Guess I need to get some Zues-Dios and Hera-Dios. Good to have goals


Nothing super amazing for my pulls but possibly useful:

150: Karin (dupe, will use for skill inheritance)
250: Ruel (new at least)

Hermit/Ducarmel how do we want to organize?

Also Present exchange anyone?

My ID is 359,468,351
In Game Name is: Bladelaw


Rank 150: Grodin ....well duped, i have to look up his optimized active skill but i will probably sell him for MP and unless he can be useful for Skill Inheritance.
Well his active skill was just powered up recently. Still has the same 50x Light Damage and slight heal, but it also has 5 turns of bind heal now. At 9 turns max skilled, it might not be too bad to use as an inherited skill on somebody, especially if you know a long bind will happen in that descend, etc.


5k mp + 5k mp

(multiple dupe Artemis, multiple dupe Krishna)

Well you could always keep them, like Nacchi does with his Artemis harem.

edit: If you are on the JP one, don't forget to do the Famitsu 30th anniversary dungeon. Can pick up an evo'd (level 1) Noel along with 2 of the Famitsu characters and a stone for clearing it. (10 stamina) The snow globe Noels seem to be random as I got a Light one on my main account and a dark one on my iPad. Not sure if other colors also appear.


My friend (doesnt have gaf nick) is looking for friends & possible BF Triangle.

Rank: 390
IGN: Kobold
ID: 341,571,395

Usually has Ryune and Sylvie up, maybe Saria too.
Sometimes also uses Lakshmi and Astaroth (which will be in BF slot).
Mostly looking for I&I and Thor friends

If you want friend that plays daily ^^ Toss a fr to Kobold.

Thanks, I do have 2 Beis tho. But how does this leader skill do with units that aint Devil nor Healers?
Cauchemar Crusher:
Effects: Healer & Devil type cards HP x1.5, ATK x1.5. ATK x3 when simultaneously clearing 6 connected Wood orbs.

Ahhh as sub yeah, makes sense.
Also please send friend request to my friend :D

I ended up BF'ing him as I could really use a steady Ryune. If anyone wants to join a triangle I'm down with that!


Just in case I'm retarded, using piis to skill Awoken I&I as a leader in an I&I/Ryune team is a good decision since everything else on the team has skill ups right?

Awoken I&I, Andromeda, Blonia, Hermes, Hatsume, Ryune

I can also 297 I&I.


Just in case I'm retarded, using piis to skill Awoken I&I as a leader in an I&I/Ryune team is a good decision since everything else on the team has skill ups right?

Awoken I&I, Andromeda, Blonia, Hermes, Hatsume, Ryune

I can also 297 I&I.

It's not a bad idea, it's also a pain in the ass to max skill Blonia (currently 50 stam for a 1/3 shot at the drop let alone the skill up chance...) so if you're going to use pys I'dpick one of those two. I'd probably go Blonia because realistically you only need I&I's spike 1 time. That said I'm sure any Ryune friends you have would love a max skilled I&I to call on.


It's not a bad idea, it's also a pain in the ass to max skill Blonia (currently 50 stam for a 1/3 shot at the drop let alone the skill up chance...) so if you're going to use pys I'dpick one of those two. I'd probably go Blonia because realistically you only need I&I's spike 1 time. That said I'm sure any Ryune friends you have would love a max skilled I&I to call on.

Well the good news is Blonia is one away from max skill so I think I'll just grind that out. Andromeda is maxed, Hermes one away, Hatsume maxed, and Ryune has no skill ups as I just got her.


Well the good news is Blonia is one away from max skill so I think I'll just grind that out. Andromeda is maxed, Hermes one away, Hatsume maxed, and Ryune has no skill ups as I just got her.

Nice, I burned 15 blue fruits for one skill up during todays 2x. Felt bad.
Nothing super amazing for my pulls but possibly useful:

150: Karin (dupe, will use for skill inheritance)
250: Ruel (new at least)

Hermit/Ducarmel how do we want to organize?

Also Present exchange anyone?

My ID is 359,468,351
In Game Name is: Bladelaw

I can do a present exchange if you still have it. Dusty@PF on your list.


Just porting this in case anyone wants to friend of potentially BFF.

[NA] 340,491,296
FIXED 1/2: Hypermax Awoken I&I, Hypermax Verdandi.
ROTATING: Awoken Bastet (Max skill, TE Latents), Blonia
LOOKING FOR: Hypermaxed Ryune, Blonia, Bastet


Nothing super amazing for my pulls but possibly useful:

150: Karin (dupe, will use for skill inheritance)
250: Ruel (new at least)

Hermit/Ducarmel how do we want to organize?

Also Present exchange anyone?

My ID is 359,468,351
In Game Name is: Bladelaw

I BFF ducarmel, you BFF me, Ducarmel BFF you?

Looking to exchange presents.

Got Freyja in 150
Lumiel in 250. Sold Freyja and I guess I will keep Lumiel. Now I have got all the angel 2.0. Yay????



150 - Michael

250 - Osiris

Don't really play green, but they are new.


150 - Rodin

250 - Gadius

Both dupes. I will probably sell these along with green cards I don't use to buy a You Yu to co-op with my main account.


My Rank pulls were garbage. Tripplet Gabriel and Dupe LuBu.

Me and Forgrim are looking for a third in a BFF triangle still. I'm planning on running Kaede and I have Hypermax RaDra with Genie up. I can put another lead in that slot if needed. I could easily get an A. Luci, an A. DQXQ, an A. Kirin, etc. Just let me know what you're looking for.

Also could use a Present Trade. My ID is 371 242 226 if you haven't added me on the off chance.


Rank 150 memorial= Fallen Angel Lucifer, I wanted him before I pulled Pandora now I'm not sure what to do with him.
Rank 250 memorial= Dupe Zuoh

Need someone to trade presents with
Id: 323,833,337


150: Yamato #2
250: Hathor

I'll most likely use both cards for skill inheritance, unless I really need the MP to buy You Yu and/or Xiu Min.


150: Hades
250: I haven't reached it, yet.

Looks like I'll have to get around to farming up a Zeus, since I already have A. Gaia.


Rank 150 memorial= Fallen Angel Lucifer, I wanted him before I pulled Pandora now I'm not sure what to do with him.
Rank 250 memorial= Dupe Zuoh

Need someone to trade presents with
Id: 323,833,337

I can trade with you if you haven't already. ID: 350,899,206


My Rank pulls were garbage. Tripplet Gabriel and Dupe LuBu.

Me and Forgrim are looking for a third in a BFF triangle still. I'm planning on running Kaede and I have Hypermax RaDra with Genie up. I can put another lead in that slot if needed. I could easily get an A. Luci, an A. DQXQ, an A. Kirin, etc. Just let me know what you're looking for.

Also could use a Present Trade. My ID is 371 242 226 if you haven't added me on the off chance.

Sorry but i'm going to have to bow out, someone in one of my LINE channels wanted to form a triangle. Really sorry about that.

on another note,

150: freyja
250: dupe typhon, which i'm not sure whether to sell or keep for system


Need a BF triangle with hyper Xm/Panda/someone who will use Kaede, also looking to trade presents. 333076257

If we can find someone who'll use Panda/XM, I can fill that Kaede role for you as I said earlier. It might not be fully useful, but we can at least get a triangle.

Sorry but i'm going to have to bow out, someone in one of my LINE channels wanted to form a triangle. Really sorry about that.

on another note,

150: freyja
250: dupe typhon, which i'm not sure whether to sell or keep for system

No harm. I've gotten a triangle every time, so it's not like I'm hurting on options. Worst comes to worst, I'll throw my BF one way at someone who runs Kaede later.
If we can find someone who'll use Panda/XM, I can fill that Kaede role for you as I said earlier. It might not be fully useful, but we can at least get a triangle.

No harm. I've gotten a triangle every time, so it's not like I'm hurting on options. Worst comes to worst, I'll throw my BF one way at someone who runs Kaede later.

I got XM, pandora and bastet.
Sun Quan #2

Kinda bummed but since both are being used a skill inheritance monsters for my XM team it's not too bad I guess.

Still looking for a best friend triangle.

Slot 1.
Xian Mai She is unevoed but will be as soon and journey to the west comes around. Already 297, max skilled with Saria skill inheritance. Will have 2 skill delay and three extend times latents.

Slot 2.
Penta maxed Yomi Dragon with full dark Resist.

Slot 3.
For now a 297 A bastet that will eventually be Armor Ace and soon A DQ XQ. Have a n Ganesha that I will probably put up some weekends.


My Rank pulls were garbage. Tripplet Gabriel and Dupe LuBu.

Me and Forgrim are looking for a third in a BFF triangle still. I'm planning on running Kaede and I have Hypermax RaDra with Genie up. I can put another lead in that slot if needed. I could easily get an A. Luci, an A. DQXQ, an A. Kirin, etc. Just let me know what you're looking for.

Also could use a Present Trade. My ID is 371 242 226 if you haven't added me on the off chance.

I just bought RaDra in slot 1 and will put izanagi on him. Slot 2 I have lkali now, I also use AA luci, sylvie, i&i, a. Yomi, a. Parvati.
Just did my first co-op MZeus farming session of Z8 mythical plus. It's so legit. My MZeus wasn't even evolved yet, and missing awakenings.

Insane rank xp, free MP, and super kings for fodder. Not to mention I've never skilled up my z8. I highly recommend it :).


Cool, this sounds good, Yami I think you added me last night, you still want to triangle?

Works perfectly for me. We just need to figure out who best friends who and I'm good to go.

I just bought RaDra in slot 1 and will put izanagi on him. Slot 2 I have lkali now, I also use AA luci, sylvie, i&i, a. Yomi, a. Parvati.

Hey. Sorry. Kaede is really my top priority for my BF slot right now since she's going to be my new farm lead. If you want to go ahead and add me as a regular friend, I'll make sure I have room to keep you on my list. I'm still, very active on my US account and RaDra won't be leaving my top slot for a good while, so you should have access to him a good amount of the time still. I also tend to go through the rest of my RaDra friends for Pal Points at least once a day.
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